#ifndef COMMANDINGSERVICEBASE_H_ #define COMMANDINGSERVICEBASE_H_ #include <framework/container/FixedMap.h> #include <framework/container/FIFO.h> #include <framework/ipc/CommandMessage.h> #include <framework/objectmanager/ObjectManagerIF.h> #include <framework/objectmanager/SystemObject.h> #include <framework/serialize/SerializeAdapter.h> #include <framework/storagemanager/StorageManagerIF.h> #include <framework/tasks/ExecutableObjectIF.h> #include <framework/tcdistribution/PUSDistributorIF.h> #include <framework/tmtcpacket/pus/TcPacketStored.h> #include <framework/tmtcpacket/pus/TmPacketStored.h> #include <framework/tmtcservices/AcceptsTelecommandsIF.h> #include <framework/tmtcservices/AcceptsTelemetryIF.h> #include <framework/tmtcservices/TmTcMessage.h> #include <framework/tmtcservices/VerificationReporter.h> #include <framework/internalError/InternalErrorReporterIF.h> #include <framework/ipc/QueueFactory.h> #include <framework/timemanager/Clock.h> /** * \brief This class is the basis for all PUS Services, which have to relay Telecommands to software bus. * * It manages Telecommand reception and the generation of Verification Reports like PUSServiceBase. * Every class that inherits from this abstract class has to implement four adaption points: * - isValidSubservice * - getMessageQueueAndObject * - prepareCommand * - handleReply * \ingroup pus_services */ class CommandingServiceBase: public SystemObject, public AcceptsTelecommandsIF, public ExecutableObjectIF, public HasReturnvaluesIF { public: static const uint8_t INTERFACE_ID = CLASS_ID::COMMAND_SERVICE_BASE; static const ReturnValue_t EXECUTION_COMPLETE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(1); static const ReturnValue_t NO_STEP_MESSAGE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(2); static const ReturnValue_t OBJECT_BUSY = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(3); static const ReturnValue_t BUSY = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(4); static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_TC = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(5); static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_OBJECT = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(6); static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_REPLY = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(7); /** * Class constructor. Initializes two important MessageQueues: * commandQueue for command reception and requestQueue for device reception * @param setObjectId * @param apid * @param service * @param numberOfParallelCommands * @param commandTimeout_seconds * @param setPacketSource * @param setPacketDestination * @param queueDepth */ CommandingServiceBase(object_id_t setObjectId, uint16_t apid, uint8_t service, uint8_t numberOfParallelCommands, uint16_t commandTimeout_seconds, object_id_t setPacketSource, object_id_t setPacketDestination, size_t queueDepth = 20); virtual ~CommandingServiceBase(); /*** * This is the periodically called function. * Handle request queue for external commands. * Handle command Queue for internal commands. * @param opCode is unused here at the moment * @return RETURN_OK */ virtual ReturnValue_t performOperation(uint8_t opCode); virtual uint16_t getIdentifier(); /** * Returns the requestQueue MessageQueueId_t * * The requestQueue is the queue for external commands (TC) * * @return requestQueue messageQueueId_t */ virtual MessageQueueId_t getRequestQueue(); /** * Returns the commandQueue MessageQueueId_t * * Remember the CommandQueue is the queue for internal communication * @return commandQueue messageQueueId_t */ virtual MessageQueueId_t getCommandQueue(); virtual ReturnValue_t initialize(); /** * Implementation of ExecutableObjectIF function * * Used to setup the reference of the task, that executes this component * @param task_ Pointer to the taskIF of this task */ virtual void setTaskIF(PeriodicTaskIF* task_){ executingTask = task_; }; protected: struct CommandInfo { struct tcInfo { uint8_t ackFlags; uint16_t tcPacketId; uint16_t tcSequenceControl; } tcInfo; uint32_t uptimeOfStart; uint8_t step; uint8_t subservice; uint32_t state; Command_t command; object_id_t objectId; FIFO<store_address_t, 3> fifo; }; const uint16_t apid; const uint8_t service; const uint16_t timeout_seconds; uint8_t tmPacketCounter; StorageManagerIF *IPCStore; StorageManagerIF *TCStore; MessageQueueIF* commandQueue; MessageQueueIF* requestQueue; VerificationReporter verificationReporter; FixedMap<MessageQueueId_t, CommandInfo> commandMap; uint32_t failureParameter1; //!< May be set be children to return a more precise failure condition. uint32_t failureParameter2; //!< May be set be children to return a more precise failure condition. object_id_t packetSource; object_id_t packetDestination; /** * Pointer to the task which executes this component, is invalid before setTaskIF was called. */ PeriodicTaskIF* executingTask; /** * Send TM data from pointer to data. If a header is supplied it is added before data * @param subservice Number of subservice * @param data Pointer to the data in the Packet * @param dataLen Lenght of data in the Packet * @param headerData HeaderData will be placed before data * @param headerSize Size of HeaderData */ void sendTmPacket(uint8_t subservice, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t dataLen, const uint8_t* headerData = NULL, uint32_t headerSize = 0); /** * To send TM packets of objects that still need to be serialized and consist of an object ID with appended data * @param subservice Number of subservice * @param objectId ObjectId is placed before data * @param data Data to append to the packet * @param dataLen Length of Data */ void sendTmPacket(uint8_t subservice, object_id_t objectId, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t dataLen); /** * To send packets has data which is in form of a SerializeIF or Adapters implementing it * @param subservice Number of subservice * @param content This is a pointer to the serialized packet * @param header Serialize IF header which will be placed before content */ void sendTmPacket(uint8_t subservice, SerializeIF* content, SerializeIF* header = NULL); /** * Check the target subservice * @param subservice * @return */ virtual ReturnValue_t isValidSubservice(uint8_t subservice) = 0; /** * Once a TC Request is valid, the existence of the destination and its target interface is checked and retrieved. * The target message queue ID can then be acquired by using the target interface. * @param subservice * @param tcData Application Data of TC Packet * @param tcDataLen * @param id MessageQueue ID is stored here * @param objectId * @return - @c RETURN_OK on success * - @c RETURN_FAILED * - @c CSB or implementation specific return codes */ virtual ReturnValue_t getMessageQueueAndObject(uint8_t subservice, const uint8_t *tcData, uint32_t tcDataLen, MessageQueueId_t *id, object_id_t *objectId) = 0; /** * After the Message Queue and Object ID are determined, * the command is prepared by using an implementation specific CommandMessage type which is sent to * the target device. It contains all necessary information for the device to * execute telecommands. * @param message * @param subservice * @param tcData * @param tcDataLen * @param state * @param objectId * @return */ virtual ReturnValue_t prepareCommand(CommandMessage *message, uint8_t subservice, const uint8_t *tcData, uint32_t tcDataLen, uint32_t *state, object_id_t objectId) = 0; /** * This function is responsible for the communication between the Command Service Base * and the respective PUS Commanding Service once the execution has started. * The PUS Commanding Service receives replies from the target device and forwards them by calling this function. * There are different translations of these replies to specify how the Command Service proceeds. * @param reply Command Message which contains information about the command * @param previousCommand * @param state * @param optionalNextCommand * @param objectId * @param isStep Flag value to mark steps of command execution * @return - @c RETURN_OK, @c EXECUTION_COMPLETE or @c NO_STEP_MESSAGE to generate TC verification success * - @c INVALID_REPLY can handle unrequested replies * - Anything else triggers a TC verification failure */ virtual ReturnValue_t handleReply(const CommandMessage *reply, Command_t previousCommand, uint32_t *state, CommandMessage *optionalNextCommand, object_id_t objectId, bool *isStep) = 0; virtual void handleUnrequestedReply(CommandMessage *reply); virtual void doPeriodicOperation(); void checkAndExecuteFifo( typename FixedMap<MessageQueueId_t, CommandInfo>::Iterator *iter); private: /** * This method handles internal execution of a command, * once it has been started by @sa{startExecution()} in the Request Queue handler. * It handles replies generated by the devices and relayed by the specific service implementation. * This means that it determines further course of action depending on the return values specified * in the service implementation. * This includes the generation of TC verification messages. Note that * the static framework object ID @c VerificationReporter::messageReceiver needs to be set. * - TM[1,5] Step Successs * - TM[1,6] Step Failure * - TM[1,7] Completion Success * - TM[1,8] Completion Failure */ void handleCommandQueue(); /** * Sequence of request queue handling: * isValidSubservice -> getMessageQueueAndObject -> startExecution * Generates Start Success Reports TM[1,3] in subfunction @sa{startExecution()} * or Start Failure Report TM[1,4] by using the TC Verification Service */ void handleRequestQueue(); void rejectPacket(uint8_t reportId, TcPacketStored* packet, ReturnValue_t errorCode); void acceptPacket(uint8_t reportId, TcPacketStored* packet); void startExecution(TcPacketStored *storedPacket, typename FixedMap<MessageQueueId_t, CommandInfo>::Iterator *iter); void checkTimeout(); }; #endif /* COMMANDINGSERVICEBASE_H_ */