FSFW Update #28

jgerhards merged 782 commits from fsfw_update into develop 2023-05-28 23:43:22 +02:00
2 changed files with 22 additions and 5 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 0dd2b5ddd4 - Show all commits

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@ -29,13 +29,20 @@ struct PacketInfo {
PacketInfo() = default;
template <size_t SIZE>
using LostSegmentsList = etl::set<etl::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>, SIZE>;
template <size_t SIZE>
using PacketInfoList = etl::list<PacketInfo, SIZE>;
using LostSegmentsListBase = etl::iset<etl::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>>;
using PacketInfoListBase = etl::ilist<PacketInfo>;
struct DestHandlerParams {
DestHandlerParams(LocalEntityCfg cfg, UserBase& user, RemoteConfigTableIF& remoteCfgTable,
etl::ilist<PacketInfo>& packetList,
PacketInfoListBase& packetList,
// TODO: This container can potentially take tons of space. For a better
// memory efficient implementation, an additional abstraction could be
// be used so users can use uint32_t as the pair type
etl::iset<etl::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>>& lostSegmentsContainer)
LostSegmentsListBase& lostSegmentsContainer)
: cfg(std::move(cfg)),
@ -46,8 +53,8 @@ struct DestHandlerParams {
UserBase& user;
RemoteConfigTableIF& remoteCfgTable;
etl::ilist<PacketInfo>& packetListRef;
etl::iset<etl::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t>>& lostSegmentsContainer;
PacketInfoListBase& packetListRef;
LostSegmentsListBase& lostSegmentsContainer;
uint8_t maxTlvsInOnePdu = 10;
size_t maxFilenameLen = 255;

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@ -1,20 +1,30 @@
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include "fsfw/cfdp.h"
#include "mocks/AcceptsTmMock.h"
#include "mocks/FilesystemMock.h"
#include "mocks/MessageQueueMock.h"
#include "mocks/cfdp/FaultHandlerMock.h"
#include "mocks/cfdp/RemoteConfigTableMock.h"
#include "mocks/cfdp/UserMock.h"
TEST_CASE("CFDP Dest Handler", "[cfdp]") {
using namespace cfdp;
MessageQueueId_t destQueueId = 2;
AcceptsTmMock tmReceiver(destQueueId);
MessageQueueMock mqMock(destQueueId);
EntityId localId = EntityId(UnsignedByteField<uint16_t>(2));
auto fhMock = FaultHandlerMock();
auto localEntityCfg = LocalEntityCfg(localId, IndicationCfg(), fhMock);
auto fsMock = FilesystemMock();
auto userMock = UserMock(fsMock);
auto remoteCfgTableMock = RemoteConfigTableMock();
// auto destHandler = DestHandler(localEntityCfg, userMock, remoteCfgTableMock);
PacketInfoList<64> packetInfoList;
LostSegmentsList<128> lostSegmentsList;
DestHandlerParams dp(localEntityCfg, userMock, remoteCfgTableMock, packetInfoList,
// FsfwParams fp(destQueueId, mqMock);
// auto destHandler = DestHandler();
SECTION("State") {}