target_sources(${LIB_FSFW_NAME} PRIVATE Clock.cpp FixedTimeslotTask.cpp BinarySemaphore.cpp BinSemaphUsingTask.cpp CountingSemaphore.cpp CountingSemaphUsingTask.cpp MessageQueue.cpp Mutex.cpp MutexFactory.cpp PeriodicTask.cpp QueueFactory.cpp SemaphoreFactory.cpp TaskFactory.cpp Timekeeper.cpp ) # FreeRTOS is required to link the FSFW now. It is recommended to compile # FreeRTOS as a static library and set LIB_OS_NAME to the target name of the # library. if(NOT LIB_OS_NAME) message(FATAL_ERROR "FreeRTOS needs to be linked as a target and " "LIB_OS_NAME needs to be set to the target" ) endif() target_link_libraries(${LIB_FSWFW_NAME} ${LIB_OS_NAME})