#include "DeviceHandlerBase.h" #include "AcceptsDeviceResponsesIF.h" #include "DeviceTmReportingWrapper.h" #include "../serviceinterface/ServiceInterface.h" #include "../objectmanager/ObjectManager.h" #include "../storagemanager/StorageManagerIF.h" #include "../thermal/ThermalComponentIF.h" #include "../globalfunctions/CRC.h" #include "../housekeeping/HousekeepingMessage.h" #include "../ipc/MessageQueueMessage.h" #include "../ipc/QueueFactory.h" #include "../subsystem/SubsystemBase.h" #include "../datapoollocal/LocalPoolVariable.h" object_id_t DeviceHandlerBase::powerSwitcherId = objects::NO_OBJECT; object_id_t DeviceHandlerBase::rawDataReceiverId = objects::NO_OBJECT; object_id_t DeviceHandlerBase::defaultFdirParentId = objects::NO_OBJECT; DeviceHandlerBase::DeviceHandlerBase(object_id_t setObjectId, object_id_t deviceCommunication, CookieIF* comCookie, FailureIsolationBase* fdirInstance, size_t cmdQueueSize): SystemObject(setObjectId), mode(MODE_OFF), submode(SUBMODE_NONE), wiretappingMode(OFF), storedRawData(StorageManagerIF::INVALID_ADDRESS), deviceCommunicationId(deviceCommunication), comCookie(comCookie), healthHelper(this,setObjectId), modeHelper(this), parameterHelper(this), actionHelper(this, nullptr), poolManager(this, nullptr), childTransitionFailure(RETURN_OK), fdirInstance(fdirInstance), defaultFDIRUsed(fdirInstance == nullptr), switchOffWasReported(false), childTransitionDelay(5000), transitionSourceMode(_MODE_POWER_DOWN), transitionSourceSubMode(SUBMODE_NONE) { commandQueue = QueueFactory::instance()->createMessageQueue(cmdQueueSize, MessageQueueMessage::MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE); insertInCommandMap(RAW_COMMAND_ID); cookieInfo.state = COOKIE_UNUSED; cookieInfo.pendingCommand = deviceCommandMap.end(); if (comCookie == nullptr) { printWarningOrError(sif::OutputTypes::OUT_ERROR, "DeviceHandlerBase", HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED, "Invalid cookie"); } if (this->fdirInstance == nullptr) { this->fdirInstance = new DeviceHandlerFailureIsolation(setObjectId, defaultFdirParentId); } } void DeviceHandlerBase::setHkDestination(object_id_t hkDestination) { this->hkDestination = hkDestination; } void DeviceHandlerBase::setThermalStateRequestPoolIds( lp_id_t thermalStatePoolId, lp_id_t heaterRequestPoolId, uint32_t thermalSetId) { thermalSet = new DeviceHandlerThermalSet(this, thermalSetId, thermalStatePoolId, heaterRequestPoolId); } DeviceHandlerBase::~DeviceHandlerBase() { delete comCookie; if (defaultFDIRUsed) { delete fdirInstance; } QueueFactory::instance()->deleteMessageQueue(commandQueue); } ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::performOperation(uint8_t counter) { this->pstStep = counter; this->lastStep = this->pstStep; if (getComAction() == CommunicationAction::NOTHING) { return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } if (getComAction() == CommunicationAction::PERFORM_OPERATION) { cookieInfo.state = COOKIE_UNUSED; readCommandQueue(); doStateMachine(); checkSwitchState(); decrementDeviceReplyMap(); fdirInstance->checkForFailures(); performOperationHook(); return RETURN_OK; } if (mode == MODE_OFF) { return RETURN_OK; } switch (getComAction()) { case CommunicationAction::SEND_WRITE: if (cookieInfo.state == COOKIE_UNUSED) { /* If no external command was specified, build internal command. */ buildInternalCommand(); } doSendWrite(); break; case CommunicationAction::GET_WRITE: doGetWrite(); break; case CommunicationAction::SEND_READ: doSendRead(); break; case CommunicationAction::GET_READ: doGetRead(); /* This will be performed after datasets have been updated by the custom device implementation. */ poolManager.performHkOperation(); break; default: break; } return RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::initialize() { ReturnValue_t result = SystemObject::initialize(); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } communicationInterface = objectManager->get<DeviceCommunicationIF>( deviceCommunicationId); if (communicationInterface == nullptr) { printWarningOrError(sif::OutputTypes::OUT_ERROR, "initialize", ObjectManagerIF::CHILD_INIT_FAILED, "Passed communication IF invalid"); return ObjectManagerIF::CHILD_INIT_FAILED; } result = communicationInterface->initializeInterface(comCookie); if (result != RETURN_OK) { printWarningOrError(sif::OutputTypes::OUT_ERROR, "initialize", ObjectManagerIF::CHILD_INIT_FAILED, "ComIF initialization failed"); return result; } IPCStore = objectManager->get<StorageManagerIF>(objects::IPC_STORE); if (IPCStore == nullptr) { printWarningOrError(sif::OutputTypes::OUT_ERROR, "initialize", ObjectManagerIF::CHILD_INIT_FAILED, "IPC Store not set up"); return ObjectManagerIF::CHILD_INIT_FAILED; } if(rawDataReceiverId != objects::NO_OBJECT) { AcceptsDeviceResponsesIF *rawReceiver = objectManager->get< AcceptsDeviceResponsesIF>(rawDataReceiverId); if (rawReceiver == nullptr) { printWarningOrError(sif::OutputTypes::OUT_ERROR, "initialize", ObjectManagerIF::CHILD_INIT_FAILED, "Raw receiver object ID set but no valid object found."); #if FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 sif::error << "Make sure the raw receiver object is set up properly" " and implements AcceptsDeviceResponsesIF" << std::endl; #else sif::printError("Make sure the raw receiver object is set up " "properly and implements AcceptsDeviceResponsesIF\n"); #endif return ObjectManagerIF::CHILD_INIT_FAILED; } defaultRawReceiver = rawReceiver->getDeviceQueue(); } if(powerSwitcherId != objects::NO_OBJECT) { powerSwitcher = objectManager->get<PowerSwitchIF>(powerSwitcherId); if (powerSwitcher == nullptr) { printWarningOrError(sif::OutputTypes::OUT_ERROR, "initialize", ObjectManagerIF::CHILD_INIT_FAILED, "Power switcher set but no valid object found."); #if FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 sif::error << "Make sure the power switcher object is set up " << "properly and implements PowerSwitchIF" << std::endl; #else sif::printError("Make sure the power switcher object is set up " "properly and implements PowerSwitchIF\n"); #endif return ObjectManagerIF::CHILD_INIT_FAILED; } } result = healthHelper.initialize(); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } result = modeHelper.initialize(); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } result = actionHelper.initialize(commandQueue); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return result; } result = fdirInstance->initialize(); if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { return result; } result = parameterHelper.initialize(); if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { return result; } result = poolManager.initialize(commandQueue); if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { return result; } fillCommandAndReplyMap(); if(thermalSet != nullptr) { //Set temperature target state to NON_OP. result = thermalSet->read(); if(result == HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { thermalSet->heaterRequest.value = ThermalComponentIF::STATE_REQUEST_NON_OPERATIONAL; thermalSet->heaterRequest.setValid(true); thermalSet->commit(); } } return RETURN_OK; } void DeviceHandlerBase::decrementDeviceReplyMap() { for (std::map<DeviceCommandId_t, DeviceReplyInfo>::iterator iter = deviceReplyMap.begin(); iter != deviceReplyMap.end(); iter++) { if (iter->second.delayCycles != 0) { iter->second.delayCycles--; if (iter->second.delayCycles == 0) { if (iter->second.periodic) { iter->second.delayCycles = iter->second.maxDelayCycles; } replyToReply(iter, TIMEOUT); missedReply(iter->first); } } } } void DeviceHandlerBase::readCommandQueue() { if (dontCheckQueue()) { return; } CommandMessage command; ReturnValue_t result = commandQueue->receiveMessage(&command); if (result != RETURN_OK) { return; } result = healthHelper.handleHealthCommand(&command); if (result == RETURN_OK) { return; } result = modeHelper.handleModeCommand(&command); if (result == RETURN_OK) { return; } result = actionHelper.handleActionMessage(&command); if (result == RETURN_OK) { return; } result = parameterHelper.handleParameterMessage(&command); if (result == RETURN_OK) { return; } result = poolManager.handleHousekeepingMessage(&command); if (result == RETURN_OK) { return; } result = handleDeviceHandlerMessage(&command); if (result == RETURN_OK) { return; } result = letChildHandleMessage(&command); if (result == RETURN_OK) { return; } replyReturnvalueToCommand(CommandMessage::UNKNOWN_COMMAND); } void DeviceHandlerBase::doStateMachine() { switch (mode) { case _MODE_START_UP: case _MODE_SHUT_DOWN: case _MODE_TO_NORMAL: case _MODE_TO_ON: case _MODE_TO_RAW: { Mode_t currentMode = mode; callChildStatemachine(); //Only do timeout if child did not change anything if (mode != currentMode) { break; } uint32_t currentUptime; Clock::getUptime(¤tUptime); if (currentUptime - timeoutStart >= childTransitionDelay) { triggerEvent(MODE_TRANSITION_FAILED, childTransitionFailure, 0); setMode(transitionSourceMode, transitionSourceSubMode); break; } } break; case _MODE_POWER_DOWN: commandSwitch(PowerSwitchIF::SWITCH_OFF); setMode(_MODE_WAIT_OFF); break; case _MODE_POWER_ON: commandSwitch(PowerSwitchIF::SWITCH_ON); setMode(_MODE_WAIT_ON); break; case _MODE_WAIT_ON: { uint32_t currentUptime; Clock::getUptime(¤tUptime); if (powerSwitcher != nullptr and currentUptime - timeoutStart >= powerSwitcher->getSwitchDelayMs()) { triggerEvent(MODE_TRANSITION_FAILED, PowerSwitchIF::SWITCH_TIMEOUT, 0); setMode(_MODE_POWER_DOWN); callChildStatemachine(); break; } ReturnValue_t switchState = getStateOfSwitches(); if ((switchState == PowerSwitchIF::SWITCH_ON) || (switchState == NO_SWITCH)) { //NOTE: TransitionSourceMode and -SubMode are set by handleCommandedModeTransition childTransitionFailure = CHILD_TIMEOUT; setMode(_MODE_START_UP); callChildStatemachine(); } } break; case _MODE_WAIT_OFF: { uint32_t currentUptime; Clock::getUptime(¤tUptime); if(powerSwitcher == nullptr) { setMode(MODE_OFF); break; } if (currentUptime - timeoutStart >= powerSwitcher->getSwitchDelayMs()) { triggerEvent(MODE_TRANSITION_FAILED, PowerSwitchIF::SWITCH_TIMEOUT, 0); setMode(MODE_ERROR_ON); break; } ReturnValue_t switchState = getStateOfSwitches(); if ((switchState == PowerSwitchIF::SWITCH_OFF) || (switchState == NO_SWITCH)) { setMode(_MODE_SWITCH_IS_OFF); } } break; case MODE_OFF: doOffActivity(); break; case MODE_ON: doOnActivity(); break; case MODE_RAW: case MODE_NORMAL: case MODE_ERROR_ON: break; case _MODE_SWITCH_IS_OFF: setMode(MODE_OFF, SUBMODE_NONE); break; default: triggerEvent(OBJECT_IN_INVALID_MODE, mode, submode); setMode(_MODE_POWER_DOWN, 0); break; } } ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::isModeCombinationValid(Mode_t mode, Submode_t submode) { switch (mode) { case MODE_OFF: case MODE_ON: case MODE_NORMAL: case MODE_RAW: if (submode == SUBMODE_NONE) { return RETURN_OK; } else { return INVALID_SUBMODE; } default: return HasModesIF::INVALID_MODE; } } ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::insertInCommandAndReplyMap( DeviceCommandId_t deviceCommand, uint16_t maxDelayCycles, LocalPoolDataSetBase* replyDataSet, size_t replyLen, bool periodic, bool hasDifferentReplyId, DeviceCommandId_t replyId) { //No need to check, as we may try to insert multiple times. insertInCommandMap(deviceCommand); if (hasDifferentReplyId) { return insertInReplyMap(replyId, maxDelayCycles, replyDataSet, replyLen, periodic); } else { return insertInReplyMap(deviceCommand, maxDelayCycles, replyDataSet, replyLen, periodic); } } ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::insertInReplyMap(DeviceCommandId_t replyId, uint16_t maxDelayCycles, LocalPoolDataSetBase* dataSet, size_t replyLen, bool periodic) { DeviceReplyInfo info; info.maxDelayCycles = maxDelayCycles; info.periodic = periodic; info.delayCycles = 0; info.replyLen = replyLen; info.dataSet = dataSet; info.command = deviceCommandMap.end(); auto resultPair = deviceReplyMap.emplace(replyId, info); if (resultPair.second) { return RETURN_OK; } else { return RETURN_FAILED; } } ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::insertInCommandMap(DeviceCommandId_t deviceCommand) { DeviceCommandInfo info; info.expectedReplies = 0; info.isExecuting = false; info.sendReplyTo = NO_COMMANDER; auto resultPair = deviceCommandMap.emplace(deviceCommand, info); if (resultPair.second) { return RETURN_OK; } else { return RETURN_FAILED; } } ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::updateReplyMapEntry(DeviceCommandId_t deviceReply, uint16_t delayCycles, uint16_t maxDelayCycles, bool periodic) { auto replyIter = deviceReplyMap.find(deviceReply); if (replyIter == deviceReplyMap.end()) { triggerEvent(INVALID_DEVICE_COMMAND, deviceReply); return RETURN_FAILED; } else { DeviceReplyInfo *info = &(replyIter->second); if (maxDelayCycles != 0) { info->maxDelayCycles = maxDelayCycles; } info->delayCycles = delayCycles; info->periodic = periodic; return RETURN_OK; } } ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::setReplyDataset(DeviceCommandId_t replyId, LocalPoolDataSetBase *dataSet) { auto replyIter = deviceReplyMap.find(replyId); if(replyIter == deviceReplyMap.end()) { return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED; } replyIter->second.dataSet = dataSet; return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } void DeviceHandlerBase::callChildStatemachine() { if (mode == _MODE_START_UP) { doStartUp(); } else if (mode == _MODE_SHUT_DOWN) { doShutDown(); } else if (mode & TRANSITION_MODE_CHILD_ACTION_MASK) { doTransition(transitionSourceMode, transitionSourceSubMode); } } void DeviceHandlerBase::setTransition(Mode_t modeTo, Submode_t submodeTo) { triggerEvent(CHANGING_MODE, modeTo, submodeTo); childTransitionDelay = getTransitionDelayMs(mode, modeTo); transitionSourceMode = mode; transitionSourceSubMode = submode; childTransitionFailure = CHILD_TIMEOUT; // transitionTargetMode is set by setMode setMode((modeTo | TRANSITION_MODE_CHILD_ACTION_MASK), submodeTo); } void DeviceHandlerBase::setMode(Mode_t newMode, uint8_t newSubmode) { /* TODO: This will probably be done by the LocalDataPoolManager now */ //changeHK(mode, submode, false); submode = newSubmode; mode = newMode; modeChanged(); setNormalDatapoolEntriesInvalid(); if (!isTransitionalMode()) { modeHelper.modeChanged(newMode, newSubmode); announceMode(false); } Clock::getUptime(&timeoutStart); if (mode == MODE_OFF and thermalSet != nullptr) { ReturnValue_t result = thermalSet->read(); if(result == HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { if (thermalSet->heaterRequest.value != ThermalComponentIF::STATE_REQUEST_IGNORE) { thermalSet->heaterRequest.value = ThermalComponentIF:: STATE_REQUEST_NON_OPERATIONAL; } thermalSet->heaterRequest.commit(PoolVariableIF::VALID); } } /* TODO: This will probably be done by the LocalDataPoolManager now */ //changeHK(mode, submode, true); } void DeviceHandlerBase::setMode(Mode_t newMode) { setMode(newMode, submode); } void DeviceHandlerBase::replyReturnvalueToCommand(ReturnValue_t status, uint32_t parameter) { //This is actually the reply protocol for raw and misc DH commands. if (status == RETURN_OK) { CommandMessage reply(CommandMessage::REPLY_COMMAND_OK, 0, parameter); commandQueue->reply(&reply); } else { CommandMessage reply(CommandMessage::REPLY_REJECTED, status, parameter); commandQueue->reply(&reply); } } void DeviceHandlerBase::replyToCommand(ReturnValue_t status, uint32_t parameter) { // Check if we reply to a raw command. if (cookieInfo.pendingCommand->first == RAW_COMMAND_ID) { if (status == NO_REPLY_EXPECTED) { status = RETURN_OK; } replyReturnvalueToCommand(status, parameter); // Always delete data from a raw command. IPCStore->deleteData(storedRawData); return; } // Check if we were externally commanded. if (cookieInfo.pendingCommand->second.sendReplyTo != NO_COMMANDER) { MessageQueueId_t queueId = cookieInfo.pendingCommand->second.sendReplyTo; if (status == NO_REPLY_EXPECTED) { actionHelper.finish(true, queueId, cookieInfo.pendingCommand->first, RETURN_OK); } else { actionHelper.step(1, queueId, cookieInfo.pendingCommand->first, status); } } } void DeviceHandlerBase::replyToReply(DeviceReplyMap::iterator iter, ReturnValue_t status) { // No need to check if iter exists, as this is checked by callers. // If someone else uses the method, add check. if (iter->second.command == deviceCommandMap.end()) { //Is most likely periodic reply. Silent return. return; } // Check if more replies are expected. If so, do nothing. DeviceCommandInfo* info = &(iter->second.command->second); if (--info->expectedReplies == 0) { // Check if it was transition or internal command. // Don't send any replies in that case. if (info->sendReplyTo != NO_COMMANDER) { bool success = false; if(status == HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { success = true; } actionHelper.finish(success, info->sendReplyTo, iter->first, status); } info->isExecuting = false; } } void DeviceHandlerBase::doSendWrite() { if (cookieInfo.state == COOKIE_WRITE_READY) { ReturnValue_t result = communicationInterface->sendMessage(comCookie, rawPacket, rawPacketLen); if (result == RETURN_OK) { cookieInfo.state = COOKIE_WRITE_SENT; } else { // always generate a failure event, so that FDIR knows what's up triggerEvent(DEVICE_SENDING_COMMAND_FAILED, result, cookieInfo.pendingCommand->first); replyToCommand(result); cookieInfo.state = COOKIE_UNUSED; cookieInfo.pendingCommand->second.isExecuting = false; } } } void DeviceHandlerBase::doGetWrite() { if (cookieInfo.state != COOKIE_WRITE_SENT) { return; } cookieInfo.state = COOKIE_UNUSED; ReturnValue_t result = communicationInterface->getSendSuccess(comCookie); if (result == RETURN_OK) { if (wiretappingMode == RAW) { replyRawData(rawPacket, rawPacketLen, requestedRawTraffic, true); } //We need to distinguish here, because a raw command never expects a reply. //(Could be done in eRIRM, but then child implementations need to be careful. result = enableReplyInReplyMap(cookieInfo.pendingCommand); } else { //always generate a failure event, so that FDIR knows what's up triggerEvent(DEVICE_SENDING_COMMAND_FAILED, result, cookieInfo.pendingCommand->first); } if (result != RETURN_OK) { cookieInfo.pendingCommand->second.isExecuting = false; } replyToCommand(result); } void DeviceHandlerBase::doSendRead() { ReturnValue_t result; size_t requestLen = 0; if(cookieInfo.pendingCommand != deviceCommandMap.end()) { DeviceReplyIter iter = deviceReplyMap.find( cookieInfo.pendingCommand->first); if(iter != deviceReplyMap.end()) { requestLen = iter->second.replyLen; } } result = communicationInterface->requestReceiveMessage(comCookie, requestLen); if (result == RETURN_OK) { cookieInfo.state = COOKIE_READ_SENT; } else { triggerEvent(DEVICE_REQUESTING_REPLY_FAILED, result); //We can't inform anyone, because we don't know which command was sent last. //So, we need to wait for a timeout. //but I think we can allow to ignore one missedReply. ignoreMissedRepliesCount++; cookieInfo.state = COOKIE_UNUSED; } } void DeviceHandlerBase::doGetRead() { size_t receivedDataLen = 0; uint8_t *receivedData = nullptr; if (cookieInfo.state != COOKIE_READ_SENT) { cookieInfo.state = COOKIE_UNUSED; return; } cookieInfo.state = COOKIE_UNUSED; ReturnValue_t result = communicationInterface->readReceivedMessage( comCookie, &receivedData, &receivedDataLen); if (result != RETURN_OK) { triggerEvent(DEVICE_REQUESTING_REPLY_FAILED, result); //I think we can allow to ignore one missedReply. ignoreMissedRepliesCount++; return; } if (receivedDataLen == 0 or result == DeviceCommunicationIF::NO_REPLY_RECEIVED) return; if (wiretappingMode == RAW) { replyRawData(receivedData, receivedDataLen, requestedRawTraffic); } if (mode == MODE_RAW) { if (defaultRawReceiver != MessageQueueIF::NO_QUEUE) { replyRawReplyIfnotWiretapped(receivedData, receivedDataLen); } } else { parseReply(receivedData, receivedDataLen); } } void DeviceHandlerBase::parseReply(const uint8_t* receivedData, size_t receivedDataLen) { ReturnValue_t result = HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED; DeviceCommandId_t foundId = DeviceHandlerIF::NO_COMMAND_ID; size_t foundLen = 0; /* The loop may not execute more often than the number of received bytes (worst case). This approach avoids infinite loops due to buggy scanForReply routines. */ uint32_t remainingLength = receivedDataLen; for (uint32_t count = 0; count < receivedDataLen; count++) { result = scanForReply(receivedData, remainingLength, &foundId, &foundLen); switch (result) { case RETURN_OK: handleReply(receivedData, foundId, foundLen); if(foundLen == 0) { printWarningOrError(sif::OutputTypes::OUT_WARNING, "parseReply", ObjectManagerIF::CHILD_INIT_FAILED, "Found length is one, parsing might be stuck"); } break; case APERIODIC_REPLY: { result = interpretDeviceReply(foundId, receivedData); if (result != RETURN_OK) { replyRawReplyIfnotWiretapped(receivedData, foundLen); triggerEvent(DEVICE_INTERPRETING_REPLY_FAILED, result, foundId); } if(foundLen == 0) { printWarningOrError(sif::OutputTypes::OUT_ERROR, "parseReply", ObjectManagerIF::CHILD_INIT_FAILED, "Power switcher set but no valid object found."); #if FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 sif::warning << "DeviceHandlerBase::parseReply: foundLen is 0!" " Packet parsing will be stuck." << std::endl; #endif } break; } case IGNORE_REPLY_DATA: continue; case IGNORE_FULL_PACKET: return; default: // We need to wait for timeout.. don't know what command failed // and who sent it. replyRawReplyIfnotWiretapped(receivedData, foundLen); triggerEvent(DEVICE_READING_REPLY_FAILED, result, foundLen); break; } receivedData += foundLen; if (remainingLength > foundLen) { remainingLength -= foundLen; } else { return; } } } void DeviceHandlerBase::handleReply(const uint8_t* receivedData, DeviceCommandId_t foundId, uint32_t foundLen) { ReturnValue_t result; DeviceReplyMap::iterator iter = deviceReplyMap.find(foundId); if (iter == deviceReplyMap.end()) { replyRawReplyIfnotWiretapped(receivedData, foundLen); triggerEvent(DEVICE_UNKNOWN_REPLY, foundId); return; } DeviceReplyInfo *info = &(iter->second); if (info->delayCycles != 0) { result = interpretDeviceReply(foundId, receivedData); if(result == IGNORE_REPLY_DATA) { return; } if (info->periodic) { info->delayCycles = info->maxDelayCycles; } else { info->delayCycles = 0; } if (result != RETURN_OK) { // Report failed interpretation to FDIR. replyRawReplyIfnotWiretapped(receivedData, foundLen); triggerEvent(DEVICE_INTERPRETING_REPLY_FAILED, result, foundId); } replyToReply(iter, result); } else { /* Other completion failure messages are created by timeout. Powering down the device might take some time during which periodic replies may still come in. */ if (mode != _MODE_WAIT_OFF) { triggerEvent(DEVICE_UNREQUESTED_REPLY, foundId); } } } ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::getStorageData(store_address_t storageAddress, uint8_t** data, uint32_t * len) { size_t lenTmp; if (IPCStore == nullptr) { *data = nullptr; *len = 0; return RETURN_FAILED; } ReturnValue_t result = IPCStore->modifyData(storageAddress, data, &lenTmp); if (result == RETURN_OK) { *len = lenTmp; return RETURN_OK; } else { triggerEvent(StorageManagerIF::GET_DATA_FAILED, result, storageAddress.raw); *data = nullptr; *len = 0; return result; } } void DeviceHandlerBase::replyRawData(const uint8_t *data, size_t len, MessageQueueId_t sendTo, bool isCommand) { if (IPCStore == nullptr or len == 0 or sendTo == MessageQueueIF::NO_QUEUE) { return; } store_address_t address; ReturnValue_t result = IPCStore->addData(&address, data, len); if (result != RETURN_OK) { triggerEvent(StorageManagerIF::STORE_DATA_FAILED, result); return; } CommandMessage command; DeviceHandlerMessage::setDeviceHandlerRawReplyMessage(&command, getObjectId(), address, isCommand); result = commandQueue->sendMessage(sendTo, &command); if (result != RETURN_OK) { IPCStore->deleteData(address); // Silently discard data, this indicates heavy TM traffic which // should not be increased by additional events. } } //Default child implementations DeviceHandlerIF::CommunicationAction DeviceHandlerBase::getComAction() { switch (pstStep) { case 0: return CommunicationAction::PERFORM_OPERATION; break; case 1: return CommunicationAction::SEND_WRITE; break; case 2: return CommunicationAction::GET_WRITE; break; case 3: return CommunicationAction::SEND_READ; break; case 4: return CommunicationAction::GET_READ; break; default: break; } return CommunicationAction::NOTHING; } MessageQueueId_t DeviceHandlerBase::getCommandQueue() const { return commandQueue->getId(); } void DeviceHandlerBase::buildRawDeviceCommand(CommandMessage* commandMessage) { storedRawData = DeviceHandlerMessage::getStoreAddress(commandMessage); ReturnValue_t result = getStorageData(storedRawData, &rawPacket, &rawPacketLen); if (result != RETURN_OK) { replyReturnvalueToCommand(result, RAW_COMMAND_ID); storedRawData.raw = StorageManagerIF::INVALID_ADDRESS; } else { cookieInfo.pendingCommand = deviceCommandMap.find( (DeviceCommandId_t) RAW_COMMAND_ID); cookieInfo.pendingCommand->second.isExecuting = true; cookieInfo.state = COOKIE_WRITE_READY; } } void DeviceHandlerBase::commandSwitch(ReturnValue_t onOff) { if(powerSwitcher == nullptr) { return; } const uint8_t *switches; uint8_t numberOfSwitches = 0; ReturnValue_t result = getSwitches(&switches, &numberOfSwitches); if (result == RETURN_OK) { while (numberOfSwitches > 0) { powerSwitcher->sendSwitchCommand(switches[numberOfSwitches - 1], onOff); numberOfSwitches--; } } } ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::getSwitches(const uint8_t **switches, uint8_t *numberOfSwitches) { return DeviceHandlerBase::NO_SWITCH; } void DeviceHandlerBase::modeChanged(void) { } ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::enableReplyInReplyMap( DeviceCommandMap::iterator command, uint8_t expectedReplies, bool useAlternativeId, DeviceCommandId_t alternativeReply) { DeviceReplyMap::iterator iter; if (useAlternativeId) { iter = deviceReplyMap.find(alternativeReply); } else { iter = deviceReplyMap.find(command->first); } if (iter != deviceReplyMap.end()) { DeviceReplyInfo *info = &(iter->second); info->delayCycles = info->maxDelayCycles; info->command = command; command->second.expectedReplies = expectedReplies; return RETURN_OK; } else { return NO_REPLY_EXPECTED; } } void DeviceHandlerBase::doTransition(Mode_t modeFrom, Submode_t subModeFrom) { setMode(getBaseMode(mode)); } ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::getStateOfSwitches(void) { if(powerSwitcher == nullptr) { return NO_SWITCH; } uint8_t numberOfSwitches = 0; const uint8_t *switches; ReturnValue_t result = getSwitches(&switches, &numberOfSwitches); if ((result == RETURN_OK) && (numberOfSwitches != 0)) { while (numberOfSwitches > 0) { if (powerSwitcher->getSwitchState(switches[numberOfSwitches - 1]) == PowerSwitchIF::SWITCH_OFF) { return PowerSwitchIF::SWITCH_OFF; } numberOfSwitches--; } return PowerSwitchIF::SWITCH_ON; } return NO_SWITCH; } Mode_t DeviceHandlerBase::getBaseMode(Mode_t transitionMode) { // only child action special modes are handled, as a child should // never see any base action modes if (transitionMode == _MODE_START_UP) { return _MODE_TO_ON; } if (transitionMode == _MODE_SHUT_DOWN) { return _MODE_POWER_DOWN; } return transitionMode & ~(TRANSITION_MODE_BASE_ACTION_MASK | TRANSITION_MODE_CHILD_ACTION_MASK); } //SHOULDDO: Allow transition from OFF to NORMAL to reduce complexity in assemblies. And, by the way, throw away DHB and write a new one: // - Include power and thermal completely, but more modular :-) // - Don't use modes for state transitions, reduce FSM (Finte State Machine) complexity. // - Modularization? ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::checkModeCommand(Mode_t commandedMode, Submode_t commandedSubmode, uint32_t* msToReachTheMode) { if (isTransitionalMode()) { return IN_TRANSITION; } if ((mode == MODE_ERROR_ON) && (commandedMode != MODE_OFF)) { return TRANS_NOT_ALLOWED; } if ((commandedMode == MODE_NORMAL) && (mode == MODE_OFF)) { return TRANS_NOT_ALLOWED; } if ((commandedMode == MODE_ON) && (mode == MODE_OFF) and (thermalSet != nullptr)) { ReturnValue_t result = thermalSet->read(); if(result == HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { if((thermalSet->heaterRequest.value != ThermalComponentIF::STATE_REQUEST_IGNORE) and (not ThermalComponentIF::isOperational( thermalSet->thermalState.value))) { triggerEvent(ThermalComponentIF::TEMP_NOT_IN_OP_RANGE, thermalSet->thermalState.value); return NON_OP_TEMPERATURE; } } } return isModeCombinationValid(commandedMode, commandedSubmode); } void DeviceHandlerBase::startTransition(Mode_t commandedMode, Submode_t commandedSubmode) { switch (commandedMode) { case MODE_ON: handleTransitionToOnMode(commandedMode, commandedSubmode); break; case MODE_OFF: if (mode == MODE_OFF) { triggerEvent(CHANGING_MODE, commandedMode, commandedSubmode); setMode(_MODE_POWER_DOWN, commandedSubmode); } else { // already set the delay for the child transition // so we don't need to call it twice childTransitionDelay = getTransitionDelayMs(mode, _MODE_POWER_DOWN); transitionSourceMode = _MODE_POWER_DOWN; transitionSourceSubMode = commandedSubmode; childTransitionFailure = CHILD_TIMEOUT; setMode(_MODE_SHUT_DOWN, commandedSubmode); triggerEvent(CHANGING_MODE, commandedMode, commandedSubmode); } break; case MODE_RAW: if (mode != MODE_OFF) { setTransition(MODE_RAW, commandedSubmode); } else { setMode(MODE_RAW, commandedSubmode); } break; case MODE_NORMAL: if (mode != MODE_OFF) { setTransition(MODE_NORMAL, commandedSubmode); } else { replyReturnvalueToCommand(HasModesIF::TRANS_NOT_ALLOWED); } break; } } void DeviceHandlerBase::handleTransitionToOnMode(Mode_t commandedMode, Submode_t commandedSubmode) { if (mode == MODE_OFF) { transitionSourceMode = _MODE_POWER_DOWN; transitionSourceSubMode = SUBMODE_NONE; setMode(_MODE_POWER_ON, commandedSubmode); // already set the delay for the child transition so we don't // need to call it twice childTransitionDelay = getTransitionDelayMs(_MODE_START_UP, MODE_ON); triggerEvent(CHANGING_MODE, commandedMode, commandedSubmode); if(thermalSet != nullptr) { ReturnValue_t result = thermalSet->read(); if(result == HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { if(thermalSet->heaterRequest != ThermalComponentIF::STATE_REQUEST_IGNORE) { thermalSet->heaterRequest = ThermalComponentIF::STATE_REQUEST_OPERATIONAL; thermalSet->commit(); } } } } else { setTransition(MODE_ON, commandedSubmode); } } void DeviceHandlerBase::getMode(Mode_t* mode, Submode_t* submode) { *mode = this->mode; *submode = this->submode; } void DeviceHandlerBase::setToExternalControl() { healthHelper.setHealth(EXTERNAL_CONTROL); } void DeviceHandlerBase::announceMode(bool recursive) { triggerEvent(MODE_INFO, mode, submode); } bool DeviceHandlerBase::dontCheckQueue() { return false; } void DeviceHandlerBase::missedReply(DeviceCommandId_t id) { if (ignoreMissedRepliesCount > 0) { ignoreMissedRepliesCount--; } else { triggerEvent(DEVICE_MISSED_REPLY, id); } } HasHealthIF::HealthState DeviceHandlerBase::getHealth() { return healthHelper.getHealth(); } ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::setHealth(HealthState health) { healthHelper.setHealth(health); return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } void DeviceHandlerBase::checkSwitchState() { if ((mode == MODE_ON || mode == MODE_NORMAL)) { //We only check in ON and NORMAL, ignore RAW and ERROR_ON. ReturnValue_t result = getStateOfSwitches(); if (result == PowerSwitchIF::SWITCH_OFF && !switchOffWasReported) { triggerEvent(PowerSwitchIF::SWITCH_WENT_OFF); switchOffWasReported = true; } } else { switchOffWasReported = false; } } void DeviceHandlerBase::doOnActivity() { } ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::acceptExternalDeviceCommands() { if ((mode != MODE_ON) && (mode != MODE_NORMAL)) { return WRONG_MODE_FOR_COMMAND; } return RETURN_OK; } void DeviceHandlerBase::replyRawReplyIfnotWiretapped(const uint8_t* data, size_t len) { if ((wiretappingMode == RAW) && (defaultRawReceiver == requestedRawTraffic)) { //The raw packet was already sent by the wiretapping service } else { replyRawData(data, len, defaultRawReceiver); } } ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::handleDeviceHandlerMessage( CommandMessage * message) { switch (message->getCommand()) { case DeviceHandlerMessage::CMD_WIRETAPPING: switch (DeviceHandlerMessage::getWiretappingMode(message)) { case RAW: wiretappingMode = RAW; requestedRawTraffic = commandQueue->getLastPartner(); break; case TM: wiretappingMode = TM; requestedRawTraffic = commandQueue->getLastPartner(); break; case OFF: wiretappingMode = OFF; break; default: replyReturnvalueToCommand(INVALID_COMMAND_PARAMETER); wiretappingMode = OFF; return RETURN_OK; } replyReturnvalueToCommand(RETURN_OK); return RETURN_OK; case DeviceHandlerMessage::CMD_RAW: if ((mode != MODE_RAW)) { DeviceHandlerMessage::clear(message); replyReturnvalueToCommand(WRONG_MODE_FOR_COMMAND); } else { buildRawDeviceCommand(message); } return RETURN_OK; default: return RETURN_FAILED; } } void DeviceHandlerBase::setParentQueue(MessageQueueId_t parentQueueId) { modeHelper.setParentQueue(parentQueueId); healthHelper.setParentQueue(parentQueueId); } bool DeviceHandlerBase::isAwaitingReply() { std::map<DeviceCommandId_t, DeviceReplyInfo>::iterator iter; for (iter = deviceReplyMap.begin(); iter != deviceReplyMap.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second.delayCycles != 0) { return true; } } return false; } ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::letChildHandleMessage( CommandMessage * message) { return RETURN_FAILED; } void DeviceHandlerBase::handleDeviceTM(SerializeIF *dataSet, DeviceCommandId_t replyId, bool forceDirectTm) { if(dataSet == nullptr) { return; } DeviceReplyMap::iterator iter = deviceReplyMap.find(replyId); if (iter == deviceReplyMap.end()) { triggerEvent(DEVICE_UNKNOWN_REPLY, replyId); return; } /* Regular replies to a command */ if (iter->second.command != deviceCommandMap.end()) { MessageQueueId_t queueId = iter->second.command->second.sendReplyTo; if (queueId != NO_COMMANDER) { /* This may fail, but we'll ignore the fault. */ actionHelper.reportData(queueId, replyId, dataSet); } /* This check should make sure we get any TM but don't get anything doubled. */ if (wiretappingMode == TM && (requestedRawTraffic != queueId)) { DeviceTmReportingWrapper wrapper(getObjectId(), replyId, dataSet); actionHelper.reportData(requestedRawTraffic, replyId, &wrapper); } else if (forceDirectTm and (defaultRawReceiver != queueId) and (defaultRawReceiver != MessageQueueIF::NO_QUEUE)) { // hiding of sender needed so the service will handle it as // unexpected Data, no matter what state (progress or completed) // it is in actionHelper.reportData(defaultRawReceiver, replyId, dataSet, true); } } /* Unrequested or aperiodic replies */ else { DeviceTmReportingWrapper wrapper(getObjectId(), replyId, dataSet); if (wiretappingMode == TM) { actionHelper.reportData(requestedRawTraffic, replyId, &wrapper); } if (forceDirectTm and defaultRawReceiver != MessageQueueIF::NO_QUEUE) { // sid_t setSid = sid_t(this->getObjectId(), replyId); // LocalPoolDataSetBase* dataset = getDataSetHandle(setSid); // if(dataset != nullptr) { // poolManager.generateHousekeepingPacket(setSid, dataset, true); // } // hiding of sender needed so the service will handle it as // unexpected Data, no matter what state (progress or completed) // it is in actionHelper.reportData(defaultRawReceiver, replyId, &wrapper, true); } } } ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::executeAction(ActionId_t actionId, MessageQueueId_t commandedBy, const uint8_t* data, size_t size) { ReturnValue_t result = acceptExternalDeviceCommands(); if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { return result; } DeviceCommandMap::iterator iter = deviceCommandMap.find(actionId); if (iter == deviceCommandMap.end()) { result = COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED; } else if (iter->second.isExecuting) { result = COMMAND_ALREADY_SENT; } else { result = buildCommandFromCommand(actionId, data, size); } if (result == RETURN_OK) { iter->second.sendReplyTo = commandedBy; iter->second.isExecuting = true; cookieInfo.pendingCommand = iter; cookieInfo.state = COOKIE_WRITE_READY; } return result; } void DeviceHandlerBase::buildInternalCommand(void) { /* Neither raw nor direct could build a command */ ReturnValue_t result = NOTHING_TO_SEND; DeviceCommandId_t deviceCommandId = NO_COMMAND_ID; if (mode == MODE_NORMAL) { result = buildNormalDeviceCommand(&deviceCommandId); if (result == BUSY) { /* So we can track misconfigurations */ printWarningOrError(sif::OutputTypes::OUT_WARNING, "buildInternalCommand", HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED, "Busy."); /* No need to report this */ result = NOTHING_TO_SEND; } } else if (mode == MODE_RAW) { result = buildChildRawCommand(); deviceCommandId = RAW_COMMAND_ID; } else if (mode & TRANSITION_MODE_CHILD_ACTION_MASK) { result = buildTransitionDeviceCommand(&deviceCommandId); } else { return; } if (result == NOTHING_TO_SEND) { return; } if (result == RETURN_OK) { DeviceCommandMap::iterator iter = deviceCommandMap.find( deviceCommandId); if (iter == deviceCommandMap.end()) { result = COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED; } else if (iter->second.isExecuting) { #if FSFW_DISABLE_PRINTOUT == 0 char output[36]; sprintf(output, "Command 0x%08x is executing", static_cast<unsigned int>(deviceCommandId)); // so we can track misconfigurations printWarningOrError(sif::OutputTypes::OUT_WARNING, "buildInternalCommand", HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED, output); #endif // this is an internal command, no need to report a failure here, // missed reply will track if a reply is too late, otherwise, it's ok return; } else { iter->second.sendReplyTo = NO_COMMANDER; iter->second.isExecuting = true; cookieInfo.pendingCommand = iter; cookieInfo.state = COOKIE_WRITE_READY; } } if (result != RETURN_OK) { triggerEvent(DEVICE_BUILDING_COMMAND_FAILED, result, deviceCommandId); } } ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::buildChildRawCommand() { return NOTHING_TO_SEND; } uint8_t DeviceHandlerBase::getReplyDelayCycles( DeviceCommandId_t deviceCommand) { DeviceReplyMap::iterator iter = deviceReplyMap.find(deviceCommand); if (iter == deviceReplyMap.end()) { return 0; } return iter->second.delayCycles; } Mode_t DeviceHandlerBase::getTransitionSourceMode() const { return transitionSourceMode; } Submode_t DeviceHandlerBase::getTransitionSourceSubMode() const { return transitionSourceSubMode; } void DeviceHandlerBase::triggerEvent(Event event, uint32_t parameter1, uint32_t parameter2) { fdirInstance->triggerEvent(event, parameter1, parameter2); } void DeviceHandlerBase::forwardEvent(Event event, uint32_t parameter1, uint32_t parameter2) const { fdirInstance->triggerEvent(event, parameter1, parameter2); } void DeviceHandlerBase::doOffActivity() { } ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::getParameter(uint8_t domainId, uint8_t uniqueId, ParameterWrapper* parameterWrapper, const ParameterWrapper* newValues, uint16_t startAtIndex) { ReturnValue_t result = fdirInstance->getParameter(domainId, uniqueId, parameterWrapper, newValues, startAtIndex); if (result != INVALID_DOMAIN_ID) { return result; } return INVALID_DOMAIN_ID; } bool DeviceHandlerBase::isTransitionalMode() { return ((mode & (TRANSITION_MODE_BASE_ACTION_MASK | TRANSITION_MODE_CHILD_ACTION_MASK)) != 0); } bool DeviceHandlerBase::commandIsExecuting(DeviceCommandId_t commandId) { auto iter = deviceCommandMap.find(commandId); if (iter != deviceCommandMap.end()) { return iter->second.isExecuting; } else { return false; } } void DeviceHandlerBase::setTaskIF(PeriodicTaskIF* task){ executingTask = task; } void DeviceHandlerBase::debugInterface(uint8_t positionTracker, object_id_t objectId, uint32_t parameter) {} void DeviceHandlerBase::performOperationHook() { } ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::initializeLocalDataPool( localpool::DataPool &localDataPoolMap, LocalDataPoolManager& poolManager) { if(thermalSet != nullptr) { localDataPoolMap.emplace(thermalSet->thermalStatePoolId, new PoolEntry<DeviceHandlerIF::dh_thermal_state_t>); localDataPoolMap.emplace(thermalSet->heaterRequestPoolId, new PoolEntry<DeviceHandlerIF::dh_heater_request_t>); } return RETURN_OK; } ReturnValue_t DeviceHandlerBase::initializeAfterTaskCreation() { // In this function, the task handle should be valid if the task // was implemented correctly. We still check to be 1000 % sure :-) if(executingTask != nullptr) { pstIntervalMs = executingTask->getPeriodMs(); } this->poolManager.initializeAfterTaskCreation(); if(setStartupImmediately) { startTransition(MODE_ON, SUBMODE_NONE); } return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } LocalPoolDataSetBase* DeviceHandlerBase::getDataSetHandle(sid_t sid) { auto iter = deviceReplyMap.find(sid.ownerSetId); if(iter != deviceReplyMap.end()) { return iter->second.dataSet; } else { return nullptr; } } object_id_t DeviceHandlerBase::getObjectId() const { return SystemObject::getObjectId(); } void DeviceHandlerBase::setStartUpImmediately() { this->setStartupImmediately = true; } dur_millis_t DeviceHandlerBase::getPeriodicOperationFrequency() const { return pstIntervalMs; } DeviceCommandId_t DeviceHandlerBase::getPendingCommand() const { if(cookieInfo.pendingCommand != deviceCommandMap.end()) { return cookieInfo.pendingCommand->first; } return DeviceHandlerIF::NO_COMMAND_ID; } void DeviceHandlerBase::setNormalDatapoolEntriesInvalid() { for(const auto& reply: deviceReplyMap) { if(reply.second.dataSet != nullptr) { reply.second.dataSet->setValidity(false, true); } } } void DeviceHandlerBase::printWarningOrError(sif::OutputTypes errorType, const char *functionName, ReturnValue_t errorCode, const char *errorPrint) { if(errorPrint == nullptr) { if(errorCode == ObjectManagerIF::CHILD_INIT_FAILED) { errorPrint = "Initialization error"; } if(errorCode == HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED) { if(errorType == sif::OutputTypes::OUT_WARNING) { errorPrint = "Generic Warning"; } else { errorPrint = "Generic Error"; } } else { errorPrint = "Unknown error"; } } if(errorType == sif::OutputTypes::OUT_WARNING) { #if FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 sif::warning << "DeviceHandlerBase::" << functionName << ": Object ID " << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << this->getObjectId() << " | " << errorPrint << std::dec << std::setfill(' ') << std::endl; #else sif::printWarning("DeviceHandlerBase::%s: Object ID 0x%08x | %s\n", this->getObjectId(), errorPrint); #endif } else if(errorType == sif::OutputTypes::OUT_ERROR) { #if FSFW_CPP_OSTREAM_ENABLED == 1 sif::error << "DeviceHandlerBase::" << functionName << ": Object ID " << std::hex << std::setw(8) << std::setfill('0') << this->getObjectId() << " | " << errorPrint << std::dec << std::setfill(' ') << std::endl; #else sif::printError("DeviceHandlerBase::%s: Object ID 0x%08x | %s\n", this->getObjectId(), errorPrint); #endif } } LocalDataPoolManager* DeviceHandlerBase::getHkManagerHandle() { return &poolManager; } MessageQueueId_t DeviceHandlerBase::getCommanderId(DeviceCommandId_t replyId) const { auto commandIter = deviceCommandMap.find(replyId); if(commandIter == deviceCommandMap.end()) { return MessageQueueIF::NO_QUEUE; } return commandIter->second.sendReplyTo; }