#include <framework/container/FixedArrayList.h>
#include <framework/serialize/SerialArrayListAdapter.h>

 * @brief 	This adapter provides an interface for SerializeIF to serialize and
 * 			deserialize buffers with a header containing the buffer length.
 * @details
 * Can be used by SerialLinkedListAdapter by declaring
 * as a linked element with SerializeElement<SerialFixedArrayListAdapter<...>>.
 * The sequence of objects is defined in the constructor by
 * using the setStart and setNext functions.
 *  - Buffers with a size header inside that class can be declared with
 *    @code
 *    SerialFixedArrayListAdapter<BUFFER_TYPE,
 *          MAX_SIZE, count_t> mySerialFixedArrayList(...).
 *    @endcode
 *  - MAX_SIZE: specifies the maximum allowed number of elements
 *    in FixedArrayList.
 *  - BUFFER_TYPE: specifies the data type of the buffer
 *  - count_t: specifies the type/size of the length field
 *    which defaults to one byte.
 * @ingroup serialize
template<typename BUFFER_TYPE, uint32_t MAX_SIZE, typename count_t = uint8_t>
class SerialFixedArrayListAdapter :
		public FixedArrayList<BUFFER_TYPE, MAX_SIZE, count_t>,
		public SerializeIF {
	 * Constructor Arguments are forwarded to FixedArrayList constructor.
	 * Refer to the fixed array list constructors for different options.
	 * @param args
	template<typename... Args>
	SerialFixedArrayListAdapter(Args... args) :
	FixedArrayList<BUFFER_TYPE, MAX_SIZE, count_t>(std::forward<Args>(args)...)

	virtual ReturnValue_t serialize(uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
			const size_t max_size, bool bigEndian) const  override {
		return SerialArrayListAdapter<BUFFER_TYPE, count_t>::serialize(this,
				buffer, size, max_size, bigEndian);

	size_t getSerializedSize() const {
		return SerialArrayListAdapter<BUFFER_TYPE, count_t>::

	virtual ReturnValue_t deSerialize(const uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size,
			bool bigEndian) override {
		return SerialArrayListAdapter<BUFFER_TYPE, count_t>::deSerialize(this,
				buffer, size, bigEndian);

	void swapArrayListEndianness() {
		SerialArrayListAdapter<BUFFER_TYPE, count_t>::