#include "ActionMessage.h"
#include "../serialize/SerializeIF.h"
#include "../ipc/MessageQueueIF.h"
 * @brief Action Helper is a helper class which handles action messages
 * Components which use the HasActionIF this helper can be used to handle
 * the action messages.
 * It does handle step messages as well as other answers to action calls.
 * It uses the executeAction function of its owner as callback.
 * The call of the initialize function is mandatory and needs a
 * valid MessageQueueIF pointer!
class HasActionsIF;

class ActionHelper {
     * Constructor of the action helper
     * @param setOwner Pointer to the owner of the interface
     * @param useThisQueue  messageQueue to be used, can be set during
     *                      initialize function as well.
    ActionHelper(HasActionsIF* setOwner, MessageQueueIF* useThisQueue);

    virtual ~ActionHelper();
     * Function to be called from the owner with a new command message
     * If the message is a valid action message the helper will use the
     * executeAction function from HasActionsIF.
     * If the message is invalid or the callback fails a message reply will be
     * send to the sender of the message automatically.
     * @param command Pointer to a command message received by the owner
     * @return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK if the message is a action message,
     *         CommandMessage::UNKNOW_COMMAND if this message ID is unkown
    ReturnValue_t handleActionMessage(CommandMessage* command);
     * Helper initialize function. Must be called before use of any other
     * helper function
     * @param queueToUse_   Pointer to the messageQueue to be used, optional
     *                      if queue was set in constructor
     * @return Returns RETURN_OK if successful
    ReturnValue_t initialize(MessageQueueIF* queueToUse_ = nullptr);
     * Function to be called from the owner to send a step message.
     * Success or failure will be determined by the result value.
     * @param step Number of steps already done
     * @param reportTo The messageQueueId to report the step message to
     * @param commandId ID of the executed command
     * @param result Result of the execution
    void step(uint8_t step, MessageQueueId_t reportTo,
            ActionId_t commandId,
            ReturnValue_t result = HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK);
     * Function to be called by the owner to send a action completion message
     * @param reportTo MessageQueueId_t to report the action completion message to
     * @param commandId ID of the executed command
     * @param result Result of the execution
    void finish(MessageQueueId_t reportTo, ActionId_t commandId,
            ReturnValue_t result = HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK);
     * Function to be called by the owner if an action does report data.
     * Takes a SerializeIF* pointer and serializes it into the IPC store.
     * @param reportTo  MessageQueueId_t to report the action completion
     *                  message to
     * @param replyId ID of the executed command
     * @param data Pointer to the data
     * @return Returns RETURN_OK if successful, otherwise failure code
    ReturnValue_t reportData(MessageQueueId_t reportTo, ActionId_t replyId,
            SerializeIF* data, bool hideSender = false);
     * Function to be called by the owner if an action does report data.
     * Takes the raw data and writes it into the IPC store.
     * @param reportTo  MessageQueueId_t to report the action completion
     *                  message to
     * @param replyId ID of the executed command
     * @param data Pointer to the data
     * @return Returns RETURN_OK if successful, otherwise failure code
    ReturnValue_t reportData(MessageQueueId_t reportTo, ActionId_t replyId,
            const uint8_t* data, size_t dataSize, bool hideSender = false);
     * Function to setup the MessageQueueIF* of the helper. Can be used to
     * set the MessageQueueIF* if message queue is unavailable at construction
     * and initialize but must be setup before first call of other functions.
     * @param queue Queue to be used by the helper
    void setQueueToUse(MessageQueueIF *queue);
    //! Increase of value of this per step
    static const uint8_t STEP_OFFSET = 1;
    //! Pointer to the owner
    HasActionsIF* owner;
    //! Queue to be used as response sender, has to be set in ctor or with
    //! setQueueToUse
    MessageQueueIF* queueToUse;
    //! Pointer to an IPC Store, initialized during construction or
    StorageManagerIF* ipcStore = nullptr;

     * Internal function called by handleActionMessage
     * @param commandedBy MessageQueueID of Commander
     * @param actionId ID of action to be done
     * @param dataAddress Address of additional data in IPC Store
    virtual void prepareExecution(MessageQueueId_t commandedBy,
            ActionId_t actionId, store_address_t dataAddress);
     * @brief Default implementation is empty.
    virtual void resetHelper();