#include "CCSDSDistributor.h" #include "../serviceinterface/ServiceInterface.h" #include "../tmtcpacket/SpacePacketBase.h" #define CCSDS_DISTRIBUTOR_DEBUGGING 0 CCSDSDistributor::CCSDSDistributor(uint16_t setDefaultApid, object_id_t setObjectId): TcDistributor(setObjectId), defaultApid( setDefaultApid ) { } CCSDSDistributor::~CCSDSDistributor() {} TcDistributor::TcMqMapIter CCSDSDistributor::selectDestination() { #if CCSDS_DISTRIBUTOR_DEBUGGING == 1 #if FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 sif::debug << "CCSDSDistributor::selectDestination received: " << this->currentMessage.getStorageId().poolIndex << ", " << this->currentMessage.getStorageId().packetIndex << std::endl; #else sif::printDebug("CCSDSDistributor::selectDestination received: %d, %d\n", currentMessage.getStorageId().poolIndex, currentMessage.getStorageId().packetIndex); #endif #endif const uint8_t* packet = nullptr; size_t size = 0; ReturnValue_t result = this->tcStore->getData(currentMessage.getStorageId(), &packet, &size ); if(result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { #if FSFW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 #if FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 sif::error << "CCSDSDistributor::selectDestination: Getting data from" " store failed!" << std::endl; #else sif::printError("CCSDSDistributor::selectDestination: Getting data from" " store failed!\n"); #endif #endif } SpacePacketBase currentPacket(packet); #if FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 && CCSDS_DISTRIBUTOR_DEBUGGING == 1 sif::info << "CCSDSDistributor::selectDestination has packet with APID " << std::hex << currentPacket.getAPID() << std::dec << std::endl; #endif TcMqMapIter position = this->queueMap.find(currentPacket.getAPID()); if ( position != this->queueMap.end() ) { return position; } else { //The APID was not found. Forward packet to main SW-APID anyway to // create acceptance failure report. return this->queueMap.find( this->defaultApid ); } } MessageQueueId_t CCSDSDistributor::getRequestQueue() { return tcQueue->getId(); } ReturnValue_t CCSDSDistributor::registerApplication( AcceptsTelecommandsIF* application) { ReturnValue_t returnValue = RETURN_OK; auto insertPair = this->queueMap.emplace(application->getIdentifier(), application->getRequestQueue()); if(not insertPair.second) { returnValue = RETURN_FAILED; } return returnValue; } ReturnValue_t CCSDSDistributor::registerApplication(uint16_t apid, MessageQueueId_t id) { ReturnValue_t returnValue = RETURN_OK; auto insertPair = this->queueMap.emplace(apid, id); if(not insertPair.second) { returnValue = RETURN_FAILED; } return returnValue; } uint16_t CCSDSDistributor::getIdentifier() { return 0; } ReturnValue_t CCSDSDistributor::initialize() { ReturnValue_t status = this->TcDistributor::initialize(); this->tcStore = objectManager->get<StorageManagerIF>( objects::TC_STORE ); if (this->tcStore == nullptr) { #if FSFW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 #if FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 sif::error << "CCSDSDistributor::initialize: Could not initialize" " TC store!" << std::endl; #else sif::printError("CCSDSDistributor::initialize: Could not initialize" " TC store!\n"); #endif #endif status = RETURN_FAILED; } return status; } ReturnValue_t CCSDSDistributor::callbackAfterSending( ReturnValue_t queueStatus) { if (queueStatus != RETURN_OK) { tcStore->deleteData(currentMessage.getStorageId()); } return RETURN_OK; }