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The MIT License(MIT)
Embedded Template Library.
Copyright(c) 2016 John Wellbelove
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions :
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "platform.h"
#include "algorithm.h"
#include "iterator.h"
#include "functional.h"
#include "char_traits.h"
#include "alignment.h"
#include "array.h"
#include "algorithm.h"
#include "type_traits.h"
#include "error_handler.h"
#include "integral_limits.h"
#include "exception.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "exception.h"
#include "binary.h"
#include "flags.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "private/minmax_push.h"
///\defgroup basic_string basic_string
/// A basic_string with the capacity defined at compile time.
///\ingroup containers
namespace etl
///\ingroup string
/// Exception base for strings
class string_exception : public etl::exception
string_exception(string_type reason_, string_type file_name_, numeric_type line_number_)
: exception(reason_, file_name_, line_number_)
///\ingroup string
/// String empty exception.
class string_empty : public etl::string_exception
string_empty(string_type file_name_, numeric_type line_number_)
: string_exception(ETL_ERROR_TEXT("string:empty", ETL_BASIC_STRING_FILE_ID"A"), file_name_, line_number_)
///\ingroup string
/// String out of bounds exception.
class string_out_of_bounds : public etl::string_exception
string_out_of_bounds(string_type file_name_, numeric_type line_number_)
: string_exception(ETL_ERROR_TEXT("string:bounds", ETL_BASIC_STRING_FILE_ID"B"), file_name_, line_number_)
///\ingroup string
/// String iterator exception.
class string_iterator : public etl::string_exception
string_iterator(string_type file_name_, numeric_type line_number_)
: string_exception(ETL_ERROR_TEXT("string:iterator", ETL_BASIC_STRING_FILE_ID"C"), file_name_, line_number_)
///\ingroup string
/// String truncation exception.
class string_truncation : public etl::string_exception
string_truncation(string_type file_name_, numeric_type line_number_)
: string_exception(ETL_ERROR_TEXT("string:iterator", ETL_BASIC_STRING_FILE_ID"D"), file_name_, line_number_)
///\ingroup string
/// The base class for all templated string types.
namespace private_basic_string
template <typename T = void>
class string_base_statics
typedef size_t size_type;
static ETL_CONSTANT uint_least8_t IS_TRUNCATED = etl::bit<0>::value;
static ETL_CONSTANT uint_least8_t CLEAR_AFTER_USE = etl::bit<1>::value;
static ETL_CONSTANT size_type npos = etl::integral_limits<size_type>::max;
template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTANT uint_least8_t string_base_statics<T>::IS_TRUNCATED;
template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTANT uint_least8_t string_base_statics<T>::CLEAR_AFTER_USE;
template <typename T>
ETL_CONSTANT typename string_base_statics<T>::size_type string_base_statics<T>::npos;
class string_base : public private_basic_string::string_base_statics<>
typedef size_t size_type;
/// Gets the current size of the string.
///\return The current size of the string.
size_type size() const
return current_size;
/// Gets the current size of the string.
///\return The current size of the string.
size_type length() const
return current_size;
/// Checks the 'empty' state of the string.
///\return <b>true</b> if empty.
bool empty() const
return (current_size == 0);
/// Checks the 'full' state of the string.
///\return <b>true</b> if full.
bool full() const
return current_size == CAPACITY;
/// Returns the capacity of the string.
///\return The capacity of the string.
size_type capacity() const
return CAPACITY;
/// Returns the maximum possible size of the string.
///\return The maximum size of the string.
size_type max_size() const
return CAPACITY;
/// Returns the remaining capacity.
///\return The remaining capacity.
size_type available() const
return max_size() - size();
/// Returns whether the string was truncated by the last operation.
/// Deprecated. Use is_truncated()
///\return Whether the string was truncated by the last operation.
bool truncated() const
return flags.test<IS_TRUNCATED>();
/// Returns whether the string was truncated by the last operation.
///\return Whether the string was truncated by the last operation.
bool is_truncated() const
return flags.test<IS_TRUNCATED>();
/// Clears the 'truncated' flag.
void clear_truncated()
flags.set<IS_TRUNCATED, false>();
/// Sets the 'secure' flag to the requested state.
void set_secure()
/// Gets the 'secure' state flag.
bool is_secure() const
return flags.test<CLEAR_AFTER_USE>();
/// Constructor.
string_base(size_type max_size_)
: current_size(0)
, CAPACITY(max_size_)
/// Sets the 'truncated' flag.
void set_truncated(bool status)
/// Destructor.
size_type current_size; ///< The current number of elements in the string.
const size_type CAPACITY; ///< The maximum number of elements in the string.
etl::flags<uint_least8_t> flags;
/// The base class for specifically sized strings.
/// Can be used as a reference type for all strings containing a specific type.
///\ingroup string
template <typename T>
class ibasic_string : public etl::string_base
typedef ibasic_string<T> interface_type;
typedef T value_type;
typedef T& reference;
typedef const T& const_reference;
typedef T* pointer;
typedef const T* const_pointer;
typedef T* iterator;
typedef const T* const_iterator;
typedef ETL_OR_STD::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
typedef ETL_OR_STD::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
typedef typename etl::iterator_traits<iterator>::difference_type difference_type;
/// Returns an iterator to the beginning of the string.
///\return An iterator to the beginning of the string.
iterator begin()
return &p_buffer[0];
/// Returns a const_iterator to the beginning of the string.
///\return A const iterator to the beginning of the string.
const_iterator begin() const
return &p_buffer[0];
/// Returns an iterator to the end of the string.
///\return An iterator to the end of the string.
iterator end()
return &p_buffer[current_size];
/// Returns a const_iterator to the end of the string.
///\return A const iterator to the end of the string.
const_iterator end() const
return &p_buffer[current_size];
/// Returns a const_iterator to the beginning of the string.
///\return A const iterator to the beginning of the string.
const_iterator cbegin() const
return &p_buffer[0];
/// Returns a const_iterator to the end of the string.
///\return A const iterator to the end of the string.
const_iterator cend() const
return &p_buffer[current_size];
/// Returns an reverse iterator to the reverse beginning of the string.
///\return Iterator to the reverse beginning of the string.
reverse_iterator rbegin()
return reverse_iterator(end());
/// Returns a const reverse iterator to the reverse beginning of the string.
///\return Const iterator to the reverse beginning of the string.
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
return const_reverse_iterator(end());
/// Returns a reverse iterator to the end + 1 of the string.
///\return Reverse iterator to the end + 1 of the string.
reverse_iterator rend()
return reverse_iterator(begin());
/// Returns a const reverse iterator to the end + 1 of the string.
///\return Const reverse iterator to the end + 1 of the string.
const_reverse_iterator rend() const
return const_reverse_iterator(begin());
/// Returns a const reverse iterator to the reverse beginning of the string.
///\return Const reverse iterator to the reverse beginning of the string.
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const
return const_reverse_iterator(cend());
/// Returns a const reverse iterator to the end + 1 of the string.
///\return Const reverse iterator to the end + 1 of the string.
const_reverse_iterator crend() const
return const_reverse_iterator(cbegin());
/// Resizes the string.
/// If asserts or exceptions are enabled and the new size is larger than the
///\param new_size The new size.
void resize(size_type new_size)
resize(new_size, 0);
/// Resizes the string.
///\param new_size The new size.
///\param value The value to fill new elements with. Default = default constructed value.
void resize(size_type new_size, T value)
if (new_size > CAPACITY)
new_size = etl::min(new_size, CAPACITY);
// Size up?
if (new_size > current_size)
etl::fill(p_buffer + current_size, p_buffer + new_size, value);
current_size = new_size;
p_buffer[new_size] = 0;
/// Resizes the string, but doesn't initialise the free space
/// except for a terminator null.
///\param new_size The new size.
void uninitialized_resize(size_type new_size)
new_size = etl::min(new_size, CAPACITY);
current_size = new_size;
p_buffer[new_size] = 0;
/// Fills the string with the specified character.
/// Does not change the string length.
///\param value The character used to fill the string.
void fill(T value)
etl::fill(begin(), end(), value);
/// Returns a reference to the value at index 'i'
///\param i The index.
///\return A reference to the value at index 'i'
reference operator [](size_type i)
return p_buffer[i];
/// Returns a const reference to the value at index 'i'
///\param i The index.
///\return A const reference to the value at index 'i'
const_reference operator [](size_type i) const
return p_buffer[i];
/// Returns a reference to the value at index 'i'
/// If asserts or exceptions are enabled, emits an etl::string_out_of_bounds if the index is out of range.
///\param i The index.
///\return A reference to the value at index 'i'
reference at(size_type i)
ETL_ASSERT(i < size(), ETL_ERROR(string_out_of_bounds));
return p_buffer[i];
/// Returns a const reference to the value at index 'i'
/// If asserts or exceptions are enabled, emits an etl::string_out_of_bounds if the index is out of range.
///\param i The index.
///\return A const reference to the value at index 'i'
const_reference at(size_type i) const
ETL_ASSERT(i < size(), ETL_ERROR(string_out_of_bounds));
return p_buffer[i];
/// Returns a reference to the first element.
///\return A reference to the first element.
reference front()
return p_buffer[0];
/// Returns a const reference to the first element.
///\return A const reference to the first element.
const_reference front() const
return p_buffer[0];
/// Returns a reference to the last element.
///\return A reference to the last element.
reference back()
return p_buffer[current_size - 1];
/// Returns a const reference to the last element.
///\return A const reference to the last element.
const_reference back() const
return p_buffer[current_size - 1];
/// Returns a pointer to the beginning of the string data.
///\return A pointer to the beginning of the string data.
pointer data()
return p_buffer;
/// Returns a const pointer to the beginning of the string data.
///\return A const pointer to the beginning of the string data.
ETL_CONSTEXPR const_pointer data() const
return p_buffer;
/// Returns a pointer to the beginning of the string data.
///\return A pointer to the beginning of the string data.
pointer data_end()
return p_buffer + current_size;
/// Returns a const pointer to the beginning of the string data.
///\return A const pointer to the beginning of the string data.
const_pointer data_end() const
return p_buffer + current_size;
/// Assigns values to the string.
/// Truncates if the string does not have enough free space.
///\param other The other string.
void assign(const etl::ibasic_string<T>& other)
assign(other.begin(), other.end());
if (other.is_truncated())
if (other.is_secure())
/// Assigns values to the string.
/// Truncates if the string does not have enough free space.
///\param other The other string.
///\param subposition The position to start from.
///\param sublength The length to copy.
void assign(const etl::ibasic_string<T>& other, size_type subposition, size_type sublength)
if (sublength == npos)
sublength = other.size() - subposition;
ETL_ASSERT(subposition <= other.size(), ETL_ERROR(string_out_of_bounds));
assign(other.begin() + subposition, sublength);
if (other.is_truncated())
if (other.is_secure())
/// Assigns values to the string.
/// Truncates if the string does not have enough free space.
///\param other The other string.
void assign(const_pointer other)
while ((*other != 0) && (current_size < CAPACITY))
p_buffer[current_size++] = *other++;
set_truncated(*other != 0);
ETL_ASSERT(flags.test<IS_TRUNCATED>() == false, ETL_ERROR(string_truncation));
p_buffer[current_size] = 0;
/// Assigns values to the string.
/// Truncates if the string does not have enough free space.
///\param other The other string.
///\param length The length to copy.
void assign(const_pointer other, size_type length_)
set_truncated(length_ > CAPACITY);
ETL_ASSERT(flags.test<IS_TRUNCATED>() == false, ETL_ERROR(string_truncation));
length_ = etl::min(length_, CAPACITY);
etl::copy_n(other, length_, begin());
current_size = length_;
p_buffer[current_size] = 0;
/// Assigns values to the string.
/// If asserts or exceptions are enabled, emits string_iterator if the iterators are reversed.
/// Truncates if the string does not have enough free space.
///\param first The iterator to the first element.
///\param last The iterator to the last element + 1.
template <typename TIterator>
void assign(TIterator first, TIterator last)
difference_type d = etl::distance(first, last);
ETL_ASSERT(d >= 0, ETL_ERROR(string_iterator));
while ((first != last) && (current_size != CAPACITY))
p_buffer[current_size++] = *first++;
p_buffer[current_size] = 0;
set_truncated(first != last);
ETL_ASSERT(flags.test<IS_TRUNCATED>() == false, ETL_ERROR(string_truncation));
/// Assigns values to the string.
/// Truncates if the string does not have enough free space.
///\param n The number of elements to add.
///\param value The value to insert for each element.
void assign(size_type n, T value)
set_truncated(n > CAPACITY);
ETL_ASSERT(flags.test<IS_TRUNCATED>() == false, ETL_ERROR(string_truncation));
n = etl::min(n, CAPACITY);
etl::fill_n(begin(), n, value);
current_size = n;
p_buffer[current_size] = 0;
/// Clears the string.
void clear()
/// Inserts a value at the end of the string.
/// Sets 'truncated' if the string is already full.
///\param value The value to add.
void push_back(T value)
if (current_size != CAPACITY)
p_buffer[current_size++] = value;
p_buffer[current_size] = 0;
/// Removes an element from the end of the string.
/// Does nothing if the string is empty.
void pop_back()
if (current_size != 0)
p_buffer[--current_size] = 0;
/// Appends to the string.
///\param str The string to append.
ibasic_string& append(const ibasic_string& str)
insert(end(), str.begin(), str.end());
if (str.is_truncated())
return *this;
/// Appends to the string.
///\param str The string to append.
///\param subposition The position in str.
///\param sublength The number of characters.
ibasic_string& append(const ibasic_string& str, size_type subposition, size_type sublength = npos)
ETL_ASSERT(subposition <= str.size(), ETL_ERROR(string_out_of_bounds));
insert(size(), str, subposition, sublength);
return *this;
/// Appends to the string.
///\param str The string to append.
ibasic_string& append(const T* str)
insert(size(), str);
return *this;
/// Appends to the string.
///\param str The string to append.
///\param n The number of characters.
ibasic_string& append(const T* str, size_type n)
insert(size(), str, n);
return *this;
/// Appends to the string.
///\param n The number of characters.
///\param c The character.
ibasic_string& append(size_type n, T c)
insert(size(), n, c);
return *this;
/// Appends to the string.
///\param first The first of the characters to append.
///\param last The last + 1 character to add.
template <class TIterator>
ibasic_string& append(TIterator first, TIterator last)
insert(end(), first, last);
return *this;
/// Inserts a value to the string.
///\param position The position to insert before.
///\param value The value to insert.
iterator insert(const_iterator position, T value)
// Quick hack, as iterators are pointers.
iterator insert_position = to_iterator(position);
if (current_size < CAPACITY)
// Not full yet.
if (position != end())
// Insert in the middle.
etl::copy_backward(insert_position, end() - 1, end());
*insert_position = value;
// Insert at the end.
*insert_position = value;
// Already full.
if (position != end())
// Insert in the middle.
etl::copy_backward(insert_position, end() - 1, end());
*insert_position = value;
p_buffer[current_size] = 0;
return insert_position;
/// Inserts 'n' values to the string.
///\param position The position to insert before.
///\param n The number of elements to add.
///\param value The value to insert.
iterator insert(const_iterator position, size_type n, T value)
iterator position_ = to_iterator(position);
if (n == 0)
return position_;
// Quick hack, as iterators are pointers.
iterator insert_position = to_iterator(position);
const size_type start = etl::distance(cbegin(), position);
// No effect.
if (start >= CAPACITY)
return to_iterator(position);;
// Fills the string to the end?
if ((start + n) >= CAPACITY)
if ((current_size + n) > CAPACITY)
current_size = CAPACITY;
etl::fill(insert_position, end(), value);
// Lets do some shifting.
const size_type shift_amount = n;
const size_type to_position = start + shift_amount;
const size_type remaining_characters = current_size - start;
const size_type max_shift_characters = CAPACITY - start - shift_amount;
const size_type characters_to_shift = etl::min(max_shift_characters, remaining_characters);
// Will the string truncate?
if ((start + shift_amount + remaining_characters) > CAPACITY)
current_size = CAPACITY;
current_size += shift_amount;
etl::copy_backward(insert_position, insert_position + characters_to_shift, begin() + to_position + characters_to_shift);
etl::fill(insert_position, insert_position + shift_amount, value);
p_buffer[current_size] = 0;
return position_;
/// Inserts a range of values to the string.
/// If asserts or exceptions are enabled, emits string_full if the string does not have enough free space.
///\param position The position to insert before.
///\param first The first element to add.
///\param last The last + 1 element to add.
template <typename TIterator>
iterator insert(const_iterator position, TIterator first, TIterator last)
iterator position_ = to_iterator(position);
if (first == last)
return position_;
const size_type start = etl::distance(begin(), position_);
const size_type n = etl::distance(first, last);
// No effect.
if (start >= CAPACITY)
return position_;
// Fills the string to the end?
if ((start + n) >= CAPACITY)
if (((current_size + n) > CAPACITY))
current_size = CAPACITY;
while (position_ != end())
*position_++ = *first++;
// Lets do some shifting.
const size_type shift_amount = n;
const size_type to_position = start + shift_amount;
const size_type remaining_characters = current_size - start;
const size_type max_shift_characters = CAPACITY - start - shift_amount;
const size_type characters_to_shift = etl::min(max_shift_characters, remaining_characters);
// Will the string truncate?
if ((start + shift_amount + remaining_characters) > CAPACITY)
current_size = CAPACITY;
current_size += shift_amount;
etl::copy_backward(position_, position_ + characters_to_shift, begin() + to_position + characters_to_shift);
while (first != last)
*position_++ = *first++;
p_buffer[current_size] = 0;
return position_;
/// Inserts a string at the specified position.
///\param position The position to insert before.
///\param str The string to insert.
etl::ibasic_string<T>& insert(size_type position, const etl::ibasic_string<T>& str)
ETL_ASSERT(position <= size(), ETL_ERROR(string_out_of_bounds));
insert(begin() + position, str.cbegin(), str.cend());
if (str.is_truncated())
return *this;
/// Inserts a string at the specified position from subposition for sublength.
///\param position The position to insert before.
///\param str The string to insert.
///\param subposition The subposition to start from.
///\param sublength The number of characters to insert.
etl::ibasic_string<T>& insert(size_type position, const etl::ibasic_string<T>& str, size_type subposition, size_type sublength)
ETL_ASSERT(position <= size(), ETL_ERROR(string_out_of_bounds));
ETL_ASSERT(subposition <= str.size(), ETL_ERROR(string_out_of_bounds));
if ((sublength == npos) || (subposition + sublength > str.size()))
sublength = str.size() - subposition;
insert(begin() + position, str.cbegin() + subposition, str.cbegin() + subposition + sublength);
if (str.is_truncated())
return *this;
/// Inserts a string at the specified position from pointer.
///\param position The position to insert before.
///\param s The string to insert.
etl::ibasic_string<T>& insert(size_type position, const_pointer s)
ETL_ASSERT(position <= size(), ETL_ERROR(string_out_of_bounds));
insert(begin() + position, s, s + etl::strlen(s));
return *this;
/// Inserts a string at the specified position from pointer for n characters.
///\param position The position to insert before.
///\param s The string to insert.
///\param n The number of characters to insert.
etl::ibasic_string<T>& insert(size_type position, const_pointer s, size_type n)
ETL_ASSERT(position <= size(), ETL_ERROR(string_out_of_bounds));
insert(begin() + position, s, s + n);
return *this;
/// Insert n characters of c at position.
///\param position The position to insert before.
///\param n The number of characters to insert.
///\param c The character to insert.
etl::ibasic_string<T>& insert(size_type position, size_type n, value_type c)
ETL_ASSERT(position <= size(), ETL_ERROR(string_out_of_bounds));
insert(begin() + position, n, c);
return *this;
/// Erases a sequence.
///\param position Position to start from.
///\param length Number of characters.
///\return A reference to this string.
etl::ibasic_string<T>& erase(size_type position, size_type length_ = npos)
// Limit the length.
length_ = etl::min(length_, size() - position);
erase(begin() + position, begin() + position + length_);
return *this;
/// Erases an element.
///\param i_element Iterator to the element.
///\return An iterator pointing to the element that followed the erased element.
iterator erase(iterator i_element)
etl::copy(i_element + 1, end(), i_element);
p_buffer[--current_size] = 0;
return i_element;
/// Erases an element.
///\param i_element Iterator to the element.
///\return An iterator pointing to the element that followed the erased element.
iterator erase(const_iterator i_element)
iterator i_element_(to_iterator(i_element));
etl::copy(i_element_ + 1, end(), i_element_);
p_buffer[--current_size] = 0;
return i_element_;
/// Erases a range of elements.
/// The range includes all the elements between first and last, including the
/// element pointed by first, but not the one pointed by last.
///\param first Iterator to the first element.
///\param last Iterator to the last element.
///\return An iterator pointing to the element that followed the erased element.
iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)
iterator first_ = to_iterator(first);
iterator last_ = to_iterator(last);
if (first_ == last_)
return first_;
etl::copy(last_, end(), first_);
size_type n_delete = etl::distance(first_, last_);
current_size -= n_delete;
p_buffer[current_size] = 0;
return first_;
/// Return a pointer to a C string.
const_pointer c_str() const
return p_buffer;
/// Copies a portion of a string.
///\param dest Pointer to the destination buffer.
///\param count The number of characters to copy.
///\param pos The position to start copying from.
size_type copy(pointer dest, size_type count, size_type pos = 0) const
if (pos < size())
if (count != npos)
count = etl::min(count, size() - pos);
count = size() - pos;
etl::copy_n(p_buffer + pos, count, dest);
return count;
return 0U;
/// Find content within the string
///\param str The content to find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
size_type find(const ibasic_string<T>& str, size_type pos = 0) const
if ((pos + str.size()) > size())
return npos;
const_iterator iposition = etl::search(begin() + pos, end(), str.begin(), str.end());
if (iposition == end())
return npos;
return etl::distance(begin(), iposition);
/// Find content within the string
///\param s Pointer to the content to find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
size_type find(const_pointer s, size_type pos = 0) const
if ((pos + etl::strlen(s)) > size())
return npos;
const_iterator iposition = etl::search(begin() + pos, end(), s, s + etl::strlen(s));
if (iposition == end())
return npos;
return etl::distance(begin(), iposition);
/// Find content within the string
///\param s Pointer to the content to find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
///\param n The number of characters to search for.
size_type find(const_pointer s, size_type pos, size_type n) const
if ((pos + etl::strlen(s) - n) > size())
return npos;
const_iterator iposition = etl::search(begin() + pos, end(), s, s + n);
if (iposition == end())
return npos;
return etl::distance(begin(), iposition);
/// Find character within the string
///\param c The character to find.
///\param position The position to start searching from.
size_type find(T c, size_type position = 0) const
const_iterator i = etl::find(begin() + position, end(), c);
if (i != end())
return etl::distance(begin(), i);
return npos;
/// Find content within the string
///\param str The content to find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
size_type rfind(const ibasic_string<T>& str, size_type position = npos) const
if ((str.size()) > size())
return npos;
if (position >= size())
position = size();
position = size() - position;
const_reverse_iterator iposition = etl::search(rbegin() + position, rend(), str.rbegin(), str.rend());
if (iposition == rend())
return npos;
return size() - str.size() - etl::distance(rbegin(), iposition);
/// Find content within the string
///\param str The content to find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
size_type rfind(const_pointer s, size_type position = npos) const
size_type len = etl::strlen(s);
if (len > size())
return npos;
if (position >= size())
position = size();
position = size() - position;
const_reverse_iterator srbegin(s + len);
const_reverse_iterator srend(s);
const_reverse_iterator iposition = etl::search(rbegin() + position, rend(), srbegin, srend);
if (iposition == rend())
return npos;
return size() - len - etl::distance(rbegin(), iposition);
/// Find content within the string
///\param str The content to find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
size_type rfind(const_pointer s, size_type position, size_type length_) const
if (length_ > size())
return npos;
if (position >= size())
position = size();
position = size() - position;
const_reverse_iterator srbegin(s + length_);
const_reverse_iterator srend(s);
const_reverse_iterator iposition = etl::search(rbegin() + position, rend(), srbegin, srend);
if (iposition == rend())
return npos;
return size() - length_ - etl::distance(rbegin(), iposition);
/// Find character within the string
///\param c The character to find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
size_type rfind(T c, size_type position = npos) const
if (position >= size())
position = size();
position = size() - position;
const_reverse_iterator i = etl::find(rbegin() + position, rend(), c);
if (i != rend())
return size() - etl::distance(rbegin(), i) - 1;
return npos;
/// Replace 'length' characters from 'position' with 'str'.
///\param position The position to start from.
///\param length The number of characters to replace.
///\param str The string to replace it with.
ibasic_string& replace(size_type position, size_type length_, const ibasic_string& str)
ETL_ASSERT(position <= size(), ETL_ERROR(string_out_of_bounds));
// Limit the length.
length_ = etl::min(length_, size() - position);
// Erase the bit we want to replace.
erase(position, length_);
// Insert the new stuff.
insert(position, str);
return *this;
/// Replace characters from 'first' to one before 'last' with 'str'.
///\param first The position to start from.
///\param last The one after the position to end at.
///\param str The string to replace it with.
ibasic_string& replace(const_iterator first, const_iterator last, const ibasic_string& str)
// Quick hack, as iterators are pointers.
iterator first_ = to_iterator(first);
iterator last_ = to_iterator(last);
// Erase the bit we want to replace.
erase(first_, last_);
// Insert the new stuff.
insert(first_, str.begin(), str.end());
if (str.is_truncated())
return *this;
/// Replace characters from 'position' of 'length' with 'str' from 'subposition' of 'sublength'.
ibasic_string& replace(size_type position, size_type length_, const ibasic_string& str, size_type subposition, size_type sublength)
ETL_ASSERT(position <= size(), ETL_ERROR(string_out_of_bounds));
ETL_ASSERT(subposition <= str.size(), ETL_ERROR(string_out_of_bounds));
// Limit the lengths.
length_ = etl::min(length_, size() - position);
sublength = etl::min(sublength, str.size() - subposition);
// Erase the bit we want to replace.
erase(position, length_);
// Insert the new stuff.
insert(position, str, subposition, sublength);
if (str.is_truncated())
return *this;
/// Replace characters from 'position' of 'length' with pointed to string.
ibasic_string& replace(size_type position, size_type length_, const_pointer s)
ETL_ASSERT(position <= size(), ETL_ERROR(string_out_of_bounds));
// Limit the length.
length_ = etl::min(length_, size() - position);
// Erase the bit we want to replace.
erase(position, length_);
// Insert the new stuff.
insert(position, s, etl::strlen(s));
return *this;
/// Replace characters from 'first' 'last' with pointed to string.
ibasic_string& replace(const_iterator first, const_iterator last, const_pointer s)
// Quick hack, as iterators are pointers.
iterator first_ = to_iterator(first);
iterator last_ = to_iterator(last);
// Erase the bit we want to replace.
erase(first_, last_);
// Insert the new stuff.
insert(first_, s, s + etl::strlen(s));
return *this;
/// Replace characters from 'position' of 'length' with 'n' characters from pointed to string.
ibasic_string& replace(size_type position, size_type length_, const_pointer s, size_type n)
ETL_ASSERT(position <= size(), ETL_ERROR(string_out_of_bounds));
// Limit the length.
length_ = etl::min(length_, size() - position);
// Erase the bit we want to replace.
erase(position, length_);
// Insert the new stuff.
insert(position, s, n);
return *this;
/// Replace characters from 'first' to 'last' with 'n' characters from pointed to string.
ibasic_string& replace(const_iterator first, const_iterator last, const_pointer s, size_type n)
// Quick hack, as iterators are pointers.
iterator first_ = to_iterator(first);
iterator last_ = to_iterator(last);
// Erase the bit we want to replace.
erase(first_, last_);
// Insert the new stuff.
insert(first_, s, s + n);
return *this;
/// Replace characters from 'position' of 'length' with 'n' copies of 'c'.
ibasic_string& replace(size_type position, size_type length_, size_type n, value_type c)
ETL_ASSERT(position <= size(), ETL_ERROR(string_out_of_bounds));
// Limit the length.
length_ = etl::min(length_, size() - position);
// Erase the bit we want to replace.
erase(position, length_);
// Insert the new stuff.
insert(position, n, c);
return *this;
/// Replace characters from 'first' of 'last' with 'n' copies of 'c'.
ibasic_string& replace(const_iterator first, const_iterator last, size_type n, value_type c)
// Quick hack, as iterators are pointers.
iterator first_ = to_iterator(first);
iterator last_ = to_iterator(last);
// Erase the bit we want to replace.
erase(first_, last_);
// Insert the new stuff.
insert(first_, n, c);
return *this;
/// Replace characters from 'first' of 'last' with characters from 'first_replace' to 'last_replace'.
template <typename TIterator>
ibasic_string& replace(const_iterator first, const_iterator last, TIterator first_replace, TIterator last_replace)
// Quick hack, as iterators are pointers.
iterator first_ = to_iterator(first);
iterator last_ = to_iterator(last);
// Erase the bit we want to replace.
erase(first_, last_);
// Insert the new stuff.
insert(first_, first_replace, last_replace);
return *this;
/// Compare with string.
int compare(const ibasic_string& str) const
return compare(p_buffer,
p_buffer + size(),
str.p_buffer + str.size());
/// Compare position / length with string.
int compare(size_type position, size_type length_, const ibasic_string& str) const
ETL_ASSERT(position <= size(), ETL_ERROR(string_out_of_bounds));
// Limit the length.
length_ = etl::min(length_, size() - position);
return compare(p_buffer + position,
p_buffer + position + length_,
str.p_buffer + str.size());
/// Compare position / length with string / subposition / sublength.
int compare(size_type position, size_type length_, const ibasic_string& str, size_type subposition, size_type sublength) const
ETL_ASSERT(position <= size(), ETL_ERROR(string_out_of_bounds));
ETL_ASSERT(subposition <= str.size(), ETL_ERROR(string_out_of_bounds));
// Limit the lengths.
length_ = etl::min(length_, size() - position);
sublength = etl::min(sublength, str.size() - subposition);
return compare(p_buffer + position,
p_buffer + position + length_,
str.p_buffer + subposition,
str.p_buffer + subposition + sublength);
/// Compare with C string
int compare(const value_type* s) const
return compare(p_buffer,
p_buffer + size(),
s + etl::strlen(s));
/// Compare position / length with C string.
int compare(size_type position, size_type length_, const_pointer s) const
return compare(p_buffer + position,
p_buffer + position + length_,
s + etl::strlen(s));
/// Compare position / length with C string / n.
int compare(size_type position, size_type length_, const_pointer s, size_type n) const
return compare(p_buffer + position,
p_buffer + position + length_,
s + n);
/// Find first of any of content within the string
///\param str The content to find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
size_type find_first_of(const ibasic_string<T>& str, size_type position = 0) const
return find_first_of(str.c_str(), position, str.size());
/// Find first of any of content within the string
///\param s Pointer to the content to find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
size_type find_first_of(const_pointer s, size_type position = 0) const
return find_first_of(s, position, etl::strlen(s));
/// Find first of any of content within the string
///\param s Pointer to the content to find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
///\param n The number of characters to search for.
size_type find_first_of(const_pointer s, size_type position, size_type n) const
if (position < size())
for (size_type i = position; i < size(); ++i)
for (size_type j = 0; j < n; ++j)
if (p_buffer[i] == s[j])
return i;
return npos;
/// Find first of character within the string
///\param c The character to find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
size_type find_first_of(value_type c, size_type position = 0) const
if (position < size())
for (size_type i = position; i < size(); ++i)
if (p_buffer[i] == c)
return i;
return npos;
/// Find last of any of content within the string
///\param str The content to find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
size_type find_last_of(const ibasic_string<T>& str, size_type position = npos) const
return find_last_of(str.c_str(), position, str.size());
/// Find last of any of content within the string
///\param s Pointer to the content to find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
size_type find_last_of(const_pointer s, size_type position = npos) const
return find_last_of(s, position, etl::strlen(s));
/// Find last of any of content within the string
///\param s Pointer to the content to find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
///\param n The number of characters to search for.
size_type find_last_of(const_pointer s, size_type position, size_type n) const
if (empty())
return npos;
position = etl::min(position, size() - 1);
const_reverse_iterator it = rbegin() + size() - position - 1;
while (it != rend())
for (size_type j = 0; j < n; ++j)
if (p_buffer[position] == s[j])
return position;
return npos;
/// Find last of character within the string
///\param c The character to find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
size_type find_last_of(value_type c, size_type position = npos) const
if (empty())
return npos;
position = etl::min(position, size() - 1);
const_reverse_iterator it = rbegin() + size() - position - 1;
while (it != rend())
if (p_buffer[position] == c)
return position;
return npos;
/// Find first not of any of content within the string
///\param str The content to find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
size_type find_first_not_of(const ibasic_string<T>& str, size_type position = 0) const
return find_first_not_of(str.c_str(), position, str.size());
/// Find first not of any of content within the string
///\param s Pointer to the content to not find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
size_type find_first_not_of(const_pointer s, size_type position = 0) const
return find_first_not_of(s, position, etl::strlen(s));
/// Find first not of any of content within the string
///\param s Pointer to the content to not find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
///\param n The number of characters to search for.
size_type find_first_not_of(const_pointer s, size_type position, size_type n) const
if (position < size())
for (size_type i = position; i < size(); ++i)
bool found = false;
for (size_type j = 0; j < n; ++j)
if (p_buffer[i] == s[j])
found = true;
if (!found)
return i;
return npos;
/// Find first not of character within the string
///\param c The character to not find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
size_type find_first_not_of(value_type c, size_type position = 0) const
if (position < size())
for (size_type i = position; i < size(); ++i)
if (*(p_buffer + i) != c)
return i;
return npos;
/// Find last not of any of content within the string
///\param str The content to find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
size_type find_last_not_of(const ibasic_string<T>& str, size_type position = npos) const
return find_last_not_of(str.c_str(), position, str.size());
/// Find last not of any of content within the string
///\param s The pointer to the content to find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
size_type find_last_not_of(const_pointer s, size_type position = npos) const
return find_last_not_of(s, position, etl::strlen(s));
/// Find last not of any of content within the string
///\param s The pointer to the content to find
///\param pos The position to start searching from.
///\param n The number of characters to use.
size_type find_last_not_of(const_pointer s, size_type position, size_type n) const
if (empty())
return npos;
position = etl::min(position, size() - 1);
const_reverse_iterator it = rbegin() + size() - position - 1;
while (it != rend())
bool found = false;
for (size_type j = 0; j < n; ++j)
if (p_buffer[position] == s[j])
found = true;
if (!found)
return position;
return npos;
size_type find_last_not_of(value_type c, size_type position = npos) const
if (empty())
return npos;
position = etl::min(position, size() - 1);
const_reverse_iterator it = rbegin() + size() - position - 1;
while (it != rend())
if (p_buffer[position] != c)
return position;
return npos;
/// Assignment operator.
ibasic_string& operator = (const ibasic_string& rhs)
if (&rhs != this)
return *this;
/// Assignment operator.
ibasic_string& operator = (const_pointer rhs)
return *this;
/// += operator.
ibasic_string& operator += (const ibasic_string& rhs)
return *this;
/// += operator.
ibasic_string& operator += (const_pointer rhs)
return *this;
/// += operator.
ibasic_string& operator += (T rhs)
append(size_type(1), rhs);
return *this;
/// Fix the internal pointers after a low level memory copy.
virtual void repair() = 0;
/// Clears the free space to string terminator value.
void initialize_free_space()
etl::fill(&p_buffer[current_size], &p_buffer[CAPACITY + 1U], T(0));
/// Trim the size to the distance to the first null terminator.
/// If the last buffer position has a non-null value then the truncated
/// flag will be set.
void trim_to_terminator()
set_truncated(p_buffer[CAPACITY] != T(0));
p_buffer[CAPACITY] = T(0); // Ensure a terminating null.
current_size = etl::strlen(p_buffer);
/// Constructor.
ibasic_string(T* p_buffer_, size_type MAX_SIZE_)
: string_base(MAX_SIZE_),
/// Initialise the string.
void initialise()
current_size = 0U;
p_buffer[0] = 0;
/// Fix the internal pointers after a low level memory copy.
void repair_buffer(T* p_buffer_)
p_buffer = p_buffer_;
/// Compare helper function
int compare(const_pointer first1, const_pointer last1, const_pointer first2, const_pointer last2) const
while ((first1 != last1) && (first2 != last2))
if (*first1 < *first2)
// Compared character is lower.
return -1;
else if (*first1 > *first2)
// Compared character is higher.
return 1;
// We reached the end of one or both of the strings.
if ((first1 == last1) && (first2 == last2))
// Same length.
return 0;
else if (first1 == last1)
// Compared string is shorter.
return -1;
// Compared string is longer.
return 1;
/// Clear the unused trailing portion of the string.
void cleanup()
if (is_secure())
etl::memory_clear_range(&p_buffer[current_size], &p_buffer[CAPACITY]);
/// Disable copy construction.
ibasic_string(const ibasic_string&);
/// Pointer to the string's buffer.
T* p_buffer;
/// Destructor.
if (is_secure())
/// Convert from const_iterator to iterator
iterator to_iterator(const_iterator itr) const
return const_cast<iterator>(itr);
/// Equal operator.
///\param lhs Reference to the first string.
///\param rhs Reference to the second string.
///\return <b>true</b> if the arrays are equal, otherwise <b>false</b>
///\ingroup string
template <typename T>
bool operator ==(const etl::ibasic_string<T>& lhs, const etl::ibasic_string<T>& rhs)
return (lhs.size() == rhs.size()) && etl::equal(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin());
/// Equal operator.
///\param lhs Reference to the first string.
///\param rhs Reference to the second string.
///\return <b>true</b> if the arrays are equal, otherwise <b>false</b>
///\ingroup string
template <typename T>
bool operator ==(const etl::ibasic_string<T>& lhs, const T* rhs)
return (lhs.size() == etl::strlen(rhs)) && etl::equal(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs);
/// Equal operator.
///\param lhs Reference to the first string.
///\param rhs Reference to the second string.
///\return <b>true</b> if the arrays are equal, otherwise <b>false</b>
///\ingroup string
template <typename T>
bool operator ==(const T* lhs, const etl::ibasic_string<T>& rhs)
return (rhs.size() == etl::strlen(lhs)) && etl::equal(rhs.begin(), rhs.end(), lhs);
/// Not equal operator.
///\param lhs Reference to the first string.
///\param rhs Reference to the second string.
///\return <b>true</b> if the arrays are not equal, otherwise <b>false</b>
///\ingroup string
template <typename T>
bool operator !=(const etl::ibasic_string<T>& lhs, const etl::ibasic_string<T>& rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
/// Not equal operator.
///\param lhs Reference to the first string.
///\param rhs Reference to the second string.
///\return <b>true</b> if the arrays are not equal, otherwise <b>false</b>
///\ingroup string
template <typename T>
bool operator !=(const etl::ibasic_string<T>& lhs, const T* rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
/// Not equal operator.
///\param lhs Reference to the first string.
///\param rhs Reference to the second string.
///\return <b>true</b> if the arrays are not equal, otherwise <b>false</b>
///\ingroup string
template <typename T>
bool operator !=(const T* lhs, const etl::ibasic_string<T>& rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
/// Less than operator.
///\param lhs Reference to the first string.
///\param rhs Reference to the second string.
///\return <b>true</b> if the first string is lexicographically less than the second, otherwise <b>false</b>
///\ingroup string
template <typename T>
bool operator <(const etl::ibasic_string<T>& lhs, const etl::ibasic_string<T>& rhs)
return etl::lexicographical_compare(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs.begin(), rhs.end());
/// Less than operator.
///\param lhs Reference to the first string.
///\param rhs Reference to the second string.
///\return <b>true</b> if the first string is lexicographically less than the second, otherwise <b>false</b>
///\ingroup string
template <typename T>
bool operator <(const etl::ibasic_string<T>& lhs, const T* rhs)
return etl::lexicographical_compare(lhs.begin(), lhs.end(), rhs, rhs + etl::strlen(rhs));
/// Less than operator.
///\param lhs Reference to the first string.
///\param rhs Reference to the second string.
///\return <b>true</b> if the first string is lexicographically less than the second, otherwise <b>false</b>
///\ingroup string
template <typename T>
bool operator <(const T* lhs, const etl::ibasic_string<T>& rhs)
return etl::lexicographical_compare(lhs, lhs + etl::strlen(lhs), rhs.begin(), rhs.end());
/// Greater than operator.
///\param lhs Reference to the first string.
///\param rhs Reference to the second string.
///\return <b>true</b> if the first string is lexicographically greater than the second, otherwise <b>false</b>
///\ingroup string
template <typename T>
bool operator >(const etl::ibasic_string<T>& lhs, const etl::ibasic_string<T>& rhs)
return (rhs < lhs);
/// Greater than operator.
///\param lhs Reference to the first string.
///\param rhs Reference to the second string.
///\return <b>true</b> if the first string is lexicographically greater than the second, otherwise <b>false</b>
///\ingroup string
template <typename T>
bool operator >(const etl::ibasic_string<T>& lhs, const T* rhs)
return (rhs < lhs);
/// Greater than operator.
///\param lhs Reference to the first string.
///\param rhs Reference to the second string.
///\return <b>true</b> if the first string is lexicographically greater than the second, otherwise <b>false</b>
///\ingroup string
template <typename T>
bool operator >(const T* lhs, const etl::ibasic_string<T>& rhs)
return (rhs < lhs);
/// Less than or equal operator.
///\param lhs Reference to the first string.
///\param rhs Reference to the second string.
///\return <b>true</b> if the first string is lexicographically less than or equal to the second, otherwise <b>false</b>
///\ingroup string
template <typename T>
bool operator <=(const etl::ibasic_string<T>& lhs, const etl::ibasic_string<T>& rhs)
return !(lhs > rhs);
/// Less than or equal operator.
///\param lhs Reference to the first string.
///\param rhs Reference to the second string.
///\return <b>true</b> if the first string is lexicographically less than or equal to the second, otherwise <b>false</b>
///\ingroup string
template <typename T>
bool operator <=(const etl::ibasic_string<T>& lhs, const T* rhs)
return !(lhs > rhs);
/// Less than or equal operator.
///\param lhs Reference to the first string.
///\param rhs Reference to the second string.
///\return <b>true</b> if the first string is lexicographically less than or equal to the second, otherwise <b>false</b>
///\ingroup string
template <typename T>
bool operator <=(const T* lhs, const etl::ibasic_string<T>& rhs)
return !(lhs > rhs);
/// Greater than or equal operator.
///\param lhs Reference to the first string.
///\param rhs Reference to the second string.
///\return <b>true</b> if the first string is lexicographically greater than or equal to the second, otherwise <b>false</b>
///\ingroup string
template <typename T>
bool operator >=(const etl::ibasic_string<T>& lhs, const etl::ibasic_string<T>& rhs)
return !(lhs < rhs);
/// Greater than or equal operator.
///\param lhs Reference to the first string.
///\param rhs Reference to the second string.
///\return <b>true</b> if the first string is lexicographically greater than or equal to the second, otherwise <b>false</b>
///\ingroup string
template <typename T>
bool operator >=(const etl::ibasic_string<T>& lhs, const T* rhs)
return !(lhs < rhs);
/// Greater than or equal operator.
///\param lhs Reference to the first string.
///\param rhs Reference to the second string.
///\return <b>true</b> if the first string is lexicographically greater than or equal to the second, otherwise <b>false</b>
///\ingroup string
template <typename T>
bool operator >=(const T* lhs, const etl::ibasic_string<T>& rhs)
return !(lhs < rhs);
#include "private/minmax_pop.h"