#ifndef FRAMEWORK_STORAGEMANAGER_LOCALPOOL_TPP_ #define FRAMEWORK_STORAGEMANAGER_LOCALPOOL_TPP_ template<uint8_t NUMBER_OF_POOLS> inline LocalPool<NUMBER_OF_POOLS>::LocalPool(object_id_t setObjectId, const uint16_t element_sizes[NUMBER_OF_POOLS], const uint16_t n_elements[NUMBER_OF_POOLS], bool registered, bool spillsToHigherPools) : SystemObject(setObjectId, registered), internalErrorReporter(nullptr), spillsToHigherPools(spillsToHigherPools) { for (uint16_t n = 0; n < NUMBER_OF_POOLS; n++) { this->element_sizes[n] = element_sizes[n]; this->n_elements[n] = n_elements[n]; store[n] = new uint8_t[n_elements[n] * element_sizes[n]]; size_list[n] = new uint32_t[n_elements[n]]; memset(store[n], 0x00, (n_elements[n] * element_sizes[n])); //TODO checkme memset(size_list[n], STORAGE_FREE, (n_elements[n] * sizeof(**size_list))); } } template<uint8_t NUMBER_OF_POOLS> inline ReturnValue_t LocalPool<NUMBER_OF_POOLS>::findEmpty(uint16_t pool_index, uint16_t* element) { ReturnValue_t status = DATA_STORAGE_FULL; for (uint16_t foundElement = 0; foundElement < n_elements[pool_index]; foundElement++) { if (size_list[pool_index][foundElement] == STORAGE_FREE) { *element = foundElement; status = RETURN_OK; break; } } return status; } template<uint8_t NUMBER_OF_POOLS> inline void LocalPool<NUMBER_OF_POOLS>::write(store_address_t packet_id, const uint8_t* data, size_t size) { uint8_t* ptr; uint32_t packet_position = getRawPosition(packet_id); //check size? -> Not necessary, because size is checked before calling this function. ptr = &store[packet_id.pool_index][packet_position]; memcpy(ptr, data, size); size_list[packet_id.pool_index][packet_id.packet_index] = size; } //Returns page size of 0 in case store_index is illegal template<uint8_t NUMBER_OF_POOLS> inline uint32_t LocalPool<NUMBER_OF_POOLS>::getPageSize(uint16_t pool_index) { if (pool_index < NUMBER_OF_POOLS) { return element_sizes[pool_index]; } else { return 0; } } template<uint8_t NUMBER_OF_POOLS> inline ReturnValue_t LocalPool<NUMBER_OF_POOLS>::getPoolIndex( size_t packet_size, uint16_t* poolIndex, uint16_t startAtIndex) { for (uint16_t n = startAtIndex; n < NUMBER_OF_POOLS; n++) { //debug << "LocalPool " << getObjectId() << "::getPoolIndex: Pool: " << // n << ", Element Size: " << element_sizes[n] << std::endl; if (element_sizes[n] >= packet_size) { *poolIndex = n; return RETURN_OK; } } return DATA_TOO_LARGE; } template<uint8_t NUMBER_OF_POOLS> inline uint32_t LocalPool<NUMBER_OF_POOLS>::getRawPosition( store_address_t packet_id) { return packet_id.packet_index * element_sizes[packet_id.pool_index]; } template<uint8_t NUMBER_OF_POOLS> inline ReturnValue_t LocalPool<NUMBER_OF_POOLS>::reserveSpace( const uint32_t size, store_address_t* address, bool ignoreFault) { ReturnValue_t status = getPoolIndex(size, &address->pool_index); if (status != RETURN_OK) { sif::error << "LocalPool( " << std::hex << getObjectId() << std::dec << " )::reserveSpace: Packet too large." << std::endl; return status; } status = findEmpty(address->pool_index, &address->packet_index); while (status != RETURN_OK && spillsToHigherPools) { status = getPoolIndex(size, &address->pool_index, address->pool_index + 1); if (status != RETURN_OK) { //We don't find any fitting pool anymore. break; } status = findEmpty(address->pool_index, &address->packet_index); } if (status == RETURN_OK) { // if (getObjectId() == objects::IPC_STORE && address->pool_index >= 3) { // debug << "Reserve: Pool: " << std::dec << address->pool_index << // " Index: " << address->packet_index << std::endl; // } size_list[address->pool_index][address->packet_index] = size; } else { if (!ignoreFault and internalErrorReporter != nullptr) { internalErrorReporter->storeFull(); } // error << "LocalPool( " << std::hex << getObjectId() << std::dec // << " )::reserveSpace: Packet store is full." << std::endl; } return status; } template<uint8_t NUMBER_OF_POOLS> inline LocalPool<NUMBER_OF_POOLS>::~LocalPool(void) { for (uint16_t n = 0; n < NUMBER_OF_POOLS; n++) { delete[] store[n]; delete[] size_list[n]; } } template<uint8_t NUMBER_OF_POOLS> inline ReturnValue_t LocalPool<NUMBER_OF_POOLS>::addData(store_address_t* storageId, const uint8_t* data, size_t size, bool ignoreFault) { ReturnValue_t status = reserveSpace(size, storageId, ignoreFault); if (status == RETURN_OK) { write(*storageId, data, size); } return status; } template<uint8_t NUMBER_OF_POOLS> inline ReturnValue_t LocalPool<NUMBER_OF_POOLS>::getFreeElement( store_address_t* storageId, const size_t size, uint8_t** p_data, bool ignoreFault) { ReturnValue_t status = reserveSpace(size, storageId, ignoreFault); if (status == RETURN_OK) { *p_data = &store[storageId->pool_index][getRawPosition(*storageId)]; } else { *p_data = NULL; } return status; } template<uint8_t NUMBER_OF_POOLS> inline ReturnValue_t LocalPool<NUMBER_OF_POOLS>::getData( store_address_t packet_id, const uint8_t** packet_ptr, size_t* size) { uint8_t* tempData = NULL; ReturnValue_t status = modifyData(packet_id, &tempData, size); *packet_ptr = tempData; return status; } template<uint8_t NUMBER_OF_POOLS> inline ReturnValue_t LocalPool<NUMBER_OF_POOLS>::modifyData( store_address_t packet_id, uint8_t** packet_ptr, size_t* size) { ReturnValue_t status = RETURN_FAILED; if (packet_id.pool_index >= NUMBER_OF_POOLS) { return ILLEGAL_STORAGE_ID; } if ((packet_id.packet_index >= n_elements[packet_id.pool_index])) { return ILLEGAL_STORAGE_ID; } if (size_list[packet_id.pool_index][packet_id.packet_index] != STORAGE_FREE) { uint32_t packet_position = getRawPosition(packet_id); *packet_ptr = &store[packet_id.pool_index][packet_position]; *size = size_list[packet_id.pool_index][packet_id.packet_index]; status = RETURN_OK; } else { status = DATA_DOES_NOT_EXIST; } return status; } template<uint8_t NUMBER_OF_POOLS> inline ReturnValue_t LocalPool<NUMBER_OF_POOLS>::deleteData( store_address_t packet_id) { //if (getObjectId() == objects::IPC_STORE && packet_id.pool_index >= 3) { // debug << "Delete: Pool: " << std::dec << packet_id.pool_index << " Index: " // << packet_id.packet_index << std::endl; //} ReturnValue_t status = RETURN_OK; uint32_t page_size = getPageSize(packet_id.pool_index); if ((page_size != 0) && (packet_id.packet_index < n_elements[packet_id.pool_index])) { uint16_t packet_position = getRawPosition(packet_id); uint8_t* ptr = &store[packet_id.pool_index][packet_position]; memset(ptr, 0, page_size); //Set free list size_list[packet_id.pool_index][packet_id.packet_index] = STORAGE_FREE; } else { //pool_index or packet_index is too large sif::error << "LocalPool:deleteData failed." << std::endl; status = ILLEGAL_STORAGE_ID; } return status; } template<uint8_t NUMBER_OF_POOLS> inline void LocalPool<NUMBER_OF_POOLS>::clearStore() { for (uint16_t n = 0; n < NUMBER_OF_POOLS; n++) { //TODO checkme memset(size_list[n], STORAGE_FREE, (n_elements[n] * sizeof(**size_list))); } } template<uint8_t NUMBER_OF_POOLS> inline ReturnValue_t LocalPool<NUMBER_OF_POOLS>::deleteData(uint8_t* ptr, size_t size, store_address_t* storeId) { store_address_t localId; ReturnValue_t result = ILLEGAL_ADDRESS; for (uint16_t n = 0; n < NUMBER_OF_POOLS; n++) { //Not sure if new allocates all stores in order. so better be careful. if ((store[n] <= ptr) && (&store[n][n_elements[n]*element_sizes[n]]) > ptr) { localId.pool_index = n; uint32_t deltaAddress = ptr - store[n]; // Getting any data from the right "block" is ok. // This is necessary, as IF's sometimes don't point to the first // element of an object. localId.packet_index = deltaAddress / element_sizes[n]; result = deleteData(localId); //if (deltaAddress % element_sizes[n] != 0) { // error << "Pool::deleteData: address not aligned!" << std::endl; //} break; } } if (storeId != NULL) { *storeId = localId; } return result; } template<uint8_t NUMBER_OF_POOLS> inline ReturnValue_t LocalPool<NUMBER_OF_POOLS>::initialize() { ReturnValue_t result = SystemObject::initialize(); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } internalErrorReporter = objectManager->get<InternalErrorReporterIF>( objects::INTERNAL_ERROR_REPORTER); if (internalErrorReporter == NULL){ return RETURN_FAILED; } //Check if any pool size is large than the maximum allowed. for (uint8_t count = 0; count < NUMBER_OF_POOLS; count++) { if (element_sizes[count] >= STORAGE_FREE) { sif::error << "LocalPool::initialize: Pool is too large! " "Max. allowed size is: " << (STORAGE_FREE - 1) << std::endl; return RETURN_FAILED; } } return RETURN_OK; } #endif