cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13) set(LIB_FSFW_NAME fsfw) project(${LIB_FSFW_NAME}) if(NOT CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED True) elseif(${CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD} LESS 17) message(FATAL_ERROR "Compiling the FSFW requires a minimum of C++17 support") endif() set(FSFW_VERSION 4) set(FSFW_SUBVERSION 0) set(FSFW_REVISION 0) # Add the cmake folder so the FindSphinx module is found set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake" ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) set(FSFW_ETL_LIB_NAME etl) set(FSFW_ETL_LINK_TARGET etl::etl) set(FSFW_ETL_LIB_MAJOR_VERSION 20 CACHE STRING "ETL library major version requirement" ) set(FSFW_ETL_LIB_VERSION ${FSFW_ETL_LIB_MAJOR_VERSION}.27.3 CACHE STRING "ETL library exact version requirement" ) set(FSFW_CATCH2_LIB_MAJOR_VERSION 3 CACHE STRING "Catch2 library major version requirement" ) set(FSFW_CATCH2_LIB_VERSION v${FSFW_CATCH2_LIB_MAJOR_VERSION}.0.0-preview5 CACHE STRING "Catch2 library exact version requirement" ) set(FSFW_FMT_LIB_NAME fmt) set(FSFW_FMT_LINK_TARGET fmt::fmt) set(FSFW_FMT_LIB_MAJOR_VERSION 8 CACHE STRING "{fmt} library major version requirement") set(FSFW_FMT_LIB_VERSION ${FSFW_FMT_LIB_MAJOR_VERSION}.1.1 CACHE STRING "{fmt} library exact version requirement" ) # Keep this off by default for now. See PR: # for information which keeping this on by default is problematic option(FSFW_ENABLE_IPO "Enable interprocedural optimization or link-time optimization if available" OFF) if(FSFW_ENABLE_IPO) include(CheckIPOSupported) check_ipo_supported(RESULT IPO_SUPPORTED OUTPUT IPO_ERROR) if(NOT IPO_SUPPORTED) message(STATUS "FSFW | IPO/LTO not supported: ${IPO_ERROR}") endif() endif() option(FSFW_GENERATE_SECTIONS "Generate function and data sections. Required to remove unused code" ON ) if(FSFW_GENERATE_SECTIONS) option(FSFW_REMOVE_UNUSED_CODE "Remove unused code" ON) endif() option(FSFW_BUILD_UNITTESTS "Build unittest binary in addition to static library" OFF) option(FSFW_BUILD_DOCS "Build documentation with Sphinx and Doxygen" OFF) if(FSFW_BUILD_UNITTESTS) option(FSFW_TESTS_GEN_COV "Generate coverage data for unittests" ON) endif() option(FSFW_WARNING_SHADOW_LOCAL_GCC "Enable -Wshadow=local warning in GCC" ON) # Options to exclude parts of the FSFW from compilation. option(FSFW_ADD_INTERNAL_TESTS "Add internal unit tests" ON) option(FSFW_ADD_UNITTESTS "Add regular unittests. Requires Catch2" OFF) option(FSFW_ADD_HAL "Add Hardware Abstraction Layer" ON) # Optional sources option(FSFW_ADD_PUS "Compile with PUS sources" ON) option(FSFW_ADD_MONITORING "Compile with monitoring components" ON) option(FSFW_ADD_RMAP "Compile with RMAP" OFF) option(FSFW_ADD_DATALINKLAYER "Compile with Data Link Layer" OFF) option(FSFW_ADD_COORDINATES "Compile with coordinate components" OFF) option(FSFW_ADD_TMSTORAGE "Compile with tm storage components" OFF) # Contrib sources option(FSFW_ADD_SGP4_PROPAGATOR "Add SGP4 propagator code" OFF) set(FSFW_TEST_TGT fsfw-tests) set(FSFW_DUMMY_TGT fsfw-dummy) add_library(${LIB_FSFW_NAME}) if(IPO_SUPPORTED AND FSFW_ENABLE_IPO) set_property(TARGET ${LIB_FSFW_NAME} PROPERTY INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION TRUE) endif() if(FSFW_BUILD_UNITTESTS) message(STATUS "Building the FSFW unittests in addition to the static library") # Check whether the user has already installed Catch2 first find_package(Catch2 ${FSFW_CATCH2_LIB_MAJOR_VERSION}) # Not installed, so use FetchContent to download and provide Catch2 if(NOT Catch2_FOUND) message(STATUS "Catch2 installation not found. Downloading Catch2 library with FetchContent") include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare( Catch2 GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_TAG ${FSFW_CATCH2_LIB_VERSION} ) list(APPEND FSFW_FETCH_CONTENT_TARGETS Catch2) endif() set(FSFW_CONFIG_PATH tests/src/fsfw_tests/unit/testcfg) configure_file(tests/src/fsfw_tests/unit/testcfg/ FSFWConfig.h) configure_file(tests/src/fsfw_tests/unit/testcfg/ tests/TestsConfig.h) project(${FSFW_TEST_TGT} CXX C) add_executable(${FSFW_TEST_TGT}) if(IPO_SUPPORTED AND FSFW_ENABLE_IPO) set_property(TARGET ${FSFW_TEST_TGT} PROPERTY INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION TRUE) endif() if(FSFW_TESTS_GEN_COV) message(STATUS "Generating coverage data for the library") message(STATUS "Targets linking against ${LIB_FSFW_NAME} " "will be compiled with coverage data as well" ) include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare( cmake-modules GIT_REPOSITORY ) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(cmake-modules) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug") list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${cmake-modules_SOURCE_DIR}) include(CodeCoverage) endif() endif() message(STATUS "Finding and/or providing etl (Embedded Template Library)") # Check whether the user has already installed ETL first find_package(${FSFW_ETL_LIB_NAME} ${FSFW_ETL_LIB_MAJOR_VERSION} QUIET) # Not installed, so use FetchContent to download and provide etl if(NOT ${FSFW_ETL_LIB_NAME}_FOUND) message(STATUS "No ETL installation was found with find_package. Installing and providing " "etl with FindPackage" ) include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare( ${FSFW_ETL_LIB_NAME} GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_TAG ${FSFW_ETL_LIB_VERSION} ) list(APPEND FSFW_FETCH_CONTENT_TARGETS ${FSFW_ETL_LIB_NAME}) endif() message(STATUS "Finding and/or providing {fmt} formatting library") # Check whether the user has already installed ETL first find_package(fmt ${FSFW_FMT_LIB_MAJOR_VERSION} QUIET) # Not installed, so use FetchContent to download and provide etl if(NOT ${FSFW_FMT_LIB_NAME}_FOUND) message(STATUS "No {fmt} installation was found with find_package. Installing and providing " "{fmt} with FindPackage" ) include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare( ${FSFW_FMT_LIB_NAME} GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_TAG ${FSFW_FMT_LIB_VERSION} ) list(APPEND FSFW_FETCH_CONTENT_TARGETS ${FSFW_FMT_LIB_NAME}) endif() # The documentation for FetchContent recommends declaring all the dependencies # before making them available. We make all declared dependency available here # after their declaration if(FSFW_FETCH_CONTENT_TARGETS) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(${FSFW_FETCH_CONTENT_TARGETS}) if(TARGET ${FSFW_ETL_LIB_NAME}) add_library(${FSFW_ETL_LINK_TARGET} ALIAS ${FSFW_ETL_LIB_NAME}) endif() if(TARGET Catch2) # Fixes regression -preview4, to be confirmed in later releases # Related GitHub issue: set_target_properties(Catch2 PROPERTIES DEBUG_POSTFIX "") endif() endif() set(FSFW_CORE_INC_PATH "inc") set_property(CACHE FSFW_OSAL PROPERTY STRINGS host linux rtems freertos) # For configure files target_include_directories(${LIB_FSFW_NAME} PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ) target_include_directories(${LIB_FSFW_NAME} INTERFACE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ) # Backwards comptability if(OS_FSFW AND NOT FSFW_OSAL) message(WARNING "Please pass the FSFW OSAL as FSFW_OSAL instead of OS_FSFW") set(FSFW_OSAL OS_FSFW) endif() if(NOT FSFW_OSAL) message(STATUS "No OS for FSFW via FSFW_OSAL set. Assuming host OS") # Assume host OS and autodetermine from OS_FSFW if(UNIX) set(FSFW_OSAL "linux" CACHE STRING "OS abstraction layer used in the FSFW" ) elseif(WIN32) set(FSFW_OSAL "host" CACHE STRING "OS abstraction layer used in the FSFW" ) endif() endif() set(FSFW_OSAL_DEFINITION FSFW_OSAL_HOST) if(FSFW_OSAL MATCHES host) set(FSFW_OS_NAME "Host") set(FSFW_OSAL_HOST ON) elseif(FSFW_OSAL MATCHES linux) set(FSFW_OS_NAME "Linux") set(FSFW_OSAL_LINUX ON) elseif(FSFW_OSAL MATCHES freertos) set(FSFW_OS_NAME "FreeRTOS") set(FSFW_OSAL_FREERTOS ON) target_link_libraries(${LIB_FSFW_NAME} PRIVATE ${LIB_OS_NAME} ) elseif(FSFW_OSAL STREQUAL rtems) set(FSFW_OS_NAME "RTEMS") set(FSFW_OSAL_RTEMS ON) else() message(WARNING "Invalid operating system for FSFW specified! Setting to host.." ) set(FSFW_OS_NAME "Host") set(OS_FSFW "host") endif() configure_file(src/fsfw/ fsfw/FSFW.h) configure_file(src/fsfw/ fsfw/FSFWVersion.h) message(STATUS "Compiling FSFW for the ${FSFW_OS_NAME} operating system.") add_subdirectory(src) add_subdirectory(tests) if(FSFW_ADD_HAL) add_subdirectory(hal) endif() add_subdirectory(contrib) if(FSFW_BUILD_DOCS) add_subdirectory(docs) endif() if(FSFW_BUILD_UNITTESTS) if(FSFW_TESTS_GEN_COV) if(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) include(CodeCoverage) # Remove quotes. separate_arguments(COVERAGE_COMPILER_FLAGS NATIVE_COMMAND "${COVERAGE_COMPILER_FLAGS}" ) # Add compile options manually, we don't want coverage for Catch2 target_compile_options(${FSFW_TEST_TGT} PRIVATE "${COVERAGE_COMPILER_FLAGS}" ) target_compile_options(${LIB_FSFW_NAME} PRIVATE "${COVERAGE_COMPILER_FLAGS}" ) # Exclude directories here if(WIN32) set(GCOVR_ADDITIONAL_ARGS "--exclude-throw-branches" "--exclude-unreachable-branches" ) set(COVERAGE_EXCLUDES "/c/msys64/mingw64/*" "*/fsfw_hal/*" ) elseif(UNIX) set(COVERAGE_EXCLUDES "/usr/include/*" "/usr/bin/*" "Catch2/*" "/usr/local/include/*" "*/fsfw_tests/*" "*/catch2-src/*" "*/fsfw_hal/*" ) endif() target_link_options(${FSFW_TEST_TGT} PRIVATE -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage ) target_link_options(${LIB_FSFW_NAME} PRIVATE -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage ) # Need to specify this as an interface, otherwise there will the compile issues target_link_options(${LIB_FSFW_NAME} INTERFACE -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage ) if(WIN32) setup_target_for_coverage_gcovr_html( NAME ${FSFW_TEST_TGT}_coverage EXECUTABLE ${FSFW_TEST_TGT} DEPENDENCIES ${FSFW_TEST_TGT} ) else() setup_target_for_coverage_lcov( NAME ${FSFW_TEST_TGT}_coverage EXECUTABLE ${FSFW_TEST_TGT} DEPENDENCIES ${FSFW_TEST_TGT} ) endif() endif() endif() target_link_libraries(${FSFW_TEST_TGT} PRIVATE Catch2::Catch2 ${LIB_FSFW_NAME}) endif() # The project CMakeLists file has to set the FSFW_CONFIG_PATH and add it. # If this is not given, we include the default configuration and emit a warning. if(NOT FSFW_CONFIG_PATH) set(DEF_CONF_PATH misc/defaultcfg/fsfwconfig) if(NOT FSFW_BUILD_DOCS) message(WARNING "Flight Software Framework configuration path not set!") message(WARNING "Setting default configuration from ${DEF_CONF_PATH} ..") endif() add_subdirectory(${DEF_CONF_PATH}) set(FSFW_CONFIG_PATH ${DEF_CONF_PATH}) endif() # FSFW might be part of a possibly complicated folder structure, so we # extract the absolute path of the fsfwconfig folder. if(IS_ABSOLUTE ${FSFW_CONFIG_PATH}) set(FSFW_CONFIG_PATH_ABSOLUTE ${FSFW_CONFIG_PATH}) else() get_filename_component(FSFW_CONFIG_PATH_ABSOLUTE ${FSFW_CONFIG_PATH} REALPATH BASE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ) endif() foreach(INCLUDE_PATH ${FSFW_ADDITIONAL_INC_PATHS}) if(IS_ABSOLUTE ${INCLUDE_PATH}) set(CURR_ABS_INC_PATH "${INCLUDE_PATH}") else() get_filename_component(CURR_ABS_INC_PATH ${INCLUDE_PATH} REALPATH BASE_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}) endif() if(CMAKE_VERBOSE) message(STATUS "FSFW include path: ${CURR_ABS_INC_PATH}") endif() list(APPEND FSFW_ADD_INC_PATHS_ABS ${CURR_ABS_INC_PATH}) endforeach() if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU") if(NOT DEFINED FSFW_WARNING_FLAGS) set(FSFW_WARNING_FLAGS -Wall -Wextra -Wimplicit-fallthrough=1 -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-psabi -Wduplicated-cond # check for duplicate conditions -Wduplicated-branches # check for duplicate branches -Wlogical-op # Search for bitwise operations instead of logical -Wnull-dereference # Search for NULL dereference -Wundef # Warn if undefind marcos are used -Wformat=2 # Format string problem detection -Wformat-overflow=2 # Formatting issues in printf -Wformat-truncation=2 # Formatting issues in printf -Wformat-security # Search for dangerous printf operations -Wstrict-overflow=3 # Warn if integer overflows might happen -Warray-bounds=2 # Some array bounds violations will be found -Wshift-overflow=2 # Search for bit left shift overflows (