#ifndef FSFW_POWER_FUSE_H_ #define FSFW_POWER_FUSE_H_ #include "PowerComponentIF.h" #include "PowerSwitchIF.h" #include "../devicehandlers/HealthDevice.h" #include "../monitoring/AbsLimitMonitor.h" #include "../returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h" #include "../parameters/ParameterHelper.h" #include <list> #include "../datapoollocal/StaticLocalDataSet.h" namespace Factory { void setStaticFrameworkObjectIds(); } class Fuse: public SystemObject, public HasHealthIF, public HasReturnvaluesIF, public ReceivesParameterMessagesIF, public SerializeIF { friend void (Factory::setStaticFrameworkObjectIds)(); private: static constexpr float RESIDUAL_POWER = 0.005 * 28.5; //!< This is the upper limit of residual power lost by fuses and switches. Worst case is Fuse and one of two switches on. See PCDU ICD 1.9 p29 bottom public: struct VariableIds { gp_id_t pidVoltage; gp_id_t pidCurrent; gp_id_t pidState; gp_id_t poolIdPower; }; static const uint8_t SUBSYSTEM_ID = SUBSYSTEM_ID::PCDU_1; static const Event FUSE_CURRENT_HIGH = MAKE_EVENT(1, severity::LOW); //!< PSS detected that current on a fuse is totally out of bounds. static const Event FUSE_WENT_OFF = MAKE_EVENT(2, severity::LOW); //!< PSS detected a fuse that went off. static const Event POWER_ABOVE_HIGH_LIMIT = MAKE_EVENT(4, severity::LOW); //!< PSS detected a fuse that violates its limits. static const Event POWER_BELOW_LOW_LIMIT = MAKE_EVENT(5, severity::LOW); //!< PSS detected a fuse that violates its limits. typedef std::list<PowerComponentIF*> DeviceList; Fuse(object_id_t fuseObjectId, uint8_t fuseId, sid_t variableSet, VariableIds ids, float maxCurrent, uint16_t confirmationCount = 2); virtual ~Fuse(); void addDevice(PowerComponentIF *set); float getPower(); bool isPowerValid(); ReturnValue_t check(); uint8_t getFuseId() const; ReturnValue_t initialize(); DeviceList devices; ReturnValue_t serialize(uint8_t **buffer, size_t *size, size_t maxSize, SerializeIF::Endianness streamEndianness) const override; size_t getSerializedSize() const override; ReturnValue_t deSerialize(const uint8_t **buffer, size_t *size, SerializeIF::Endianness streamEndianness) override; void setAllMonitorsToUnchecked(); ReturnValue_t performOperation(uint8_t opCode); MessageQueueId_t getCommandQueue() const; void setDataPoolEntriesInvalid(); ReturnValue_t setHealth(HealthState health); HasHealthIF::HealthState getHealth(); ReturnValue_t getParameter(uint8_t domainId, uint8_t uniqueId, ParameterWrapper *parameterWrapper, const ParameterWrapper *newValues, uint16_t startAtIndex); private: uint8_t oldFuseState; uint8_t fuseId; PowerSwitchIF *powerIF = nullptr; //could be static in our case. AbsLimitMonitor<float> currentLimit; class PowerMonitor: public MonitorReporter<float> { public: template<typename ... Args> PowerMonitor(Args ... args): MonitorReporter<float>(std::forward<Args>(args)...) { } ReturnValue_t checkPower(float sample, float lowerLimit, float upperLimit); void sendTransitionEvent(float currentValue, ReturnValue_t state) { } }; PowerMonitor powerMonitor; StaticLocalDataSet<3> set; lp_var_t<float> voltage; lp_var_t<float> current; lp_var_t<uint8_t> state; lp_var_t<float> power; MessageQueueIF* commandQueue = nullptr; ParameterHelper parameterHelper; HealthHelper healthHelper; static object_id_t powerSwitchId; void calculatePowerLimits(float *low, float *high); void calculateFusePower(); void checkFuseState(); void reportEvents(Event event); void checkCommandQueue(); bool areSwitchesOfComponentOn(DeviceList::iterator iter); }; #endif /* FSFW_POWER_FUSE_H_ */