
280 lines
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#include "HasLocalDataPoolIF.h"
#include "../housekeeping/HousekeepingPacketDownlink.h"
#include "../housekeeping/HousekeepingMessage.h"
#include "../housekeeping/PeriodicHousekeepingHelper.h"
#include "../datapool/DataSetIF.h"
#include "../datapool/PoolEntry.h"
#include "../objectmanager/SystemObjectIF.h"
#include "../ipc/MutexIF.h"
#include "../ipc/CommandMessage.h"
#include "../ipc/MessageQueueIF.h"
#include "../ipc/MutexHelper.h"
#include <map>
namespace Factory {
void setStaticFrameworkObjectIds();
class LocalDataSetBase;
* @brief This class is the managing instance for the local data pool.
* @details
* The actual data pool structure is a member of this class. Any class which
* has a local data pool shall have this class as a member and implement
* the HasLocalDataPoolIF.
* Users of the data pool use the helper classes LocalDataSet,
* LocalPoolVariable and LocalPoolVector to access pool entries in
* a thread-safe and efficient way.
* The local data pools employ a blackboard logic: Only the most recent
* value is stored. The helper classes offer a read() and commit() interface
* through the PoolVariableIF which is used to read and update values.
* Each pool entry has a valid state too.
* @author R. Mueller
class LocalDataPoolManager {
template<typename T>
friend class LocalPoolVar;
template<typename T, uint16_t vecSize>
friend class LocalPoolVector;
friend class LocalPoolDataSetBase;
friend void (Factory::setStaticFrameworkObjectIds)();
static constexpr ReturnValue_t POOL_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0x00);
static constexpr ReturnValue_t POOL_ENTRY_TYPE_CONFLICT = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0x01);
static constexpr ReturnValue_t QUEUE_OR_DESTINATION_NOT_SET = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0x02);
static constexpr ReturnValue_t WRONG_HK_PACKET_TYPE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0x03);
static constexpr ReturnValue_t REPORTING_STATUS_UNCHANGED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0x04);
static constexpr ReturnValue_t PERIODIC_HELPER_INVALID = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0x05);
* This constructor is used by a class which wants to implement
* a personal local data pool. The queueToUse can be supplied if it
* is already known.
* initialize() has to be called in any case before using the object!
* @param owner
* @param queueToUse
* @param appendValidityBuffer
LocalDataPoolManager(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner, MessageQueueIF* queueToUse,
bool appendValidityBuffer = true);
virtual~ LocalDataPoolManager();
* Initializes the map by calling the map initialization function of the
* owner and assigns the queue to use.
* @param queueToUse
* @param nonDiagInvlFactor See #setNonDiagnosticIntervalFactor doc
* @return
ReturnValue_t initialize(MessageQueueIF* queueToUse);
ReturnValue_t initializeAfterTaskCreation(uint8_t nonDiagInvlFactor = 5);
* @return
ReturnValue_t subscribeForPeriodicPacket(sid_t sid, bool enableReporting,
float collectionInterval, bool isDiagnostics,
object_id_t packetDestination = defaultHkDestination);
* Non-Diagnostics packets usually have a lower minimum sampling frequency
* than diagnostic packets.
* A factor can be specified to determine the minimum sampling frequency
* for non-diagnostic packets. The minimum sampling frequency of the
* diagnostics packets,which is usually jusst the period of the
* performOperation calls, is multiplied with that factor.
* @param factor
void setNonDiagnosticIntervalFactor(uint8_t nonDiagInvlFactor);
* This should be called in the periodic handler of the owner.
* It performs all the periodic functionalities of the data pool manager.
* @return
ReturnValue_t performHkOperation();
* Generate a housekeeping packet with a given SID.
* @param sid
* @return
ReturnValue_t generateHousekeepingPacket(sid_t sid,
LocalPoolDataSetBase* dataSet, bool forDownlink,
MessageQueueId_t destination = MessageQueueIF::NO_QUEUE);
ReturnValue_t handleHousekeepingMessage(CommandMessage* message);
* This function is used to fill the local data pool map with pool
* entries. It should only be called once by the pool owner.
* @param localDataPoolMap
* @return
ReturnValue_t initializeHousekeepingPoolEntriesOnce();
const HasLocalDataPoolIF* getOwner() const;
ReturnValue_t printPoolEntry(lp_id_t localPoolId);
* Different types of housekeeping reporting are possible.
* HK packets are generated in fixed intervals and sent to
* destination. Fromat will be raw.
* Notification will be sent out if HK data has changed.
* HK packets are only generated if explicitely requested.
* Propably not necessary, just use multiple local data sets or
* shared datasets.
enum class ReportingType: uint8_t {
//! Periodic generation of HK packets.
//! Update notification will be sent out as message.
//! Notification will be sent out as message and a snapshot of the
//! current data will be generated.
* Different data types are possible in the HK receiver map.
* For example, updates can be requested for full datasets or
* for single pool variables. Periodic reporting is only possible for
* data sets.
enum class DataType: uint8_t {
/* Copying forbidden */
LocalDataPoolManager(const LocalDataPoolManager &) = delete;
LocalDataPoolManager operator=(const LocalDataPoolManager&) = delete;
LocalDataPool localPoolMap;
//! Every housekeeping data manager has a mutex to protect access
//! to it's data pool.
MutexIF* mutex = nullptr;
/** The class which actually owns the manager (and its datapool). */
HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner = nullptr;
uint8_t nonDiagnosticIntervalFactor = 0;
/** Default receiver for periodic HK packets */
static object_id_t defaultHkDestination;
MessageQueueId_t hkDestinationId = MessageQueueIF::NO_QUEUE;
/** The data pool manager will keep an internal map of HK receivers. */
struct HkReceiver {
/** Object ID of receiver */
object_id_t objectId = objects::NO_OBJECT;
DataType dataType = DataType::DATA_SET;
union DataId {
DataId(): sid() {};
sid_t sid;
lp_id_t localPoolId;
DataId dataId;
ReportingType reportingType = ReportingType::PERIODIC;
MessageQueueId_t destinationQueue = MessageQueueIF::NO_QUEUE;
/** This vector will contain the list of HK receivers. */
using HkReceivers = std::vector<struct HkReceiver>;
HkReceivers hkReceiversMap;
/** This is the map holding the actual data. Should only be initialized
* once ! */
bool mapInitialized = false;
/** This specifies whether a validity buffer is appended at the end
* of generated housekeeping packets. */
bool appendValidityBuffer = true;
* @brief Queue used for communication, for example commands.
* Is also used to send messages. Can be set either in the constructor
* or in the initialize() function.
MessageQueueIF* hkQueue = nullptr;
/** Global IPC store is used to store all packets. */
StorageManagerIF* ipcStore = nullptr;
* Get the pointer to the mutex. Can be used to lock the data pool
* eternally. Use with care and don't forget to unlock locked mutexes!
* For now, only friend classes can accss this function.
* @return
MutexIF* getMutexHandle();
* Read a variable by supplying its local pool ID and assign the pool
* entry to the supplied PoolEntry pointer. The type of the pool entry
* is deduced automatically. This call is not thread-safe!
* For now, only friend classes like LocalPoolVar may access this
* function.
* @tparam T Type of the pool entry
* @param localPoolId Pool ID of the variable to read
* @param poolVar [out] Corresponding pool entry will be assigned to the
* supplied pointer.
* @return
template <class T> ReturnValue_t fetchPoolEntry(lp_id_t localPoolId,
PoolEntry<T> **poolEntry);
ReturnValue_t serializeHkPacketIntoStore(
HousekeepingPacketDownlink& hkPacket,
store_address_t& storeId, bool forDownlink, size_t* serializedSize);
void performPeriodicHkGeneration(HkReceiver& hkReceiver);
ReturnValue_t togglePeriodicGeneration(sid_t sid, bool enable,
bool isDiagnostics);
ReturnValue_t changeCollectionInterval(sid_t sid,
float newCollectionInterval, bool isDiagnostics);
ReturnValue_t generateSetStructurePacket(sid_t sid, bool isDiagnostics);
template<class T> inline
ReturnValue_t LocalDataPoolManager::fetchPoolEntry(lp_id_t localPoolId,
PoolEntry<T> **poolEntry) {
auto poolIter = localPoolMap.find(localPoolId);
if (poolIter == localPoolMap.end()) {
sif::warning << "HousekeepingManager::fechPoolEntry: Pool entry "
"not found." << std::endl;
*poolEntry = dynamic_cast< PoolEntry<T>* >(poolIter->second);
if(*poolEntry == nullptr) {
sif::debug << "HousekeepingManager::fetchPoolEntry:"
" Pool entry not found." << std::endl;
return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;