staticconstEventSTORE_SEND_WRITE_FAILED=MAKE_EVENT(0,SEVERITY::LOW);//!< Initiating sending data to store failed. Low, par1: returnCode, par2: integer (debug info)
staticconstEventSTORE_WRITE_FAILED=MAKE_EVENT(1,SEVERITY::LOW);//!< Data was sent, but writing failed. Low, par1: returnCode, par2: 0
staticconstEventSTORE_SEND_READ_FAILED=MAKE_EVENT(2,SEVERITY::LOW);//!< Initiating reading data from store failed. Low, par1: returnCode, par2: 0
staticconstEventSTORE_READ_FAILED=MAKE_EVENT(3,SEVERITY::LOW);//!< Data was requested, but access failed. Low, par1: returnCode, par2: 0
staticconstEventUNEXPECTED_MSG=MAKE_EVENT(4,SEVERITY::LOW);//!< An unexpected TM packet or data message occurred. Low, par1: 0, par2: integer (debug info)
staticconstEventSTORING_FAILED=MAKE_EVENT(5,SEVERITY::LOW);//!< Storing data failed. May simply be a full store. Low, par1: returnCode, par2: integer (sequence count of failed packet).
staticconstEventTM_DUMP_FAILED=MAKE_EVENT(6,SEVERITY::LOW);//!< Dumping retrieved data failed. Low, par1: returnCode, par2: integer (sequence count of failed packet).
staticconstEventSTORE_INIT_FAILED=MAKE_EVENT(7,SEVERITY::LOW);//!< Corrupted init data or read error. Low, par1: returnCode, par2: integer (debug info)
staticconstEventSTORE_INIT_EMPTY=MAKE_EVENT(8,SEVERITY::INFO);//!< Store was not initialized. Starts empty. Info, parameters both zero.
staticconstEventSTORE_CONTENT_CORRUPTED=MAKE_EVENT(9,SEVERITY::LOW);//!< Data was read out, but it is inconsistent. Low par1: Memory address of corruption, par2: integer (debug info)
staticconstEventSTORE_INITIALIZE=MAKE_EVENT(10,SEVERITY::INFO);//!< Info event indicating the store will be initialized, either at boot or after IOB switch. Info. pars: 0
staticconstEventINIT_DONE=MAKE_EVENT(11,SEVERITY::INFO);//!< Info event indicating the store was successfully initialized, either at boot or after IOB switch. Info. pars: 0
staticconstEventDUMP_FINISHED=MAKE_EVENT(12,SEVERITY::INFO);//!< Info event indicating that dumping finished successfully. par1: Number of dumped packets. par2: APID/SSC (16bits each)
staticconstEventDELETION_FINISHED=MAKE_EVENT(13,SEVERITY::INFO);//!< Info event indicating that deletion finished successfully. par1: Number of deleted packets. par2: APID/SSC (16bits each)
staticconstEventDELETION_FAILED=MAKE_EVENT(14,SEVERITY::LOW);//!< Info event indicating that something went wrong during deletion. pars: 0
staticconstEventAUTO_CATALOGS_SENDING_FAILED=MAKE_EVENT(15,SEVERITY::INFO);//!< Info that the a auto catalog report failed