#include <framework/timemanager/CCSDSTime.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <math.h> CCSDSTime::CCSDSTime() { } CCSDSTime::~CCSDSTime() { } ReturnValue_t CCSDSTime::convertToCcsds(Ccs_seconds* to, const Clock::TimeOfDay_t* from) { ReturnValue_t result = checkTimeOfDay(from); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } to->pField = (CCS << 4); to->yearMSB = (from->year >> 8); to->yearLSB = from->year & 0xff; to->month = from->month; to->day = from->day; to->hour = from->hour; to->minute = from->minute; to->second = from->second; return RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t CCSDSTime::convertToCcsds(Ccs_mseconds* to, const Clock::TimeOfDay_t* from) { ReturnValue_t result = checkTimeOfDay(from); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } to->pField = (CCS << 4) + 2; to->yearMSB = (from->year >> 8); to->yearLSB = from->year & 0xff; to->month = from->month; to->day = from->day; to->hour = from->hour; to->minute = from->minute; to->second = from->second; to->secondEminus2 = from->usecond / 10000; to->secondEminus4 = (from->usecond % 10000) / 100; return RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t CCSDSTime::convertFromCcsds(Clock::TimeOfDay_t* to, const uint8_t* from, uint32_t length) { ReturnValue_t result; if (length > 0xFF) { return LENGTH_MISMATCH; } result = convertFromASCII(to, from, length); //Try to parse it as ASCII if (result == RETURN_OK) { return RETURN_OK; } //Seems to be no ascii, try the other formats uint8_t codeIdentification = (*from >> 4); switch (codeIdentification) { case CUC_LEVEL1: //CUC_LEVEL2 can not be converted to TimeOfDay (ToD is Level 1) <- Well, if we know the epoch, we can... <- see bug 1133 return convertFromCUC(to, from, length); case CDS: return convertFromCDS(to, from, length); case CCS: { uint32_t temp = 0; return convertFromCCS(to, from, &temp, length); } default: return UNSUPPORTED_TIME_FORMAT; } } ReturnValue_t CCSDSTime::convertFromCUC(Clock::TimeOfDay_t* to, const uint8_t* from, uint8_t length) { return UNSUPPORTED_TIME_FORMAT; } ReturnValue_t CCSDSTime::convertFromCDS(Clock::TimeOfDay_t* to, const uint8_t* from, uint8_t length) { timeval time; ReturnValue_t result = convertFromCDS(&time, from, NULL, length); if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { return result; } return convertTimevalToTimeOfDay(to, &time); } ReturnValue_t CCSDSTime::convertFromCCS(Clock::TimeOfDay_t* to, const uint8_t* from, uint32_t* foundLength, uint32_t maxLength) { uint8_t subsecondsLength = *from & 0b111; uint32_t totalLength = subsecondsLength + 8; if (maxLength < totalLength) { return LENGTH_MISMATCH; } *foundLength = totalLength; ReturnValue_t result = checkCcs(from, maxLength); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } Ccs_mseconds *temp = (Ccs_mseconds *) from; to->year = (temp->yearMSB << 8) + temp->yearLSB; to->hour = temp->hour; to->minute = temp->minute; to->second = temp->second; if (temp->pField & (1 << 3)) { //day of year variation uint16_t tempDay = (temp->month << 8) + temp->day; ReturnValue_t result = convertDaysOfYear(tempDay, to->year, &(temp->month), &(temp->day)); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } } to->month = temp->month; to->day = temp->day; to->usecond = 0; if (subsecondsLength > 0) { *foundLength += 1; if (temp->secondEminus2 >= 100) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } to->usecond = temp->secondEminus2 * 10000; } if (subsecondsLength > 1) { *foundLength += 1; if (temp->secondEminus4 >= 100) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } to->usecond += temp->secondEminus4 * 100; } return RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t CCSDSTime::convertFromASCII(Clock::TimeOfDay_t* to, const uint8_t* from, uint8_t length) { if (length < 19) { return RETURN_FAILED; } // Newlib nano can't parse uint8, see SCNu8 documentation and https://sourceware.org/newlib/README // Suggestion: use uint16 all the time. This should work on all systems. #ifdef NEWLIB_NANO_NO_C99_IO uint16_t year; uint16_t month; uint16_t day; uint16_t hour; uint16_t minute; float second; int count = sscanf((char *) from, "%4" SCNu16 "-%2" SCNu16 "-%2" SCNu16 "T%2" SCNu16 ":%2" SCNu16 ":%fZ", &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second); if (count == 6) { to->year = year; to->month = month; to->day = day; to->hour = hour; to->minute = minute; to->second = second; to->usecond = (second - floor(second)) * 1000000; return RETURN_OK; } // try Code B (yyyy-ddd) count = sscanf((char *) from, "%4" SCNu16 "-%3" SCNu16 "T%2" SCNu16 ":%2" SCNu16 ":%fZ", &year, &day, &hour, &minute, &second); if (count == 5) { uint8_t tempDay; ReturnValue_t result = CCSDSTime::convertDaysOfYear(day, year, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&month), reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&tempDay)); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return RETURN_FAILED; } to->year = year; to->month = month; to->day = tempDay; to->hour = hour; to->minute = minute; to->second = second; to->usecond = (second - floor(second)) * 1000000; return RETURN_OK; } // Warning: Compiler/Linker fails ambiguously if library does not implement // C99 I/O #else uint16_t year; uint8_t month; uint16_t day; uint8_t hour; uint8_t minute; float second; //try Code A (yyyy-mm-dd) int count = sscanf((char *) from, "%4" SCNu16 "-%2" SCNu8 "-%2" SCNu16 "T%2" SCNu8 ":%2" SCNu8 ":%fZ", &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second); if (count == 6) { to->year = year; to->month = month; to->day = day; to->hour = hour; to->minute = minute; to->second = second; to->usecond = (second - floor(second)) * 1000000; return RETURN_OK; } //try Code B (yyyy-ddd) count = sscanf((char *) from, "%4" SCNu16 "-%3" SCNu16 "T%2" SCNu8 ":%2" SCNu8 ":%fZ", &year, &day, &hour, &minute, &second); if (count == 5) { uint8_t tempDay; ReturnValue_t result = CCSDSTime::convertDaysOfYear(day, year, &month, &tempDay); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return RETURN_FAILED; } to->year = year; to->month = month; to->day = tempDay; to->hour = hour; to->minute = minute; to->second = second; to->usecond = (second - floor(second)) * 1000000; return RETURN_OK; } #endif return UNSUPPORTED_TIME_FORMAT; } ReturnValue_t CCSDSTime::checkCcs(const uint8_t* time, uint8_t length) { Ccs_mseconds *time_struct = (Ccs_mseconds *) time; uint8_t additionalBytes = time_struct->pField & 0b111; if ((additionalBytes == 0b111) || (length < (additionalBytes + 8))) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } if (time_struct->pField & (1 << 3)) { //day of year variation uint16_t day = (time_struct->month << 8) + time_struct->day; if (day > 366) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } } else { if (time_struct->month > 12) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } if (time_struct->day > 31) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } } if (time_struct->hour > 23) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } if (time_struct->minute > 59) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } if (time_struct->second > 59) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } uint8_t *additionalByte = &time_struct->secondEminus2; for (; additionalBytes != 0; additionalBytes--) { if (*additionalByte++ > 99) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } } return RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t CCSDSTime::convertDaysOfYear(uint16_t dayofYear, uint16_t year, uint8_t* month, uint8_t* day) { if (isLeapYear(year)) { if (dayofYear > 366) { return INVALID_DAY_OF_YEAR; } } else { if (dayofYear > 365) { return INVALID_DAY_OF_YEAR; } } *month = 1; if (dayofYear <= 31) { *day = dayofYear; return RETURN_OK; } *month += 1; dayofYear -= 31; if (isLeapYear(year)) { if (dayofYear <= 29) { *day = dayofYear; return RETURN_OK; } *month += 1; dayofYear -= 29; } else { if (dayofYear <= 28) { *day = dayofYear; return RETURN_OK; } *month += 1; dayofYear -= 28; } while (*month <= 12) { if (dayofYear <= 31) { *day = dayofYear; return RETURN_OK; } *month += 1; dayofYear -= 31; if (*month == 8) { continue; } if (dayofYear <= 30) { *day = dayofYear; return RETURN_OK; } *month += 1; dayofYear -= 30; } return INVALID_DAY_OF_YEAR; } bool CCSDSTime::isLeapYear(uint32_t year) { if ((year % 400) == 0) { return true; } if ((year % 100) == 0) { return false; } if ((year % 4) == 0) { return true; } return false; } ReturnValue_t CCSDSTime::convertToCcsds(CDS_short* to, const timeval* from) { to->pField = (CDS << 4) + 0; uint32_t days = ((from->tv_sec) / SECONDS_PER_DAY) + DAYS_CCSDS_TO_UNIX_EPOCH; if (days > (1 << 16)) { //Date is beyond year 2137 return TIME_DOES_NOT_FIT_FORMAT; } to->dayMSB = (days & 0xFF00) >> 8; to->dayLSB = (days & 0xFF); uint32_t msDay = ((from->tv_sec % SECONDS_PER_DAY) * 1000) + (from->tv_usec / 1000); to->msDay_hh = (msDay & 0xFF000000) >> 24; to->msDay_h = (msDay & 0xFF0000) >> 16; to->msDay_l = (msDay & 0xFF00) >> 8; to->msDay_ll = (msDay & 0xFF); return RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t CCSDSTime::convertToCcsds(OBT_FLP* to, const timeval* from) { to->pFiled = (AGENCY_DEFINED << 4) + 5; to->seconds_hh = (from->tv_sec >> 24) & 0xff; to->seconds_h = (from->tv_sec >> 16) & 0xff; to->seconds_l = (from->tv_sec >> 8) & 0xff; to->seconds_ll = (from->tv_sec >> 0) & 0xff; //convert the µs to 2E-16 seconds uint64_t temp = from->tv_usec; temp = temp << 16; temp = temp / 1E6; to->subsecondsMSB = (temp >> 8) & 0xff; to->subsecondsLSB = temp & 0xff; return RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t CCSDSTime::convertFromCcsds(timeval* to, const uint8_t* from, uint32_t* foundLength, uint32_t maxLength) { //We don't expect ascii here. SHOULDDO uint8_t codeIdentification = (*from >> 4); switch (codeIdentification) { //unsupported, as Leap second correction would have to be applied // case CUC_LEVEL1: // return convertFromCUC(to, from, foundLength, maxLength); case CDS: return convertFromCDS(to, from, foundLength, maxLength); case CCS: return convertFromCCS(to, from, foundLength, maxLength); default: return UNSUPPORTED_TIME_FORMAT; } } ReturnValue_t CCSDSTime::convertFromCUC(timeval* to, const uint8_t* from, uint32_t* foundLength, uint32_t maxLength) { if (maxLength < 1) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } uint8_t pField = *from; from++; ReturnValue_t result = convertFromCUC(to, pField, from, foundLength, maxLength - 1); if (result == HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { if (foundLength != NULL) { *foundLength += 1; } } return result; } ReturnValue_t CCSDSTime::checkTimeOfDay(const Clock::TimeOfDay_t* time) { if ((time->month > 12) || (time->month == 0)) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } if (time->day == 0) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } switch (time->month) { case 2: if (isLeapYear(time->year)) { if (time->day > 29) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } } else { if (time->day > 28) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } } break; case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: if (time->day > 30) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } break; default: if (time->day > 31) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } break; } if (time->hour > 23) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } if (time->minute > 59) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } if (time->second > 59) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } if (time->usecond > 999999) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } return RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t CCSDSTime::convertTimevalToTimeOfDay(Clock::TimeOfDay_t* to, timeval* from) { //This is rather tricky. Implement only if needed. Also, if so, move to OSAL. return UNSUPPORTED_TIME_FORMAT; } ReturnValue_t CCSDSTime::convertFromCDS(timeval* to, const uint8_t* from, uint32_t* foundLength, uint32_t maxLength) { uint8_t pField = *from; from++; //Check epoch if (pField & 0b1000) { return NOT_ENOUGH_INFORMATION_FOR_TARGET_FORMAT; } //Check length uint8_t expectedLength = 7; //Including p-Field. bool extendedDays = pField & 0b100; if (extendedDays) { expectedLength += 1; } if ((pField & 0b11) == 0b01) { expectedLength += 2; } else if ((pField & 0b11) == 0b10) { expectedLength += 4; } if (foundLength != NULL) { *foundLength = expectedLength; } if (expectedLength > maxLength) { return LENGTH_MISMATCH; } //Check and count days uint32_t days = 0; if (extendedDays) { days = (from[0] << 16) + (from[1] << 8) + from[2]; from += 3; } else { days = (from[0] << 8) + from[1]; from += 2; } //Move to POSIX epoch. if (days <= DAYS_CCSDS_TO_UNIX_EPOCH) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } days -= DAYS_CCSDS_TO_UNIX_EPOCH; to->tv_sec = days * SECONDS_PER_DAY; uint32_t msDay = (from[0] << 24) + (from[1] << 16) + (from[2] << 8) + from[3]; from += 4; to->tv_sec += (msDay / 1000); to->tv_usec = (msDay % 1000) * 1000; if ((pField & 0b11) == 0b01) { uint16_t usecs = (from[0] << 16) + from[1]; from += 2; if (usecs > 999) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } to->tv_usec += usecs; } else if ((pField & 0b11) == 0b10) { uint32_t picosecs = (from[0] << 24) + (from[1] << 16) + (from[2] << 8) + from[3]; from += 4; if (picosecs > 999999) { return INVALID_TIME_FORMAT; } //Not very useful. to->tv_usec += (picosecs / 1000); } return RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t CCSDSTime::convertFromCUC(timeval* to, uint8_t pField, const uint8_t* from, uint32_t* foundLength, uint32_t maxLength) { uint32_t secs = 0; uint32_t subSeconds = 0; uint8_t nCoarse = ((pField & 0b1100) >> 2) + 1; uint8_t nFine = (pField & 0b11); uint32_t totalLength = nCoarse + nFine; if (foundLength != NULL) { *foundLength = totalLength; } if (totalLength > maxLength) { return LENGTH_MISMATCH; } for (int count = 0; count < nCoarse; count++) { secs += *from << ((nCoarse * 8 - 8) * (1 + count)); from++; } for (int count = 0; count < nFine; count++) { subSeconds += *from << ((nFine * 8 - 8) * (1 + count)); from++; } //Move to POSIX epoch. to->tv_sec = secs; if (pField & 0b10000) { //CCSDS-Epoch to->tv_sec -= (DAYS_CCSDS_TO_UNIX_EPOCH * SECONDS_PER_DAY); } to->tv_usec = subsecondsToMicroseconds(subSeconds); return RETURN_OK; } uint32_t CCSDSTime::subsecondsToMicroseconds(uint16_t subseconds) { uint64_t temp = (uint64_t) subseconds * 1000000 / (1 << (sizeof(subseconds) * 8)); return temp; } ReturnValue_t CCSDSTime::convertFromCCS(timeval* to, const uint8_t* from, uint32_t* foundLength, uint32_t maxLength) { Clock::TimeOfDay_t tempTime; ReturnValue_t result = convertFromCCS(&tempTime, from, foundLength, maxLength); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } return Clock::convertTimeOfDayToTimeval(&tempTime, to); }