#include "ReadCommitIF.h"
#include "DataSetIF.h"
* @brief Extendes the DataSetIF by adding abstract functions to lock
* and unlock a data pool and read/commit semantics.
class PoolDataSetIF:
public DataSetIF,
public ReadCommitIF {
virtual~ PoolDataSetIF() {};
* @brief Most underlying data structures will have a pool like structure
* and will require a lock and unlock mechanism to ensure
* thread-safety
* @return Lock operation result
virtual ReturnValue_t lockDataPool(
MutexIF::TimeoutType timeoutType = MutexIF::TimeoutType::WAITING,
uint32_t timeoutMs = 20) = 0;
* @brief Unlock call corresponding to the lock call.
* @return Unlock operation result
virtual ReturnValue_t unlockDataPool() = 0;
virtual bool isValid() const = 0;