# Security Policy ## Supported Versions * Versions 1.x (branch Catch1.x) are no longer supported. * Versions 2.x (branch v2.x) are currently supported. * `devel` branch serves for stable-ish development and is supported, but branches `devel-*` are considered short lived and are not supported separately. ## Reporting a Vulnerability Due to its nature as a _unit_ test framework, Catch2 shouldn't interact with untrusted inputs and there shouldn't be many security vulnerabilities in it. However, if you find one you send email to martin <dot> horenovsky <at> gmail <dot> com. If you want to encrypt the email, my pgp key is `E29C 46F3 B8A7 5028 6079 3B7D ECC9 C20E 314B 2360`.