#include "LocalPoolDataSetBase.h"
#include <vector>

 * @brief   This dataset type can be used to group related pool variables if the number of
 *          variables should not be fixed.
 * @details
 * This will is the primary data structure to organize pool variables into
 * sets which can be accessed via the housekeeping service interface or
 * which can be sent to other software objects.
 * It is recommended to read the documentation of the LocalPoolDataSetBase
 * class for more information on how this class works and how to use it.
 * @tparam capacity Capacity of the static dataset, which is usually known
 * beforehand.
class LocalDataSet: public LocalPoolDataSetBase {
    LocalDataSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* hkOwner, uint32_t setId,
            const size_t maxSize);

    LocalDataSet(sid_t sid, const size_t maxSize);

    virtual~ LocalDataSet();

    //! Copying forbidden for now.
    LocalDataSet(const LocalDataSet&) = delete;
    LocalDataSet& operator=(const LocalDataSet&) = delete;
    std::vector<PoolVariableIF*> poolVarList;