staticconstCommand_tCMD_MODE_COMMAND=MAKE_COMMAND_ID(0x01);//!> Command to set the specified Mode, replies are: REPLY_MODE_REPLY, REPLY_WRONG_MODE_REPLY, and REPLY_REJECTED; don't add any replies, as this will break the subsystem mode machine!!
staticconstCommand_tCMD_MODE_COMMAND_FORCED=MAKE_COMMAND_ID(0xF1);//!> Command to set the specified Mode, regardless of external control flag, replies are: REPLY_MODE_REPLY, REPLY_WRONG_MODE_REPLY, and REPLY_REJECTED; don't add any replies, as this will break the subsystem mode machine!!
staticconstCommand_tREPLY_MODE_REPLY=MAKE_COMMAND_ID(0x02);//!> Reply to a CMD_MODE_COMMAND or CMD_MODE_READ
staticconstCommand_tREPLY_MODE_INFO=MAKE_COMMAND_ID(0x03);//!> Unrequested info about the current mode (used for composites to inform their container of a changed mode)
staticconstCommand_tREPLY_CANT_REACH_MODE=MAKE_COMMAND_ID(0x04);//!> Reply in case a mode command can't be executed. Par1: returnCode, Par2: 0
//SHOULDDO is there a way we can transmit a returnvalue when responding that the mode is wrong, so we can give a nice failure code when commanded by PUS?
staticconstCommand_tREPLY_WRONG_MODE_REPLY=MAKE_COMMAND_ID(0x05);//!> Reply to a CMD_MODE_COMMAND, indicating that a mode was commanded and a transition started but was aborted; the parameters contain the mode that was reached
staticconstCommand_tCMD_MODE_READ=MAKE_COMMAND_ID(0x06);//!> Command to read the current mode and reply with a REPLY_MODE_REPLY
staticconstCommand_tCMD_MODE_ANNOUNCE=MAKE_COMMAND_ID(0x07);//!> Command to trigger an ModeInfo Event. This command does NOT have a reply.
staticconstCommand_tCMD_MODE_ANNOUNCE_RECURSIVELY=MAKE_COMMAND_ID(0x08);//!> Command to trigger an ModeInfo Event and to send this command to every child. This command does NOT have a reply.