#include <framework/timemanager/Clock.h>

enum class StopwatchDisplayMode {

 * @brief 	Simple Stopwatch implementation to measure elapsed time
 * @details
 * This class can be used to measure elapsed times. It also displays elapsed
 * times automatically on destruction if not explicitely deactivated in the
 * constructor. The default time format is the elapsed time in miliseconds
 * in seconds as a double.
 * @author 	R. Mueller
class Stopwatch {
     * Default constructor. Call "Stopwatch stopwatch" without brackets if
     * no parameters are required!
     * @param displayOnDestruction If set to true, displays measured time on
     *        object destruction
     * @param displayMode Display format is either MS rounded or MS as double
     *        format
     * @param outputPrecision If using double format, specify precision here.
    Stopwatch(bool displayOnDestruction = true, StopwatchDisplayMode displayMode
              = StopwatchDisplayMode::MILLIS);
    virtual~ Stopwatch();

     * Caches the start time
    void start();

     * Calculates the elapsed time since start and returns it
     * @return elapsed time in milliseconds (rounded)
    dur_millis_t stop();
     * Calculates the elapsed time since start and returns it
     * @return elapsed time in seconds (double precision)
    dur_seconds_t stopSeconds();

     * Displays the elapsed times on the osstream, depending on internal display
     * mode.
    void display();

    StopwatchDisplayMode getDisplayMode() const;
    void setDisplayMode(StopwatchDisplayMode displayMode);
    bool displayOnDestruction = true;
    timeval startTime {0, 0};
    timeval elapsedTime {0, 0};

    StopwatchDisplayMode displayMode = StopwatchDisplayMode::MILLIS;

    void stopInternal();