Merge branch 'mueller_framework' into front_branch
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#include <framework/datapool/DataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalDataSet.h>
class ControllerSet :public DataSet {
class ControllerSet :public GlobDataSet {
virtual ~ControllerSet();
@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
#include <framework/datapool/DataPool.h>
#include <framework/serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h>
#include <framework/ipc/MutexFactory.h>
DataPool::DataPool( void ( *initFunction )( std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*>* pool_map ) ) {
mutex = MutexFactory::instance()->createMutex();
if (initFunction != NULL ) {
initFunction( &this->data_pool );
DataPool::~DataPool() {
for ( std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*>::iterator it = this->data_pool.begin(); it != this->data_pool.end(); ++it ) {
delete it->second;
//The function checks PID, type and array length before returning a copy of the PoolEntry. In failure case, it returns a temp-Entry with size 0 and NULL-ptr.
template <typename T> PoolEntry<T>* DataPool::getData( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t sizeOrPosition ) {
std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*>::iterator it = this->data_pool.find( data_pool_id );
if ( it != this->data_pool.end() ) {
PoolEntry<T>* entry = dynamic_cast< PoolEntry<T>* >( it->second );
if (entry != NULL ) {
if ( sizeOrPosition <= entry->length ) {
return entry;
return NULL;
PoolEntryIF* DataPool::getRawData( uint32_t data_pool_id ) {
std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*>::iterator it = this->data_pool.find( data_pool_id );
if ( it != this->data_pool.end() ) {
return it->second;
} else {
return NULL;
//uint8_t DataPool::getRawData( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t* address, uint16_t* size, uint32_t max_size ) {
// std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*>::iterator it = this->data_pool.find( data_pool_id );
// if ( it != this->data_pool.end() ) {
// if ( it->second->getByteSize() <= max_size ) {
// *size = it->second->getByteSize();
// memcpy( address, it->second->getRawData(), *size );
// return DP_SUCCESSFUL;
// }
// }
// *size = 0;
// return DP_FAILURE;
ReturnValue_t DataPool::freeDataPoolLock() {
ReturnValue_t status = mutex->unlockMutex();
if ( status != RETURN_OK ) {
sif::error << "DataPool::DataPool: unlock of mutex failed with error code: " << status << std::endl;
return status;
ReturnValue_t DataPool::lockDataPool() {
ReturnValue_t status = mutex->lockMutex(MutexIF::NO_TIMEOUT);
if ( status != RETURN_OK ) {
sif::error << "DataPool::DataPool: lock of mutex failed with error code: " << status << std::endl;
return status;
void DataPool::print() {
sif::debug << "DataPool contains: " << std::endl;
std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*>::iterator dataPoolIt;
dataPoolIt = this->data_pool.begin();
while( dataPoolIt != this->data_pool.end() ) {
sif::debug << std::hex << dataPoolIt->first << std::dec << " |";
template PoolEntry<bool>* DataPool::getData<bool>( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<uint8_t>* DataPool::getData<uint8_t>( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<uint16_t>* DataPool::getData<uint16_t>( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<uint32_t>* DataPool::getData<uint32_t>( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<uint64_t>* DataPool::getData<uint64_t>(uint32_t data_pool_id,
uint8_t size);
template PoolEntry<int8_t>* DataPool::getData<int8_t>( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<int16_t>* DataPool::getData<int16_t>( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<int32_t>* DataPool::getData<int32_t>( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<float>* DataPool::getData<float>( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<double>* DataPool::getData<double>(uint32_t data_pool_id,
uint8_t size);
uint32_t DataPool::PIDToDataPoolId(uint32_t parameter_id) {
return (parameter_id >> 8) & 0x00FFFFFF;
uint8_t DataPool::PIDToArrayIndex(uint32_t parameter_id) {
return (parameter_id & 0x000000FF);
uint32_t DataPool::poolIdAndPositionToPid(uint32_t poolId, uint8_t index) {
return (poolId << 8) + index;
//SHOULDDO: Do we need a mutex lock here... I don't think so, as we only check static const values of elements in a list that do not change.
//there is no guarantee in the standard, but it seems to me that the implementation is safe -UM
ReturnValue_t DataPool::getType(uint32_t parameter_id, Type* type) {
std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*>::iterator it = this->data_pool.find( PIDToDataPoolId(parameter_id));
if ( it != this->data_pool.end() ) {
*type = it->second->getType();
return RETURN_OK;
} else {
*type = Type::UNKNOWN_TYPE;
bool DataPool::exists(uint32_t parameterId) {
uint32_t poolId = PIDToDataPoolId(parameterId);
uint32_t index = PIDToArrayIndex(parameterId);
std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*>::iterator it = this->data_pool.find( poolId );
if (it != data_pool.end()) {
if (it->second->getSize() >= index) {
return true;
return false;
@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
* \file DataPool.h
* \date 10/17/2012
* \author Bastian Baetz
* \brief This file contains the definition of the DataPool class and (temporarily)
* the "extern" definition of the global dataPool instance.
#ifndef DATAPOOL_H_
#define DATAPOOL_H_
#include <framework/datapool/PoolEntry.h>
#include <framework/globalfunctions/Type.h>
#include <framework/ipc/MutexIF.h>
#include <map>
* \defgroup data_pool Data Pool
* This is the group, where all classes associated with Data Pool Handling belong to.
* This includes classes to access Data Pool variables.
#define DP_FAILURE 1
* \brief This class represents the OBSW global data-pool.
* \details All variables are registered and space is allocated in an initialization
* function, which is passed to the constructor.
* Space for the variables is allocated on the heap (with a new call).
* The data is found by a data pool id, which uniquely represents a variable.
* Data pool variables should be used with a blackboard logic in mind,
* which means read data is valid (if flagged so), but not necessarily up-to-date.
* Variables are either single values or arrays.
* \ingroup data_pool
class DataPool : public HasReturnvaluesIF {
* \brief This is the actual data pool itself.
* \details It is represented by a map
* with the data pool id as index and a pointer to a single
* PoolEntry as value.
std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*> data_pool;
* \brief The mutex is created in the constructor and makes access mutual exclusive.
* \details Locking and unlocking the pool is only done by the DataSet class.
MutexIF* mutex;
* \brief In the classes constructor, the passed initialization function is called.
* \details To enable filling the pool,
* a pointer to the map is passed, allowing direct access to the pool's content.
* On runtime, adding or removing variables is forbidden.
DataPool( void ( *initFunction )( std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*>* pool_map ) );
* \brief The destructor iterates through the data_pool map and calls all Entries destructors to clean up the heap.
* \brief This is the default call to access the pool.
* \details A pointer to the PoolEntry object is returned.
* The call checks data pool id, type and array size. Returns NULL in case of failure.
* \param data_pool_id The data pool id to search.
* \param sizeOrPosition The array size (not byte size!) of the pool entry, or the position the user wants to read.
* If smaller than the entry size, everything's ok.
template <typename T> PoolEntry<T>* getData( uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t sizeOrPosition );
* \brief An alternative call to get a data pool entry in case the type is not implicitly known
* (i.e. in Housekeeping Telemetry).
* \details It returns a basic interface and does NOT perform
* a size check. The caller has to assure he does not copy too much data.
* Returns NULL in case the entry is not found.
* \param data_pool_id The data pool id to search.
PoolEntryIF* getRawData( uint32_t data_pool_id );
* \brief This is a small helper function to facilitate locking the global data pool.
* \details It fetches the pool's mutex id and tries to acquire the mutex.
ReturnValue_t lockDataPool();
* \brief This is a small helper function to facilitate unlocking the global data pool.
* \details It fetches the pool's mutex id and tries to free the mutex.
ReturnValue_t freeDataPoolLock();
* \brief The print call is a simple debug method.
* \details It prints the current content of the data pool.
* It iterates through the data_pool map and calls each entry's print() method.
void print();
* Extracts the data pool id from a SCOS 2000 PID.
* @param parameter_id The passed Parameter ID.
* @return The data pool id as used within the OBSW.
static uint32_t PIDToDataPoolId( uint32_t parameter_id );
* Extracts an array index out of a SCOS 2000 PID.
* @param parameter_id The passed Parameter ID.
* @return The index of the corresponding data pool entry.
static uint8_t PIDToArrayIndex( uint32_t parameter_id );
* Retransforms a data pool id and an array index to a SCOS 2000 PID.
static uint32_t poolIdAndPositionToPid( uint32_t poolId, uint8_t index );
* Method to return the type of a pool variable.
* @param parameter_id A parameterID (not pool id) of a DP member.
* @param type Returns the type or TYPE::UNKNOWN_TYPE
* @return RETURN_OK if parameter exists, RETURN_FAILED else.
ReturnValue_t getType( uint32_t parameter_id, Type* type );
* Method to check if a PID exists.
* Does not lock, as there's no possibility to alter the list that is checked during run-time.
* @param parameterId The PID (not pool id!) of a parameter.
* @return true if exists, false else.
bool exists(uint32_t parameterId);
//We assume someone globally instantiates a DataPool.
extern DataPool dataPool;
#endif /* DATAPOOL_H_ */
@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
#include <framework/datapool/DataSet.h>
#include <framework/serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h>
DataSet::DataSet() :
fill_count(0), state(DATA_SET_UNINITIALISED) {
for (unsigned count = 0; count < DATA_SET_MAX_SIZE; count++) {
registeredVariables[count] = NULL;
DataSet::~DataSet() {
//Don't do anything with your variables, they are dead already! (Destructor is already called)
ReturnValue_t DataSet::read() {
ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK;
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fill_count; count++) {
if (registeredVariables[count]->getReadWriteMode()
!= PoolVariableIF::VAR_WRITE
&& registeredVariables[count]->getDataPoolId()
!= PoolVariableIF::NO_PARAMETER) {
ReturnValue_t status = registeredVariables[count]->read();
if (status != RETURN_OK) {
} else {
sif::error << "DataSet::read(): Call made in wrong position." << std::endl;
return result;
ReturnValue_t DataSet::commit(uint8_t valid) {
return commit();
ReturnValue_t DataSet::commit() {
if (state == DATA_SET_WAS_READ) {
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fill_count; count++) {
if (registeredVariables[count]->getReadWriteMode()
!= PoolVariableIF::VAR_READ
&& registeredVariables[count]->getDataPoolId()
!= PoolVariableIF::NO_PARAMETER) {
return RETURN_OK;
} else {
ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_OK;
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fill_count; count++) {
if (registeredVariables[count]->getReadWriteMode()
== PoolVariableIF::VAR_WRITE
&& registeredVariables[count]->getDataPoolId()
!= PoolVariableIF::NO_PARAMETER) {
} else if (registeredVariables[count]->getDataPoolId()
!= PoolVariableIF::NO_PARAMETER) {
sif::error <<
"DataSet::commit(): commit-without-read "
"call made with non write-only variable." << std::endl;
return result;
void DataSet::registerVariable(PoolVariableIF* variable) {
if (variable != NULL) {
if (fill_count < DATA_SET_MAX_SIZE) {
registeredVariables[fill_count] = variable;
<< "DataSet::registerVariable: failed. Either NULL, or set is full, or call made in wrong position."
<< std::endl;
uint8_t DataSet::freeDataPoolLock() {
return ::dataPool.freeDataPoolLock();
uint8_t DataSet::lockDataPool() {
return ::dataPool.lockDataPool();
ReturnValue_t DataSet::serialize(uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
const size_t max_size, bool bigEndian) const {
ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_FAILED;
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fill_count; count++) {
result = registeredVariables[count]->serialize(buffer, size, max_size,
if (result != RETURN_OK) {
return result;
return result;
size_t DataSet::getSerializedSize() const {
size_t size = 0;
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fill_count; count++) {
size += registeredVariables[count]->getSerializedSize();
return size;
void DataSet::setValid(uint8_t valid) {
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fill_count; count++) {
if (registeredVariables[count]->getReadWriteMode()
!= PoolVariableIF::VAR_READ) {
ReturnValue_t DataSet::deSerialize(const uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
bool bigEndian) {
ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_FAILED;
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fill_count; count++) {
result = registeredVariables[count]->deSerialize(buffer, size,
if (result != RETURN_OK) {
return result;
return result;
@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
* \file DataSet.h
* \brief This file contains the DataSet class and a small structure called DataSetContent.
* \date 10/17/2012
* \author Bastian Baetz
#ifndef DATASET_H_
#define DATASET_H_
#include <framework/datapool/DataPool.h>
#include <framework/datapool/DataSetIF.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolRawAccess.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolVariable.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolVarList.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolVector.h>
#include <framework/serialize/SerializeAdapter.h>
* \brief The DataSet class manages a set of locally checked out variables.
* \details This class manages a list, where a set of local variables (or pool variables) are
* registered. They are checked-out (i.e. their values are looked up and copied)
* with the read call. After the user finishes working with the pool variables,
* he can write back all variable values to the pool with the commit call.
* The data set manages locking and freeing the data pool, to ensure that all values
* are read and written back at once.
* An internal state manages usage of this class. Variables may only be registered before
* the read call is made, and the commit call only after the read call.
* If pool variables are writable and not committed until destruction of the set, the
* DataSet class automatically sets the valid flag in the data pool to invalid (without)
* changing the variable's value.
* \ingroup data_pool
class DataSet: public DataSetIF, public HasReturnvaluesIF, public SerializeIF {
//SHOULDDO we could use a linked list of datapool variables
static const uint8_t DATA_SET_MAX_SIZE = 63; //!< This definition sets the maximum number of variables to register in one DataSet.
static const uint8_t INTERFACE_ID = CLASS_ID::DATA_SET_CLASS;
static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_PARAMETER_DEFINITION =
static const ReturnValue_t SET_WAS_ALREADY_READ = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( 0x02 );
static const ReturnValue_t COMMITING_WITHOUT_READING =
* \brief The constructor simply sets the fill_count to zero and sets the state to "uninitialized".
* \brief The destructor automatically manages writing the valid information of variables.
* \details In case the data set was read out, but not committed (indicated by state),
* the destructor parses all variables that are still registered to the set.
* For each, the valid flag in the data pool is set to "invalid".
* \brief The read call initializes reading out all registered variables.
* \details It iterates through the list of registered variables and calls all read()
* functions of the registered pool variables (which read out their values from the
* data pool) which are not write-only. In case of an error (e.g. a wrong data type,
* or an invalid data pool id), the operation is aborted and
* The data pool is locked during the whole read operation and freed afterwards.
* The state changes to "was written" after this operation.
* \return - \c RETURN_OK if all variables were read successfully.
* - \c INVALID_PARAMETER_DEFINITION if PID, size or type of the
* requested variable is invalid.
* - \c SET_WAS_ALREADY_READ if read() is called twice without calling
* commit() in between
ReturnValue_t read();
* \brief The commit call initializes writing back the registered variables.
* \details It iterates through the list of registered variables and calls
* the commit() method of the remaining registered variables (which write back
* their values to the pool).
* The data pool is locked during the whole commit operation and freed afterwards.
* The state changes to "was committed" after this operation.
* If the set does contain at least one variable which is not write-only commit()
* can only be called after read(). If the set only contains variables which are
* write only, commit() can be called without a preceding read() call.
* \return - \c RETURN_OK if all variables were read successfully.
* - \c COMMITING_WITHOUT_READING if set was not read yet and contains non write-only
* variables
ReturnValue_t commit(void);
* Variant of method above which sets validity of all elements of the set.
* @param valid Validity information from PoolVariableIF.
* \return - \c RETURN_OK if all variables were read successfully.
* - \c COMMITING_WITHOUT_READING if set was not read yet and contains non write-only
* variables
ReturnValue_t commit(uint8_t valid);
* \brief This operation is used to register the local variables in the set.
* \details It copies all required information to the currently
* free space in the registeredVariables list.
void registerVariable(PoolVariableIF* variable);
* Set the valid information of all variables contained in the set which are not readonly
* @param valid Validity information from PoolVariableIF.
void setValid(uint8_t valid);
* Serialize all registered pool variables into the provided buffer
* @param buffer
* @param size Is incremented by serialized size
* @param max_size
* @param bigEndian
* @return
ReturnValue_t serialize(uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
const size_t max_size, bool bigEndian) const;
virtual size_t getSerializedSize() const;
ReturnValue_t deSerialize(const uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
bool bigEndian);
* \brief This array represents all pool variables registered in this set.
* \details It has a maximum size of DATA_SET_MAX_SIZE.
PoolVariableIF* registeredVariables[DATA_SET_MAX_SIZE];
* \brief The fill_count attribute ensures that the variables register in the correct array
* position and that the maximum number of variables is not exceeded.
uint16_t fill_count;
* States of the seet.
enum States {
* \brief state manages the internal state of the data set, which is important e.g. for the
* behavior on destruction.
States state;
* \brief This is a small helper function to facilitate locking the global data pool.
* \details It makes use of the lockDataPool method offered by the DataPool class.
uint8_t lockDataPool();
* \brief This is a small helper function to facilitate unlocking the global data pool.
* \details It makes use of the freeDataPoolLock method offered by the DataPool class.
uint8_t freeDataPoolLock();
#endif /* DATASET_H_ */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
#include <framework/datapool/DataSetBase.h>
#include <framework/serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h>
DataSetBase::DataSetBase() {
for (uint8_t count = 0; count < DATA_SET_MAX_SIZE; count++) {
registeredVariables[count] = nullptr;
DataSetBase::~DataSetBase() {}
ReturnValue_t DataSetBase::registerVariable(
PoolVariableIF *variable) {
if (state != States::DATA_SET_UNINITIALISED) {
sif::error << "DataSet::registerVariable: "
"Call made in wrong position." << std::endl;
if (variable == nullptr) {
sif::error << "DataSet::registerVariable: "
"Pool variable is nullptr." << std::endl;
return DataSetIF::POOL_VAR_NULL;
if (fillCount >= DATA_SET_MAX_SIZE) {
sif::error << "DataSet::registerVariable: "
"DataSet is full." << std::endl;
return DataSetIF::DATA_SET_FULL;
registeredVariables[fillCount] = variable;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
ReturnValue_t DataSetBase::read() {
ReturnValue_t result = HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
if (state == States::DATA_SET_UNINITIALISED) {
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fillCount; count++) {
if (registeredVariables[count]->getReadWriteMode()
!= PoolVariableIF::VAR_WRITE
&& registeredVariables[count]->getDataPoolId()
!= PoolVariableIF::NO_PARAMETER) {
ReturnValue_t status = registeredVariables[count]->read();
if (status != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
state = States::DATA_SET_WAS_READ;
else {
sif::error << "DataSet::read(): "
"Call made in wrong position." << std::endl;
return result;
ReturnValue_t DataSetBase::commit() {
if (state == States::DATA_SET_WAS_READ) {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
else {
return handleUnreadDatasetCommit();
ReturnValue_t DataSetBase::lockDataPool() {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
ReturnValue_t DataSetBase::unlockDataPool() {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
void DataSetBase::handleAlreadyReadDatasetCommit() {
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fillCount; count++) {
if (registeredVariables[count]->getReadWriteMode()
!= PoolVariableIF::VAR_READ
&& registeredVariables[count]->getDataPoolId()
!= PoolVariableIF::NO_PARAMETER) {
ReturnValue_t DataSetBase::handleUnreadDatasetCommit() {
ReturnValue_t result = HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fillCount; count++) {
if (registeredVariables[count]->getReadWriteMode()
== PoolVariableIF::VAR_WRITE
&& registeredVariables[count]->getDataPoolId()
!= PoolVariableIF::NO_PARAMETER) {
} else if (registeredVariables[count]->getDataPoolId()
!= PoolVariableIF::NO_PARAMETER) {
sif::error << "DataSet::commit(): commit-without-read call made "
"with non write-only variable." << std::endl;
return result;
ReturnValue_t DataSetBase::serialize(uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
const size_t maxSize, bool bigEndian) const {
ReturnValue_t result = HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fillCount; count++) {
result = registeredVariables[count]->serialize(buffer, size, maxSize,
if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
return result;
return result;
ReturnValue_t DataSetBase::deSerialize(const uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
bool bigEndian) {
ReturnValue_t result = HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fillCount; count++) {
result = registeredVariables[count]->deSerialize(buffer, size,
if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
return result;
return result;
size_t DataSetBase::getSerializedSize() const {
uint32_t size = 0;
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fillCount; count++) {
size += registeredVariables[count]->getSerializedSize();
return size;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#include <framework/datapool/DataSetIF.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolVariableIF.h>
* @brief The DataSetBase class manages a set of locally checked out variables.
* @details
* This class manages a list, where a set of local variables (or pool variables)
* are registered. They are checked-out (i.e. their values are looked
* up and copied) with the read call. After the user finishes working with the
* pool variables, he can write back all variable values to the pool with
* the commit call. The data set manages locking and freeing the data pool,
* to ensure that all values are read and written back at once.
* An internal state manages usage of this class. Variables may only be
* registered before the read call is made, and the commit call only
* after the read call.
* If pool variables are writable and not committed until destruction
* of the set, the DataSet class automatically sets the valid flag in the
* data pool to invalid (without) changing the variable's value.
* The base class lockDataPo
* @author Bastian Baetz
* @ingroup data_pool
class DataSetBase: public DataSetIF,
public SerializeIF,
public HasReturnvaluesIF {
* @brief Creates an empty dataset. Use registerVariable or
* supply a pointer to this dataset to PoolVariable
* initializations to register pool variables.
virtual~ DataSetBase();
* @brief The read call initializes reading out all registered variables.
* @details
* It iterates through the list of registered variables and calls all read()
* functions of the registered pool variables (which read out their values
* from the data pool) which are not write-only.
* In case of an error (e.g. a wrong data type, or an invalid data pool id),
* the operation is aborted and @c INVALID_PARAMETER_DEFINITION returned.
* The data pool is locked during the whole read operation and
* freed afterwards.The state changes to "was written" after this operation.
* @return - @c RETURN_OK if all variables were read successfully.
* - @c INVALID_PARAMETER_DEFINITION if PID, size or type of the
* requested variable is invalid.
* - @c SET_WAS_ALREADY_READ if read() is called twice without calling
* commit() in between
virtual ReturnValue_t read();
* @brief The commit call initializes writing back the registered variables.
* @details
* It iterates through the list of registered variables and calls the
* commit() method of the remaining registered variables (which write back
* their values to the pool).
* The data pool is locked during the whole commit operation and
* freed afterwards. The state changes to "was committed" after this operation.
* If the set does contain at least one variable which is not write-only commit()
* can only be called after read(). If the set only contains variables which are
* write only, commit() can be called without a preceding read() call.
* @return - @c RETURN_OK if all variables were read successfully.
* - @c COMMITING_WITHOUT_READING if set was not read yet and
* contains non write-only variables
virtual ReturnValue_t commit();
/* DataSetIF implementation */
virtual ReturnValue_t registerVariable( PoolVariableIF* variable) override;
* Provides the means to lock the underlying data structure to ensure
* thread-safety. Default implementation is empty
* @return Always returns -@c RETURN_OK
virtual ReturnValue_t lockDataPool() override;
* Provides the means to unlock the underlying data structure to ensure
* thread-safety. Default implementation is empty
* @return Always returns -@c RETURN_OK
virtual ReturnValue_t unlockDataPool() override;
/* SerializeIF implementations */
ReturnValue_t serialize(uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
const size_t maxSize, bool bigEndian) const override;
virtual size_t getSerializedSize() const override;
virtual ReturnValue_t deSerialize(const uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
bool bigEndian) override;
//SHOULDDO we could use a linked list of datapool variables
//!< This definition sets the maximum number of variables to
//! register in one DataSet.
static const uint8_t DATA_SET_MAX_SIZE = 63;
* @brief The fill_count attribute ensures that the variables
* register in the correct array position and that the maximum
* number of variables is not exceeded.
uint16_t fillCount = 0;
* States of the seet.
enum class States {
* @brief state manages the internal state of the data set,
* which is important e.g. for the behavior on destruction.
States state = States::DATA_SET_UNINITIALISED;
* @brief This array represents all pool variables registered in this set.
PoolVariableIF* registeredVariables[DATA_SET_MAX_SIZE] = { };
void handleAlreadyReadDatasetCommit();
ReturnValue_t handleUnreadDatasetCommit();
@ -1,39 +1,57 @@
* \file DataSetIF.h
* \brief This file contains the small interface to access the DataSet class.
* \date 10/23/2012
* \author Bastian Baetz
#ifndef DATASETIF_H_
#define DATASETIF_H_
#include <framework/returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h>
class PoolVariableIF;
* \brief This class defines a small interface to register on a DataSet.
* @brief This class defines a small interface to register on a DataSet.
* \details Currently, the only purpose of this interface is to provide a method for locally
* checked-out variables to register on a data set. Still, it may become useful for
* other purposes as well.
* \ingroup data_pool
* @details
* Currently, the only purpose of this interface is to provide a
* method for locally checked-out variables to register on a data set.
* Still, it may become useful for other purposes as well.
* @author Bastian Baetz
* @ingroup data_pool
class DataSetIF {
static constexpr uint8_t INTERFACE_ID = CLASS_ID::DATA_SET_CLASS;
static constexpr ReturnValue_t INVALID_PARAMETER_DEFINITION =
static constexpr ReturnValue_t SET_WAS_ALREADY_READ = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( 0x02 );
static constexpr ReturnValue_t COMMITING_WITHOUT_READING =
static constexpr ReturnValue_t DATA_SET_UNINITIALISED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( 0x04 );
static constexpr ReturnValue_t DATA_SET_FULL = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( 0x05 );
static constexpr ReturnValue_t POOL_VAR_NULL = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( 0x06 );
* \brief This is an empty virtual destructor, as it is proposed for C++ interfaces.
* @brief This is an empty virtual destructor,
* as it is proposed for C++ interfaces.
virtual ~DataSetIF() {}
* \brief This operation provides a method to register local data pool variables
* to register in a data set by passing itself to this DataSet operation.
* @brief This operation provides a method to register local data pool
* variables to register in a data set by passing itself
* to this DataSet operation.
virtual void registerVariable( PoolVariableIF* variable ) = 0;
virtual ReturnValue_t registerVariable( PoolVariableIF* variable ) = 0;
* @brief Most underlying data structures will have a pool like structure
* and will require a lock and unlock mechanism to ensure
* thread-safety
* @return Lock operation result
virtual ReturnValue_t lockDataPool() = 0;
* @brief Unlock call corresponding to the lock call.
* @return Unlock operation result
virtual ReturnValue_t unlockDataPool() = 0;
#endif /* DATASETIF_H_ */
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
#include <framework/datapool/HkSwitchHelper.h>
//#include <mission/tmtcservices/HKService_03.h>
#include <framework/ipc/QueueFactory.h>
HkSwitchHelper::HkSwitchHelper(EventReportingProxyIF* eventProxy) :
@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ Type PoolEntry<T>::getType() {
return PodTypeConversion<T>::type;
template class PoolEntry<bool>;
template class PoolEntry<uint8_t>;
template class PoolEntry<uint16_t>;
template class PoolEntry<uint32_t>;
@ -6,34 +6,46 @@
#include <stddef.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <type_traits>
* \brief This is a small helper class that defines a single data pool entry.
* \details The helper is used to store all information together with the data as a single data pool entry.
* The content's type is defined by the template argument.
* It is prepared for use with plain old data types,
* but may be extended to complex types if necessary.
* It can be initialized with a certain value, size and validity flag.
* It holds a pointer to the real data and offers methods to access this data and to acquire
* additional information (such as validity and array/byte size).
* It is NOT intended to be used outside the DataPool class.
* \ingroup data_pool
* @brief This is a small helper class that defines a single data pool entry.
* @details
* The helper is used to store all information together with the data as a
* single data pool entry.The content's type is defined by the template argument.
* It is prepared for use with plain old data types, but may be extended to
* complex types if necessary. It can be initialized with a certain value,
* size and validity flag. It holds a pointer to the real data and offers
* methods to access this data and to acquire additional information
* (such as validity and array/byte size). It is NOT intended to be used
* outside the DataPool class.
* @author Bastian Baetz
* @ingroup data_pool
template <typename T>
class PoolEntry : public PoolEntryIF {
static_assert(not std::is_same<T, bool>::value,
"Do not use boolean for the PoolEntry type, use uint8_t instead!"
"Warum? Darum :-)");
* \brief In the classe's constructor, space is allocated on the heap and
* @brief In the classe's constructor, space is allocated on the heap and
* potential init values are copied to that space.
* \param initValue A pointer to the single value or array that holds the init value.
* With the default value (NULL), the entry is initalized with all 0.
* \param set_length Defines the array length of this entry.
* \param set_valid Sets the initialization flag. It is invalid (0) by default.
* @param initValue Initializer list with values to initialize with
* @param set_length Defines the array length of this entry.
* @param set_valid Sets the initialization flag. It is invalid (0) by default.
PoolEntry( std::initializer_list<T> initValue = {}, uint8_t set_length = 1, uint8_t set_valid = 0 );
* @brief In the classe's constructor, space is allocated on the heap and
* potential init values are copied to that space.
* @param initValue A pointer to the single value or array that holds the init value.
* With the default value (NULL), the entry is initalized with all 0.
* @param set_length Defines the array length of this entry.
* @param set_valid Sets the initialization flag. It is invalid (0) by default.
PoolEntry( T* initValue = NULL, uint8_t set_length = 1, uint8_t set_valid = 0 );
* \brief The allocated memory for the variable is freed in the destructor.
* \details As the data pool is global, this dtor is only called on program exit.
@ -1,66 +1,63 @@
* \file PoolEntryIF.h
* \brief This file holds the class that defines the Interface for Pool Entry elements.
* \date 10/18/2012
* \author Bastian Baetz
#include <framework/globalfunctions/Type.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <cstdint>
* \brief This interface defines the access possibilities to a single data pool entry.
* \details The interface provides methods to determine the size and the validity information of a value.
* It also defines a method to receive a pointer to the raw data content.
* It is mainly used by DataPool itself, but also as a return pointer.
* \ingroup data_pool
* @brief This interface defines the access possibilities to a
* single data pool entry.
* @details
* The interface provides methods to determine the size and the validity
* information of a value. It also defines a method to receive a pointer to
* the raw data content. It is mainly used by DataPool itself, but also as a
* return pointer.
* @author Bastian Baetz
* @ingroup data_pool
class PoolEntryIF {
* \brief This is an empty virtual destructor, as it is proposed for C++ interfaces.
* @brief This is an empty virtual destructor,
* as it is proposed for C++ interfaces.
virtual ~PoolEntryIF() {
virtual ~PoolEntryIF() {}
* \brief getSize returns the array size of the entry. A single variable parameter has size 1.
* @brief getSize returns the array size of the entry.
* A single variable parameter has size 1.
virtual uint8_t getSize() = 0;
* \brief This operation returns the size in bytes, which is calculated by
* @brief This operation returns the size in bytes, which is calculated by
* sizeof(type) * array_size.
virtual uint16_t getByteSize() = 0;
* \brief This operation returns a the address pointer casted to void*.
* @brief This operation returns a the address pointer casted to void*.
virtual void* getRawData() = 0;
* \brief This method allows to set the valid information of the pool entry.
* @brief This method allows to set the valid information of the pool entry.
virtual void setValid(uint8_t isValid) = 0;
* \brief This method allows to set the valid information of the pool entry.
* @brief This method allows to set the valid information of the pool entry.
virtual uint8_t getValid() = 0;
* \brief This is a debug method that prints all values and the valid information to the screen.
* It prints all array entries in a row.
* @brief This is a debug method that prints all values and the valid
* information to the screen. It prints all array entries in a row.
virtual void print() = 0;
* Returns the type of the entry.
* @brief Returns the type of the entry.
virtual Type getType() = 0;
@ -6,10 +6,12 @@
#include <framework/datapool/PoolRawAccessHelper.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalDataSet.h>
#include <framework/serialize/SerializeAdapter.h>
#include <framework/serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <framework/datapool/DataSet.h>
#include <cstring>
PoolRawAccessHelper::PoolRawAccessHelper(uint32_t * poolIdBuffer_,
uint8_t numberOfParameters_):
@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ ReturnValue_t PoolRawAccessHelper::handlePoolEntrySerialization(
// << std::hex << currentPoolId << std::endl;
while(not poolEntrySerialized) {
if(counter > DataSet::DATA_SET_MAX_SIZE) {
if(counter > GlobDataSet::DATA_SET_MAX_SIZE) {
sif::error << "PoolRawAccessHelper: Config error, "
"max. number of possible data set variables exceeded"
<< std::endl;
@ -105,7 +107,7 @@ ReturnValue_t PoolRawAccessHelper::handlePoolEntrySerialization(
counter ++;
DataSet currentDataSet = DataSet();
GlobDataSet currentDataSet;
//debug << "Current array position: " << (int)arrayPosition << std::endl;
PoolRawAccess currentPoolRawAccess(currentPoolId,arrayPosition,
@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
#include <framework/returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h>
#include <framework/datapool/DataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalDataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/PoolRawAccess.h>
* @brief This helper function simplifies accessing data pool entries
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
#include <framework/datapool/PoolVariable.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolVariableIF.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalPoolVariable.h>
template <class T, uint8_t n_var>
class PoolVarList {
PoolVariable<T> variables[n_var];
GlobPoolVar<T> variables[n_var];
PoolVarList( const uint32_t set_id[n_var], DataSetIF* dataSet, PoolVariableIF::ReadWriteMode_t setReadWriteMode ) {
//I really should have a look at the new init list c++ syntax.
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public:
PoolVariable<T> &operator [](int i) { return variables[i]; }
GlobPoolVar<T> &operator [](int i) { return variables[i]; }
@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
* \file PoolVariable.h
* \brief This file contains the PoolVariable class, which locally represents a non-array data pool variable.
* \date 10/17/2012
* \author Bastian Baetz
#include <framework/datapool/DataSetIF.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolEntry.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolVariableIF.h>
#include <framework/serialize/SerializeAdapter.h>
#include <framework/serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h>
template<typename T, uint8_t n_var> class PoolVarList;
* \brief This is the access class for non-array data pool entries.
* \details To ensure safe usage of the data pool, operation is not done directly on the data pool
* entries, but on local copies. This class provides simple type-safe access to single
* data pool entries (i.e. entries with length = 1).
* The class can be instantiated as read-write and read only.
* It provides a commit-and-roll-back semantic, which means that the variable's value in
* the data pool is not changed until the commit call is executed.
* \tparam T The template parameter sets the type of the variable. Currently, all plain data types
* are supported, but in principle any type is possible.
* \ingroup data_pool
template<typename T>
class PoolVariable: public PoolVariableIF {
template<typename U, uint8_t n_var> friend class PoolVarList;
* \brief To access the correct data pool entry on read and commit calls, the data pool id
* is stored.
uint32_t dataPoolId;
* \brief The valid information as it was stored in the data pool is copied to this attribute.
uint8_t valid;
* \brief The information whether the class is read-write or read-only is stored here.
ReadWriteMode_t readWriteMode;
* \brief This is a call to read the value from the global data pool.
* \details When executed, this operation tries to fetch the pool entry with matching
* data pool id from the global data pool and copies the value and the valid
* information to its local attributes. In case of a failure (wrong type or
* pool id not found), the variable is set to zero and invalid.
* The operation does NOT provide any mutual exclusive protection by itself.
ReturnValue_t read() {
PoolEntry<T>* read_out = ::dataPool.getData<T>(dataPoolId, 1);
if (read_out != NULL) {
valid = read_out->valid;
value = *(read_out->address);
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
} else {
value = 0;
valid = false;
sif::error << "PoolVariable: read of DP Variable 0x" << std::hex
<< dataPoolId << std::dec << " failed." << std::endl;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
* \brief The commit call writes back the variable's value to the data pool.
* \details It checks type and size, as well as if the variable is writable. If so,
* the value is copied and the valid flag is automatically set to "valid".
* The operation does NOT provide any mutual exclusive protection by itself.
ReturnValue_t commit() {
PoolEntry<T>* write_back = ::dataPool.getData<T>(dataPoolId, 1);
if ((write_back != NULL) && (readWriteMode != VAR_READ)) {
write_back->valid = valid;
*(write_back->address) = value;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
} else {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
* Empty ctor for List initialization
PoolVariable() :
dataPoolId(PoolVariableIF::NO_PARAMETER), valid(
PoolVariableIF::INVALID), readWriteMode(VAR_READ), value(0) {
* \brief This is the local copy of the data pool entry.
* \details The user can work on this attribute
* just like he would on a simple local variable.
T value;
* \brief In the constructor, the variable can register itself in a DataSet (if not NULL is
* passed).
* \details It DOES NOT fetch the current value from the data pool, but sets the value
* attribute to default (0). The value is fetched within the read() operation.
* \param set_id This is the id in the global data pool this instance of the access class
* corresponds to.
* \param dataSet The data set in which the variable shall register itself. If NULL,
* the variable is not registered.
* \param setReadWriteMode
PoolVariable(uint32_t set_id, DataSetIF* dataSet,
ReadWriteMode_t setReadWriteMode) :
dataPoolId(set_id), valid(PoolVariableIF::INVALID), readWriteMode(
setReadWriteMode), value(0) {
if (dataSet != NULL) {
* Copy ctor to copy classes containing Pool Variables.
PoolVariable(const PoolVariable& rhs) :
dataPoolId(rhs.dataPoolId), valid(rhs.valid), readWriteMode(
rhs.readWriteMode), value(rhs.value) {
* \brief The classes destructor is empty.
* \details If commit() was not called, the local value is
* discarded and not written back to the data pool.
~PoolVariable() {
* \brief This operation returns the data pool id of the variable.
uint32_t getDataPoolId() const {
return dataPoolId;
* This operation sets the data pool id of the variable.
* The method is necessary to set id's of data pool member variables with bad initialization.
void setDataPoolId(uint32_t poolId) {
dataPoolId = poolId;
* This method returns if the variable is write-only, read-write or read-only.
ReadWriteMode_t getReadWriteMode() const {
return readWriteMode;
* \brief With this call, the valid information of the variable is returned.
bool isValid() const {
if (valid)
return true;
return false;
uint8_t getValid() {
return valid;
void setValid(uint8_t valid) {
this->valid = valid;
operator T() {
return value;
operator T() const {
return value;
PoolVariable<T> &operator=(T newValue) {
value = newValue;
return *this;
PoolVariable<T> &operator=(PoolVariable<T> newPoolVariable) {
value = newPoolVariable.value;
return *this;
virtual ReturnValue_t serialize(uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
const size_t max_size, bool bigEndian) const {
return SerializeAdapter<T>::serialize(&value, buffer, size, max_size,
virtual size_t getSerializedSize() const {
return SerializeAdapter<T>::getSerializedSize(&value);
virtual ReturnValue_t deSerialize(const uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
bool bigEndian) {
return SerializeAdapter<T>::deSerialize(&value, buffer, size, bigEndian);
typedef PoolVariable<uint8_t> db_uint8_t;
typedef PoolVariable<uint16_t> db_uint16_t;
typedef PoolVariable<uint32_t> db_uint32_t;
typedef PoolVariable<int8_t> db_int8_t;
typedef PoolVariable<int16_t> db_int16_t;
typedef PoolVariable<int32_t> db_int32_t;
typedef PoolVariable<uint8_t> db_bool_t;
typedef PoolVariable<float> db_float_t;
typedef PoolVariable<double> db_double_t;
//Alternative (but I thing this is not as useful: code duplication, differences too small):
//template <typename T>
//class PoolReader : public PoolVariableIF {
// uint32_t parameter_id;
// uint8_t valid;
// T value;
// PoolReader( uint32_t set_id, DataSetIF* set ) : parameter_id(set_id), valid(false), value(0) {
// set->registerVariable( this );
// }
// ~PoolReader() {};
// uint8_t commit() {
// return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
// }
// uint8_t read() {
// PoolEntry<T>* read_out = ::dataPool.getData<T>( parameter_id, 1 );
// if ( read_out != NULL ) {
// valid = read_out->valid;
// value = *(read_out->address);
// return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
// } else {
// value = 0;
// valid = false;
// }
// }
// uint32_t getParameterId() { return parameter_id; }
// bool isWritable() { return false; };
// bool isValid() { if (valid) return true; else return false; }
//template <typename T>
//class PoolWriter : public PoolVariableIF {
// uint32_t parameter_id;
// T value;
// PoolWriter( uint32_t set_id, DataSetIF* set ) : parameter_id(set_id), value(0) {
// set->registerVariable( this );
// }
// ~PoolWriter() {};
// uint8_t commit() {
// PoolEntry<T>* write_back = ::dataPool.getData<T>( parameter_id, 1 );
// if ( write_back != NULL ) {
// write_back->valid = true;
// *(write_back->address) = value;
// return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
// } else {
// }
// }
// uint8_t read() {
// PoolEntry<T>* read_out = ::dataPool.getData<T>( parameter_id, 1 );
// if ( read_out != NULL ) {
// value = *(read_out->address);
// return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
// } else {
// value = 0;
// }
// }
// uint32_t getParameterId() { return parameter_id; }
// bool isWritable() { return true; };
// bool isValid() { return false; }
#endif /* POOLVARIABLE_H_ */
@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
* \file PoolVariableIF.h
* \brief This file contains the interface definition for pool variables.
* \date 10/17/2012
* \author Bastian Baetz
#include <framework/returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h>
#include <framework/serialize/SerializeIF.h>
* \brief This interface is used to control local data pool variable representations.
* \details To securely handle data pool variables, all pool entries are locally managed by
* data pool variable access classes, which are called pool variables. To ensure a
* common state of a set of variables needed in a function, these local pool variables
* again are managed by other classes, e.g. the DataSet. This interface provides unified
* access to local pool variables for such manager classes.
* \ingroup data_pool
* @brief This interface is used to control data pool variable representations.
* @details
* To securely handle data pool variables, all pool entries are locally
* managed by data pool variable access classes, which are called pool
* variables. To ensure a common state of a set of variables needed in a
* function, these local pool variables again are managed by other classes,
* like the DataSet classes. This interface provides unified access to
* local pool variables for such manager classes.
* @author Bastian Baetz
* @ingroup data_pool
class PoolVariableIF : public SerializeIF {
friend class DataSet;
friend class DataSetBase;
friend class GlobDataSet;
friend class LocalDataSet;
* \brief The commit call shall write back a newly calculated local value to the data pool.
* @brief The commit call shall write back a newly calculated local
* value to the data pool.
virtual ReturnValue_t commit() = 0;
* \brief The read call shall read the value of this parameter from the data pool and store
* the content locally.
* @brief The read call shall read the value of this parameter from
* the data pool and store the content locally.
virtual ReturnValue_t read() = 0;
static const uint8_t VALID = 1;
static const uint8_t INVALID = 0;
static const uint32_t NO_PARAMETER = 0;
static constexpr bool VALID = 1;
static constexpr bool INVALID = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t NO_PARAMETER = 0;
enum ReadWriteMode_t {
* \brief This is an empty virtual destructor, as it is proposed for C++ interfaces.
* @brief This is an empty virtual destructor,
* as it is proposed for C++ interfaces.
virtual ~PoolVariableIF() {
virtual ~PoolVariableIF() {}
* \brief This method returns if the variable is write-only, read-write or read-only.
* @brief This method returns if the variable is write-only, read-write or read-only.
virtual ReadWriteMode_t getReadWriteMode() const = 0;
* \brief This operation shall return the data pool id of the variable.
* @brief This operation shall return the data pool id of the variable.
virtual uint32_t getDataPoolId() const = 0;
* \brief With this call, the valid information of the variable is returned.
* @brief With this call, the valid information of the variable is returned.
virtual bool isValid() const = 0;
* \brief With this call, the valid information of the variable is set.
* @brief With this call, the valid information of the variable is set.
// why not just use a boolean here?
virtual void setValid(uint8_t validity) = 0;
using pool_rwm_t = PoolVariableIF::ReadWriteMode_t;
#endif /* POOLVARIABLEIF_H_ */
@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
* \file PoolVector.h
* \brief This file contains the PoolVector class, the header only class to handle data pool vectors.
* \date 10/23/2012
* \author Bastian Baetz
#include <framework/datapool/DataSetIF.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolEntry.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolVariableIF.h>
#include <framework/serialize/SerializeAdapter.h>
#include <framework/serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h>
* \brief This is the access class for array-type data pool entries.
* \details To ensure safe usage of the data pool, operation is not done directly on the data pool
* entries, but on local copies. This class provides simple type- and length-safe access
* to vector-style data pool entries (i.e. entries with length > 1).
* The class can be instantiated as read-write and read only.
* It provides a commit-and-roll-back semantic, which means that no array entry in
* the data pool is changed until the commit call is executed.
* There are two template parameters:
* \tparam T This template parameter specifies the data type of an array entry. Currently, all
* plain data types are supported, but in principle any type is possible.
* \tparam vector_size This template parameter specifies the vector size of this entry.
* Using a template parameter for this is not perfect, but avoids dynamic memory allocation.
* \ingroup data_pool
template<typename T, uint16_t vector_size>
class PoolVector: public PoolVariableIF {
* \brief To access the correct data pool entry on read and commit calls, the data pool id
* is stored.
uint32_t dataPoolId;
* \brief The valid information as it was stored in the data pool is copied to this attribute.
uint8_t valid;
* \brief The information whether the class is read-write or read-only is stored here.
ReadWriteMode_t readWriteMode;
* \brief This is a call to read the array's values from the global data pool.
* \details When executed, this operation tries to fetch the pool entry with matching
* data pool id from the global data pool and copies all array values and the valid
* information to its local attributes. In case of a failure (wrong type, size or
* pool id not found), the variable is set to zero and invalid.
* The operation does NOT provide any mutual exclusive protection by itself.
ReturnValue_t read() {
PoolEntry<T>* read_out = ::dataPool.getData<T>(this->dataPoolId,
if (read_out != NULL) {
this->valid = read_out->valid;
memcpy(this->value, read_out->address, read_out->getByteSize());
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
} else {
memset(this->value, 0, vector_size * sizeof(T));
sif::error << "PoolVector: read of DP Variable 0x" << std::hex
<< dataPoolId << std::dec << " failed." << std::endl;
this->valid = INVALID;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
* \brief The commit call copies the array values back to the data pool.
* \details It checks type and size, as well as if the variable is writable. If so,
* the value is copied and the valid flag is automatically set to "valid".
* The operation does NOT provide any mutual exclusive protection by itself.
ReturnValue_t commit() {
PoolEntry<T>* write_back = ::dataPool.getData<T>(this->dataPoolId,
if ((write_back != NULL) && (this->readWriteMode != VAR_READ)) {
write_back->valid = valid;
memcpy(write_back->address, this->value, write_back->getByteSize());
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
} else {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
* \brief This is the local copy of the data pool entry.
* \detials The user can work on this attribute
* just like he would on a local array of this type.
T value[vector_size];
* \brief In the constructor, the variable can register itself in a DataSet (if not NULL is
* passed).
* \details It DOES NOT fetch the current value from the data pool, but sets the value
* attribute to default (0). The value is fetched within the read() operation.
* \param set_id This is the id in the global data pool this instance of the access class
* corresponds to.
* \param dataSet The data set in which the variable shall register itself. If NULL,
* the variable is not registered.
* \param setWritable If this flag is set to true, changes in the value attribute can be
* written back to the data pool, otherwise not.
PoolVector(uint32_t set_id, DataSetIF* set,
ReadWriteMode_t setReadWriteMode) :
dataPoolId(set_id), valid(false), readWriteMode(setReadWriteMode) {
memset(this->value, 0, vector_size * sizeof(T));
if (set != NULL) {
* Copy ctor to copy classes containing Pool Variables.
// PoolVector(const PoolVector& rhs) {
// PoolVector<T, vector_size> temp(rhs.dataPoolId, rhs.)
// memcpy(value, rhs.value, sizeof(T)*vector_size);
// }
* \brief The classes destructor is empty.
* \details If commit() was not called, the local value is
* discarded and not written back to the data pool.
~PoolVector() {
* \brief The operation returns the number of array entries in this variable.
uint8_t getSize() {
return vector_size;
* \brief This operation returns the data pool id of the variable.
uint32_t getDataPoolId() const {
return dataPoolId;
* This operation sets the data pool id of the variable.
* The method is necessary to set id's of data pool member variables with bad initialization.
void setDataPoolId(uint32_t poolId) {
dataPoolId = poolId;
* This method returns if the variable is write-only, read-write or read-only.
ReadWriteMode_t getReadWriteMode() const {
return readWriteMode;
* \brief With this call, the valid information of the variable is returned.
bool isValid() const {
if (valid != INVALID)
return true;
return false;
void setValid(uint8_t valid) {
this->valid = valid;
uint8_t getValid() {
return valid;
T &operator [](int i) {
return value[i];
const T &operator [](int i) const {
return value[i];
PoolVector<T, vector_size> &operator=(
PoolVector<T, vector_size> newPoolVector) {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < vector_size; i++) {
this->value[i] = newPoolVector.value[i];
return *this;
virtual ReturnValue_t serialize(uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
const size_t max_size, bool bigEndian) const {
uint16_t i;
ReturnValue_t result;
for (i = 0; i < vector_size; i++) {
result = SerializeAdapter<T>::serialize(&(value[i]), buffer, size,
max_size, bigEndian);
if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
return result;
return result;
virtual size_t getSerializedSize() const {
return vector_size * SerializeAdapter<T>::getSerializedSize(value);
virtual ReturnValue_t deSerialize(const uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
bool bigEndian) {
uint16_t i;
ReturnValue_t result;
for (i = 0; i < vector_size; i++) {
result = SerializeAdapter<T>::deSerialize(&(value[i]), buffer, size,
if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
return result;
return result;
#endif /* POOLVECTOR_H_ */
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include <framework/datapool/DataPool.h>
#include <framework/datapool/DataPoolAdmin.h>
#include <framework/datapool/DataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolRawAccess.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/DataPoolAdmin.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalDataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalDataPool.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/PoolRawAccess.h>
#include <framework/ipc/CommandMessage.h>
#include <framework/ipc/QueueFactory.h>
#include <framework/parameters/ParameterMessage.h>
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ MessageQueueId_t DataPoolAdmin::getCommandQueue() const {
ReturnValue_t DataPoolAdmin::executeAction(ActionId_t actionId,
MessageQueueId_t commandedBy, const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
MessageQueueId_t commandedBy, const uint8_t* data, uint32_t size) {
if (actionId != SET_VALIDITY) {
@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ ReturnValue_t DataPoolAdmin::executeAction(ActionId_t actionId,
uint8_t valid = data[4];
uint32_t poolId = ::dataPool.PIDToDataPoolId(address);
uint32_t poolId = glob::dataPool.PIDToDataPoolId(address);
DataSet mySet;
GlobDataSet mySet;
PoolRawAccess variable(poolId, 0, &mySet, PoolVariableIF::VAR_READ_WRITE);
ReturnValue_t status =;
if (status != RETURN_OK) {
@ -92,9 +92,9 @@ void DataPoolAdmin::handleCommand() {
ReturnValue_t DataPoolAdmin::handleMemoryLoad(uint32_t address,
const uint8_t* data, uint32_t size, uint8_t** dataPointer) {
uint32_t poolId = ::dataPool.PIDToDataPoolId(address);
uint8_t arrayIndex = ::dataPool.PIDToArrayIndex(address);
DataSet testSet;
uint32_t poolId = glob::dataPool.PIDToDataPoolId(address);
uint8_t arrayIndex = glob::dataPool.PIDToArrayIndex(address);
GlobDataSet testSet;
PoolRawAccess varToGetSize(poolId, arrayIndex, &testSet,
ReturnValue_t status =;
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ ReturnValue_t DataPoolAdmin::handleMemoryLoad(uint32_t address,
const uint8_t* readPosition = data;
for (; size > 0; size -= typeSize) {
DataSet rawSet;
GlobDataSet rawSet;
PoolRawAccess variable(poolId, arrayIndex, &rawSet,
status =;
@ -131,9 +131,9 @@ ReturnValue_t DataPoolAdmin::handleMemoryLoad(uint32_t address,
ReturnValue_t DataPoolAdmin::handleMemoryDump(uint32_t address, uint32_t size,
uint8_t** dataPointer, uint8_t* copyHere) {
uint32_t poolId = ::dataPool.PIDToDataPoolId(address);
uint8_t arrayIndex = ::dataPool.PIDToArrayIndex(address);
DataSet testSet;
uint32_t poolId = glob::dataPool.PIDToDataPoolId(address);
uint8_t arrayIndex = glob::dataPool.PIDToArrayIndex(address);
GlobDataSet testSet;
PoolRawAccess varToGetSize(poolId, arrayIndex, &testSet,
ReturnValue_t status =;
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ ReturnValue_t DataPoolAdmin::handleMemoryDump(uint32_t address, uint32_t size,
uint8_t* ptrToCopy = copyHere;
for (; size > 0; size -= typeSize) {
DataSet rawSet;
GlobDataSet rawSet;
PoolRawAccess variable(poolId, arrayIndex, &rawSet,
status =;
@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
#include <framework/memory/MemoryHelper.h>
#include <framework/action/HasActionsIF.h>
#include <framework/action/SimpleActionHelper.h>
#include <framework/objectmanager/SystemObject.h>
#include <framework/returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h>
#include <framework/tasks/ExecutableObjectIF.h>
#include <framework/parameters/ReceivesParameterMessagesIF.h>
#include <framework/datapool/DataPoolParameterWrapper.h>
#include <framework/action/HasActionsIF.h>
#include <framework/ipc/MessageQueueIF.h>
#include <framework/parameters/ReceivesParameterMessagesIF.h>
#include <framework/memory/MemoryHelper.h>
#include <framework/action/SimpleActionHelper.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/DataPoolParameterWrapper.h>
class DataPoolAdmin: public HasActionsIF,
public ExecutableObjectIF,
@ -33,8 +34,8 @@ public:
ReturnValue_t handleMemoryDump(uint32_t address, uint32_t size,
uint8_t** dataPointer, uint8_t* copyHere);
virtual ReturnValue_t executeAction(ActionId_t actionId,
MessageQueueId_t commandedBy, const uint8_t* data, size_t size);
ReturnValue_t executeAction(ActionId_t actionId,
MessageQueueId_t commandedBy, const uint8_t* data, uint32_t size);
//not implemented as ParameterHelper is no used
ReturnValue_t getParameter(uint8_t domainId, uint16_t parameterId,
@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
#include "DataPoolParameterWrapper.h"
//for returncodes
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalDataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/DataPoolParameterWrapper.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/PoolRawAccess.h>
#include <framework/parameters/HasParametersIF.h>
#include <framework/datapool/DataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolRawAccess.h>
DataPoolParameterWrapper::DataPoolParameterWrapper() :
type(Type::UNKNOWN_TYPE), rows(0), columns(0), poolId(
@ -20,7 +18,7 @@ ReturnValue_t DataPoolParameterWrapper::set(uint8_t domainId,
uint16_t parameterId) {
poolId = (domainId << 16) + parameterId;
DataSet mySet;
GlobDataSet mySet;
PoolRawAccess raw(poolId, 0, &mySet, PoolVariableIF::VAR_READ);
ReturnValue_t status =;
if (status != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
@ -57,7 +55,7 @@ ReturnValue_t DataPoolParameterWrapper::serialize(uint8_t** buffer,
for (uint8_t index = 0; index < rows; index++){
DataSet mySet;
GlobDataSet mySet;
PoolRawAccess raw(poolId, index, &mySet,PoolVariableIF::VAR_READ);
result = raw.serialize(buffer,size,max_size,bigEndian);
@ -94,7 +92,7 @@ ReturnValue_t DataPoolParameterWrapper::deSerializeData(uint8_t startingRow,
for (uint8_t fromRow = 0; fromRow < fromRows; fromRow++) {
DataSet mySet;
GlobDataSet mySet;
PoolRawAccess raw(poolId, startingRow + fromRow, &mySet,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalDataPool.h>
#include <framework/serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h>
#include <framework/ipc/MutexFactory.h>
void(*initFunction)(GlobPoolMap* pool_map)) {
mutex = MutexFactory::instance()->createMutex();
if (initFunction != NULL ) {
initFunction( &this->globDataPool );
GlobalDataPool::~GlobalDataPool() {
for(GlobPoolMapIter it = this->globDataPool.begin();
it != this->globDataPool.end(); ++it )
delete it->second;
// The function checks PID, type and array length before returning a copy of
// the PoolEntry. In failure case, it returns a temp-Entry with size 0 and NULL-ptr.
template <typename T> PoolEntry<T>* GlobalDataPool::getData( uint32_t data_pool_id,
uint8_t sizeOrPosition ) {
GlobPoolMapIter it = this->globDataPool.find( data_pool_id );
if ( it != this->globDataPool.end() ) {
PoolEntry<T>* entry = dynamic_cast< PoolEntry<T>* >( it->second );
if (entry != nullptr ) {
if ( sizeOrPosition <= entry->length ) {
return entry;
return nullptr;
PoolEntryIF* GlobalDataPool::getRawData( uint32_t data_pool_id ) {
GlobPoolMapIter it = this->globDataPool.find( data_pool_id );
if ( it != this->globDataPool.end() ) {
return it->second;
} else {
return nullptr;
ReturnValue_t GlobalDataPool::freeDataPoolLock() {
ReturnValue_t status = mutex->unlockMutex();
if ( status != RETURN_OK ) {
sif::error << "DataPool::DataPool: unlock of mutex failed with"
" error code: " << status << std::endl;
return status;
ReturnValue_t GlobalDataPool::lockDataPool() {
ReturnValue_t status = mutex->lockMutex(MutexIF::NO_TIMEOUT);
if ( status != RETURN_OK ) {
sif::error << "DataPool::DataPool: lock of mutex failed "
"with error code: " << status << std::endl;
return status;
void GlobalDataPool::print() {
sif::debug << "DataPool contains: " << std::endl;
std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*>::iterator dataPoolIt;
dataPoolIt = this->globDataPool.begin();
while( dataPoolIt != this->globDataPool.end() ) {
sif::debug << std::hex << dataPoolIt->first << std::dec << " |";
uint32_t GlobalDataPool::PIDToDataPoolId(uint32_t parameter_id) {
return (parameter_id >> 8) & 0x00FFFFFF;
uint8_t GlobalDataPool::PIDToArrayIndex(uint32_t parameter_id) {
return (parameter_id & 0x000000FF);
uint32_t GlobalDataPool::poolIdAndPositionToPid(uint32_t poolId, uint8_t index) {
return (poolId << 8) + index;
//SHOULDDO: Do we need a mutex lock here... I don't think so,
//as we only check static const values of elements in a list that do not change.
//there is no guarantee in the standard, but it seems to me that the implementation is safe -UM
ReturnValue_t GlobalDataPool::getType(uint32_t parameter_id, Type* type) {
GlobPoolMapIter it = this->globDataPool.find( PIDToDataPoolId(parameter_id));
if ( it != this->globDataPool.end() ) {
*type = it->second->getType();
return RETURN_OK;
} else {
*type = Type::UNKNOWN_TYPE;
bool GlobalDataPool::exists(uint32_t parameterId) {
uint32_t poolId = PIDToDataPoolId(parameterId);
uint32_t index = PIDToArrayIndex(parameterId);
GlobPoolMapIter it = this->globDataPool.find( poolId );
if (it != globDataPool.end()) {
if (it->second->getSize() >= index) {
return true;
return false;
template PoolEntry<uint8_t>* GlobalDataPool::getData<uint8_t>(
uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<uint16_t>* GlobalDataPool::getData<uint16_t>(
uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<uint32_t>* GlobalDataPool::getData<uint32_t>(
uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<uint64_t>* GlobalDataPool::getData<uint64_t>(
uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size);
template PoolEntry<int8_t>* GlobalDataPool::getData<int8_t>(
uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<int16_t>* GlobalDataPool::getData<int16_t>(
uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<int32_t>* GlobalDataPool::getData<int32_t>(
uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<float>* GlobalDataPool::getData<float>(
uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size );
template PoolEntry<double>* GlobalDataPool::getData<double>(
uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t size);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
#include <framework/datapool/PoolEntry.h>
#include <framework/globalfunctions/Type.h>
#include <framework/ipc/MutexIF.h>
#include <map>
* @defgroup data_pool Global data pool
* This is the group, where all classes associated with global
* data pool handling belong to.
* This includes classes to access Data Pool variables.
* Typedefs for the global pool representations
using GlobPoolMap = std::map<uint32_t, PoolEntryIF*>;
using GlobPoolMapIter = GlobPoolMap::iterator;
* @brief This class represents the OBSW global data-pool.
* @details
* All variables are registered and space is allocated in an initialization
* function, which is passed do the constructor. Space for the variables is
* allocated on the heap (with a new call).
* The data is found by a data pool id, which uniquely represents a variable.
* Data pool variables should be used with a blackboard logic in mind,
* which means read data is valid (if flagged so),
* but not necessarily up-to-date.
* Variables are either single values or arrays.
* @author Bastian Baetz
* @ingroup data_pool
class GlobalDataPool : public HasReturnvaluesIF {
* @brief This is the actual data pool itself.
* @details It is represented by a map with the data pool id as index
* and a pointer to a single PoolEntry as value.
GlobPoolMap globDataPool;
* @brief The mutex is created in the constructor and makes
* access mutual exclusive.
* @details Locking and unlocking the pool is only done by the DataSet class.
MutexIF* mutex;
* @brief In the classes constructor,
* the passed initialization function is called.
* @details
* To enable filling the pool, a pointer to the map is passed,
* allowing direct access to the pool's content.
* On runtime, adding or removing variables is forbidden.
GlobalDataPool( void ( *initFunction )( GlobPoolMap* pool_map ) );
* @brief The destructor iterates through the data_pool map and
* calls all entries destructors to clean up the heap.
* @brief This is the default call to access the pool.
* @details
* A pointer to the PoolEntry object is returned.
* The call checks data pool id, type and array size.
* Returns NULL in case of failure.
* @param data_pool_id The data pool id to search.
* @param sizeOrPosition The array size (not byte size!) of the pool entry,
* or the position the user wants to read.
* If smaller than the entry size, everything's ok.
template <typename T> PoolEntry<T>* getData( uint32_t data_pool_id,
uint8_t sizeOrPosition );
* @brief An alternative call to get a data pool entry in case the type is not implicitly known
* (i.e. in Housekeeping Telemetry).
* @details It returns a basic interface and does NOT perform
* a size check. The caller has to assure he does not copy too much data.
* Returns NULL in case the entry is not found.
* @param data_pool_id The data pool id to search.
PoolEntryIF* getRawData( uint32_t data_pool_id );
* @brief This is a small helper function to facilitate locking the global data pool.
* @details It fetches the pool's mutex id and tries to acquire the mutex.
ReturnValue_t lockDataPool();
* @brief This is a small helper function to facilitate unlocking the global data pool.
* @details It fetches the pool's mutex id and tries to free the mutex.
ReturnValue_t freeDataPoolLock();
* @brief The print call is a simple debug method.
* @details It prints the current content of the data pool.
* It iterates through the data_pool map and calls each entry's print() method.
void print();
* Extracts the data pool id from a SCOS 2000 PID.
* @param parameter_id The passed Parameter ID.
* @return The data pool id as used within the OBSW.
static uint32_t PIDToDataPoolId( uint32_t parameter_id );
* Extracts an array index out of a SCOS 2000 PID.
* @param parameter_id The passed Parameter ID.
* @return The index of the corresponding data pool entry.
static uint8_t PIDToArrayIndex( uint32_t parameter_id );
* Retransforms a data pool id and an array index to a SCOS 2000 PID.
static uint32_t poolIdAndPositionToPid( uint32_t poolId, uint8_t index );
* Method to return the type of a pool variable.
* @param parameter_id A parameterID (not pool id) of a DP member.
* @param type Returns the type or TYPE::UNKNOWN_TYPE
* @return RETURN_OK if parameter exists, RETURN_FAILED else.
ReturnValue_t getType( uint32_t parameter_id, Type* type );
* Method to check if a PID exists. Does not lock, as there's no
* possibility to alter the list that is checked during run-time.
* @param parameterId The PID (not pool id!) of a parameter.
* @return true if exists, false else.
bool exists(uint32_t parameterId);
//We assume someone globally instantiates a DataPool.
namespace glob {
extern GlobalDataPool dataPool;
#endif /* DATAPOOL_H_ */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalDataPool.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalDataSet.h>
#include <framework/serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h>
GlobDataSet::GlobDataSet(): DataSetBase() {}
// Don't do anything with your variables, they are dead already!
// (Destructor is already called)
GlobDataSet::~GlobDataSet() {}
ReturnValue_t GlobDataSet::commit(bool valid) {
return commit();
ReturnValue_t GlobDataSet::commit() {
return DataSetBase::commit();
ReturnValue_t GlobDataSet::unlockDataPool() {
return glob::dataPool.freeDataPoolLock();
ReturnValue_t GlobDataSet::lockDataPool() {
return glob::dataPool.lockDataPool();
void GlobDataSet::setEntriesValid(bool valid) {
for (uint16_t count = 0; count < fillCount; count++) {
if (registeredVariables[count]->getReadWriteMode()
!= PoolVariableIF::VAR_READ) {
void GlobDataSet::setSetValid(bool valid) {
this->valid = valid;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
#ifndef DATASET_H_
#define DATASET_H_
#include <framework/datapool/DataSetBase.h>
* @brief The DataSet class manages a set of locally checked out variables
* for the global data pool.
* @details
* This class uses the read-commit() semantic provided by the DataSetBase class.
* It extends the base class by using the global data pool,
* having a valid state and implementing lock und unlock calls for the global
* datapool.
* For more information on how this class works, see the DataSetBase
* documentation.
* @author Bastian Baetz
* @ingroup data_pool
class GlobDataSet: public DataSetBase {
* @brief Creates an empty GlobDataSet. Use registerVariable or
* supply a pointer to this dataset to PoolVariable
* initializations to register pool variables.
* @brief The destructor automatically manages writing the valid
* information of variables.
* @details
* In case the data set was read out, but not committed(indicated by state),
* the destructor parses all variables that are still registered to the set.
* For each, the valid flag in the data pool is set to "invalid".
* Variant of method above which sets validity of all elements of the set.
* @param valid Validity information from PoolVariableIF.
* @return - @c RETURN_OK if all variables were read successfully.
* - @c COMMITING_WITHOUT_READING if set was not read yet and
* contains non write-only variables
ReturnValue_t commit(bool valid);
ReturnValue_t commit() override;
* Set all entries
* @param valid
void setSetValid(bool valid);
* Set the valid information of all variables contained in the set which
* are not read-only
* @param valid Validity information from PoolVariableIF.
void setEntriesValid(bool valid);
* If the valid state of a dataset is always relevant to the whole
* data set we can use this flag.
bool valid = false;
* @brief This is a small helper function to facilitate locking
* the global data pool.
* @details
* It makes use of the lockDataPool method offered by the DataPool class.
ReturnValue_t lockDataPool() override;
* @brief This is a small helper function to facilitate
* unlocking the global data pool
* @details
* It makes use of the freeDataPoolLock method offered by the DataPool class.
ReturnValue_t unlockDataPool() override;
void handleAlreadyReadDatasetCommit();
ReturnValue_t handleUnreadDatasetCommit();
#endif /* DATASET_H_ */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
#include <framework/datapool/DataSetIF.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalDataPool.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolVariableIF.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolEntry.h>
#include <framework/serialize/SerializeAdapter.h>
#include <framework/serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h>
template<typename T, uint8_t n_var> class PoolVarList;
* @brief This is the access class for non-array data pool entries.
* @details
* To ensure safe usage of the data pool, operation is not done directly
* on the data pool entries, but on local copies. This class provides simple
* type-safe access to single data pool entries (i.e. entries with length = 1).
* The class can be instantiated as read-write and read only.
* It provides a commit-and-roll-back semantic, which means that the
* variable's value in the data pool is not changed until the
* commit call is executed.
* @tparam T The template parameter sets the type of the variable.
* Currently, all plain data types are supported, but in principle
* any type is possible.
* @ingroup data_pool
template<typename T>
class GlobPoolVar: public PoolVariableIF {
template<typename U, uint8_t n_var> friend class PoolVarList;
static_assert(not std::is_same<T, bool>::value,
"Do not use boolean for the PoolEntry type, use uint8_t instead!"
"There is no boolean type in CCSDS.");
* @brief In the constructor, the variable can register itself in a
* DataSet (if nullptr is not passed).
* @details
* It DOES NOT fetch the current value from the data pool, but
* sets the value attribute to default (0).
* The value is fetched within the read() operation.
* @param set_id This is the id in the global data pool
* this instance of the access class corresponds to.
* @param dataSet The data set in which the variable shall register
* itself. If NULL, the variable is not registered.
* @param setWritable If this flag is set to true, changes in the value
* attribute can be written back to the data pool, otherwise not.
GlobPoolVar(uint32_t set_id, DataSetIF* dataSet,
ReadWriteMode_t setReadWriteMode);
* @brief This is the local copy of the data pool entry.
* @details The user can work on this attribute
* just like he would on a simple local variable.
T value = 0;
* @brief Copy ctor to copy classes containing Pool Variables.
* (Robin): This only copies member variables, which is done
* by the default copy ctor. maybe we can ommit this ctor?
GlobPoolVar(const GlobPoolVar& rhs);
* @brief The classes destructor is empty.
* @details If commit() was not called, the local value is
* discarded and not written back to the data pool.
~GlobPoolVar() {}
* @brief To access the correct data pool entry on read and commit calls,
* the data pool is stored.
uint32_t dataPoolId;
* @brief The valid information as it was stored in the data pool is
* copied to this attribute.
uint8_t valid;
* @brief The information whether the class is read-write or read-only
* is stored here.
pool_rwm_t readWriteMode;
* @brief This is a call to read the value from the global data pool.
* @details
* When executed, this operation tries to fetch the pool entry with matching
* data pool id from the global data pool and copies the value and the valid
* information to its local attributes. In case of a failure (wrong type or
* pool id not found), the variable is set to zero and invalid.
* The operation does NOT provide any mutual exclusive protection by itself.
ReturnValue_t read() override;
* @brief The commit call writes back the variable's value to the data pool.
* @details It checks type and size, as well as if the variable is writable. If so,
* the value is copied and the valid flag is automatically set to "valid".
* The operation does NOT provide any mutual exclusive protection by itself.
ReturnValue_t commit() override;
* Empty ctor for List initialization
* \brief This operation returns the data pool id of the variable.
uint32_t getDataPoolId() const override;
* This method returns if the variable is write-only, read-write or read-only.
ReadWriteMode_t getReadWriteMode() const override;
* This operation sets the data pool id of the variable.
* The method is necessary to set id's of data pool member variables with bad initialization.
void setDataPoolId(uint32_t poolId);
* \brief With this call, the valid information of the variable is returned.
bool isValid() const override;
uint8_t getValid();
void setValid(uint8_t valid);
operator T() {
return value;
operator T() const {
return value;
GlobPoolVar<T> &operator=(T newValue) {
value = newValue;
return *this;
GlobPoolVar<T> &operator=(GlobPoolVar<T> newPoolVariable) {
value = newPoolVariable.value;
return *this;
virtual ReturnValue_t serialize(uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
const size_t max_size, bool bigEndian) const override {
return SerializeAdapter<T>::serialize(&value, buffer, size, max_size,
virtual size_t getSerializedSize() const {
return SerializeAdapter<T>::getSerializedSize(&value);
virtual ReturnValue_t deSerialize(const uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
bool bigEndian) {
return SerializeAdapter<T>::deSerialize(&value, buffer, size, bigEndian);
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalPoolVariable.tpp>
typedef GlobPoolVar<uint8_t> gp_bool_t;
typedef GlobPoolVar<uint8_t> gp_uint8_t;
typedef GlobPoolVar<uint16_t> gp_uint16_t;
typedef GlobPoolVar<uint32_t> gp_uint32_t;
typedef GlobPoolVar<int8_t> gp_int8_t;
typedef GlobPoolVar<int16_t> gp_int16_t;
typedef GlobPoolVar<int32_t> gp_int32_t;
typedef GlobPoolVar<float> gp_float_t;
typedef GlobPoolVar<double> gp_double_t;
#endif /* POOLVARIABLE_H_ */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
template <class T>
inline GlobPoolVar<T>::GlobPoolVar(uint32_t set_id,
DataSetIF* dataSet, ReadWriteMode_t setReadWriteMode):
dataPoolId(set_id), valid(PoolVariableIF::INVALID),
if (dataSet != nullptr) {
template <class T>
inline ReturnValue_t GlobPoolVar<T>::read() {
PoolEntry<T>* read_out = glob::dataPool.getData<T>(dataPoolId, 1);
if (read_out != NULL) {
valid = read_out->valid;
value = *(read_out->address);
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
} else {
value = 0;
valid = false;
sif::error << "PoolVariable: read of DP Variable 0x" << std::hex
<< dataPoolId << std::dec << " failed." << std::endl;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
template <class T>
inline ReturnValue_t GlobPoolVar<T>::commit() {
PoolEntry<T>* write_back = glob::dataPool.getData<T>(dataPoolId, 1);
if ((write_back != NULL) && (readWriteMode != VAR_READ)) {
write_back->valid = valid;
*(write_back->address) = value;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
} else {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
template <class T>
inline GlobPoolVar<T>::GlobPoolVar():
readWriteMode(VAR_READ), value(0) {}
template <class T>
inline GlobPoolVar<T>::GlobPoolVar(const GlobPoolVar& rhs) :
dataPoolId(rhs.dataPoolId), valid(rhs.valid), readWriteMode(
rhs.readWriteMode), value(rhs.value) {}
template <class T>
inline pool_rwm_t GlobPoolVar<T>::getReadWriteMode() const {
return readWriteMode;
template <class T>
inline uint32_t GlobPoolVar<T>::getDataPoolId() const {
return dataPoolId;
template <class T>
inline void GlobPoolVar<T>::setDataPoolId(uint32_t poolId) {
dataPoolId = poolId;
template <class T>
inline bool GlobPoolVar<T>::isValid() const {
if (valid)
return true;
return false;
template <class T>
inline uint8_t GlobPoolVar<T>::getValid() {
return valid;
template <class T>
inline void GlobPoolVar<T>::setValid(uint8_t valid) {
this->valid = valid;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
#include <framework/datapool/DataSetIF.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolEntry.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolVariableIF.h>
#include <framework/serialize/SerializeAdapter.h>
#include <framework/serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h>
* @brief This is the access class for array-type data pool entries.
* @details
* To ensure safe usage of the data pool, operation is not done directly on the
* data pool entries, but on local copies. This class provides simple type-
* and length-safe access to vector-style data pool entries (i.e. entries with
* length > 1). The class can be instantiated as read-write and read only.
* It provides a commit-and-roll-back semantic, which means that no array
* entry in the data pool is changed until the commit call is executed.
* There are two template parameters:
* @tparam T
* This template parameter specifies the data type of an array entry. Currently,
* all plain data types are supported, but in principle any type is possible.
* @tparam vector_size
* This template parameter specifies the vector size of this entry. Using a
* template parameter for this is not perfect, but avoids
* dynamic memory allocation.
* @ingroup data_pool
template<typename T, uint16_t vectorSize>
class GlobPoolVector: public PoolVariableIF {
* @brief In the constructor, the variable can register itself in a
* DataSet (if no nullptr is passed).
* @details
* It DOES NOT fetch the current value from the data pool, but sets the
* value attribute to default (0). The value is fetched within the
* read() operation.
* @param set_id
* This is the id in the global data pool this instance of the access
* class corresponds to.
* @param dataSet
* The data set in which the variable shall register itself. If nullptr,
* the variable is not registered.
* @param setWritable
* If this flag is set to true, changes in the value attribute can be
* written back to the data pool, otherwise not.
GlobPoolVector(uint32_t set_id, DataSetIF* set,
ReadWriteMode_t setReadWriteMode);
* @brief This is the local copy of the data pool entry.
* @details The user can work on this attribute
* just like he would on a local array of this type.
T value[vectorSize];
* @brief The classes destructor is empty.
* @details If commit() was not called, the local value is
* discarded and not written back to the data pool.
~GlobPoolVector() {};
* @brief The operation returns the number of array entries
* in this variable.
uint8_t getSize() {
return vectorSize;
* @brief This operation returns the data pool id of the variable.
uint32_t getDataPoolId() const {
return dataPoolId;
* @brief This operation sets the data pool id of the variable.
* @details
* The method is necessary to set id's of data pool member variables
* with bad initialization.
void setDataPoolId(uint32_t poolId) {
dataPoolId = poolId;
* This method returns if the variable is write-only, read-write or read-only.
ReadWriteMode_t getReadWriteMode() const {
return readWriteMode;
* @brief With this call, the valid information of the variable is returned.
bool isValid() const {
if (valid != INVALID)
return true;
return false;
void setValid(uint8_t valid) {this->valid = valid;}
uint8_t getValid() {return valid;}
T &operator [](int i) {return value[i];}
const T &operator [](int i) const {return value[i];}
virtual ReturnValue_t serialize(uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
const size_t max_size, bool bigEndian) const override;
virtual size_t getSerializedSize() const override;
virtual ReturnValue_t deSerialize(const uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
bool bigEndian) override;
* @brief This is a call to read the array's values
* from the global data pool.
* @details
* When executed, this operation tries to fetch the pool entry with matching
* data pool id from the global data pool and copies all array values
* and the valid information to its local attributes.
* In case of a failure (wrong type, size or pool id not found), the
* variable is set to zero and invalid. The operation does NOT provide
* any mutual exclusive protection by itself.
ReturnValue_t read();
* @brief The commit call copies the array values back to the data pool.
* @details
* It checks type and size, as well as if the variable is writable. If so,
* the value is copied and the valid flag is automatically set to "valid".
* The operation does NOT provide any mutual exclusive protection by itself.
ReturnValue_t commit();
* @brief To access the correct data pool entry on read and commit calls,
* the data pool id is stored.
uint32_t dataPoolId;
* @brief The valid information as it was stored in the data pool
* is copied to this attribute.
uint8_t valid;
* @brief The information whether the class is read-write or
* read-only is stored here.
ReadWriteMode_t readWriteMode;
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalPoolVector.tpp>
template<typename T, uint16_t vectorSize>
using gp_vec_t = GlobPoolVector<T, vectorSize>;
#endif /* POOLVECTOR_H_ */
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
template<typename T, uint16_t vectorSize>
inline GlobPoolVector<T, vectorSize>::GlobPoolVector(uint32_t set_id,
DataSetIF* set, ReadWriteMode_t setReadWriteMode) :
dataPoolId(set_id), valid(false), readWriteMode(setReadWriteMode) {
memset(this->value, 0, vectorSize * sizeof(T));
if (set != nullptr) {
template<typename T, uint16_t vectorSize>
inline ReturnValue_t GlobPoolVector<T, vectorSize>::read() {
PoolEntry<T>* read_out = glob::dataPool.getData<T>(this->dataPoolId,
if (read_out != nullptr) {
this->valid = read_out->valid;
memcpy(this->value, read_out->address, read_out->getByteSize());
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
} else {
memset(this->value, 0, vectorSize * sizeof(T));
sif::error << "PoolVector: Read of DP Variable 0x" << std::hex
<< std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << dataPoolId <<
std::dec << " failed." << std::endl;
this->valid = INVALID;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
template<typename T, uint16_t vectorSize>
inline ReturnValue_t GlobPoolVector<T, vectorSize>::commit() {
PoolEntry<T>* writeBack = glob::dataPool.getData<T>(this->dataPoolId,
if ((writeBack != nullptr) && (this->readWriteMode != VAR_READ)) {
writeBack->valid = valid;
memcpy(writeBack->address, this->value, writeBack->getByteSize());
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
} else {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
template<typename T, uint16_t vectorSize>
inline ReturnValue_t GlobPoolVector<T, vectorSize>::serialize(uint8_t** buffer,
size_t* size, const size_t max_size, bool bigEndian) const {
uint16_t i;
ReturnValue_t result;
for (i = 0; i < vectorSize; i++) {
result = SerializeAdapter<T>::serialize(&(value[i]), buffer, size,
max_size, bigEndian);
if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
return result;
return result;
template<typename T, uint16_t vectorSize>
inline size_t GlobPoolVector<T, vectorSize>::getSerializedSize() const {
return vectorSize * SerializeAdapter<T>::getSerializedSize(value);
template<typename T, uint16_t vectorSize>
inline ReturnValue_t GlobPoolVector<T, vectorSize>::deSerialize(
const uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size, bool bigEndian) {
uint16_t i;
ReturnValue_t result;
for (i = 0; i < vectorSize; i++) {
result = SerializeAdapter<T>::deSerialize(&(value[i]), buffer, size,
if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
return result;
return result;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#ifndef PIDREADER_H_
#define PIDREADER_H_
#include <framework/datapool/DataPool.h>
#include <framework/datapool/DataSetIF.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalDataPool.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolEntry.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolVariableIF.h>
#include <framework/serialize/SerializeAdapter.h>
@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ protected:
uint32_t parameterId;
uint8_t valid;
ReturnValue_t read() {
uint8_t arrayIndex = DataPool::PIDToArrayIndex(parameterId);
PoolEntry<T>* read_out = ::dataPool.getData<T>(
DataPool::PIDToDataPoolId(parameterId), arrayIndex);
uint8_t arrayIndex = GlobalDataPool::PIDToArrayIndex(parameterId);
PoolEntry<T>* read_out = glob::dataPool.getData<T>(
GlobalDataPool::PIDToDataPoolId(parameterId), arrayIndex);
if (read_out != NULL) {
valid = read_out->valid;
value = read_out->address[arrayIndex];
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public:
* \brief This operation returns the data pool id of the variable.
uint32_t getDataPoolId() const {
return DataPool::PIDToDataPoolId(parameterId);
return GlobalDataPool::PIDToDataPoolId(parameterId);
uint32_t getParameterId() const {
return parameterId;
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#include <framework/datapool/PIDReader.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolVariableIF.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/PIDReader.h>
template <class T, uint8_t n_var>
class PIDReaderList {
@ -24,4 +24,4 @@ public:
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
#include <framework/datapool/DataPool.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolEntryIF.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolRawAccess.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalDataPool.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/PoolRawAccess.h>
#include <framework/serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h>
#include <framework/osal/Endiness.h>
PoolRawAccess::PoolRawAccess(uint32_t set_id, uint8_t setArrayEntry,
DataSetIF* data_set, ReadWriteMode_t setReadWriteMode) :
dataPoolId(set_id), arrayEntry(setArrayEntry), valid(false), type(Type::UNKNOWN_TYPE), typeSize(
0), arraySize(0), sizeTillEnd(0), readWriteMode(setReadWriteMode) {
DataSetIF* dataSet, ReadWriteMode_t setReadWriteMode) :
dataPoolId(set_id), arrayEntry(setArrayEntry), valid(false),
type(Type::UNKNOWN_TYPE), typeSize(0), arraySize(0), sizeTillEnd(0),
readWriteMode(setReadWriteMode) {
memset(value, 0, sizeof(value));
if (data_set != NULL) {
if (dataSet != nullptr) {
@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ PoolRawAccess::~PoolRawAccess() {}
ReturnValue_t PoolRawAccess::read() {
ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_FAILED;
PoolEntryIF* read_out = ::dataPool.getRawData(dataPoolId);
if (read_out != NULL) {
result = handleReadOut(read_out);
PoolEntryIF* readOut = glob::dataPool.getRawData(dataPoolId);
if (readOut != nullptr) {
result = handleReadOut(readOut);
if(result == RETURN_OK) {
return result;
@ -31,17 +31,17 @@ ReturnValue_t PoolRawAccess::read() {
return result;
ReturnValue_t PoolRawAccess::handleReadOut(PoolEntryIF* read_out) {
ReturnValue_t PoolRawAccess::handleReadOut(PoolEntryIF* readOut) {
ReturnValue_t result = RETURN_FAILED;
valid = read_out->getValid();
if (read_out->getSize() > arrayEntry) {
arraySize = read_out->getSize();
typeSize = read_out->getByteSize() / read_out->getSize();
type = read_out->getType();
valid = readOut->getValid();
if (readOut->getSize() > arrayEntry) {
arraySize = readOut->getSize();
typeSize = readOut->getByteSize() / readOut->getSize();
type = readOut->getType();
if (typeSize <= sizeof(value)) {
uint16_t arrayPosition = arrayEntry * typeSize;
sizeTillEnd = read_out->getByteSize() - arrayPosition;
uint8_t* ptr = &((uint8_t*) read_out->getRawData())[arrayPosition];
sizeTillEnd = readOut->getByteSize() - arrayPosition;
uint8_t* ptr = &((uint8_t*) readOut->getRawData())[arrayPosition];
memcpy(value, ptr, typeSize);
return RETURN_OK;
} else {
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ void PoolRawAccess::handleReadError(ReturnValue_t result) {
ReturnValue_t PoolRawAccess::commit() {
PoolEntryIF* write_back = ::dataPool.getRawData(dataPoolId);
PoolEntryIF* write_back = glob::dataPool.getRawData(dataPoolId);
if ((write_back != NULL) && (readWriteMode != VAR_READ)) {
uint8_t array_position = arrayEntry * typeSize;
@ -93,7 +93,9 @@ uint8_t* PoolRawAccess::getEntry() {
ReturnValue_t PoolRawAccess::getEntryEndianSafe(uint8_t* buffer,
uint32_t* writtenBytes, uint32_t max_size) {
uint8_t* data_ptr = getEntry();
// debug << "PoolRawAccess::getEntry: Array position: " << index * size_of_type << " Size of T: " << (int)size_of_type << " ByteSize: " << byte_size << " Position: " << *size << std::endl;
// debug << "PoolRawAccess::getEntry: Array position: " <<
// index * size_of_type << " Size of T: " << (int)size_of_type <<
// " ByteSize: " << byte_size << " Position: " << *size << std::endl;
if (typeSize == 0)
if (typeSize > max_size)
@ -2,30 +2,23 @@
#include <framework/datapool/DataSetIF.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolEntryIF.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolVariableIF.h>
#include <framework/globalfunctions/Type.h>
* @brief This class allows accessing Data Pool variables as raw bytes.
* @details
* This is necessary to have an access method for HK data, as the PID's alone do not
* provide a type information. Please note that the the raw pool access read() and commit()
* calls are not thread-safe.
* Please supply a data set and use the data set read(), commit() calls for thread-safe
* data pool access.
* This is necessary to have an access method for HK data, as the PID's alone
* do not provide type information. Please note that the the raw pool access
* read() and commit() calls are not thread-safe.
* Please supply a data set and use the data set read(), commit() calls for
* thread-safe data pool access.
* @ingroup data_pool
class PoolRawAccess: public PoolVariableIF, HasReturnvaluesIF {
static const ReturnValue_t INCORRECT_SIZE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0x01);
static const ReturnValue_t DATA_POOL_ACCESS_FAILED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0x02);
static const ReturnValue_t READ_TYPE_TOO_LARGE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0x03);
static const ReturnValue_t READ_INDEX_TOO_LARGE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0x04);
static const ReturnValue_t READ_ENTRY_NON_EXISTENT = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0x05);
static const uint8_t RAW_MAX_SIZE = sizeof(double);
uint8_t value[RAW_MAX_SIZE];
* This constructor is used to access a data pool entry with a
* given ID if the target type is not known. A DataSet object is supplied
@ -44,30 +37,25 @@ public:
PoolRawAccess(uint32_t data_pool_id, uint8_t arrayEntry,
DataSetIF* data_set, ReadWriteMode_t setReadWriteMode =
* \brief The classes destructor is empty. If commit() was not called, the local value is
* discarded and not written back to the data pool.
* \brief This operation returns a pointer to the entry fetched.
* \details Return pointer to the buffer containing the raw data
* @brief This operation returns a pointer to the entry fetched.
* @details Return pointer to the buffer containing the raw data
* Size and number of data can be retrieved by other means.
uint8_t* getEntry();
* \brief This operation returns the fetched entry from the data pool and
* @brief This operation returns the fetched entry from the data pool and
* flips the bytes, if necessary.
* \details It makes use of the getEntry call of this function, but additionally flips the
* @details It makes use of the getEntry call of this function, but additionally flips the
* bytes to big endian, which is the default for external communication (as House-
* keeping telemetry). To achieve this, the data is copied directly to the passed
* buffer, if it fits in the given max_size.
* \param buffer A pointer to a buffer to write to
* \param writtenBytes The number of bytes written is returned with this value.
* \param max_size The maximum size that the function may write to buffer.
* \return - \c RETURN_OK if entry could be acquired
* - \c RETURN_FAILED else.
* @param buffer A pointer to a buffer to write to
* @param writtenBytes The number of bytes written is returned with this value.
* @param max_size The maximum size that the function may write to buffer.
* @return - @c RETURN_OK if entry could be acquired
* - @c RETURN_FAILED else.
ReturnValue_t getEntryEndianSafe(uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t* size,
uint32_t max_size);
@ -88,17 +76,17 @@ public:
* With this method, the content can be set from a big endian buffer safely.
* @param buffer Pointer to the data to set
* @param size Size of the data to write. Must fit this->size.
* @return - \c RETURN_OK on success
* - \c RETURN_FAILED on failure
* @return - @c RETURN_OK on success
* - @c RETURN_FAILED on failure
ReturnValue_t setEntryFromBigEndian(const uint8_t* buffer,
uint32_t setSize);
* \brief This operation returns the type of the entry currently stored.
* @brief This operation returns the type of the entry currently stored.
Type getType();
* \brief This operation returns the size of the entry currently stored.
* @brief This operation returns the size of the entry currently stored.
uint8_t getSizeOfType();
@ -107,15 +95,32 @@ public:
uint8_t getArraySize();
* \brief This operation returns the data pool id of the variable.
* @brief This operation returns the data pool id of the variable.
uint32_t getDataPoolId() const;
static const ReturnValue_t INCORRECT_SIZE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0x01);
static const ReturnValue_t DATA_POOL_ACCESS_FAILED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0x02);
static const ReturnValue_t READ_TYPE_TOO_LARGE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0x03);
static const ReturnValue_t READ_INDEX_TOO_LARGE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0x04);
static const ReturnValue_t READ_ENTRY_NON_EXISTENT = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0x05);
static const uint8_t RAW_MAX_SIZE = sizeof(double);
uint8_t value[RAW_MAX_SIZE];
* @brief The classes destructor is empty. If commit() was not called, the local value is
* discarded and not written back to the data pool.
* This method returns if the variable is read-write or read-only.
ReadWriteMode_t getReadWriteMode() const;
* \brief With this call, the valid information of the variable is returned.
* @brief With this call, the valid information of the variable is returned.
bool isValid() const;
@ -132,8 +137,8 @@ public:
* \brief This is a call to read the value from the global data pool.
* \details When executed, this operation tries to fetch the pool entry with matching
* @brief This is a call to read the value from the global data pool.
* @details When executed, this operation tries to fetch the pool entry with matching
* data pool id from the global data pool and copies the value and the valid
* information to its local attributes. In case of a failure (wrong type or
* pool id not found), the variable is set to zero and invalid.
@ -148,8 +153,8 @@ protected:
ReturnValue_t read();
* \brief The commit call writes back the variable's value to the data pool.
* \details It checks type and size, as well as if the variable is writable. If so,
* @brief The commit call writes back the variable's value to the data pool.
* @details It checks type and size, as well as if the variable is writable. If so,
* the value is copied and the valid flag is automatically set to "valid".
* The operation does NOT provide any mutual exclusive protection by itself.
@ -160,24 +165,24 @@ protected:
void handleReadError(ReturnValue_t result);
* \brief To access the correct data pool entry on read and commit calls, the data pool id
* @brief To access the correct data pool entry on read and commit calls, the data pool id
* is stored.
uint32_t dataPoolId;
* \brief The array entry that is fetched from the data pool.
* @brief The array entry that is fetched from the data pool.
uint8_t arrayEntry;
* \brief The valid information as it was stored in the data pool is copied to this attribute.
* @brief The valid information as it was stored in the data pool is copied to this attribute.
uint8_t valid;
* \brief This value contains the type of the data pool entry.
* @brief This value contains the type of the data pool entry.
Type type;
* \brief This value contains the size of the data pool entry type in bytes.
* @brief This value contains the size of the data pool entry type in bytes.
uint8_t typeSize;
@ -189,7 +194,7 @@ private:
uint16_t sizeTillEnd;
* \brief The information whether the class is read-write or read-only is stored here.
* @brief The information whether the class is read-write or read-only is stored here.
ReadWriteMode_t readWriteMode;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
#include <framework/datapoollocal/LocalDataSet.h>
fill_count(0), state(DATA_SET_UNINITIALISED)
for (unsigned count = 0; count < DATA_SET_MAX_SIZE; count++) {
registeredVariables[count] = nullptr;
// who has the responsibility to lock the mutex? the local pool variable
// has access to the HK manager and could call its mutex lock function.
ReturnValue_t LocalDataSet::registerVariable(
PoolVariableIF *variable) {
return RETURN_OK;
LocalDataSet::~LocalDataSet() {
ReturnValue_t LocalDataSet::read() {
return RETURN_OK;
ReturnValue_t LocalDataSet::commit(void) {
return RETURN_OK;
ReturnValue_t LocalDataSet::commit(bool valid) {
return RETURN_OK;
void LocalDataSet::setSetValid(bool valid) {
void LocalDataSet::setEntriesValid(bool valid) {
ReturnValue_t LocalDataSet::serialize(uint8_t **buffer,
size_t *size, const size_t max_size, bool bigEndian) const {
return RETURN_OK;
size_t LocalDataSet::getSerializedSize() const {
return 0;
ReturnValue_t LocalDataSet::deSerialize(const uint8_t **buffer,
size_t *size, bool bigEndian) {
return RETURN_OK;
ReturnValue_t LocalDataSet::lockDataPool() {
return RETURN_OK;
ReturnValue_t LocalDataSet::unlockDataPool() {
return RETURN_OK;
void LocalDataSet::handleAlreadyReadDatasetCommit() {
ReturnValue_t LocalDataSet::handleUnreadDatasetCommit() {
return RETURN_OK;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
#include <framework/datapool/DataSetIF.h>
#include <framework/serialize/SerializeIF.h>
* @brief The LocalDataSet class manages a set of locally checked out variables
* for local data pools
* @details
* This class manages a list, where a set of local variables (or pool variables)
* are registered. They are checked-out (i.e. their values are looked
* up and copied) with the read call. After the user finishes working with the
* pool variables, he can write back all variable values to the pool with
* the commit call. The data set manages locking and freeing the local data pools,
* to ensure thread-safety.
* An internal state manages usage of this class. Variables may only be
* registered before the read call is made, and the commit call only
* after the read call.
* If pool variables are writable and not committed until destruction
* of the set, the DataSet class automatically sets the valid flag in the
* data pool to invalid (without) changing the variable's value.
* @ingroup data_pool
class LocalDataSet:
public DataSetIF,
public HasReturnvaluesIF,
public SerializeIF {
static constexpr uint8_t INTERFACE_ID = CLASS_ID::DATA_SET_CLASS;
static constexpr ReturnValue_t INVALID_PARAMETER_DEFINITION =
static constexpr ReturnValue_t SET_WAS_ALREADY_READ = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( 0x02 );
static constexpr ReturnValue_t COMMITING_WITHOUT_READING =
static constexpr ReturnValue_t DATA_SET_UNINITIALIZED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( 0x04 );
static constexpr ReturnValue_t DATA_SET_FULL = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( 0x05 );
static constexpr ReturnValue_t POOL_VAR_NULL = MAKE_RETURN_CODE( 0x06 );
* @brief The constructor simply sets the fill_count to zero and sets
* the state to "uninitialized".
* @brief This operation is used to register the local variables in the set.
* @details It stores the pool variable pointer in a variable list.
ReturnValue_t registerVariable(PoolVariableIF* variable) override;
* @brief The destructor automatically manages writing the valid
* information of variables.
* @details
* In case the data set was read out, but not committed(indicated by state),
* the destructor parses all variables that are still registered to the set.
* For each, the valid flag in the data pool is set to "invalid".
* @brief The read call initializes reading out all registered variables.
* @details
* It iterates through the list of registered variables and calls all read()
* functions of the registered pool variables (which read out their values
* from the data pool) which are not write-only.
* In case of an error (e.g. a wrong data type, or an invalid data pool id),
* the operation is aborted and @c INVALID_PARAMETER_DEFINITION returned.
* The data pool is locked during the whole read operation and
* freed afterwards.The state changes to "was written" after this operation.
* @return - @c RETURN_OK if all variables were read successfully.
* - @c INVALID_PARAMETER_DEFINITION if PID, size or type of the
* requested variable is invalid.
* - @c SET_WAS_ALREADY_READ if read() is called twice without
* calling commit() in between
ReturnValue_t read();
* @brief The commit call initializes writing back the registered variables.
* @details
* It iterates through the list of registered variables and calls the
* commit() method of the remaining registered variables (which write back
* their values to the pool).
* The data pool is locked during the whole commit operation and
* freed afterwards. The state changes to "was committed" after this operation.
* If the set does contain at least one variable which is not write-only commit()
* can only be called after read(). If the set only contains variables which are
* write only, commit() can be called without a preceding read() call.
* @return - @c RETURN_OK if all variables were read successfully.
* - @c COMMITING_WITHOUT_READING if set was not read yet and
* contains non write-only variables
ReturnValue_t commit(void);
* Variant of method above which sets validity of all elements of the set.
* @param valid Validity information from PoolVariableIF.
* @return - @c RETURN_OK if all variables were read successfully.
* - @c COMMITING_WITHOUT_READING if set was not read yet and
* contains non write-only variables
ReturnValue_t commit(bool valid);
* Set all entries
* @param valid
void setSetValid(bool valid);
* Set the valid information of all variables contained in the set which
* are not read-only
* @param valid Validity information from PoolVariableIF.
void setEntriesValid(bool valid);
ReturnValue_t serialize(uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
const size_t max_size, bool bigEndian) const override;
size_t getSerializedSize() const override;
ReturnValue_t deSerialize(const uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
bool bigEndian) override;
// SHOULDDO we could use a linked list of datapool variables
//! This definition sets the maximum number of variables
//! to register in one DataSet.
static const uint8_t DATA_SET_MAX_SIZE = 63;
* @brief This array represents all pool variables registered in this set.
PoolVariableIF* registeredVariables[DATA_SET_MAX_SIZE];
* @brief The fill_count attribute ensures that the variables register in
* the correct array position and that the maximum number of
* variables is not exceeded.
uint16_t fill_count;
* States of the seet.
enum States {
* @brief state manages the internal state of the data set,
* which is important e.g. for the behavior on destruction.
States state;
* If the valid state of a dataset is always relevant to the whole
* data set we can use this flag.
bool valid = false;
* @brief This is a small helper function to facilitate locking
* the underlying data data pool structure
* @details
* It makes use of the lockDataPool method offered by the DataPool class.
ReturnValue_t lockDataPool() override;
* @brief This is a small helper function to facilitate
* unlocking the underlying data data pool structure
* @details
* It makes use of the freeDataPoolLock method offered by the DataPool class.
ReturnValue_t unlockDataPool() override;
void handleAlreadyReadDatasetCommit();
ReturnValue_t handleUnreadDatasetCommit();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
#include <framework/datapool/PoolVariableIF.h>
#include <framework/datapool/DataSetIF.h>
#include <framework/housekeeping/HousekeepingManager.h>
#include <map>
* @brief This is the access class for non-array local data pool entries.
* @details
* @tparam T The template parameter sets the type of the variable.
* Currently, all plain data types are supported, but in principle
* any type is possible.
* @ingroup data_pool
* @brief Local Pool Variable class which is used to access the local pools.
* @details This class is not stored in the map. Instead, it is used to access
* the pool entries by using a pointer to the map storing the pool
* entries. It can also be used to organize these pool entries
* into data sets.
* @tparam T
template<typename T>
class LocalPoolVar: public PoolVariableIF, HasReturnvaluesIF {
static constexpr lp_id_t INVALID_POOL_ID = 0xFFFFFFFF;
* This constructor is used by the data creators to have pool variable
* instances which can also be stored in datasets.
* @param set_id
* @param setReadWriteMode
* @param localPoolMap
* @param dataSet
LocalPoolVar(lp_id_t poolId, HasHkPoolParametersIF* hkOwner,
pool_rwm_t setReadWriteMode, DataSetIF* dataSet = nullptr);
* This constructor is used by data users like controllers to have
* access to the local pool variables of data creators by supplying
* the respective creator object ID.
* @param poolId
* @param poolOwner
* @param setReadWriteMode
* @param dataSet
LocalPoolVar(lp_id_t poolId, object_id_t poolOwner,
pool_rwm_t setReadWriteMode, DataSetIF* dataSet = nullptr);
virtual~ LocalPoolVar() {};
* @brief This is the local copy of the data pool entry.
* @details The user can work on this attribute
* just like he would on a simple local variable.
T value = 0;
ReturnValue_t commit() override;
ReturnValue_t read() override;
pool_rwm_t getReadWriteMode() const override;
uint32_t getDataPoolId() const override;
bool isValid() const override;
void setValid(uint8_t validity) override;
ReturnValue_t serialize(uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
const size_t max_size, bool bigEndian) const override;
virtual size_t getSerializedSize() const override;
virtual ReturnValue_t deSerialize(const uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
bool bigEndian) override;
lp_id_t localPoolId = INVALID_POOL_ID;
pool_rwm_t readWriteMode = pool_rwm_t::VAR_READ_WRITE;
bool valid = false;
bool objectValid = true;
//! Pointer to the class which manages the HK pool.
HousekeepingManager* hkManager;
#include <framework/datapoollocal/LocalPoolVariable.tpp>
template<class T>
using lp_variable = LocalPoolVar<T>;
using lp_bool_t = LocalPoolVar<bool>;
using lp_uint8_t = LocalPoolVar<uint8_t>;
using lp_uint16_t = LocalPoolVar<uint16_t>;
using lp_uint32_t = LocalPoolVar<uint32_t>;
using lp_uint64_t = LocalPoolVar<uint64_t>;
using lp_int8_t = LocalPoolVar<int8_t>;
using lp_int16_t = LocalPoolVar<int16_t>;
using lp_int32_t = LocalPoolVar<int32_t>;
using lp_int64_t = LocalPoolVar<int64_t>;
using lp_float_t = LocalPoolVar<float>;
using lp_double_t = LocalPoolVar<double>;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
#include <framework/housekeeping/HasHkPoolParametersIF.h>
#include <framework/objectmanager/ObjectManagerIF.h>
#include <framework/serialize/SerializeAdapter.h>
template<typename T>
inline LocalPoolVar<T>::LocalPoolVar(lp_id_t poolId,
HasHkPoolParametersIF* hkOwner, pool_rwm_t setReadWriteMode,
DataSetIF* dataSet):
localPoolId(poolId),readWriteMode(setReadWriteMode) {
hkManager = hkOwner->getHkManagerHandle();
if(dataSet != nullptr) {
template<typename T>
inline LocalPoolVar<T>::LocalPoolVar(lp_id_t poolId, object_id_t poolOwner,
pool_rwm_t setReadWriteMode, DataSetIF *dataSet):
readWriteMode(readWriteMode) {
HasHkPoolParametersIF* hkOwner =
if(hkOwner == nullptr) {
sif::error << "LocalPoolVariable: The supplied pool owner did not implement"
"the correct interface HasHkPoolParametersIF!" << std::endl;
objectValid = false;
hkManager = hkOwner->getHkManagerHandle();
if(dataSet != nullptr) {
template<typename T>
inline ReturnValue_t LocalPoolVar<T>::read() {
if(readWriteMode == pool_rwm_t::VAR_WRITE) {
sif::debug << "LocalPoolVar: Invalid read write "
"mode for read() call." << std::endl;
// TODO: special return value
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
MutexHelper(hkManager->getMutexHandle(), MutexIF::NO_TIMEOUT);
PoolEntry<T>* poolEntry = nullptr;
ReturnValue_t result = hkManager->fetchPoolEntry(localPoolId, poolEntry);
if(result != RETURN_OK) {
return result;
this->value = *(poolEntry->address);
return RETURN_OK;
template<typename T>
inline ReturnValue_t LocalPoolVar<T>::commit() {
if(readWriteMode == pool_rwm_t::VAR_READ) {
sif::debug << "LocalPoolVar: Invalid read write "
"mode for commit() call." << std::endl;
// TODO: special return value
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
MutexHelper(hkManager->getMutexHandle(), MutexIF::NO_TIMEOUT);
PoolEntry<T>* poolEntry = nullptr;
ReturnValue_t result = hkManager->fetchPoolEntry(localPoolId, poolEntry);
if(result != RETURN_OK) {
return result;
*(poolEntry->address) = this->value;
return RETURN_OK;
template<typename T>
inline pool_rwm_t LocalPoolVar<T>::getReadWriteMode() const {
return readWriteMode;
template<typename T>
inline lp_id_t LocalPoolVar<T>::getDataPoolId() const {
return localPoolId;
template<typename T>
inline bool LocalPoolVar<T>::isValid() const {
return valid;
template<typename T>
inline void LocalPoolVar<T>::setValid(uint8_t validity) {
this->valid = validity;
template<typename T>
inline ReturnValue_t LocalPoolVar<T>::serialize(uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
const size_t max_size, bool bigEndian) const {
return AutoSerializeAdapter::serialize(&value,
buffer, size ,max_size, bigEndian);
template<typename T>
inline size_t LocalPoolVar<T>::getSerializedSize() const {
return AutoSerializeAdapter::getSerializedSize(&value);
template<typename T>
inline ReturnValue_t LocalPoolVar<T>::deSerialize(const uint8_t** buffer,
size_t* size, bool bigEndian) {
return AutoSerializeAdapter::deSerialize(&value, buffer, size, bigEndian);
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalDataSet.h>
#include <framework/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerBase.h>
#include <framework/objectmanager/ObjectManager.h>
#include <framework/storagemanager/StorageManagerIF.h>
#include <framework/thermal/ThermalComponentIF.h>
#include <framework/devicehandlers/AcceptsDeviceResponsesIF.h>
#include <framework/datapool/DataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolVariable.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalPoolVariable.h>
#include <framework/devicehandlers/DeviceTmReportingWrapper.h>
#include <framework/globalfunctions/CRC.h>
#include <framework/subsystem/SubsystemBase.h>
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ DeviceHandlerBase::DeviceHandlerBase(object_id_t setObjectId,
DeviceHandlerBase::~DeviceHandlerBase() {
delete comCookie;
if (defaultFDIRUsed) {
delete fdirInstance;
@ -165,8 +165,8 @@ ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::initialize() {
//Set temperature target state to NON_OP.
DataSet mySet;
PoolVariable<int8_t> thermalRequest(deviceThermalRequestPoolId, &mySet,
GlobDataSet mySet;
gp_uint8_t thermalRequest(deviceThermalRequestPoolId, &mySet,
thermalRequest = ThermalComponentIF::STATE_REQUEST_NON_OPERATIONAL;
@ -434,8 +434,8 @@ void DeviceHandlerBase::setMode(Mode_t newMode, uint8_t newSubmode) {
if (mode == MODE_OFF) {
DataSet mySet;
PoolVariable<int8_t> thermalRequest(deviceThermalRequestPoolId, &mySet,
GlobDataSet mySet;
gp_uint8_t thermalRequest(deviceThermalRequestPoolId, &mySet,
if (thermalRequest != ThermalComponentIF::STATE_REQUEST_IGNORE) {
@ -892,10 +892,10 @@ ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::checkModeCommand(Mode_t commandedMode,
if ((commandedMode == MODE_ON) && (mode == MODE_OFF)
&& (deviceThermalStatePoolId != PoolVariableIF::NO_PARAMETER)) {
DataSet mySet;
PoolVariable<int8_t> thermalState(deviceThermalStatePoolId, &mySet,
GlobDataSet mySet;
gp_uint8_t thermalState(deviceThermalStatePoolId, &mySet,
PoolVariable<int8_t> thermalRequest(deviceThermalRequestPoolId, &mySet,
gp_uint8_t thermalRequest(deviceThermalRequestPoolId, &mySet,
if (thermalRequest != ThermalComponentIF::STATE_REQUEST_IGNORE) {
@ -922,8 +922,8 @@ void DeviceHandlerBase::startTransition(Mode_t commandedMode,
childTransitionDelay = getTransitionDelayMs(_MODE_START_UP,
triggerEvent(CHANGING_MODE, commandedMode, commandedSubmode);
DataSet mySet;
PoolVariable<int8_t> thermalRequest(deviceThermalRequestPoolId,
GlobDataSet mySet;
gp_int8_t thermalRequest(deviceThermalRequestPoolId,
&mySet, PoolVariableIF::VAR_READ_WRITE);
if (thermalRequest != ThermalComponentIF::STATE_REQUEST_IGNORE) {
@ -1137,9 +1137,9 @@ void DeviceHandlerBase::handleDeviceTM(SerializeIF* data,
//Try to cast to DataSet and commit data.
//Try to cast to GlobDataSet and commit data.
if (!neverInDataPool) {
DataSet* dataSet = dynamic_cast<DataSet*>(data);
GlobDataSet* dataSet = dynamic_cast<GlobDataSet*>(data);
if (dataSet != NULL) {
@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ CXXSRC += $(wildcard $(FRAMEWORK_PATH)/controller/*.cpp)
CXXSRC += $(wildcard $(FRAMEWORK_PATH)/coordinates/*.cpp)
CXXSRC += $(wildcard $(FRAMEWORK_PATH)/datalinklayer/*.cpp)
CXXSRC += $(wildcard $(FRAMEWORK_PATH)/datapool/*.cpp)
CXXSRC += $(wildcard $(FRAMEWORK_PATH)/datapoolglob/*.cpp)
CXXSRC += $(wildcard $(FRAMEWORK_PATH)/datapoollocal/*.cpp)
CXXSRC += $(wildcard $(FRAMEWORK_PATH)/devicehandlers/*.cpp)
CXXSRC += $(wildcard $(FRAMEWORK_PATH)/events/*.cpp)
CXXSRC += $(wildcard $(FRAMEWORK_PATH)/events/eventmatching/*.cpp)
@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
#include <framework/returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h>
#include <framework/serialize/SerializeIF.h>
* @brief Type definition for CCSDS or ECSS.
class Type: public SerializeIF {
enum ActualType_t {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#include <framework/datapool/PoolEntryIF.h>
#include <framework/ipc/MessageQueueSenderIF.h>
#include <map>
class HousekeepingManager;
* @brief Type definition for local pool entries.
using lp_id_t = uint32_t;
using LocalDataPoolMap = std::map<lp_id_t, PoolEntryIF*>;
using LocalDataPoolMapIter = LocalDataPoolMap::iterator;
* @brief
class HasHkPoolParametersIF {
virtual~ HasHkPoolParametersIF() {};
virtual MessageQueueId_t getCommandQueue() const = 0;
virtual ReturnValue_t initializeHousekeepingPoolEntries(
LocalDataPoolMap& localDataPoolMap) = 0;
virtual float setMinimalHkSamplingFrequency() = 0;
virtual HousekeepingManager* getHkManagerHandle() = 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#include <framework/housekeeping/HousekeepingManager.h>
#include <framework/returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h>
#include <framework/ipc/MutexFactory.h>
#include <framework/ipc/MutexHelper.h>
HousekeepingManager::HousekeepingManager(HasHkPoolParametersIF* owner) {
//todo :: nullptr check owner.
if(owner == nullptr) {
sif::error << "HkManager: Invalid supplied owner!" << std::endl;
this->owner = owner;
mutex = MutexFactory::instance()->createMutex();
HousekeepingManager::~HousekeepingManager() {}
ReturnValue_t HousekeepingManager::initializeHousekeepingPoolEntriesOnce() {
if(not mapInitialized) {
ReturnValue_t result = owner->initializeHousekeepingPoolEntries(localDpMap);
if(result == HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
mapInitialized = true;
return result;
sif::warning << "hk manager says no" << std::endl;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
ReturnValue_t HousekeepingManager::handleHousekeepingMessage(
CommandMessage *message) {
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
MutexIF* HousekeepingManager::getMutexHandle() {
return mutex;
void HousekeepingManager::setMinimalSamplingFrequency(float frequencySeconds) {
this->samplingFrequency = frequencySeconds;
void HousekeepingManager::generateHousekeepingPacket(DataSetIF *dataSet) {
void HousekeepingManager::setHkPacketQueue(MessageQueueIF *msgQueue) {
this->hkPacketQueue = msgQueue;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
#include <framework/datapool/DataSetIF.h>
#include <framework/objectmanager/SystemObjectIF.h>
#include <framework/housekeeping/HasHkPoolParametersIF.h>
#include <framework/ipc/MutexIF.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolEntry.h>
#include <framework/ipc/CommandMessage.h>
#include <framework/ipc/MessageQueueIF.h>
#include <framework/ipc/MutexHelper.h>
#include <map>
class HousekeepingManager {
static constexpr float MINIMAL_SAMPLING_FREQUENCY = 0.2;
HousekeepingManager(HasHkPoolParametersIF* owner);
virtual~ HousekeepingManager();
MutexIF* getMutexHandle();
// propably will just call respective local data set functions.
void generateHousekeepingPacket(DataSetIF* dataSet);
ReturnValue_t handleHousekeepingMessage(CommandMessage* message);
* Read a variable by supplying its local pool ID and assign the pool
* entry to the supplied PoolEntry pointer. The type of the pool entry
* is deduced automatically. This call is not thread-safe!
* @tparam T Type of the pool entry
* @param localPoolId Pool ID of the variable to read
* @param poolVar [out] Corresponding pool entry will be assigned to the
* supplied pointer.
* @return
template <class T>
ReturnValue_t fetchPoolEntry(lp_id_t localPoolId, PoolEntry<T> *poolEntry);
void setMinimalSamplingFrequency(float frequencySeconds);
* This function is used to fill the local data pool map with pool
* entries. The default implementation is empty.
* @param localDataPoolMap
* @return
ReturnValue_t initializeHousekeepingPoolEntriesOnce();
void setHkPacketQueue(MessageQueueIF* msgQueue);
//! this depends on the PST frequency.. maybe it would be better to just
//! set this manually with a global configuration value which is also
//! passed to the PST. Or force setting this in device handler.
float samplingFrequency = MINIMAL_SAMPLING_FREQUENCY;
//! This is the map holding the actual data. Should only be initialized
//! once !
bool mapInitialized = false;
LocalDataPoolMap localDpMap;
//! Every housekeeping data manager has a mutex to protect access
//! to it's data pool.
MutexIF * mutex = nullptr;
//! The class which actually owns the manager (and its datapool).
HasHkPoolParametersIF* owner = nullptr;
//! Used for replies.
//! (maybe we dont need this, the sender can be retrieved from command
//! message..)
MessageQueueIF* hkReplyQueue = nullptr;
//! Used for HK packets, which are generated without requests.
MessageQueueIF* hkPacketQueue = nullptr;
template<class T> inline
ReturnValue_t HousekeepingManager::fetchPoolEntry(lp_id_t localPoolId,
PoolEntry<T> *poolEntry) {
auto poolIter = localDpMap.find(localPoolId);
if (poolIter == localDpMap.end()) {
// todo: special returnvalue.
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
poolEntry = dynamic_cast< PoolEntry<T>* >(poolIter->second);
if(poolEntry == nullptr) {
// todo: special returnvalue.
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#include <framework/housekeeping/HousekeepingMessage.h>
void HousekeepingMessage::setAddHkReportStructMessage(CommandMessage *message,
set_t setId, store_address_t packet) {
//void Housekeeping
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
#include <framework/ipc/CommandMessage.h>
#include <framework/storagemanager/StorageManagerIF.h>
#include <limits>
* the sid consists of the target object ID and... something else I forgot.
* Propably a special HK id to distinguish multiple hk pool packages
* inside a handler or controller
typedef uint32_t set_t;
union sid_t {
static constexpr uint64_t INVALID_ADDRESS = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
sid_t(): raw(INVALID_ADDRESS) {}
struct {
object_id_t objectId ;
set_t hkId;
* Alternative access to the raw value.
uint64_t raw;
class HousekeepingMessage {
* No instances of a message shall be created, instead
* a CommandMessage instance is manipulated.
HousekeepingMessage() = delete;
HousekeepingMessage(const HousekeepingMessage&) = delete;
HousekeepingMessage operator=(const HousekeepingMessage &) = delete;
static constexpr uint8_t MESSAGE_ID = MESSAGE_TYPE::HOUSEKEEPING;
static constexpr Command_t ADD_HK_REPORT_STRUCT =
static constexpr Command_t ADD_DIAGNOSTICS_REPORT_STRUCT =
static constexpr Command_t DELETE_HK_REPORT_STRUCT = MAKE_COMMAND_ID(3);
static constexpr Command_t DELETE_DIAGNOSTICS_REPORT_STRUCT =
static constexpr Command_t ENABLE_PERIODIC_HK_GENERATION =
static constexpr Command_t REPORT_HK_REPORT_STRUCTURES = MAKE_COMMAND_ID(9);
static constexpr Command_t HK_DEFINITIONS_REPORT = MAKE_COMMAND_ID(10);
static constexpr Command_t HK_REPORT = MAKE_COMMAND_ID(25);
static constexpr Command_t DIAGNOSTICS_REPORT = MAKE_COMMAND_ID(26);
static constexpr Command_t GENERATE_ONE_PARAMETER_REPORT =
static constexpr Command_t GENERATE_ONE_DIAGNOSTICS_REPORT =
static void setAddHkReportStructMessage(CommandMessage* message,
set_t setId, store_address_t packet);
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalDataSet.h>
#include "InternalErrorReporter.h"
#include <framework/datapool/DataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolVariable.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalPoolVariable.h>
#include <framework/ipc/MutexFactory.h>
#include <framework/serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h>
@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ InternalErrorReporter::~InternalErrorReporter() {
ReturnValue_t InternalErrorReporter::performOperation(uint8_t opCode) {
DataSet mySet;
PoolVariable<uint32_t> queueHitsInPool(queuePoolId, &mySet,
GlobDataSet mySet;
gp_uint32_t queueHitsInPool(queuePoolId, &mySet,
PoolVariable<uint32_t> tmHitsInPool(tmPoolId, &mySet,
gp_uint32_t tmHitsInPool(tmPoolId, &mySet,
PoolVariable<uint32_t> storeHitsInPool(storePoolId, &mySet,
gp_uint32_t storeHitsInPool(storePoolId, &mySet,
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#include <framework/datapool/DataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PIDReader.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalDataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/PIDReader.h>
#include <framework/monitoring/LimitViolationReporter.h>
#include <framework/monitoring/MonitoringIF.h>
#include <framework/monitoring/MonitoringMessageContent.h>
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public:
virtual ReturnValue_t fetchSample(T* sample) {
DataSet mySet;
GlobDataSet mySet;
PIDReader<T> parameter(this->parameterId, &mySet);
if (!parameter.isValid()) {
@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ void ObjectManager::initialize() {
return_value = it->second->initialize();
if ( return_value != RETURN_OK ) {
object_id_t var = it->first;
sif::error << "Object " << std::hex << (int) var
<< " failed to initialize with code 0x" << return_value
<< std::dec << std::endl;
sif::error << "Object 0x" << std::hex << std::setw(8) <<
std::setfill('0')<< var << " failed to initialize " <<
"with code 0x" << return_value << std::dec << std::endl;
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Fuse::Fuse(object_id_t fuseObjectId, uint8_t fuseId, VariableIds ids,
SystemObject(fuseObjectId), oldFuseState(0), fuseId(fuseId), powerIF(
NULL), currentLimit(fuseObjectId, 1, ids.pidCurrent, confirmationCount,
maxCurrent, FUSE_CURRENT_HIGH), powerMonitor(fuseObjectId, 2,
DataPool::poolIdAndPositionToPid(ids.poolIdPower, 0),
GlobalDataPool::poolIdAndPositionToPid(ids.poolIdPower, 0),
confirmationCount), set(), voltage(ids.pidVoltage, &set), current(
ids.pidCurrent, &set), state(ids.pidState, &set), power(
ids.poolIdPower, &set, PoolVariableIF::VAR_READ_WRITE), commandQueue(
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
#ifndef FUSE_H_
#define FUSE_H_
#include <framework/datapool/DataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PIDReader.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalDataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalPoolVariable.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/PIDReader.h>
#include <framework/devicehandlers/HealthDevice.h>
#include <framework/monitoring/AbsLimitMonitor.h>
#include <framework/power/PowerComponentIF.h>
@ -83,11 +84,11 @@ private:
PowerMonitor powerMonitor;
DataSet set;
GlobDataSet set;
PIDReader<float> voltage;
PIDReader<float> current;
PIDReader<uint8_t> state;
db_float_t power;
gp_float_t power;
MessageQueueIF* commandQueue;
ParameterHelper parameterHelper;
HealthHelper healthHelper;
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#include <framework/datapool/DataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PIDReader.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolVariable.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalDataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalPoolVariable.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/PIDReader.h>
#include <framework/devicehandlers/HealthDevice.h>
#include <framework/monitoring/LimitMonitor.h>
#include <framework/parameters/ParameterHelper.h>
@ -53,12 +53,12 @@ private:
MessageQueueIF* commandQueue;
ParameterHelper parameterHelper;
HealthHelper healthHelper;
DataSet set;
GlobDataSet set;
//Variables in
PIDReader<float> current;
PIDReader<float> voltage;
//Variables out
db_float_t power;
gp_float_t power;
static const uint8_t MODULE_ID_CURRENT = 1;
static const uint8_t MODULE_ID_VOLTAGE = 2;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
CoreComponent::CoreComponent(object_id_t reportingObjectId, uint8_t domainId,
uint32_t temperaturePoolId, uint32_t targetStatePoolId,
uint32_t currentStatePoolId, uint32_t requestPoolId, DataSet* dataSet,
uint32_t currentStatePoolId, uint32_t requestPoolId, GlobDataSet* dataSet,
AbstractTemperatureSensor* sensor,
AbstractTemperatureSensor* firstRedundantSensor,
AbstractTemperatureSensor* secondRedundantSensor,
@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ CoreComponent::CoreComponent(object_id_t reportingObjectId, uint8_t domainId,
AbstractTemperatureSensor::ZERO_KELVIN_C), parameters(
parameters), temperatureMonitor(reportingObjectId,
domainId + 1,
DataPool::poolIdAndPositionToPid(temperaturePoolId, 0),
GlobalDataPool::poolIdAndPositionToPid(temperaturePoolId, 0),
if (thermalModule != NULL) {
thermalModule->registerComponent(this, priority);
//Set thermal state once, then leave to operator.
DataSet mySet;
PoolVariable<int8_t> writableTargetState(targetStatePoolId, &mySet,
GlobDataSet mySet;
gp_uint8_t writableTargetState(targetStatePoolId, &mySet,
writableTargetState = initialTargetState;
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ float CoreComponent::getLowerOpLimit() {
ReturnValue_t CoreComponent::setTargetState(int8_t newState) {
DataSet mySet;
PoolVariable<int8_t> writableTargetState(targetState.getDataPoolId(),
GlobDataSet mySet;
gp_uint8_t writableTargetState(targetState.getDataPoolId(),
&mySet, PoolVariableIF::VAR_READ_WRITE);
if ((writableTargetState == STATE_REQUEST_OPERATIONAL)
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#include <framework/datapool/DataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolVariable.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalDataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalPoolVariable.h>
#include <framework/thermal/ThermalComponentIF.h>
#include <framework/thermal/AbstractTemperatureSensor.h>
#include <framework/thermal/ThermalModule.h>
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public:
CoreComponent(object_id_t reportingObjectId, uint8_t domainId, uint32_t temperaturePoolId,
uint32_t targetStatePoolId, uint32_t currentStatePoolId,
uint32_t requestPoolId, DataSet *dataSet,
uint32_t requestPoolId, GlobDataSet *dataSet,
AbstractTemperatureSensor *sensor,
AbstractTemperatureSensor *firstRedundantSensor,
AbstractTemperatureSensor *secondRedundantSensor,
@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ protected:
AbstractTemperatureSensor *secondRedundantSensor;
ThermalModuleIF *thermalModule;
db_float_t temperature;
db_int8_t targetState;
db_int8_t currentState;
db_uint8_t heaterRequest;
gp_float_t temperature;
gp_int8_t targetState;
gp_int8_t currentState;
gp_uint8_t heaterRequest;
bool isHeating;
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
#include <framework/thermal/AbstractTemperatureSensor.h>
#include <framework/datapool/DataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalDataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalPoolVariable.h>
#include <framework/monitoring/LimitMonitor.h>
@ -68,12 +69,12 @@ public:
TemperatureSensor(object_id_t setObjectid,
inputType *inputValue, PoolVariableIF *poolVariable,
uint8_t vectorIndex, uint32_t datapoolId, Parameters parameters = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
DataSet *outputSet = NULL, ThermalModuleIF *thermalModule = NULL) :
GlobDataSet *outputSet = NULL, ThermalModuleIF *thermalModule = NULL) :
AbstractTemperatureSensor(setObjectid, thermalModule), parameters(parameters),
inputValue(inputValue), poolVariable(poolVariable),
outputTemperature(datapoolId, outputSet, PoolVariableIF::VAR_WRITE),
sensorMonitor(setObjectid, DOMAIN_ID_SENSOR,
DataPool::poolIdAndPositionToPid(poolVariable->getDataPoolId(), vectorIndex),
GlobalDataPool::poolIdAndPositionToPid(poolVariable->getDataPoolId(), vectorIndex),
DEFAULT_CONFIRMATION_COUNT, parameters.lowerLimit, parameters.upperLimit,
oldTemperature(20), uptimeOfOldTemperature( { INVALID_TEMPERATURE, 0 }) {
@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ protected:
PoolVariableIF *poolVariable;
PoolVariable<float> outputTemperature;
gp_float_t outputTemperature;
LimitMonitor<limitType> sensorMonitor;
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
ThermalComponent::ThermalComponent(object_id_t reportingObjectId,
uint8_t domainId, uint32_t temperaturePoolId,
uint32_t targetStatePoolId, uint32_t currentStatePoolId,
uint32_t requestPoolId, DataSet* dataSet,
uint32_t requestPoolId, GlobDataSet* dataSet,
AbstractTemperatureSensor* sensor,
AbstractTemperatureSensor* firstRedundantSensor,
AbstractTemperatureSensor* secondRedundantSensor,
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ ThermalComponent::~ThermalComponent() {
ReturnValue_t ThermalComponent::setTargetState(int8_t newState) {
DataSet mySet;
PoolVariable<int8_t> writableTargetState(targetState.getDataPoolId(),
GlobDataSet mySet;
gp_int8_t writableTargetState(targetState.getDataPoolId(),
&mySet, PoolVariableIF::VAR_READ_WRITE);
if ((writableTargetState == STATE_REQUEST_OPERATIONAL)
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public:
ThermalComponent(object_id_t reportingObjectId, uint8_t domainId, uint32_t temperaturePoolId,
uint32_t targetStatePoolId, uint32_t currentStatePoolId, uint32_t requestPoolId,
DataSet *dataSet, AbstractTemperatureSensor *sensor,
GlobDataSet *dataSet, AbstractTemperatureSensor *sensor,
AbstractTemperatureSensor *firstRedundantSensor,
AbstractTemperatureSensor *secondRedundantSensor,
ThermalModuleIF *thermalModule, Parameters parameters,
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
ThermalModule::ThermalModule(uint32_t moduleTemperaturePoolId,
uint32_t currentStatePoolId, uint32_t targetStatePoolId,
DataSet *dataSet, Parameters parameters,
GlobDataSet *dataSet, Parameters parameters,
RedundantHeater::Parameters heaterParameters) :
oldStrategy(ACTIVE_SINGLE), survivalTargetTemp(0), targetTemp(0), heating(
false), parameters(parameters), moduleTemperature(
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ ThermalModule::ThermalModule(uint32_t moduleTemperaturePoolId,
heater = new RedundantHeater(heaterParameters);
ThermalModule::ThermalModule(uint32_t moduleTemperaturePoolId, DataSet* dataSet) :
ThermalModule::ThermalModule(uint32_t moduleTemperaturePoolId, GlobDataSet* dataSet) :
oldStrategy(ACTIVE_SINGLE), survivalTargetTemp(0), targetTemp(0), heating(
false), parameters( { 0, 0 }), moduleTemperature(
moduleTemperaturePoolId, dataSet, PoolVariableIF::VAR_WRITE), heater(
@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ bool ThermalModule::calculateModuleHeaterRequestAndSetModuleStatus(
void ThermalModule::setHeating(bool on) {
DataSet mySet;
PoolVariable<int8_t> writableTargetState(targetState.getDataPoolId(),
GlobDataSet mySet;
gp_int8_t writableTargetState(targetState.getDataPoolId(),
&mySet, PoolVariableIF::VAR_WRITE);
if (on) {
writableTargetState = STATE_REQUEST_HEATING;
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#include <framework/datapool/DataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapool/PoolVariable.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalDataSet.h>
#include <framework/datapoolglob/GlobalPoolVariable.h>
#include <framework/devicehandlers/HealthDevice.h>
#include <framework/events/EventReportingProxyIF.h>
#include "ThermalModuleIF.h"
@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ public:
ThermalModule(uint32_t moduleTemperaturePoolId, uint32_t currentStatePoolId,
uint32_t targetStatePoolId, DataSet *dataSet, Parameters parameters,
uint32_t targetStatePoolId, GlobDataSet *dataSet, Parameters parameters,
RedundantHeater::Parameters heaterParameters);
ThermalModule(uint32_t moduleTemperaturePoolId, DataSet *dataSet);
ThermalModule(uint32_t moduleTemperaturePoolId, GlobDataSet *dataSet);
virtual ~ThermalModule();
@ -70,12 +70,12 @@ protected:
Parameters parameters;
db_float_t moduleTemperature;
gp_float_t moduleTemperature;
RedundantHeater *heater;
db_int8_t currentState;
db_int8_t targetState;
gp_int8_t currentState;
gp_int8_t targetState;
std::list<AbstractTemperatureSensor *> sensors;
std::list<ComponentData> components;
Reference in New Issue
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