staticconstEventOBJECT_IN_INVALID_MODE=MAKE_EVENT(5,severity::LOW);//!< Indicates a bug or configuration failure: Object is in a mode it should never be in.
staticconstEventFORCING_MODE=MAKE_EVENT(6,severity::MEDIUM);//!< The mode is changed, but for some reason, the change is forced, i.e. EXTERNAL_CONTROL ignored. p1: target mode. p2: target submode
staticconstEventMODE_CMD_REJECTED=MAKE_EVENT(7,severity::LOW);//!< A mode command was rejected by the called object. Par1: called object id, Par2: return code.
staticconstMode_tMODE_ON=1;//!< The device is powered and ready to perform operations. In this mode, no commands are sent by the device handler itself, but direct commands van be commanded and will be interpreted
staticconstMode_tMODE_OFF=0;//!< The device is powered off. The only command accepted in this mode is a mode change to on.
staticconstSubmode_tSUBMODE_NONE=0;//!< To avoid checks against magic number "0".