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The MIT License(MIT)
Embedded Template Library.
Copyright(c) 2021 jwellbelove, Robin S<>derholm
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions :
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "../platform.h"
#include "../utility.h"
#include "../largest.h"
#include "../exception.h"
#include "../type_traits.h"
#include "../integral_limits.h"
#include "../static_assert.h"
#include "../alignment.h"
#include "../error_handler.h"
#include "../parameter_pack.h"
#include "../placement_new.h"
#include "../visitor.h"
#include "../memory.h"
#include "../compare.h"
#include "../initializer_list.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#if defined(ETL_COMPILER_KEIL)
#pragma diag_suppress 940
#pragma diag_suppress 111
#if !defined(ETL_IN_UNIT_TEST)
///\defgroup variant variant
/// A class that can contain one a several specified types in a type safe manner.
///\ingroup containers
namespace etl
namespace private_variant
// This is a copy of the normal etl::parameter_pack, but without the static_assert
// so that the C++11 versions of do_visitor() & do_operator() do not throw a compile time error.
template <typename... TTypes>
class parameter_pack
static constexpr size_t size = sizeof...(TTypes);
/// index_of_type
template <typename T>
class index_of_type
using type = etl::remove_cvref_t<T>;
template <typename Type, typename T1, typename... TRest>
struct index_of_type_helper
static constexpr size_t value = etl::is_same<Type, T1>::value ? 1 : 1 + index_of_type_helper<Type, TRest...>::value;
template <typename Type, typename T1>
struct index_of_type_helper<Type, T1>
static constexpr size_t value = 1UL;
static_assert(etl::is_one_of<type, TTypes...>::value, "T is not in parameter pack");
/// The index value.
static constexpr size_t value = index_of_type_helper<type, TTypes...>::value - 1;
/// type_from_index
template <size_t I>
class type_from_index
template <size_t II, size_t N, typename T1, typename... TRest>
struct type_from_index_helper
using type = typename etl::conditional<II == N, T1, typename type_from_index_helper<II, N + 1, TRest...>::type>::type;
template <size_t II, size_t N, typename T1>
struct type_from_index_helper<II, N, T1>
using type = T1;
/// Template alias
using type = typename type_from_index_helper<I, 0, TTypes...>::type;
template <size_t I>
using type_from_index_t = typename type_from_index<I>::type;
// The traits an object may have.
static constexpr bool Copyable = true;
static constexpr bool Non_Copyable = false;
static constexpr bool Moveable = true;
static constexpr bool Non_Moveable = false;
// The types of operations we can perform.
static constexpr int Copy = 0;
static constexpr int Move = 1;
static constexpr int Destroy = 2;
// operation_type
template <typename T, bool IsCopyable, bool IsMoveable>
struct operation_type;
// Specialisation for null operation.
template <>
struct operation_type<void, Non_Copyable, Non_Moveable>
static void do_operation(int , char* , const char* )
// This should never occur.
#if defined(ETL_IN_UNIT_TEST)
// Specialisation for no-copyable & non-moveable types.
template <typename T>
struct operation_type<T, Non_Copyable, Non_Moveable>
static void do_operation(int operation, char* pstorage, const char* /*pvalue*/)
switch (operation)
case Destroy:
reinterpret_cast<const T*>(pstorage)->~T();
// This should never occur.
#if defined(ETL_IN_UNIT_TEST)
// Specialisation for no-copyable & moveable types.
template <typename T>
struct operation_type<T, Non_Copyable, Moveable>
static void do_operation(int operation, char* pstorage, const char* pvalue)
switch (operation)
case Move:
::new (pstorage) T(etl::move(*reinterpret_cast<T*>(const_cast<char*>(pvalue))));
case Destroy:
reinterpret_cast<const T*>(pstorage)->~T();
// This should never occur.
#if defined(ETL_IN_UNIT_TEST)
// Specialisation for copyable & non-moveable types.
template <typename T>
struct operation_type<T, Copyable, Non_Moveable>
static void do_operation(int operation, char* pstorage, const char* pvalue)
switch (operation)
case Copy:
::new (pstorage) T(*reinterpret_cast<const T*>(pvalue));
case Destroy:
reinterpret_cast<const T*>(pstorage)->~T();
// This should never occur.
#if defined(ETL_IN_UNIT_TEST)
// Specialisation for copyable & moveable types.
template <typename T>
struct operation_type<T, Copyable, Moveable>
static void do_operation(int operation, char* pstorage, const char* pvalue)
switch (operation)
case Copy:
::new (pstorage) T(*reinterpret_cast<const T*>(pvalue));
case Move:
::new (pstorage) T(etl::move(*reinterpret_cast<T*>(const_cast<char*>(pvalue))));
case Destroy:
reinterpret_cast<const T*>(pstorage)->~T();
// This should never occur.
#if defined(ETL_IN_UNIT_TEST)
/// Definition of variant_npos.
constexpr size_t variant_npos = etl::integral_limits<size_t>::max;
// variant. Forward declaration
template <typename... TTypes>
class variant;
/// variant_alternative
template <size_t Index, typename T>
struct variant_alternative;
template <size_t Index, typename... TTypes>
struct variant_alternative<Index, etl::variant<TTypes...>>
using type = typename etl::private_variant::parameter_pack<TTypes...>::template type_from_index<Index>::type;
template <size_t Index, typename T>
struct variant_alternative<Index, const T>
using type = typename variant_alternative<Index, T>::type;
template <size_t Index, typename T>
using variant_alternative_t = typename variant_alternative<Index, T>::type;
// holds_alternative. Forward declaration
template <typename T, typename... TTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool holds_alternative(const etl::variant<TTypes...>& v) noexcept;
// get. Forward declarations
template <size_t Index, typename... VTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 etl::variant_alternative_t<Index, etl::variant<VTypes...>>&
get(etl::variant<VTypes...>& v);
template <size_t Index, typename... VTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 etl::variant_alternative_t<Index, etl::variant<VTypes...>>&&
get(etl::variant<VTypes...>&& v);
template <size_t Index, typename... VTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 const etl::variant_alternative_t<Index, const etl::variant<VTypes...>>&
get(const etl::variant<VTypes...>& v);
template <size_t Index, typename... VTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 const etl::variant_alternative_t<Index, const etl::variant<VTypes...>>&&
get(const etl::variant<VTypes...>&& v);
template <typename T, typename... VTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 T& get(etl::variant<VTypes...>& v);
template <typename T, typename... VTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 T&& get(etl::variant<VTypes...>&& v);
template <typename T, typename... VTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 const T& get(const etl::variant<VTypes...>& v);
template <typename T, typename... VTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 const T&& get(const etl::variant<VTypes...>&& v);
/// Monostate for variants.
///\ingroup variant
struct monostate
constexpr bool operator >(etl::monostate, etl::monostate) noexcept { return false; }
constexpr bool operator <(etl::monostate, etl::monostate) noexcept { return false; }
constexpr bool operator !=(etl::monostate, etl::monostate) noexcept { return false; }
constexpr bool operator <=(etl::monostate, etl::monostate) noexcept { return true; }
constexpr bool operator >=(etl::monostate, etl::monostate) noexcept { return true; }
constexpr bool operator ==(etl::monostate, etl::monostate) noexcept { return true; }
constexpr std::strong_ordering operator<=>(monostate, monostate) noexcept
return std::strong_ordering::equal;
template <>
struct is_copy_constructible<etl::monostate> : public etl::true_type
template <>
struct is_move_constructible<etl::monostate> : public etl::true_type
/// Base exception for the variant class.
///\ingroup variant
class variant_exception : public exception
variant_exception(string_type reason_, string_type file_name_, numeric_type line_number_)
: exception(reason_, file_name_, line_number_)
/// 'Unsupported type' exception for the variant class.
///\ingroup variant
class variant_incorrect_type_exception : public variant_exception
variant_incorrect_type_exception(string_type file_name_, numeric_type line_number_)
: variant_exception(ETL_ERROR_TEXT("variant:unsupported type", ETL_VARIANT_FILE_ID"A"), file_name_, line_number_)
/// 'Bad variant access' exception for the variant class.
///\ingroup variant
class bad_variant_access : public variant_exception
bad_variant_access(string_type file_name_, numeric_type line_number_)
: variant_exception(ETL_ERROR_TEXT("variant:bad variant access", ETL_VARIANT_FILE_ID"B"), file_name_, line_number_)
/// A template class that can store any of the types defined in the template parameter list.
/// Supports up to 8 types.
///\ingroup variant
template <typename... TTypes>
class variant
/// The type used for ids.
using type_id_t = uint_least8_t ;
/// get() is a friend function.
template <size_t Index, typename... VTypes>
friend ETL_CONSTEXPR14 etl::variant_alternative_t<Index, etl::variant<VTypes...>>&
get(etl::variant<VTypes...>& v);
template <size_t Index, typename... VTypes>
friend ETL_CONSTEXPR14 etl::variant_alternative_t<Index, etl::variant<VTypes...>>&&
get(etl::variant<VTypes...>&& v);
template <size_t Index, typename... VTypes>
friend ETL_CONSTEXPR14 const etl::variant_alternative_t<Index, const etl::variant<VTypes...>>&
get(const etl::variant<VTypes...>& v);
template <size_t Index, typename... VTypes>
friend ETL_CONSTEXPR14 const etl::variant_alternative_t<Index, const etl::variant<VTypes...>>&&
get(const etl::variant<VTypes...>&& v);
template <typename T, typename... VTypes>
friend ETL_CONSTEXPR14 T& get(etl::variant<VTypes...>& v);
template <typename T, typename... VTypes>
friend ETL_CONSTEXPR14 T&& get(etl::variant<VTypes...>&& v);
template <typename T, typename... VTypes>
friend ETL_CONSTEXPR14 const T& get(const etl::variant<VTypes...>& v);
template <typename T, typename... VTypes>
friend ETL_CONSTEXPR14 const T&& get(const etl::variant<VTypes...>&& v);
// All types of variant are friends.
template <typename... UTypes>
friend class variant;
/// The largest type.
using largest_t = typename largest_type<TTypes...>::type;
/// The largest size.
static const size_t Size = sizeof(largest_t);
/// The largest alignment.
static const size_t Alignment = etl::largest_alignment<TTypes...>::value;
/// The operation templates.
template <typename T, bool IsCopyable, bool IsMoveable>
using operation_type = private_variant::operation_type<T, IsCopyable, IsMoveable>;
// The types of operations we can perform.
static constexpr int Copy = private_variant::Copy;
static constexpr int Move = private_variant::Move;
static constexpr int Destroy = private_variant::Destroy;
// Get the index of a type.
template <typename T>
using index_of_type = typename etl::private_variant::parameter_pack<TTypes...>::template index_of_type<etl::remove_cvref_t<T>>;
// Get the type from the index.
template <size_t Index>
using type_from_index = typename etl::private_variant::parameter_pack<TTypes...>::template type_from_index<Index>::type;
/// Default constructor.
/// Sets the state of the instance to containing no valid data.
#include "diagnostic_uninitialized_push.h"
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 variant()
using type = typename etl::private_variant::parameter_pack<TTypes...>::template type_from_index<0U>::type;
operation = operation_type<type, etl::is_copy_constructible<type>::value, etl::is_move_constructible<type>::value>::do_operation;
type_id = 0U;
#include "diagnostic_pop.h"
/// Construct from a value.
#include "diagnostic_uninitialized_push.h"
template <typename T, etl::enable_if_t<!etl::is_same<etl::remove_cvref_t<T>, variant>::value, int> = 0>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 variant(T&& value)
: operation(operation_type<etl::remove_cvref_t<T>, etl::is_copy_constructible<etl::remove_cvref_t<T>>::value, etl::is_move_constructible<etl::remove_cvref_t<T>>::value>::do_operation)
, type_id(index_of_type<T>::value)
static_assert(etl::is_one_of<etl::remove_cvref_t<T>, TTypes...>::value, "Unsupported type");
construct_in_place<etl::remove_cvref_t<T>>(data, etl::forward<T>(value));
#include "diagnostic_pop.h"
/// Construct from arguments.
#include "diagnostic_uninitialized_push.h"
template <typename T, typename... TArgs>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 explicit variant(etl::in_place_type_t<T>, TArgs&&... args)
: operation(operation_type<etl::remove_cvref_t<T>, etl::is_copy_constructible<etl::remove_cvref_t<T>>::value, etl::is_move_constructible<etl::remove_cvref_t<T>>::value>::do_operation)
, type_id(index_of_type<T>::value)
static_assert(etl::is_one_of<etl::remove_cvref_t<T>, TTypes...>::value, "Unsupported type");
construct_in_place_args<etl::remove_cvref_t<T>>(data, etl::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
#include "diagnostic_pop.h"
/// Construct from arguments.
#include "diagnostic_uninitialized_push.h"
template <size_t Index, typename... TArgs>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 explicit variant(etl::in_place_index_t<Index>, TArgs&&... args)
: type_id(Index)
using type = typename private_variant::parameter_pack<TTypes...>:: template type_from_index_t<Index>;
static_assert(etl::is_one_of<type, TTypes...> ::value, "Unsupported type");
construct_in_place_args<type>(data, etl::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
operation = operation_type<type, etl::is_copy_constructible<type>::value, etl::is_move_constructible<type>::value>::do_operation;
#include "diagnostic_pop.h"
/// Construct from type, initializer_list and arguments.
#include "diagnostic_uninitialized_push.h"
template <typename T, typename U, typename... TArgs >
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 explicit variant(etl::in_place_type_t<T>, std::initializer_list<U> init, TArgs&&... args)
: operation(operation_type<etl::remove_cvref_t<T>, etl::is_copy_constructible<etl::remove_cvref_t<T>>::value, etl::is_move_constructible<etl::remove_cvref_t<T>>::value>::do_operation)
, type_id(index_of_type<T>::value)
static_assert(etl::is_one_of<etl::remove_cvref_t<T>, TTypes...> ::value, "Unsupported type");
construct_in_place_args<etl::remove_cvref_t<T>>(data, init, etl::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
#include "diagnostic_pop.h"
/// Construct from index, initializer_list and arguments.
#include "diagnostic_uninitialized_push.h"
template <size_t Index, typename U, typename... TArgs >
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 explicit variant(etl::in_place_index_t<Index>, std::initializer_list<U> init, TArgs&&... args)
: type_id(Index)
using type = typename private_variant::parameter_pack<TTypes...>:: template type_from_index_t<Index>;
static_assert(etl::is_one_of<type, TTypes...> ::value, "Unsupported type");
construct_in_place_args<type>(data, init, etl::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
operation = operation_type<type, etl::is_copy_constructible<type>::value, etl::is_move_constructible<type>::value>::do_operation;
#include "diagnostic_pop.h"
/// Copy constructor.
///\param other The other variant object to copy.
#include "diagnostic_uninitialized_push.h"
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 variant(const variant& other)
: operation(other.operation)
, type_id(other.type_id)
if (this != &other)
if (other.index() == variant_npos)
type_id = variant_npos;
operation(private_variant::Copy, data, other.data);
#include "diagnostic_pop.h"
/// Move constructor.
///\param other The other variant object to copy.
#include "diagnostic_uninitialized_push.h"
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 variant(variant&& other)
: operation(other.operation)
, type_id(other.type_id)
if (this != &other)
if (other.index() == variant_npos)
type_id = variant_npos;
operation(private_variant::Move, data, other.data);
type_id = variant_npos;
#include "diagnostic_pop.h"
/// Destructor.
if (index() != variant_npos)
operation(private_variant::Destroy, data, nullptr);
operation = operation_type<void, false, false>::do_operation; // Null operation.
type_id = variant_npos;
/// Emplace by type with variadic constructor parameters.
template <typename T, typename... TArgs>
T& emplace(TArgs&&... args)
static_assert(etl::is_one_of<T, TTypes...>::value, "Unsupported type");
using type = etl::remove_cvref_t<T>;
operation(private_variant::Destroy, data, nullptr);
construct_in_place_args<type>(data, etl::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
operation = operation_type<type, etl::is_copy_constructible<type>::value, etl::is_move_constructible<type>::value>::do_operation;
type_id = etl::private_variant::parameter_pack<TTypes...>::template index_of_type<T>::value;
return *static_cast<T*>(data);
/// Emplace by type with variadic constructor parameters.
template <typename T, typename U, typename... TArgs>
T& emplace(std::initializer_list<U> il, TArgs&&... args)
static_assert(etl::is_one_of<T, TTypes...>::value, "Unsupported type");
using type = etl::remove_cvref_t<T>;
operation(private_variant::Destroy, data, nullptr);
construct_in_place_args<type>(data, il, etl::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
operation = operation_type<type, etl::is_copy_constructible<type>::value, etl::is_move_constructible<type>::value>::do_operation;
type_id = etl::private_variant::parameter_pack<TTypes...>::template index_of_type<T>::value;
return *static_cast<T*>(data);
/// Emplace by index with variadic constructor parameters.
template <size_t Index, typename... TArgs>
typename etl::variant_alternative<Index, variant<TArgs...>>::type& emplace(TArgs&&... args)
static_assert(Index < etl::private_variant::parameter_pack<TTypes...>::size, "Index out of range");
using type = type_from_index<Index>;
operation(private_variant::Destroy, data, nullptr);
construct_in_place_args<type>(data, etl::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
operation = operation_type<type, etl::is_copy_constructible<type>::value, etl::is_move_constructible<type>::value>::do_operation;
type_id = Index;
return *static_cast<type*>(data);
/// Emplace by index with variadic constructor parameters.
template <size_t Index, typename U, typename... TArgs>
typename etl::variant_alternative<Index, variant<TArgs...>>::type& emplace(std::initializer_list<U> il, TArgs&&... args)
static_assert(Index < etl::private_variant::parameter_pack<TTypes...>::size, "Index out of range");
using type = type_from_index<Index>;
operation(private_variant::Destroy, data, nullptr);
construct_in_place_args<type>(data, il, etl::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
operation = operation_type<type, etl::is_copy_constructible<type>::value, etl::is_move_constructible<type>::value>::do_operation;
type_id = Index;
return *static_cast<type*>(data);
/// Move assignment operator for type.
///\param value The value to assign.
template <typename T, etl::enable_if_t<!etl::is_same<etl::remove_cvref_t<T>, variant>::value, int> = 0>
variant& operator =(T&& value)
using type = etl::remove_cvref_t<T>;
static_assert(etl::is_one_of<type, TTypes...>::value, "Unsupported type");
operation(private_variant::Destroy, data, nullptr);
construct_in_place<type>(data, etl::forward<T>(value));
operation = operation_type<type, etl::is_copy_constructible<type>::value, etl::is_move_constructible<type>::value>::do_operation;
type_id = etl::private_variant::parameter_pack<TTypes...>::template index_of_type<type>::value;
return *this;
/// Assignment operator for variant type.
///\param other The variant to assign.
variant& operator =(const variant& other)
if (this != &other)
if (other.index() == variant_npos)
type_id = variant_npos;
operation(Destroy, data, nullptr);
operation = other.operation;
operation(Copy, data, other.data);
type_id = other.type_id;
return *this;
/// Assignment operator for variant type.
///\param other The variant to assign.
variant& operator =(variant&& other)
if (this != &other)
if (other.index() == variant_npos)
type_id = variant_npos;
operation(Destroy, data, nullptr);
operation = other.operation;
operation(Move, data, other.data);
type_id = other.type_id;
return *this;
/// Checks whether a valid value is currently stored.
///\return <b>true</b> if the value is valid, otherwise <b>false</b>.
constexpr bool valueless_by_exception() const noexcept
return type_id == variant_npos;
/// Gets the index of the type currently stored or variant_npos
constexpr size_t index() const noexcept
return type_id;
/// Checks to see if the type T is one of the variant's supported types.
/// For compatibility with legacy variant API.
///\return <b>true</b> if it is, otherwise <b>false</b>.
template <typename T>
static constexpr bool is_supported_type()
return etl::is_one_of<etl::remove_cvref_t<T>, TTypes...>::value;
/// Checks to see if the type currently stored is the same as that specified in the template parameter.
/// For compatibility with legacy variant API.
///\return <b>true</b> if it is the specified type, otherwise <b>false</b>.
template <typename T, etl::enable_if_t<is_supported_type<T>(), int> = 0>
constexpr bool is_type() const noexcept
return (type_id == etl::private_variant::parameter_pack<TTypes...>::template index_of_type<T>::value);
template <typename T, etl::enable_if_t<!is_supported_type<T>(), int> = 0>
constexpr bool is_type() const noexcept
return false;
/// Checks if the other variant holds the same type as the current stored type.
/// For variants with the same type declarations.
/// For compatibility with legacy variant API.
///\return <b>true</b> if the types are the same, otherwise <b>false</b>.
constexpr bool is_same_type(const variant& other) const
return type_id == other.type_id;
/// Swaps this variant with another.
void swap(variant& rhs) noexcept
variant temp(etl::move(*this));
*this = etl::move(rhs);
rhs = etl::move(temp);
/// Accept an etl::visitor.
template <typename TVisitor>
etl::enable_if_t<etl::is_visitor<TVisitor>::value, void>
accept(TVisitor& v)
do_visitor(v, etl::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(TTypes)>{});
/// Accept an etl::visitor.
template <typename TVisitor>
etl::enable_if_t<etl::is_visitor<TVisitor>::value, void>
accept(TVisitor& v) const
do_visitor(v, etl::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(TTypes)>{});
/// Accept a generic functor.
template <typename TVisitor>
etl::enable_if_t<!etl::is_visitor<TVisitor>::value, void>
accept(TVisitor& v)
do_operator(v, etl::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(TTypes)>{});
/// Accept a generic functor.
template <typename TVisitor>
etl::enable_if_t<!etl::is_visitor<TVisitor>::value, void>
accept(TVisitor& v) const
do_operator(v, etl::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(TTypes)>{});
/// Accept an etl::visitor.
/// Deprecated.
template <typename TVisitor>
#if !defined(ETL_IN_UNIT_TEST)
ETL_DEPRECATED_REASON("Replace with accept()")
void accept_visitor(TVisitor& v)
do_visitor(v, etl::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(TTypes)>{});
/// Accept an etl::visitor.
/// Deprecated.
template <typename TVisitor>
#if !defined(ETL_IN_UNIT_TEST)
ETL_DEPRECATED_REASON("Replace with accept()")
void accept_visitor(TVisitor& v) const
do_visitor(v, etl::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(TTypes)>{});
/// Accept a generic functor.
/// Deprecated.
template <typename TVisitor>
#if !defined(ETL_IN_UNIT_TEST)
ETL_DEPRECATED_REASON("Replace with accept()")
void accept_functor(TVisitor& v)
do_operator(v, etl::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(TTypes)>{});
/// Accept a generic functor.
/// Deprecated.
template <typename TVisitor>
#if !defined(ETL_IN_UNIT_TEST)
ETL_DEPRECATED_REASON("Replace with accept()")
void accept_functor(TVisitor& v) const
do_operator(v, etl::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(TTypes)>{});
/// The operation function type.
using operation_function = void(*)(int, char*, const char*);
/// Construct the type in-place. lvalue reference.
template <typename T>
static void construct_in_place(char* pstorage, const T& value)
using type = etl::remove_cvref_t<T>;
::new (pstorage) type(value);
/// Construct the type in-place. rvalue reference.
template <typename T>
static void construct_in_place(char* pstorage, T&& value)
using type = etl::remove_cvref_t<T>;
::new (pstorage) type(etl::move(value));
/// Construct the type in-place. Variadic args.
template <typename T, typename... TArgs>
static void construct_in_place_args(char* pstorage, TArgs&&... args)
using type = etl::remove_cvref_t<T>;
::new (pstorage) type(etl::forward<TArgs>(args)...);
/// Default construct the type in-place.
template <typename T>
static void default_construct_in_place(char* pstorage)
using type = etl::remove_cvref_t<T>;
::new (pstorage) type();
/// Call the relevant visitor by attempting each one.
template <typename TVisitor, size_t... I>
void do_visitor(TVisitor& visitor, etl::index_sequence<I...>)
(attempt_visitor<I>(visitor) || ...);
/// Call the relevant visitor by attempting each one.
template <typename TVisitor, size_t... I>
void do_visitor(TVisitor& visitor, etl::index_sequence<I...>) const
(attempt_visitor<I>(visitor) || ...);
/// /// Call the relevant visitor.
template <typename TVisitor>
void do_visitor(TVisitor& visitor)
switch (index())
case 0: { visitor.visit(etl::get<0>(*this)); break; }
case 1: { visitor.visit(etl::get<1>(*this)); break; }
case 2: { visitor.visit(etl::get<2>(*this)); break; }
case 3: { visitor.visit(etl::get<3>(*this)); break; }
case 4: { visitor.visit(etl::get<4>(*this)); break; }
case 5: { visitor.visit(etl::get<5>(*this)); break; }
case 6: { visitor.visit(etl::get<6>(*this)); break; }
case 7: { visitor.visit(etl::get<7>(*this)); break; }
#if !defined(ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_8_TYPES)
case 8: { visitor.visit(etl::get<8>(*this)); break; }
case 9: { visitor.visit(etl::get<9>(*this)); break; }
case 10: { visitor.visit(etl::get<10>(*this)); break; }
case 11: { visitor.visit(etl::get<11>(*this)); break; }
case 12: { visitor.visit(etl::get<12>(*this)); break; }
case 13: { visitor.visit(etl::get<13>(*this)); break; }
case 14: { visitor.visit(etl::get<14>(*this)); break; }
case 15: { visitor.visit(etl::get<15>(*this)); break; }
#if !defined(ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_16_TYPES)
case 16: { visitor.visit(etl::get<16>(*this)); break; }
case 17: { visitor.visit(etl::get<17>(*this)); break; }
case 18: { visitor.visit(etl::get<18>(*this)); break; }
case 19: { visitor.visit(etl::get<19>(*this)); break; }
case 20: { visitor.visit(etl::get<20>(*this)); break; }
case 21: { visitor.visit(etl::get<21>(*this)); break; }
case 22: { visitor.visit(etl::get<22>(*this)); break; }
case 23: { visitor.visit(etl::get<23>(*this)); break; }
#if !defined(ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_24_TYPES)
case 24: { visitor.visit(etl::get<24>(*this)); break; }
case 25: { visitor.visit(etl::get<25>(*this)); break; }
case 26: { visitor.visit(etl::get<26>(*this)); break; }
case 27: { visitor.visit(etl::get<27>(*this)); break; }
case 28: { visitor.visit(etl::get<28>(*this)); break; }
case 29: { visitor.visit(etl::get<29>(*this)); break; }
case 30: { visitor.visit(etl::get<30>(*this)); break; }
case 31: { visitor.visit(etl::get<31>(*this)); break; }
default: break;
/// /// Call the relevant visitor.
template <typename TVisitor>
void do_visitor(TVisitor& visitor) const
switch (index())
case 0: { visitor.visit(etl::get<0>(*this)); break; }
case 1: { visitor.visit(etl::get<1>(*this)); break; }
case 2: { visitor.visit(etl::get<2>(*this)); break; }
case 3: { visitor.visit(etl::get<3>(*this)); break; }
case 4: { visitor.visit(etl::get<4>(*this)); break; }
case 5: { visitor.visit(etl::get<5>(*this)); break; }
case 6: { visitor.visit(etl::get<6>(*this)); break; }
case 7: { visitor.visit(etl::get<7>(*this)); break; }
#if !defined(ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_8_TYPES)
case 8: { visitor.visit(etl::get<8>(*this)); break; }
case 9: { visitor.visit(etl::get<9>(*this)); break; }
case 10: { visitor.visit(etl::get<10>(*this)); break; }
case 11: { visitor.visit(etl::get<11>(*this)); break; }
case 12: { visitor.visit(etl::get<12>(*this)); break; }
case 13: { visitor.visit(etl::get<13>(*this)); break; }
case 14: { visitor.visit(etl::get<14>(*this)); break; }
case 15: { visitor.visit(etl::get<15>(*this)); break; }
#if !defined(ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_16_TYPES)
case 16: { visitor.visit(etl::get<16>(*this)); break; }
case 17: { visitor.visit(etl::get<17>(*this)); break; }
case 18: { visitor.visit(etl::get<18>(*this)); break; }
case 19: { visitor.visit(etl::get<19>(*this)); break; }
case 20: { visitor.visit(etl::get<20>(*this)); break; }
case 21: { visitor.visit(etl::get<21>(*this)); break; }
case 22: { visitor.visit(etl::get<22>(*this)); break; }
case 23: { visitor.visit(etl::get<23>(*this)); break; }
#if !defined(ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_24_TYPES)
case 24: { visitor.visit(etl::get<24>(*this)); break; }
case 25: { visitor.visit(etl::get<25>(*this)); break; }
case 26: { visitor.visit(etl::get<26>(*this)); break; }
case 27: { visitor.visit(etl::get<27>(*this)); break; }
case 28: { visitor.visit(etl::get<28>(*this)); break; }
case 29: { visitor.visit(etl::get<29>(*this)); break; }
case 30: { visitor.visit(etl::get<30>(*this)); break; }
case 31: { visitor.visit(etl::get<31>(*this)); break; }
default: break;
/// Attempt to call a visitor.
template <size_t Index, typename TVisitor>
bool attempt_visitor(TVisitor& visitor)
if (Index == index())
// Workaround for MSVC (2023/05/13)
// It doesn't compile 'visitor.visit(etl::get<Index>(*this))' correctly for C++17 & C++20.
// Changed all of the instances for consistency.
auto& v = etl::get<Index>(*this);
return true;
return false;
/// Attempt to call a visitor.
template <size_t Index, typename TVisitor>
bool attempt_visitor(TVisitor& visitor) const
if (Index == index())
// Workaround for MSVC (2023/05/13)
// It doesn't compile 'visitor.visit(etl::get<Index>(*this))' correctly for C++17 & C++20.
// Changed all of the instances for consistency.
auto& v = etl::get<Index>(*this);
return true;
return false;
/// Call the relevant visitor by attempting each one.
template <typename TVisitor, size_t... I>
void do_operator(TVisitor& visitor, etl::index_sequence<I...>)
(attempt_operator<I>(visitor) || ...);
/// Call the relevant visitor by attempting each one.
template <typename TVisitor, size_t... I>
void do_operator(TVisitor& visitor, etl::index_sequence<I...>) const
(attempt_operator<I>(visitor) || ...);
/// Call the relevant visitor.
template <typename TVisitor>
void do_operator(TVisitor& visitor)
#if defined(ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_8_TYPES)
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof...(TTypes) <= 8U, "ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_8_TYPES - Only a maximum of 8 types are allowed in this variant");
#if defined(ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_16_TYPES)
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof...(TTypes) <= 16U, "ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_16_TYPES - Only a maximum of 16 types are allowed in this variant");
#if defined(ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_24_TYPES)
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof...(TTypes) <= 24U, "ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_24_TYPES - Only a maximum of 24 types are allowed in this variant");
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof...(TTypes) <= 32U, "A maximum of 32 types are allowed in this variant");
switch (index())
case 0: visitor(etl::get<0>(*this)); break;
case 1: visitor(etl::get<1>(*this)); break;
case 2: visitor(etl::get<2>(*this)); break;
case 3: visitor(etl::get<3>(*this)); break;
case 4: visitor(etl::get<4>(*this)); break;
case 5: visitor(etl::get<5>(*this)); break;
case 6: visitor(etl::get<6>(*this)); break;
case 7: visitor(etl::get<7>(*this)); break;
#if !defined(ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_8_TYPES)
case 8: visitor(etl::get<8>(*this)); break;
case 9: visitor(etl::get<9>(*this)); break;
case 10: visitor(etl::get<10>(*this)); break;
case 11: visitor(etl::get<11>(*this)); break;
case 12: visitor(etl::get<12>(*this)); break;
case 13: visitor(etl::get<13>(*this)); break;
case 14: visitor(etl::get<14>(*this)); break;
case 15: visitor(etl::get<15>(*this)); break;
#if !defined(ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_16_TYPES)
case 16: visitor(etl::get<16>(*this)); break;
case 17: visitor(etl::get<17>(*this)); break;
case 18: visitor(etl::get<18>(*this)); break;
case 19: visitor(etl::get<19>(*this)); break;
case 20: visitor(etl::get<20>(*this)); break;
case 21: visitor(etl::get<21>(*this)); break;
case 22: visitor(etl::get<22>(*this)); break;
case 23: visitor(etl::get<23>(*this)); break;
#if !defined(ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_24_TYPES)
case 24: visitor(etl::get<24>(*this)); break;
case 25: visitor(etl::get<25>(*this)); break;
case 26: visitor(etl::get<26>(*this)); break;
case 27: visitor(etl::get<27>(*this)); break;
case 28: visitor(etl::get<28>(*this)); break;
case 29: visitor(etl::get<29>(*this)); break;
case 30: visitor(etl::get<30>(*this)); break;
case 31: visitor(etl::get<31>(*this)); break;
default: break;
/// Call the relevant visitor.
template <typename TVisitor>
void do_operator(TVisitor& visitor) const
#if defined(ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_8_TYPES)
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof...(TTypes) <= 8U, "ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_8_TYPES - Only a maximum of 8 types are allowed in this variant");
#if defined(ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_16_TYPES)
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof...(TTypes) <= 16U, "ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_16_TYPES - Only a maximum of 16 types are allowed in this variant");
#if defined(ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_24_TYPES)
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof...(TTypes) <= 24U, "ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_24_TYPES - Only a maximum of 24 types are allowed in this variant");
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof...(TTypes) <= 32U, "A maximum of 32 types are allowed in this variant");
switch (index())
case 0: visitor(etl::get<0>(*this)); break;
case 1: visitor(etl::get<1>(*this)); break;
case 2: visitor(etl::get<2>(*this)); break;
case 3: visitor(etl::get<3>(*this)); break;
case 4: visitor(etl::get<4>(*this)); break;
case 5: visitor(etl::get<5>(*this)); break;
case 6: visitor(etl::get<6>(*this)); break;
case 7: visitor(etl::get<7>(*this)); break;
#if !defined(ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_8_TYPES)
case 8: visitor(etl::get<8>(*this)); break;
case 9: visitor(etl::get<9>(*this)); break;
case 10: visitor(etl::get<10>(*this)); break;
case 11: visitor(etl::get<11>(*this)); break;
case 12: visitor(etl::get<12>(*this)); break;
case 13: visitor(etl::get<13>(*this)); break;
case 14: visitor(etl::get<14>(*this)); break;
case 15: visitor(etl::get<15>(*this)); break;
#if !defined(ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_16_TYPES)
case 16: visitor(etl::get<16>(*this)); break;
case 17: visitor(etl::get<17>(*this)); break;
case 18: visitor(etl::get<18>(*this)); break;
case 19: visitor(etl::get<19>(*this)); break;
case 20: visitor(etl::get<20>(*this)); break;
case 21: visitor(etl::get<21>(*this)); break;
case 22: visitor(etl::get<22>(*this)); break;
case 23: visitor(etl::get<23>(*this)); break;
#if !defined(ETL_VARIANT_CPP11_MAX_24_TYPES)
case 24: visitor(etl::get<24>(*this)); break;
case 25: visitor(etl::get<25>(*this)); break;
case 26: visitor(etl::get<26>(*this)); break;
case 27: visitor(etl::get<27>(*this)); break;
case 28: visitor(etl::get<28>(*this)); break;
case 29: visitor(etl::get<29>(*this)); break;
case 30: visitor(etl::get<30>(*this)); break;
case 31: visitor(etl::get<31>(*this)); break;
default: break;
/// Attempt to call a visitor.
template <size_t Index, typename TVisitor>
bool attempt_operator(TVisitor& visitor)
if (Index == index())
auto& v = etl::get<Index>(*this);
return true;
return false;
/// Attempt to call a visitor.
template <size_t Index, typename TVisitor>
bool attempt_operator(TVisitor& visitor) const
if (Index == index())
auto& v = etl::get<Index>(*this);
return true;
return false;
/// The internal storage.
/// Aligned on a suitable boundary, which should be good for all types.
etl::uninitialized_buffer<Size, 1U, Alignment> data;
/// The operation function.
operation_function operation;
/// The id of the current stored type.
size_t type_id;
/// Checks if the variant v holds the alternative T.
template <typename T, typename... TTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool holds_alternative(const etl::variant<TTypes...>& v) noexcept
constexpr size_t Index = etl::private_variant::parameter_pack<TTypes...>::template index_of_type<T>::value;
return (Index == variant_npos) ? false : (v.index() == Index);
/// Checks if the variant v holds the alternative Index.
template <size_t Index, typename... TTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool holds_alternative(const etl::variant<TTypes...>& v) noexcept
return (Index == v.index());
/// Checks if the variant v holds the alternative Index. (Runtime)
template <typename... TTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool holds_alternative(size_t index, const etl::variant<TTypes...>& v) noexcept
return (index == v.index());
/// get
template <size_t Index, typename... TTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 etl::variant_alternative_t<Index, etl::variant<TTypes...>>&
get(etl::variant<TTypes...>& v)
static_assert(Index < sizeof...(TTypes), "Index out of range");
ETL_ASSERT(Index == v.index(), ETL_ERROR(etl::variant_incorrect_type_exception));
using type = etl::variant_alternative_t<Index, etl::variant<TTypes...>>;
return *static_cast<type*>(v.data);
template <size_t Index, typename... TTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 etl::variant_alternative_t<Index, etl::variant<TTypes...>>&&
get(etl::variant<TTypes...>&& v)
static_assert(Index < sizeof...(TTypes), "Index out of range");
using type = etl::variant_alternative_t<Index, etl::variant<TTypes...>>;
return etl::move(*static_cast<type*>(v.data));
template <size_t Index, typename... TTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 const etl::variant_alternative_t<Index, const etl::variant<TTypes...>>&
get(const etl::variant<TTypes...>& v)
static_assert(Index < sizeof...(TTypes), "Index out of range");
ETL_ASSERT(Index == v.index(), ETL_ERROR(etl::variant_incorrect_type_exception));
using type = etl::variant_alternative_t<Index, etl::variant<TTypes...>>;
return *static_cast<const type*>(v.data);
template <size_t Index, typename... TTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 const etl::variant_alternative_t<Index, const etl::variant<TTypes...>>&&
get(const etl::variant<TTypes...>&& v)
static_assert(Index < sizeof...(TTypes), "Index out of range");
ETL_ASSERT(Index == v.index(), ETL_ERROR(etl::variant_incorrect_type_exception));
using type = etl::variant_alternative_t<Index, etl::variant<TTypes...>>;
return etl::move(*static_cast<const type*>(v.data));
template <typename T, typename... TTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 T& get(etl::variant<TTypes...>& v)
constexpr size_t Index = etl::private_variant::parameter_pack<TTypes...>::template index_of_type<T>::value;
return get<Index>(v);
template <typename T, typename... TTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 T&& get(etl::variant<TTypes...>&& v)
constexpr size_t Index = etl::private_variant::parameter_pack<TTypes...>::template index_of_type<T>::value;
return get<Index>(etl::move(v));
template <typename T, typename... TTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 const T& get(const etl::variant<TTypes...>& v)
constexpr size_t Index = etl::private_variant::parameter_pack<TTypes...>::template index_of_type<T>::value;
return get<Index>(v);
template <typename T, typename... TTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 const T&& get(const etl::variant<TTypes...>&& v)
constexpr size_t Index = etl::private_variant::parameter_pack<TTypes...>::template index_of_type<T>::value;
return get<Index>(etl::move(v));
/// get_if
template< size_t Index, typename... TTypes >
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 etl::add_pointer_t<etl::variant_alternative_t<Index, etl::variant<TTypes...>>>
get_if(etl::variant<TTypes...>* pv) noexcept
if ((pv != nullptr) && (pv->index() == Index))
return &etl::get<Index>(*pv);
return nullptr;
template< size_t Index, typename... TTypes >
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 etl::add_pointer_t<const etl::variant_alternative_t<Index, etl::variant<TTypes...>>>
get_if(const etl::variant<TTypes...>* pv) noexcept
if ((pv != nullptr) && (pv->index() == Index))
return &etl::get<Index>(*pv);
return nullptr;
template< class T, typename... TTypes >
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 etl::add_pointer_t<T> get_if(etl::variant<TTypes...>* pv) noexcept
constexpr size_t Index = etl::private_variant::parameter_pack<TTypes...>::template index_of_type<T>::value;
if ((pv != nullptr) && (pv->index() == Index))
return &etl::get<Index>(*pv);
return nullptr;
template< typename T, typename... TTypes >
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 etl::add_pointer_t<const T> get_if(const etl::variant<TTypes...>* pv) noexcept
constexpr size_t Index = etl::private_variant::parameter_pack<TTypes...>::template index_of_type<T>::value;
if ((pv != nullptr) && (pv->index() == Index))
return &etl::get<Index>(*pv);
return nullptr;
/// swap
template <typename... TTypes>
void swap(etl::variant<TTypes...>& lhs, etl::variant<TTypes...>& rhs)
/// variant_size
template <typename T>
struct variant_size;
template <typename... TTypes>
struct variant_size<etl::variant<TTypes...>>
: etl::integral_constant<size_t, sizeof...(TTypes)>
template <typename T>
struct variant_size<const T>
: etl::integral_constant<size_t, variant_size<T>::value>
template <typename... TTypes>
inline constexpr size_t variant_size_v = variant_size<TTypes...>::value;
/// visit
namespace private_variant
template <typename TRet, typename TCallable, typename TVariant, size_t tIndex, typename TNext, typename... TVariants>
static ETL_CONSTEXPR14 TRet do_visit_single(TCallable&& f, TVariant&& v, TNext&&, TVariants&&... vs);
/// Dummy-struct used to indicate that the return type should be auto-deduced
/// from the callable object and the alternatives in the variants passed to
/// a visit. Should never explicitly be used by an user.
struct visit_auto_return
/// Deduces return type of a call to TCallable with arguments Ts.
/// A lite version of std::invoke_result.
template <typename TCallable, typename... Ts>
struct single_visit_result_type
using type = decltype(declval<TCallable>()(declval<Ts>()...));
template <typename TCallable, typename... Ts>
using single_visit_result_type_t = typename single_visit_result_type<TCallable, Ts...>::type;
/// Used to copy r/l value reference qualifier from a variant type to an
/// element.
template <typename TVar, typename T>
using rlref_copy = conditional_t<is_reference<TVar>::value, T&, T&&>;
/// Evaluates all permutations of calls to a callable object that can be done
/// based upon the variants input. Need a `index_sequence<...>` as second
/// argument that contains all possible indices of the first following variant.
/// The first argument is essentially a `single_visit_result_type`-prototype
/// in which every recursive instantiation of `visit_result_helper` appends
/// more elements and give it a pass through `common_type_t`.
template <template <typename...> class, typename...>
struct visit_result_helper;
template <template <typename...> class TToInject, size_t... tAltIndices, typename TCur>
struct visit_result_helper<TToInject, index_sequence<tAltIndices...>, TCur>
template <size_t tIndex>
using var_type = rlref_copy<TCur,
variant_alternative_t<tIndex, remove_reference_t<TCur> > >;
using type = common_type_t<TToInject<var_type<tAltIndices> >...>;
template <template <typename...> class TToInject, size_t... tAltIndices, typename TCur, typename TNext, typename... TVs>
struct visit_result_helper<TToInject, index_sequence<tAltIndices...>, TCur, TNext, TVs...>
template <size_t tIndex>
using var_type = rlref_copy<TCur, variant_alternative_t<tIndex, remove_reference_t<TCur> > >;
template <size_t tIndex>
struct next_inject_wrap
template <typename... TNextInj>
using next_inject = TToInject<var_type<tIndex>, TNextInj...>;
using recursive_result = typename visit_result_helper<next_inject, make_index_sequence<variant_size<remove_reference_t<TNext> >::value>, TNext, TVs...>::type;
using type = common_type_t<typename next_inject_wrap<tAltIndices>::recursive_result...>;
/// Generates the result type for visit by applying 'common_type' on the return
/// type from calls to function object with all possible permutations of variant
/// alternatives. Shortcuts to first argument unless it is 'visit_auto_return'.
template <typename TRet, typename...>
struct visit_result
using type = TRet;
template <typename TCallable, typename T1, typename... Ts>
struct visit_result<visit_auto_return, TCallable, T1, Ts...>
// bind TCallable to the first argument in this variadic alias.
template <typename... Ts2>
using single_res = single_visit_result_type_t<TCallable, Ts2...>;
using type = typename visit_result_helper<single_res, make_index_sequence<variant_size<remove_reference_t<T1> >::value>, T1, Ts...>::type;
template <typename... Ts>
using visit_result_t = typename visit_result<Ts...>::type;
/// Makes a call to TCallable using tIndex alternative to the variant.
/// Instantiated as function pointer in the `do_visit` function.
template <typename TRet, typename TCallable, typename TVariant, size_t tIndex>
constexpr TRet do_visit_single(TCallable&& f, TVariant&& v)
return static_cast<TCallable&&>(f)(etl::get<tIndex>(static_cast<TVariant&&>(v)));
/// Helper to instantiate the function pointers needed for the "jump table".
/// Embeds the 'TVarRest' (remaining variants) into its type to come around
/// the "double expansion" otherwise needed in "do_visit".
template <typename TRet, typename TCallable, typename TCurVariant, typename... TVarRest>
struct do_visit_helper
using function_pointer = add_pointer_t<TRet(TCallable&&, TCurVariant&&, TVarRest&&...)>;
template <size_t tIndex>
static constexpr function_pointer fptr() noexcept
return &do_visit_single<TRet, TCallable, TCurVariant, tIndex, TVarRest...>;
/// Dispatch current variant into recursive calls to dispatch the rest.
template <typename TRet, typename TCallable, typename TVariant, size_t... tIndices, typename... TVarRest>
static ETL_CONSTEXPR14 TRet do_visit(TCallable&& f, TVariant&& v, index_sequence<tIndices...>, TVarRest&&... variants)
ETL_ASSERT(!v.valueless_by_exception(), ETL_ERROR(bad_variant_access));
using helper_t = do_visit_helper<TRet, TCallable, TVariant, TVarRest...>;
using func_ptr = typename helper_t::function_pointer;
constexpr func_ptr jmp_table[]
helper_t::template fptr<tIndices>()...
return jmp_table[v.index()](static_cast<TCallable&&>(f), static_cast<TVariant&&>(v), static_cast<TVarRest&&>(variants)...);
template <typename TRet, typename TCallable, typename TVariant, typename... TVs>
static ETL_CONSTEXPR14 TRet visit(TCallable&& f, TVariant&& v, TVs&&... vs)
constexpr size_t variants = etl::variant_size<typename remove_reference<TVariant>::type>::value;
return private_variant::do_visit<TRet>(static_cast<TCallable&&>(f),
/// Allows constexpr operation in c++14, otherwise acts like a lambda to
/// bind a variant "get" to an argument for "TCallable".
template <typename TRet, typename TCallable, typename TVariant, size_t tIndex>
class constexpr_visit_closure
add_pointer_t<TCallable> callable_;
add_pointer_t<TVariant> variant_;
constexpr constexpr_visit_closure(TCallable&& c, TVariant&& v)
: callable_(&c), variant_(&v)
template <typename... Ts>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 TRet operator()(Ts&&... args) const
return static_cast<TCallable&&>(*callable_)(get<tIndex>(static_cast<TVariant&&>(*variant_)), static_cast<Ts&&>(args)...);
template <typename TRet, typename TCallable, typename TVariant, size_t tIndex, typename TNext, typename... TVariants>
static ETL_CONSTEXPR14 TRet do_visit_single(TCallable&& f, TVariant&& v, TNext&& next, TVariants&&... vs)
return private_variant::visit<TRet>(constexpr_visit_closure<TRet, TCallable, TVariant, tIndex>(static_cast<TCallable&&>(f), static_cast<TVariant&&>(v)),
static_cast<TNext&&>(next), static_cast<TVariants&&>(vs)...);
} // namespace private_variant
/// C++11/14 compatible etl::visit for etl::variant. Supports both c++17
/// "auto return type" signature and c++20 explicit template return type.
template <typename TRet = private_variant::visit_auto_return, typename... TVariants, typename TCallable, typename TDeducedReturn = private_variant::visit_result_t<TRet, TCallable, TVariants...> >
static ETL_CONSTEXPR14 TDeducedReturn visit(TCallable&& f, TVariants&&... vs)
return private_variant::visit<TDeducedReturn>(static_cast<TCallable&&>(f), static_cast<TVariants&&>(vs)...);
namespace private_variant
/// C++11 compatible visitor function for testing variant equality.
/// Assumes that the two variants are already known to contain the same type.
template <typename TVariant>
struct equality_visitor
equality_visitor(const TVariant& rhs_)
: rhs(rhs_)
template <typename TValue>
bool operator()(const TValue& lhs_downcasted)
return lhs_downcasted == etl::get<TValue>(rhs);
const TVariant& rhs;
/// C++11 compatible visitor function for testing variant '<' (less than).
/// Assumes that the two variants are already known to contain the same type.
template <typename TVariant>
struct less_than_visitor
less_than_visitor(const TVariant& rhs_)
: rhs(rhs_)
template <typename TValue>
bool operator()(const TValue& lhs_downcasted)
return lhs_downcasted < etl::get<TValue>(rhs);
const TVariant& rhs;
/// Checks if the variants are equal.
/// https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/variant/operator_cmp
template <typename... TTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool operator ==(const etl::variant<TTypes...>& lhs, const etl::variant<TTypes...>& rhs)
// If both variants are valueless, they are considered equal
if (lhs.valueless_by_exception() && rhs.valueless_by_exception())
return true;
// If one variant is valueless and the other is not, they are not equal
if (lhs.valueless_by_exception() || rhs.valueless_by_exception())
return false;
// If variants have different types, they are not equal
if (lhs.index() != rhs.index())
return false;
// Variants have the same type, apply the equality operator for the contained values
private_variant::equality_visitor<etl::variant<TTypes...>> visitor(rhs);
return etl::visit(visitor, lhs);
/// Checks if the variants not equal.
/// https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/variant/operator_cmp
template <typename... TTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool operator !=(const etl::variant<TTypes...>& lhs, const etl::variant<TTypes...>& rhs)
return !(lhs == rhs);
/// Checks if the lhs variant is less than rhs.
/// https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/variant/operator_cmp
template <typename... TTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool operator <(const etl::variant<TTypes...>& lhs, const etl::variant<TTypes...>& rhs)
// If both variants are valueless, they are considered equal, so not less than
if (lhs.valueless_by_exception() && rhs.valueless_by_exception())
return false;
// A valueless variant is always less than a variant with a value
if (lhs.valueless_by_exception())
return true;
// A variant with a value is never less than a valueless variant
if (rhs.valueless_by_exception())
return false;
// If variants have different types, compare the type index
if (lhs.index() != rhs.index())
return lhs.index() < rhs.index();
// Variants have the same type, apply the less than operator for the contained values
private_variant::less_than_visitor<etl::variant<TTypes...>> visitor(rhs);
return etl::visit(visitor, lhs);
/// Checks if the lhs variant is greater than rhs.
/// https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/variant/operator_cmp
template <typename... TTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool operator >(const etl::variant<TTypes...>& lhs, const etl::variant<TTypes...>& rhs)
return (rhs < lhs);
/// Checks if the lhs variant is less than or equal to rhs.
/// https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/variant/operator_cmp
template <typename... TTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool operator <=(const etl::variant<TTypes...>& lhs, const etl::variant<TTypes...>& rhs)
return !(lhs > rhs);
/// Checks if the lhs variant is greater than or equal to rhs.
/// https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/variant/operator_cmp
template <typename... TTypes>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool operator >=(const etl::variant<TTypes...>& lhs, const etl::variant<TTypes...>& rhs)
return !(lhs < rhs);
namespace private_variant
/// C++20 compatible visitor function for testing variant '<=>'.
/// Assumes that the two variants are already known to contain the same type.
template <typename TVariant>
struct compare_visitor
compare_visitor(const TVariant& rhs_)
: rhs(rhs_)
template <typename TValue>
std::strong_ordering operator()(const TValue& lhs_downcasted)
return lhs_downcasted <=> etl::get<TValue>(rhs);
const TVariant& rhs;
/// Defines the 'spaceship' <=> operator for comparing variants.
/// Only defined if using C++20 and STL.
/// https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/variant/operator_cmp
template <typename... TTypes>
operator <=>(const etl::variant<TTypes...>& lhs, const etl::variant<TTypes...>& rhs)
if (lhs.valueless_by_exception() && rhs.valueless_by_exception())
return std::strong_ordering::equal;
else if (lhs.valueless_by_exception())
return std::strong_ordering::less;
else if (rhs.valueless_by_exception())
return std::strong_ordering::greater;
else if (lhs.index() != rhs.index())
return lhs.index() <=> rhs.index();
// Variants have the same type, apply the equality operator for the contained values
private_variant::compare_visitor<etl::variant<TTypes...>> visitor(rhs);
return etl::visit(visitor, lhs);