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2024-10-29 10:49:46 +01:00
// Shared message example
#include "etl/shared_message.h"
#include "etl/message.h"
#include "etl/reference_counted_message_pool.h"
#include "etl/message_router.h"
#include "etl/message_bus.h"
#include "etl/fixed_sized_memory_block_allocator.h"
#include "etl/queue.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <atomic>
#include <string>
#include <mutex>
constexpr etl::message_router_id_t RouterId1 = 1U;
constexpr etl::message_router_id_t RouterId2 = 2U;
// Message1
struct Message1 : public etl::message<1>
Message1(std::string s_)
: s(s_)
std::string s;
// Message2
struct Message2 : public etl::message<2>
Message2(std::string s_)
: s(s_)
std::string s;
char data[100];
// Message3
struct Message3 : public etl::message<3>
Message3(std::string s_)
: s(s_)
std::string s;
// Prints the shared message
void Print(const std::string& prefix, etl::shared_message sm)
std::cout << prefix << " : Message Id = " << int(sm.get_message().get_message_id()) << "\n";
// This router accepts Message1, Message2 and Message3 types.
// If a shared message it received, it will be processed immediately.
class MessageRouter1 : public etl::message_router<MessageRouter1, Message1, Message2, Message3>
: message_router(RouterId1)
void on_receive(const Message1& msg)
std::cout << "MessageRouter1 : on_receive Message1 : " << msg.s << "\n";
void on_receive(const Message2& msg)
std::cout << "MessageRouter1 : on_receive Message2 : " << msg.s << "\n";
void on_receive(const Message3& msg)
std::cout << "MessageRouter1 : on_receive Message3 : " << msg.s << "\n";
void on_receive_unknown(const etl::imessage& msg)
std::cout << "MessageRouter1 : on_receive Unknown\n";
// This router accepts Message1, Message2 and Message3 types.
// If a shared message it received it will queue them.
// The messages will be processed when process_queue() is called.
class MessageRouter2 : public etl::message_router<MessageRouter2, Message1, Message2, Message3>
using base_t = etl::message_router<MessageRouter2, Message1, Message2, Message3>;
: message_router(RouterId2)
using base_t::receive;
// Overridden receive.
// Puts the shared messages into a queue.
void receive(etl::shared_message shared_msg) override
if (!queue.full())
Print("MessageRouter2 : Queueing shared message", shared_msg);
// Processes the queued shared messages.
void process_queue()
while (!queue.empty())
// Get the shared message from the queue.
etl::shared_message shared_msg = queue.front();
Print("MessageRouter2 : Process queued shared message", shared_msg);
// Send it to the base implementation for routing.
void on_receive(const Message1& msg)
std::cout << "MessageRouter2 : on_receive Message1 : " << msg.s << "\n";
void on_receive(const Message2& msg)
std::cout << "MessageRouter2 : on_receive Message2 : " << msg.s << "\n";
void on_receive(const Message3& msg)
std::cout << "MessageRouter2 : on_receive Message3 : " << msg.s << "\n";
void on_receive_unknown(const etl::imessage& msg)
std::cout << "MessageRouter2 : on_receive Unknown\n";
etl::queue<etl::shared_message, 10> queue;
// A message bus that can accommodate two subscribers.
struct Bus : public etl::message_bus<2U>
// Define the routers and bus.
MessageRouter1 router1;
MessageRouter2 router2;
Bus bus;
// The thread safe message pool. Uses atomic uint32_t for counting.
class MessagePool : public etl::reference_counted_message_pool<std::atomic_int32_t>
MessagePool(etl::imemory_block_allocator& allocator)
: reference_counted_message_pool(allocator)
// Called before the memory block allocator is accessed.
void lock() override
// Called after the memory block allocator has been accessed.
void unlock() override
std::mutex mut;
// The memory block allocator that supplies the pool with memory
// to store reference counted messages in.
// The reference counted message parameters type for the messages we will use.
using message_parameters_small = MessagePool::pool_message_parameters<Message1, Message3>;
using message_parameters_large = MessagePool::pool_message_parameters<Message2>;
constexpr size_t max_size_small = message_parameters_small::max_size;
constexpr size_t max_alignment_small = message_parameters_small::max_alignment;
constexpr size_t max_size_large = message_parameters_large::max_size;
constexpr size_t max_alignment_large = message_parameters_large::max_alignment;
// A fixed memory block allocator for 4 items, using the parameters from the smaller messages.
etl::fixed_sized_memory_block_allocator<max_size_small, max_alignment_small, 4U> memory_allocator;
// A fixed memory block allocator for 4 items, using the parameters from the larger message.
etl::fixed_sized_memory_block_allocator<max_size_large, max_alignment_large, 4U> memory_allocator_successor;
// The pool that supplies reference counted messages.
// Uses memory_allocator as its allocator.
MessagePool message_pool(memory_allocator);
// A statically allocated reference counted message that is never allocated or released by a pool.
// Contains a copy of Message3("Three").
etl::persistent_message<Message3> pm3(Message3("Three"));
int main()
// If memory_allocator can't allocate, then try memory_allocator_successor.
Message1 m1("One");
Message2 m2("Two");
etl::shared_message sm1(message_pool, m1); // Created a shared message by allocating a reference counted message from message_pool containing a copy of m1.
etl::shared_message sm2(message_pool, m2); // Created a shared message by allocating a reference counted message from message_pool containing a copy of m2.
etl::shared_message sm3(pm3); // Created a shared message from a statically allocated persistent message.
bus.subscribe(router1); // Subscribe router1 to the bus.
bus.subscribe(router2); // Subscribe router2 to the bus.
bus.receive(sm1); // Send sm1 to the bus for distribution to the routers.
bus.receive(sm2); // Send sm2 to the bus for distribution to the routers.
bus.receive(sm3); // Send sm3 to the bus for distribution to the routers.
router2.process_queue(); // Allow router2 to process its queued messages.