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The MIT License(MIT)
Embedded Template Library.
Copyright(c) 2022 John Wellbelove
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files(the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and / or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions :
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "../platform.h"
#include "../algorithm.h"
#include "../iterator.h"
#include "../integral_limits.h"
#include "../algorithm.h"
#include "../nullptr.h"
#include "../log.h"
#include "../exception.h"
#include "../integral_limits.h"
#include "../binary.h"
#include "../char_traits.h"
#include "../static_assert.h"
#include "../error_handler.h"
#include "../span.h"
#include "../string.h"
#include "../enum_type.h"
#include "../largest.h"
#include "../smallest.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "minmax_push.h"
#if defined(ETL_COMPILER_KEIL)
#pragma diag_suppress 1300
#define ETL_STR(x) x
#define ETL_STRL(x) L##x
#define ETL_STRu(x) u##x
#define ETL_STRU(x) U##x
#define ETL_STR(x) x
#define ETL_STRL(x) x
#define ETL_STRu(x) x
#define ETL_STRU(x) x
///\defgroup bitset bitset
/// Similar to std::bitset but without requiring std::string.
///\ingroup containers
namespace etl
/// Flags to indicate whether the bitset is contained in a single element
/// or spread over an array of elements.
///\ingroup bitset
struct bitset_storage_model
enum enum_type
Undefined = 0,
Single = 1,
Multi = 2
ETL_DECLARE_ENUM_TYPE(bitset_storage_model, char)
ETL_ENUM_TYPE(Undefined, "Undefined")
ETL_ENUM_TYPE(Single, "Single")
ETL_ENUM_TYPE(Multi, "Multi")
/// Exception base for bitset
///\ingroup bitset
class bitset_exception : public etl::exception
bitset_exception(string_type reason_, string_type file_name_, numeric_type line_number_)
: exception(reason_, file_name_, line_number_)
/// Bitset type_too_small exception.
///\ingroup bitset
class bitset_string_too_small : public bitset_exception
bitset_string_too_small(string_type file_name_, numeric_type line_number_)
: bitset_exception(ETL_ERROR_TEXT("bitset:type_too_small", ETL_BITSET_FILE_ID"A"), file_name_, line_number_)
/// Bitset overflow exception.
///\ingroup bitset
class bitset_overflow : public bitset_exception
bitset_overflow(string_type file_name_, numeric_type line_number_)
: bitset_exception(ETL_ERROR_TEXT("bitset:overflow", ETL_BITSET_FILE_ID"C"), file_name_, line_number_)
/// Bitset nullptr buffer exception.
///\ingroup bitset
class bitset_invalid_buffer : public bitset_exception
bitset_invalid_buffer(string_type file_name_, numeric_type line_number_)
: bitset_exception(ETL_ERROR_TEXT("bitset:invalid buffer", ETL_BITSET_FILE_ID"D"), file_name_, line_number_)
namespace private_bitset
template <typename TElement>
class bitset_impl_common
typedef TElement element_type;
typedef TElement* pointer;
typedef const TElement* const_pointer;
static ETL_CONSTANT size_t npos = etl::integral_limits<size_t>::max;
static ETL_CONSTANT size_t Bits_Per_Element = etl::integral_limits<TElement>::bits;
static ETL_CONSTANT TElement All_Set_Element = etl::integral_limits<TElement>::max;
static ETL_CONSTANT TElement All_Clear_Element = element_type(0);
template <typename TElement>
ETL_CONSTANT size_t bitset_impl_common<TElement>::npos;
template <typename TElement>
ETL_CONSTANT size_t bitset_impl_common<TElement>::Bits_Per_Element;
template <typename TElement>
ETL_CONSTANT TElement bitset_impl_common<TElement>::All_Set_Element;
template <typename TElement>
ETL_CONSTANT TElement bitset_impl_common<TElement>::All_Clear_Element;
/// Bitset implementation declaration.
///\ingroup bitset
template <typename TElement, char Bitset_Layout>
class bitset_impl;
/// The implementation class for single element etl::bitset
///\ingroup bitset
template <typename TElement>
class bitset_impl<TElement, etl::bitset_storage_model::Single> : public etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement>
using typename etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement>::element_type;
using typename etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement>::pointer;
using typename etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement>::const_pointer;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement>::Bits_Per_Element;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement>::All_Set_Element;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement>::All_Clear_Element;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement>::npos;
/// Set all of the bits.
void set_all(pointer pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/,
element_type top_mask) ETL_NOEXCEPT
*pbuffer = All_Set_Element & top_mask;
/// Set the bit at the position.
void set_position(pointer pbuffer,
size_t position,
bool value = true)
const element_type mask = element_type(element_type(1) << position);
if (value == true)
*pbuffer |= mask;
*pbuffer &= ~mask;
/// Set the bit at the position.
template <size_t Position>
void set_position(pointer pbuffer,
bool value = true)
const element_type mask = element_type(element_type(1) << Position);
if (value == true)
*pbuffer |= mask;
*pbuffer &= ~mask;
/// Set the bit at the position.
template <size_t Position, bool Value>
void set_position(pointer pbuffer)
const element_type mask = element_type(element_type(1) << Position);
if (Value == true)
*pbuffer |= mask;
*pbuffer &= ~mask;
/// Reset all of the bits.
void reset_all(pointer pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/) ETL_NOEXCEPT
*pbuffer = All_Clear_Element;
/// Reset the bit at the position.
void reset_position(pointer pbuffer,
size_t position)
const element_type mask = element_type(element_type(1) << position);
*pbuffer &= ~mask;
/// Set from a string.
void from_string(pointer pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/,
size_t active_bits,
const char* text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
reset_all(pbuffer, 1U);
if (text != ETL_NULLPTR)
size_t string_length = etl::strlen(text);
// Build from the string.
string_length = etl::min(active_bits, string_length);
element_type mask = element_type(element_type(1) << (string_length - 1U));
for (size_t i = 0U; i < string_length; ++i)
if (text[i] == ETL_STR('1'))
*pbuffer |= mask;
mask >>= 1U;
/// Set from a wide string.
void from_string(pointer pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/,
size_t active_bits,
const wchar_t* text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
reset_all(pbuffer, 1U);
if (text != ETL_NULLPTR)
size_t string_length = etl::strlen(text);
// Build from the string.
string_length = etl::min(active_bits, string_length);
element_type mask = element_type(element_type(1) << (string_length - 1U));
for (size_t i = 0U; i < string_length; ++i)
if (text[i] == ETL_STRL('1'))
*pbuffer |= mask;
mask >>= 1U;
/// Set from a u16 string.
void from_string(pointer pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/,
size_t active_bits,
const char16_t* text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
reset_all(pbuffer, 1U);
if (text != ETL_NULLPTR)
size_t string_length = etl::strlen(text);
// Build from the string.
string_length = etl::min(active_bits, string_length);
element_type mask = element_type(element_type(1) << (string_length - 1U));
for (size_t i = 0U; i < string_length; ++i)
if (text[i] == ETL_STRu('1'))
*pbuffer |= mask;
mask >>= 1U;
/// Set from a u32 string.
void from_string(pointer pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/,
size_t active_bits,
const char32_t* text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
reset_all(pbuffer, 1U);
if (text != ETL_NULLPTR)
size_t string_length = etl::strlen(text);
// Build from the string.
string_length = etl::min(active_bits, string_length);
element_type mask = element_type(element_type(1) << (string_length - 1U));
for (size_t i = 0U; i < string_length; ++i)
if (text[i] == ETL_STRU('1'))
*pbuffer |= mask;
mask >>= 1U;
/// Get as an integral value.
template <typename T>
T value(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return T(*pbuffer);
/// Extract an integral value from an arbitrary position and length.
template <typename T>
T extract(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t position,
size_t length = etl::integral_limits<T>::bits)
typedef typename etl::make_unsigned<T>::type unsigned_t;
const unsigned_t Mask = etl::make_lsb_mask<unsigned_t>(length);
const unsigned_t Shift = position % Bits_Per_Element;
unsigned_t value = static_cast<unsigned_t>(*pbuffer >> Shift) & Mask;
if ((length != etl::integral_limits<T>::bits) && etl::integral_limits<T>::is_signed)
value = etl::sign_extend<T>(value, length);
return static_cast<T>(value);
/// Extract an integral value from an arbitrary position and length.
template <typename T, size_t Position, size_t Length = etl::integral_limits<T>::bits>
template <typename T, size_t Position, size_t Length>
T extract(const_pointer pbuffer)
typedef typename etl::make_unsigned<T>::type unsigned_t;
const unsigned_t Mask = etl::make_lsb_mask<unsigned_t>(Length);
const unsigned_t Shift = Position % Bits_Per_Element;
unsigned_t value = static_cast<unsigned_t>(*pbuffer >> Shift) & Mask;
if ((Length != etl::integral_limits<T>::bits) && etl::integral_limits<T>::is_signed)
value = etl::sign_extend<T>(value, Length);
return static_cast<T>(value);
/// Tests a bit at a position.
/// Positions greater than the number of configured bits will return <b>false</b>.
bool test(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t position)
const element_type mask = element_type(element_type(1) << position);
return (*pbuffer & mask) != 0U;
/// Count the number of bits set.
size_t count(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return etl::count_bits(*pbuffer);
// Are all the bits sets?
bool all(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/,
element_type top_mask) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return (*pbuffer & top_mask) == top_mask;
// Are all the mask bits sets?
bool all(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/,
element_type top_mask,
element_type mask) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return (*pbuffer & top_mask & mask) == mask;
/// Are none of the bits set?
bool none(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return *pbuffer == All_Clear_Element;
/// Are none of the mask bits set?
bool none(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/,
element_type mask) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return (*pbuffer & mask) == All_Clear_Element;
/// Are any of the bits set?
bool any(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return *pbuffer != All_Clear_Element;
/// Are any of the mask bits set?
bool any(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/,
element_type mask) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return (*pbuffer & mask) != All_Clear_Element;
/// Flip all of the bits.
void flip_all(pointer pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/) ETL_NOEXCEPT
*pbuffer = ~*pbuffer;
/// Flip some of the bits.
void flip_bits(pointer pbuffer,
element_type mask = etl::integral_limits<element_type>::max) ETL_NOEXCEPT
*pbuffer ^= mask;
/// Flip the bit at the position.
void flip_position(pointer pbuffer,
size_t position)
const element_type mask = element_type(element_type(1) << position);
*pbuffer ^= mask;
/// Returns a string representing the bitset.
template <typename TString>
TString to_string(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t active_bits,
typename TString::value_type zero = typename TString::value_type('0'),
typename TString::value_type one = typename TString::value_type('1'))
TString result;
result.resize(active_bits, '\0');
// Check that the string type can contain the digits.
ETL_ASSERT_OR_RETURN_VALUE(result.size() == active_bits, ETL_ERROR(etl::bitset_string_too_small), result);
for (size_t i = active_bits; i > 0; --i)
result[active_bits - i] = test(pbuffer, i - 1) ? one : zero;
return result;
/// Finds the next bit in the specified state.
///\param state The state to search for.
///\param position The position to start from.
///\returns The position of the bit or npos if none were found.
size_t find_next(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/,
size_t active_bits,
bool state,
size_t position) ETL_NOEXCEPT
if (position < active_bits)
// Where to start.
size_t bit = position;
element_type mask = 1U << position;
// Needs checking?
if ((state && (*pbuffer != All_Clear_Element)) || (!state && (*pbuffer != All_Set_Element)))
// For each bit in the element...
while (bit < active_bits)
// Equal to the required state?
if (((*pbuffer & mask) != 0) == state)
return bit;
// Move on to the next bit.
mask <<= 1;
return npos;
/// operator assignment
/// Assigns rhs to lhs
void operator_assignment(pointer lhs_pbuffer,
const_pointer rhs_pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/) ETL_NOEXCEPT
*lhs_pbuffer = *rhs_pbuffer;
/// operator and
/// AND lhs and rhs and put the result in lhs
void operator_and(pointer lhs_pbuffer,
const_pointer rhs_pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/) ETL_NOEXCEPT
*lhs_pbuffer &= *rhs_pbuffer;
/// operator or
/// OR lhs and rhs and put the result in lhs
void operator_or(pointer lhs_pbuffer,
const_pointer rhs_pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/) ETL_NOEXCEPT
*lhs_pbuffer |= *rhs_pbuffer;
/// operator xor
/// XOR lhs and rhs and put the result in lhs
void operator_xor(pointer lhs_pbuffer,
const_pointer rhs_pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/) ETL_NOEXCEPT
*lhs_pbuffer ^= *rhs_pbuffer;
/// operator ~
/// NOT the value in the buffer
void operator_not(pointer pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/) ETL_NOEXCEPT
*pbuffer = ~*pbuffer;
/// operator_shift_left
void operator_shift_left(pointer pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/,
size_t active_bits,
size_t shift) ETL_NOEXCEPT
if (shift >= active_bits)
reset_all(pbuffer, 1U);
*pbuffer <<= shift;
/// operator_shift_right
void operator_shift_right(pointer pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/,
size_t active_bits,
size_t shift) ETL_NOEXCEPT
if (shift >= active_bits)
reset_all(pbuffer, 1U);
*pbuffer >>= shift;
/// operator_equality
bool operator_equality(const_pointer lhs_pbuffer,
const_pointer rhs_pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return (*lhs_pbuffer == *rhs_pbuffer);
/// Initialise from an unsigned long long.
template <typename TElementType>
void initialise(pointer pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/,
unsigned long long value) ETL_NOEXCEPT
*pbuffer = static_cast<TElementType>(value);
/// swap
void swap(pointer lhs_pbuffer,
pointer rhs_pbuffer,
size_t /*number_of_elements*/) ETL_NOEXCEPT
element_type temp = *lhs_pbuffer;
*lhs_pbuffer = *rhs_pbuffer;
*rhs_pbuffer = temp;
/// The implementation class for multi element etl::bitset
///\ingroup bitset
template <typename TElement>
class bitset_impl<TElement, etl::bitset_storage_model::Multi> : public etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement>
typedef etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement> common;
using typename etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement>::element_type;
using typename etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement>::pointer;
using typename etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement>::const_pointer;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement>::Bits_Per_Element;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement>::All_Set_Element;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement>::All_Clear_Element;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement>::npos;
/// Check to see if the requested extract is contained within one element.
template <size_t Position, size_t Length, size_t Bits_Per_Element>
struct value_is_in_one_element
static ETL_CONSTANT bool value = ((Position + Length - 1) >> etl::log2<Bits_Per_Element>::value) == (Position >> etl::log2<Bits_Per_Element>::value);
/// Tests a bit at a position.
/// Positions greater than the number of configured bits will return <b>false</b>.
bool test(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t position) ETL_NOEXCEPT
size_t index = position >> etl::log2<Bits_Per_Element>::value;
element_type mask = element_type(1) << (position & (Bits_Per_Element - 1));
return (pbuffer[index] & mask) != 0;
/// Count the number of bits set.
size_t count(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements) ETL_NOEXCEPT
size_t count = 0;
while (number_of_elements-- != 0)
count += etl::count_bits(*pbuffer++);
return count;
// Are all the bits sets?
bool all(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements,
element_type top_mask) ETL_NOEXCEPT
// All but the last.
while (number_of_elements-- != 1U)
if (*pbuffer++ != All_Set_Element)
return false;
// The last.
if ((*pbuffer & top_mask) != top_mask)
return false;
return true;
/// Are none of the bits set?
bool none(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements) ETL_NOEXCEPT
while (number_of_elements-- != 0)
if (*pbuffer++ != 0)
return false;
return true;
/// Are any of the bits set?
bool any(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements) ETL_NOEXCEPT
bool any_set = false;
while (number_of_elements-- != 0)
if (*pbuffer++ != All_Clear_Element)
any_set = true;
return any_set;
/// Set all bits
void set_all(pointer pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements,
element_type top_mask) ETL_NOEXCEPT
while (number_of_elements-- != 1U)
*pbuffer++ = All_Set_Element;
*pbuffer = (All_Set_Element & top_mask);
/// Set the bit at the position.
void set_position(pointer pbuffer,
size_t position,
bool value = true) ETL_NOEXCEPT
size_t index = position >> etl::log2<Bits_Per_Element>::value;
element_type bit = element_type(1) << (position & (Bits_Per_Element - 1));
if (value == true)
pbuffer[index] |= bit;
pbuffer[index] &= ~bit;
/// Set the bit at the position.
template <size_t Position>
void set_position(pointer pbuffer,
bool value = true)
size_t index = Position >> etl::log2<Bits_Per_Element>::value;
element_type bit = element_type(1) << (Position & (Bits_Per_Element - 1));
if (value == true)
pbuffer[index] |= bit;
pbuffer[index] &= ~bit;
/// Set the bit at the position.
template <size_t Position, bool Value>
void set_position(pointer pbuffer)
size_t index = Position >> etl::log2<Bits_Per_Element>::value;
element_type bit = element_type(1) << (Position & (Bits_Per_Element - 1));
if (Value == true)
pbuffer[index] |= bit;
pbuffer[index] &= ~bit;
/// Set from a string.
void from_string(pointer pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements,
size_t total_bits,
const char* text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
if (text == ETL_NULLPTR)
etl::fill_n(pbuffer, number_of_elements, All_Clear_Element);
size_t string_length = etl::strlen(text);
size_t index = etl::min(number_of_elements - 1U, (string_length / Bits_Per_Element));
// Only reset elements we need to.
while (index != number_of_elements)
pbuffer[index++] = All_Clear_Element;
// Build from the string.
size_t i = etl::min(total_bits, string_length);
while (i > 0)
set_position(pbuffer, --i, *text++ == ETL_STR('1'));
/// Set from a wide string.
void from_string(pointer pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements,
size_t total_bits,
const wchar_t* text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
if (text == ETL_NULLPTR)
etl::fill_n(pbuffer, number_of_elements, All_Clear_Element);
size_t string_length = etl::strlen(text);
size_t index = etl::min(number_of_elements - 1U, (string_length / Bits_Per_Element));
// Only reset elements we need to.
while (index != number_of_elements)
pbuffer[index++] = All_Clear_Element;
// Build from the string.
size_t i = etl::min(total_bits, string_length);
while (i > 0)
set_position(pbuffer, --i, *text++ == ETL_STRL('1'));
/// Set from a u16 string.
void from_string(pointer pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements,
size_t total_bits,
const char16_t* text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
if (text == ETL_NULLPTR)
etl::fill_n(pbuffer, number_of_elements, All_Clear_Element);
size_t string_length = etl::strlen(text);
size_t index = etl::min(number_of_elements - 1U, (string_length / Bits_Per_Element));
// Only reset elements we need to.
while (index != number_of_elements)
pbuffer[index++] = All_Clear_Element;
// Build from the string.
size_t i = etl::min(total_bits, string_length);
while (i > 0)
set_position(pbuffer, --i, *text++ == ETL_STRu('1'));
/// Set from a u32 string.
void from_string(pointer pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements,
size_t total_bits,
const char32_t* text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
if (text == ETL_NULLPTR)
etl::fill_n(pbuffer, number_of_elements, All_Clear_Element);
size_t string_length = etl::strlen(text);
size_t index = etl::min(number_of_elements - 1U, (string_length / Bits_Per_Element));
// Only reset elements we need to.
while (index != number_of_elements)
pbuffer[index++] = All_Clear_Element;
// Build from the string.
size_t i = etl::min(total_bits, string_length);
while (i > 0)
set_position(pbuffer, --i, *text++ == ETL_STRU('1'));
/// Reset all of the bits.
void reset_all(pointer pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements) ETL_NOEXCEPT
while (number_of_elements-- != 0U)
*pbuffer++ = All_Clear_Element;
/// Reset the bit at the position.
void reset_position(pointer pbuffer,
size_t position) ETL_NOEXCEPT
const size_t index = position >> etl::log2<Bits_Per_Element>::value;;
const element_type bit = element_type(1) << (position & (Bits_Per_Element - 1));
pbuffer[index] &= ~bit;
/// Get as a value.
template <typename T>
T value(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements) ETL_NOEXCEPT
T v = T(0);
const bool OK = (sizeof(T) * CHAR_BIT) >= (number_of_elements * Bits_Per_Element);
if (OK)
uint_least8_t shift = 0U;
for (size_t i = 0UL; i < number_of_elements; ++i)
v |= T(typename etl::make_unsigned<T>::type(pbuffer[i]) << shift);
shift += uint_least8_t(Bits_Per_Element);
return v;
/// Extract an value from multiple elements.
template <typename T>
typename etl::make_unsigned<T>::type extract_from_multiple_elements(const element_type* pbuffer,
int element_index,
size_t active_bits_in_msb,
size_t length) ETL_NOEXCEPT
typedef typename etl::make_unsigned<T>::type unsigned_t;
unsigned_t value(0);
// Extract the first element, if partially filled.
if (active_bits_in_msb < Bits_Per_Element)
element_type mask = etl::make_lsb_mask< element_type>(active_bits_in_msb);
value = pbuffer[element_index] & mask;
length -= active_bits_in_msb;
if (length >= Bits_Per_Element)
value = value << Bits_Per_Element;
// Loop through the fully filled elements
while (length >= Bits_Per_Element)
value |= pbuffer[element_index];
length -= Bits_Per_Element;
if (length >= Bits_Per_Element)
value = value << Bits_Per_Element;
// Extract the last element, if partially filled.
if (length != 0)
value = value << length;
element_type mask = etl::make_lsb_mask< element_type>(length);
value |= (pbuffer[element_index] >> (Bits_Per_Element - length)) & mask;
return value;
/// Extract an integral value from an arbitrary position and length.
/// Run time position and length.
template <typename T>
typename etl::make_unsigned<T>::type extract_from_buffer(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t position,
size_t length) ETL_NOEXCEPT
typedef typename etl::make_unsigned<T>::type unsigned_t;
unsigned_t value(0);
const int Msb_Element_Index = (position + length - 1) >> etl::log2<Bits_Per_Element>::value;
const int Lsb_Element_Index = position >> etl::log2<Bits_Per_Element>::value;
// Is the value contained within one element?
if (Msb_Element_Index == Lsb_Element_Index)
const unsigned_t Mask = etl::make_lsb_mask< unsigned_t>(length);
const unsigned_t Shift = position % Bits_Per_Element;
value = static_cast<unsigned_t>(pbuffer[Msb_Element_Index] >> Shift) & Mask;
// Get the number of active bits in the msb element
size_t active_bits_in_msb = (position + length) - (Msb_Element_Index * Bits_Per_Element);
// Start with index of the element containing the msb.
int element_index = Msb_Element_Index;
value = extract_from_multiple_elements<T>(pbuffer, element_index, active_bits_in_msb, length);
return value;
/// Extract an integral value when the value fits in one element.
/// Compile time position and length.
template <typename T, size_t Position, size_t Length>
typename etl::enable_if<value_is_in_one_element<Position, Length, Bits_Per_Element>::value, typename etl::make_unsigned<T>::type>::type
extract_from_buffer(const_pointer pbuffer)
typedef typename etl::make_unsigned<T>::type unsigned_t;
const int Element_Index = (Position + Length - 1) >> etl::log2<Bits_Per_Element>::value;
const unsigned_t Mask = etl::lsb_mask<unsigned_t, Length>::value;
const unsigned_t Shift = Position % Bits_Per_Element;
return static_cast<unsigned_t>(pbuffer[Element_Index] >> Shift) & Mask;
/// Extract an integral value when the value spans more than one element.
/// Compile time position and length.
template <typename T, size_t Position, size_t Length>
typename etl::enable_if<!value_is_in_one_element<Position, Length, Bits_Per_Element>::value, typename etl::make_unsigned<T>::type>::type
extract_from_buffer(const_pointer pbuffer)
// Start with index of the element containing the msb.
const int Msb_Element_Index = (Position + Length - 1) >> etl::log2<Bits_Per_Element>::value;
// Get the number of active bits in the first element
const size_t Active_Bits_In_Msb = ((Position + Length - 1) % Bits_Per_Element) + 1;
return extract_from_multiple_elements<T>(pbuffer, Msb_Element_Index, Active_Bits_In_Msb, Length);
/// Extract an integral value from an arbitrary position and length.
template <typename T>
T extract(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t position,
size_t length = etl::integral_limits<T>::bits)
typedef typename etl::make_unsigned<T>::type unsigned_t;
unsigned_t value = extract_from_buffer<unsigned_t>(pbuffer, position, length);
if ((length != etl::integral_limits<T>::bits) && etl::integral_limits<T>::is_signed)
value = etl::sign_extend<T>(value, length);
return static_cast<T>(value);
/// Extract an integral value from an arbitrary position and length.
template <typename T, size_t Position, size_t Length>
T extract(const_pointer pbuffer)
typedef typename etl::make_unsigned<T>::type unsigned_t;
unsigned_t value = extract_from_buffer<unsigned_t, Position, Length>(pbuffer);
if ((Length != etl::integral_limits<T>::bits) && etl::integral_limits<T>::is_signed)
value = etl::sign_extend<T>(value, Length);
return static_cast<T>(value);
/// Flip all of the bits.
void flip_all(pointer pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements) ETL_NOEXCEPT
operator_not(pbuffer, number_of_elements);
/// Flip the bit at the position.
void flip_position(pointer pbuffer,
size_t position) ETL_NOEXCEPT
const size_t index = position >> etl::log2<Bits_Per_Element>::value;;
const element_type bit = element_type(1) << (position & (Bits_Per_Element - 1));
pbuffer[index] ^= bit;
/// Finds the next bit in the specified state.
///\param state The state to search for.
///\param position The position to start from.
///\returns The position of the bit or npos if none were found.
size_t find_next(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements,
size_t total_bits,
bool state,
size_t position) ETL_NOEXCEPT
// Where to start.
size_t index = position >> log2<Bits_Per_Element>::value;
size_t bit = position & (Bits_Per_Element - 1);
element_type mask = 1 << bit;
// For each element in the bitset...
while (index < number_of_elements)
element_type value = pbuffer[index];
// Needs checking?
if ((state && (value != All_Clear_Element)) ||
(!state && (value != All_Set_Element)))
// For each bit in the element...
while ((bit < Bits_Per_Element) && (position < total_bits))
// Equal to the required state?
if (((value & mask) != 0) == state)
return position;
// Move on to the next bit.
mask <<= 1;
position += (Bits_Per_Element - bit);
// Start at the beginning for all other elements.
bit = 0;
mask = 1;
return npos;
/// Returns a string representing the bitset.
template <typename TString>
TString to_string(const_pointer pbuffer,
size_t active_bits,
typename TString::value_type zero,
typename TString::value_type one)
TString result;
result.resize(active_bits, '\0');
// Check that the string type can contain the digits.
ETL_ASSERT_OR_RETURN_VALUE(result.size() == active_bits, ETL_ERROR(etl::bitset_string_too_small), result);
for (size_t i = active_bits; i > 0; --i)
result[active_bits - i] = test(pbuffer, i - 1) ? one : zero;
return result;
/// operator assignment
void operator_assignment(pointer lhs_pbuffer,
const_pointer rhs_pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements) ETL_NOEXCEPT
while (number_of_elements-- != 0)
*lhs_pbuffer = *rhs_pbuffer;
/// operator and
void operator_and(pointer lhs_pbuffer,
const_pointer rhs_pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements) ETL_NOEXCEPT
while (number_of_elements-- != 0)
*lhs_pbuffer &= *rhs_pbuffer;
/// operator or
void operator_or(pointer lhs_pbuffer,
const_pointer rhs_pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements) ETL_NOEXCEPT
while (number_of_elements-- != 0)
*lhs_pbuffer |= *rhs_pbuffer;
/// operator xor
void operator_xor(pointer lhs_pbuffer,
const_pointer rhs_pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements) ETL_NOEXCEPT
while (number_of_elements-- != 0)
*lhs_pbuffer ^= *rhs_pbuffer;
/// operator not
void operator_not(pointer pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements) ETL_NOEXCEPT
while (number_of_elements-- != 0)
*pbuffer = ~*pbuffer;
/// operator_shift_left
void operator_shift_left(pointer pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements,
size_t active_bits,
size_t shift) ETL_NOEXCEPT
if (shift >= active_bits)
reset_all(pbuffer, number_of_elements);
// The place where the elements are split when shifting.
const size_t split_position = Bits_Per_Element - (shift % Bits_Per_Element);
// Where we are shifting from.
int src_index = int(number_of_elements - (shift / Bits_Per_Element) - 1U);
// Where we are shifting to.
int dst_index = int(number_of_elements - 1U);
// Shift control constants.
const size_t lsb_shift = Bits_Per_Element - split_position;
const size_t msb_shift = split_position;
const element_type lsb_mask = element_type(etl::integral_limits<element_type>::max >> (Bits_Per_Element - split_position));
const element_type msb_mask = etl::integral_limits<element_type>::max - lsb_mask;
const element_type lsb_shifted_mask = element_type(lsb_mask << lsb_shift);
// First lsb.
element_type lsb = element_type((pbuffer[src_index] & lsb_mask) << lsb_shift);
pbuffer[dst_index] = lsb;
// Now do the shifting.
while (src_index >= 0)
// Shift msb.
element_type msb = element_type((pbuffer[src_index] & msb_mask) >> msb_shift);
pbuffer[dst_index] = pbuffer[dst_index] | msb;
// Shift lsb.
lsb = element_type((pbuffer[src_index] & lsb_mask) << lsb_shift);
pbuffer[dst_index] = lsb;
// Clear the remaining bits.
// First lsb.
pbuffer[dst_index] &= lsb_shifted_mask;
// The other remaining bytes on the right.
for (int i = 0; i < dst_index; ++i)
pbuffer[i] = 0;
/// operator_shift_right
void operator_shift_right(pointer pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements,
size_t active_bits,
size_t shift) ETL_NOEXCEPT
if (shift >= active_bits)
reset_all(pbuffer, number_of_elements);
// The place where the elements are split when shifting.
const size_t split_position = shift % Bits_Per_Element;
// Where we are shifting from.
int src_index = int(shift / Bits_Per_Element);
// Where we are shifting to.
int dst_index = 0;
// Shift control constants.
const size_t lsb_shift = Bits_Per_Element - split_position;
const size_t msb_shift = split_position;
const element_type lsb_mask = element_type(etl::integral_limits<element_type>::max >> (Bits_Per_Element - split_position));
const element_type msb_mask = etl::integral_limits<element_type>::max - lsb_mask;
const element_type msb_shifted_mask = element_type(msb_mask >> msb_shift);
// Now do the shifting.
while (src_index < int(number_of_elements - 1))
// Shift msb.
element_type msb = element_type((pbuffer[src_index] & msb_mask) >> msb_shift);
// Shift lsb.
element_type lsb = element_type((pbuffer[src_index] & lsb_mask) << lsb_shift);
// Combine them.
pbuffer[dst_index] = lsb | msb;
// Final msb.
element_type msb = element_type((pbuffer[src_index] & msb_mask) >> msb_shift);
pbuffer[dst_index] = msb;
// Clear the remaining bits.
// First msb.
pbuffer[dst_index] &= msb_shifted_mask;
// The other remaining bytes.
while (dst_index < int(number_of_elements))
pbuffer[dst_index] = 0;
/// operator_equality
bool operator_equality(const_pointer lhs_pbuffer,
const_pointer rhs_pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return etl::equal(lhs_pbuffer, lhs_pbuffer + number_of_elements, rhs_pbuffer);
/// Initialise from an unsigned long long.
/// Enabled if the number of bits in the element equals the number of bits in an unsigned long long.
template <typename TElementType>
typename etl::enable_if<etl::integral_limits<TElementType>::bits == etl::integral_limits<unsigned long long>::bits, void>::type
initialise(pointer pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements,
unsigned long long value) ETL_NOEXCEPT
size_t i = 0UL;
// Set the non-zero elements.
pbuffer[i++] = value;
// Clear the remaining elements.
while (i != number_of_elements)
pbuffer[i++] = All_Clear_Element;
/// Initialise from an unsigned long long.
/// Enabled if the number of bits in the element doesn't equal the number of bits in an unsigned long long.
template <typename TElementType>
typename etl::enable_if<etl::integral_limits<TElementType>::bits != etl::integral_limits<unsigned long long>::bits, void>::type
initialise(pointer pbuffer,
size_t number_of_elements,
unsigned long long value) ETL_NOEXCEPT
size_t i = 0UL;
// Set the non-zero elements.
const unsigned long long Shift = etl::integral_limits<element_type>::bits;
while ((value != 0) && (i != number_of_elements))
pbuffer[i++] = value & All_Set_Element;
value = value >> Shift;
// Clear the remaining elements.
while (i != number_of_elements)
pbuffer[i++] = All_Clear_Element;
/// Swap bitset buffers.
void swap(pointer pbuffer1,
pointer pbuffer2,
size_t number_of_elements)
etl::swap_ranges(pbuffer1, pbuffer1 + number_of_elements, pbuffer2);
namespace private_bitset
template <size_t Active_Bits, typename TElement>
class bitset_common : public etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement>
typedef typename etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement>::element_type element_type;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement>::Bits_Per_Element;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement>::All_Set_Element;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_impl_common<TElement>::All_Clear_Element;
static ETL_CONSTANT size_t Number_Of_Elements = (Active_Bits % Bits_Per_Element == 0) ? Active_Bits / Bits_Per_Element : Active_Bits / Bits_Per_Element + 1;
static ETL_CONSTANT size_t Size = Active_Bits;
static ETL_CONSTANT size_t Allocated_Bits = Number_Of_Elements * Bits_Per_Element;
static ETL_CONSTANT etl::bitset_storage_model Storage_Model = (bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::Number_Of_Elements == 1U) ? etl::bitset_storage_model::Single : etl::bitset_storage_model::Multi;
static ETL_CONSTANT etl::bitset_storage_model Storage_Model;
typedef etl::span<element_type, Number_Of_Elements> span_type;
typedef etl::span<const element_type, Number_Of_Elements> const_span_type;
static ETL_CONSTANT size_t Top_Mask_Shift = ((Bits_Per_Element - ((Number_Of_Elements * Bits_Per_Element) - Active_Bits)) % Bits_Per_Element);
static ETL_CONSTANT TElement Top_Mask = element_type(Top_Mask_Shift == 0 ? All_Set_Element : ~(All_Set_Element << Top_Mask_Shift));
template <size_t Active_Bits, typename TElement>
ETL_CONSTANT size_t bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::Number_Of_Elements;
template <size_t Active_Bits, typename TElement>
ETL_CONSTANT size_t bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::Size;
template <size_t Active_Bits, typename TElement>
ETL_CONSTANT etl::bitset_storage_model bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::Storage_Model;
template <size_t Active_Bits, typename TElement>
ETL_CONSTANT etl::bitset_storage_model bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::Storage_Model = (bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::Number_Of_Elements == 1U) ? etl::bitset_storage_model::Single : etl::bitset_storage_model::Multi;
template <size_t Active_Bits, typename TElement>
ETL_CONSTANT size_t bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::Top_Mask_Shift;
template <size_t Active_Bits, typename TElement>
ETL_CONSTANT TElement bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::Top_Mask;
/// Bitset forward declaration
template <size_t Active_Bits = 0U,
typename TElement = unsigned char>
class bitset;
/// Specialisation for zero bits.
template <>
class bitset<0U, unsigned char> : public etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>
typedef etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::element_type element_type;
typedef etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::span_type span_type;
typedef etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::const_span_type const_span_type;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::Bits_Per_Element;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::All_Set_Element;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::All_Clear_Element;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::Number_Of_Elements;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::Size;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::Storage_Model;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::Top_Mask;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::Allocated_Bits;
/// The bitset top level template.
template <size_t Active_Bits, typename TElement>
class bitset : public etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(etl::is_unsigned<TElement>::value, "The element type must be unsigned");
typedef typename etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::element_type element_type;
typedef typename etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::span_type span_type;
typedef typename etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::const_span_type const_span_type;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::Bits_Per_Element;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::All_Set_Element;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::All_Clear_Element;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::Number_Of_Elements;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::Size;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::Storage_Model;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::Top_Mask;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::Allocated_Bits;
/// The reference type returned.
class bit_reference
friend class bitset;
/// Copy constructor.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bit_reference(const bit_reference& other) ETL_NOEXCEPT
: p_bitset(other.p_bitset)
, position(other.position)
/// Conversion operator.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 operator bool() const ETL_NOEXCEPT
return p_bitset->test(position);
/// Assignment operator.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bit_reference& operator = (bool b) ETL_NOEXCEPT
p_bitset->set(position, b);
return *this;
/// Assignment operator.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bit_reference& operator = (const bit_reference& r) ETL_NOEXCEPT
p_bitset->set(position, bool(r));
return *this;
/// Flip the bit.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bit_reference& flip() ETL_NOEXCEPT
return *this;
/// Return the logical inverse of the bit.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool operator~() const ETL_NOEXCEPT
return !p_bitset->test(position);
/// Default constructor.
: p_bitset(ETL_NULLPTR)
, position(0)
/// Constructor.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bit_reference(bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& r_bitset, size_t position_) ETL_NOEXCEPT
: p_bitset(&r_bitset)
, position(position_)
bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>* p_bitset; ///< The bitset.
size_t position; ///< The position in the bitset.
/// Default constructor.
: buffer()
implementation::reset_all(buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
/// Copy constructor.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset(const bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& other) ETL_NOEXCEPT
: buffer()
implementation::operator_assignment(buffer, other.buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
/// Construct from a value.
template <typename TValue>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset(TValue value, typename etl::enable_if<is_integral<TValue>::value>::type* = 0) ETL_NOEXCEPT
: buffer()
implementation::template initialise<element_type>(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, value);
/// Construct from a string.
template <typename TPString>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset(TPString text, typename etl::enable_if<is_same<TPString, const char*>::value>::type* = 0) ETL_NOEXCEPT
: buffer()
implementation::from_string(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
/// Construct from a string.
template <typename TPString>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset(TPString text, typename etl::enable_if<is_same<TPString, const wchar_t*>::value>::type* = 0) ETL_NOEXCEPT
: buffer()
implementation::from_string(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
/// Construct from a string.
template <typename TPString>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset(TPString text, typename etl::enable_if<is_same<TPString, const char16_t*>::value>::type* = 0) ETL_NOEXCEPT
: buffer()
implementation::from_string(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
/// Construct from a string.
template <typename TPString>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset(TPString text, typename etl::enable_if<is_same<TPString, const char32_t*>::value>::type* = 0) ETL_NOEXCEPT
: buffer()
implementation::from_string(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
/// Assignment operator.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset& operator =(const bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& other) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::operator_assignment(buffer, other.buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
return *this;
/// Set all of the bits.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& set() ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::set_all(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, Top_Mask);
return *this;
/// Set the bit at the position.
bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& set(size_t position, bool value = true)
ETL_ASSERT_OR_RETURN_VALUE(position < Active_Bits, ETL_ERROR(bitset_overflow), *this);
implementation::set_position(buffer, position, value);
return *this;
/// Set the bit at the position.
template <size_t Position>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& set(bool value = true)
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(Position < Active_Bits, "Position out of bounds");
implementation::template set_position<Position>(buffer, value);
return *this;
/// Set the bit at the position.
template <size_t Position, bool Value>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& set()
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(Position < Active_Bits, "Position out of bounds");
implementation::template set_position<Position, Value>(buffer);
return *this;
/// Set from a string.
template <typename TPString>
typename etl::enable_if<etl::is_same<TPString, const char*>::value, bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>&>::type
set(TPString text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::from_string(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
return *this;
/// Set from a wide string.
template <typename TPString>
typename etl::enable_if<etl::is_same<TPString, const wchar_t*>::value, bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>&>::type
set(TPString text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::from_string(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
return *this;
/// Set from a char16 string.
template <typename TPString>
typename etl::enable_if<etl::is_same<TPString, const char16_t*>::value, bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>&>::type
set(TPString text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::from_string(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
return *this;
/// Set from a char32 string.
template <typename TPString>
typename etl::enable_if<etl::is_same<TPString, const char32_t*>::value, bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>&>::type
set(TPString text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::from_string(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
return *this;
/// Set from a string.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& from_string(const char* text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::from_string(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
return *this;
/// Set from a wide string.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& from_string(const wchar_t* text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::from_string(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
return *this;
/// Set from a u16 string.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& from_string(const char16_t* text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::from_string(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
return *this;
/// Set from a u32 string.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& from_string(const char32_t* text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::from_string(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
return *this;
/// Get as an integral value.
template <typename T>
typename etl::enable_if<etl::is_integral<T>::value, T>::type
value() const ETL_NOEXCEPT
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(etl::is_integral<T>::value, "Only integral types are supported");
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(etl::integral_limits<T>::bits >= (Number_Of_Elements * Bits_Per_Element), "Type too small");
return implementation::template value<T>(buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
/// Extract an integral value from an arbitrary position and length.
/// Run time position and length.
template <typename T>
T extract(size_t position, size_t length = etl::integral_limits<T>::bits) const
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(etl::is_integral<T>::value, "Only integral types are supported");
ETL_ASSERT_OR_RETURN_VALUE(length <= etl::integral_limits<T>::bits, ETL_ERROR(bitset_overflow), 0);
ETL_ASSERT_OR_RETURN_VALUE((position + length) <= Active_Bits, ETL_ERROR(bitset_overflow), 0);
return implementation::template extract<T>(buffer, position, length);
/// Extract an integral value from an arbitrary position and length.
/// Compile time position and length.
template <typename T, size_t Position, size_t Length = etl::integral_limits<T>::bits>
template <typename T, size_t Position, size_t Length>
T extract() const
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(etl::is_integral<T>::value, "Only integral types are supported");
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(Length <= etl::integral_limits<T>::bits, "Length is larger that the required type");
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT((Position + Length) <= Active_Bits, "Position/Length overflows bitset");
return implementation::template extract<T, Position, Length>(buffer);
/// Get as an unsigned long.
unsigned long to_ulong() const
ETL_ASSERT(etl::integral_limits<unsigned long>::bits >= Active_Bits, ETL_ERROR(etl::bitset_overflow));
return implementation::template value<unsigned long>(buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
/// Get as an unsigned long long.
unsigned long long to_ullong() const
ETL_ASSERT(etl::integral_limits<unsigned long long>::bits >= Active_Bits, ETL_ERROR(etl::bitset_overflow));
return implementation::template value<unsigned long long>(buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
/// Reset all of the bits.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& reset() ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::reset_all(buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
return *this;
/// Reset the bit at the position.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& reset(size_t position)
ETL_ASSERT_OR_RETURN_VALUE(position < Active_Bits, ETL_ERROR(bitset_overflow), *this);
implementation::reset_position(buffer, position);
return *this;
/// Tests a bit at a position.
/// Positions greater than the number of configured bits will return <b>false</b>.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool test(size_t position) const
ETL_ASSERT_OR_RETURN_VALUE(position < Active_Bits, ETL_ERROR(bitset_overflow), false);
return implementation::test(buffer, position);
/// Tests a bit at a position.
/// Positions greater than the number of configured bits will not compile.
template <size_t Position>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool test() const
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(Position < Active_Bits, "Position out of bounds");
return implementation::test(buffer, Position);
/// The number of bits in the bitset.
static ETL_CONSTEXPR size_t size() ETL_NOEXCEPT
return Active_Bits;
/// The number of storage elements in the bitset.
static ETL_CONSTEXPR size_t number_of_elements() ETL_NOEXCEPT
return Number_Of_Elements;
/// The value of a set element.
static ETL_CONSTEXPR element_type all_set_element() ETL_NOEXCEPT
return All_Set_Element;
/// The value of a clear element.
static ETL_CONSTEXPR element_type all_clear_element() ETL_NOEXCEPT
return All_Clear_Element;
/// The number of bits in an element.
static ETL_CONSTEXPR size_t bits_per_element() ETL_NOEXCEPT
return Bits_Per_Element;
/// The mask for the msb element.
static ETL_CONSTEXPR element_type top_mask() ETL_NOEXCEPT
return Top_Mask;
/// The total number of bits of storage, including unused.
static ETL_CONSTEXPR size_t allocated_bits() ETL_NOEXCEPT
return Number_Of_Elements * Bits_Per_Element;
/// The storage model for the bitset.
/// etl::bitset_storage_model::Single
/// etl::bitset_storage_model::Multi
static ETL_CONSTEXPR etl::bitset_storage_model storage_model() ETL_NOEXCEPT
return Storage_Model;
/// Count the number of bits set.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 size_t count() const ETL_NOEXCEPT
return implementation::count(buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
// Are all the bits sets?
return implementation::all(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, Top_Mask);
// Are all the mask bits sets?
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool all(element_type mask) const ETL_NOEXCEPT
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(Storage_Model == etl::bitset_storage_model::Single, "Not supported for 'Multi' bitset storage model");
return implementation::all(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, Top_Mask, mask);
/// Are none of the bits set?
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool none() const ETL_NOEXCEPT
return implementation::none(buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
/// Are none of the mask bits set?
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool none(element_type mask) const ETL_NOEXCEPT
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(Storage_Model == etl::bitset_storage_model::Single, "Not supported for 'Multi' bitset storage model");
return implementation::none(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, mask);
/// Are any of the bits set?
return implementation::any(buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
/// Are any of the mask bits set?
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool any(element_type mask) const ETL_NOEXCEPT
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(Storage_Model == etl::bitset_storage_model::Single, "Not supported for 'Multi' bitset storage model");
return implementation::any(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, mask);
/// Flip all of the bits.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& flip() ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::flip_all(buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
return *this;
/// Flip the bit at the position.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& flip(size_t position)
ETL_ASSERT_OR_RETURN_VALUE(position < Active_Bits, ETL_ERROR(bitset_overflow), *this);
implementation::flip_position(buffer, position);
return *this;
/// Read [] operator.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool operator[] (size_t position) const ETL_NOEXCEPT
return implementation::test(buffer, position);
/// Write [] operator.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bit_reference operator [] (size_t position) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return bit_reference(*this, position);
/// Returns a string representing the bitset.
template <typename TString = etl::string<Active_Bits>>
template <typename TString>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 TString to_string(typename TString::value_type zero = typename TString::value_type('0'),
typename TString::value_type one = typename TString::value_type('1')) const
return implementation::template to_string<TString>(buffer, Active_Bits, zero, one);
/// Finds the first bit in the specified state.
///\param state The state to search for.
///\returns The position of the bit or npos if none were found.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 size_t find_first(bool state) const ETL_NOEXCEPT
return implementation::find_next(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, state, 0);
/// Finds the next bit in the specified state.
///\param state The state to search for.
///\param position The position to start from.
///\returns The position of the bit or npos if none were found.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 size_t find_next(bool state, size_t position) const ETL_NOEXCEPT
return implementation::find_next(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, state, position);
/// operator &
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement> operator &(const bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& other) const ETL_NOEXCEPT
etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TElement> temp(*this);
implementation::operator_and(temp.buffer, other.buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
return temp;
/// operator &=
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& operator &=(const bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& other) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::operator_and(buffer, other.buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
return *this;
/// operator |
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement> operator |(const bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& other) const ETL_NOEXCEPT
etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TElement> temp(*this);
implementation::operator_or(temp.buffer, other.buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
return temp;
/// operator |=
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& operator |=(const bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& other) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::operator_or(&buffer[0], &other.buffer[0], Number_Of_Elements);
return *this;
/// operator ^
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement> operator ^(const bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& other) const ETL_NOEXCEPT
etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TElement> temp(*this);
implementation::operator_xor(temp.buffer, other.buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
return temp;
/// operator ^=
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& operator ^=(const bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& other) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::operator_xor(buffer, other.buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
return *this;
/// operator ~
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement> operator ~() const ETL_NOEXCEPT
etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TElement> temp(*this);
implementation::flip_all(temp.buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
return temp;
/// operator <<
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement> operator <<(size_t shift) const ETL_NOEXCEPT
etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TElement> temp(*this);
implementation::operator_shift_left(temp.buffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, shift);
return temp;
/// operator <<=
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& operator <<=(size_t shift) ETL_NOEXCEPT
if (shift >= Active_Bits)
implementation::reset_all(buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
implementation::operator_shift_left(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, shift);
return *this;
/// operator >>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement> operator >>(size_t shift) const ETL_NOEXCEPT
bitset<Active_Bits, TElement> temp(*this);
implementation::operator_shift_right(temp.buffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, shift);
return temp;
/// operator >>=
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& operator >>=(size_t shift) ETL_NOEXCEPT
if (shift >= Active_Bits)
implementation::reset_all(buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
implementation::operator_shift_right(buffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, shift);
return *this;
/// operator ==
friend ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool operator ==(const bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& lhs, const bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return implementation::operator_equality(lhs.buffer, rhs.buffer, lhs.Number_Of_Elements);
/// operator !=
friend ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool operator !=(const bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& lhs, const bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return !(lhs == rhs);
/// swap
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 void swap(etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& other) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::swap(buffer, other.buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
/// span
/// Returns a span of the underlying buffer.
return span_type(buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
/// span
/// Returns a const span of the underlying buffer.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 const_span_type span() const ETL_NOEXCEPT
return const_span_type(buffer, Number_Of_Elements);
// The implementation of the bitset functionality.
typedef etl::bitset_impl<element_type, (Number_Of_Elements == 1U) ? etl::bitset_storage_model::Single : etl::bitset_storage_model::Multi> implementation;
// The storage for the bitset.
element_type buffer[Number_Of_Elements];
/// operator &
///\ingroup bitset
template <size_t Active_Bits, typename TElement>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits> operator & (const bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& lhs, const bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
bitset<Active_Bits> temp(lhs);
temp &= rhs;
return temp;
/// operator |
///\ingroup bitset
template<size_t Active_Bits, typename TElement>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits> operator | (const bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& lhs, const bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
bitset<Active_Bits> temp(lhs);
temp |= rhs;
return temp;
/// operator ^
///\ingroup bitset
template<size_t Active_Bits, typename TElement>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset<Active_Bits> operator ^ (const bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& lhs, const bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
bitset<Active_Bits> temp(lhs);
temp ^= rhs;
return temp;
/// operator !=
///\ingroup bitset
template<size_t Active_Bits, typename TElement>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool operator != (const etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& lhs, const etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return !(lhs == rhs);
/// swap
template <size_t Active_Bits, typename TElement>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 void swap(etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& lhs, etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
/// bitset_ext
namespace etl
template <size_t Active_Bits = 0U,
typename TElement = unsigned char>
class bitset_ext;
/// Specialisation for zero bits.
template <>
class bitset_ext<0U, unsigned char> : public etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>
typedef etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::element_type element_type;
typedef etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::span_type span_type;
typedef etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::const_span_type const_span_type;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::Bits_Per_Element;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::All_Set_Element;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::All_Clear_Element;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::Number_Of_Elements;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::Size;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::Storage_Model;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::Top_Mask;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<0U, unsigned char>::Allocated_Bits;
/// A bitset that uses externally declared storage.
template <size_t Active_Bits, typename TElement>
class bitset_ext : public etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(etl::is_unsigned<TElement>::value, "The element type must be unsigned");
typedef typename etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::element_type element_type;
typedef typename etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::span_type span_type;
typedef typename etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::const_span_type const_span_type;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::Bits_Per_Element;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::All_Set_Element;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::All_Clear_Element;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::Number_Of_Elements;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::Size;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::Storage_Model;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::Top_Mask;
using etl::private_bitset::bitset_common<Active_Bits, TElement>::Allocated_Bits;
typedef etl::array<TElement, Number_Of_Elements> buffer_type;
/// The reference type returned.
class bit_reference
friend class bitset_ext;
/// Copy constructor
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bit_reference(const bit_reference& other) ETL_NOEXCEPT
: p_bitset(other.p_bitset)
, position(other.position)
/// Conversion operator.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 operator bool() const ETL_NOEXCEPT
return p_bitset->test(position);
/// Assignment operator.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bit_reference& operator = (bool b) ETL_NOEXCEPT
p_bitset->set(position, b);
return *this;
/// Assignment operator.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bit_reference& operator = (const bit_reference& r) ETL_NOEXCEPT
p_bitset->set(position, bool(r));
return *this;
/// Flip the bit.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bit_reference& flip() ETL_NOEXCEPT
return *this;
/// Return the logical inverse of the bit.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool operator~() const ETL_NOEXCEPT
return !p_bitset->test(position);
/// Default constructor.
: p_bitset(ETL_NULLPTR)
, position(0)
/// Constructor.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bit_reference(bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& r_bitset, size_t position_) ETL_NOEXCEPT
: p_bitset(&r_bitset)
, position(position_)
bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>* p_bitset; ///< The bitset.
size_t position; ///< The position in the bitset.
/// Default constructor.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 explicit bitset_ext(element_type* pbuffer_)
: pbuffer(pbuffer_)
ETL_ASSERT(pbuffer != ETL_NULLPTR, ETL_ERROR(etl::bitset_invalid_buffer));
implementation::reset_all(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements);
/// Default constructor.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 explicit bitset_ext(buffer_type& buffer)
: pbuffer(buffer.data())
ETL_ASSERT(pbuffer != ETL_NULLPTR, ETL_ERROR(etl::bitset_invalid_buffer));
implementation::reset_all(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements);
/// Construct copy.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext(const bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& other, element_type* pbuffer_)
: pbuffer(pbuffer_)
ETL_ASSERT(pbuffer != ETL_NULLPTR, ETL_ERROR(etl::bitset_invalid_buffer));
implementation::operator_assignment(pbuffer, other.pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements);
/// Construct copy.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext(const bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& other, buffer_type& buffer) ETL_NOEXCEPT
: pbuffer(buffer.data())
implementation::operator_assignment(pbuffer, other.pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements);
/// Copy Constructor (Deleted).
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext(const bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& other) ETL_NOEXCEPT ETL_DELETE;
/// Construct from a value.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext(unsigned long long value, element_type* pbuffer_)
: pbuffer(pbuffer_)
ETL_ASSERT(pbuffer != ETL_NULLPTR, ETL_ERROR(etl::bitset_invalid_buffer));
implementation::template initialise<element_type>(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, value);
/// Construct from a value.
template <typename TValue>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext(TValue value, buffer_type& buffer, typename etl::enable_if<is_integral<TValue>::value>::type* = 0) ETL_NOEXCEPT
: pbuffer(buffer.data())
implementation::template initialise<element_type>(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, value);
/// Construct from a string.
template <typename TPString>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext(TPString text, element_type* pbuffer_, typename etl::enable_if<is_same<TPString, const char*>::value>::type* = 0)
: pbuffer(pbuffer_)
ETL_ASSERT(pbuffer != ETL_NULLPTR, ETL_ERROR(etl::bitset_invalid_buffer));
implementation::from_string(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
/// Construct from a string.
template <typename TPString>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext(TPString text, buffer_type& buffer, typename etl::enable_if<is_same<TPString, const char*>::value>::type* = 0) ETL_NOEXCEPT
: pbuffer(buffer.data())
implementation::from_string(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
/// Construct from a string.
template <typename TPString>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext(TPString text, element_type* pbuffer_, typename etl::enable_if<is_same<TPString, const wchar_t*>::value>::type* = 0)
: pbuffer(pbuffer_)
ETL_ASSERT(pbuffer != ETL_NULLPTR, ETL_ERROR(etl::bitset_invalid_buffer));
implementation::from_string(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
/// Construct from a string.
template <typename TPString>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext(TPString text, buffer_type& buffer, typename etl::enable_if<is_same<TPString, const wchar_t*>::value>::type* = 0) ETL_NOEXCEPT
: pbuffer(buffer.data())
implementation::from_string(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
/// Construct from a string.
template <typename TPString>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext(TPString text, element_type* pbuffer_, typename etl::enable_if<is_same<TPString, const char16_t*>::value>::type* = 0)
: pbuffer(pbuffer_)
ETL_ASSERT(pbuffer != ETL_NULLPTR, ETL_ERROR(etl::bitset_invalid_buffer));
implementation::from_string(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
/// Construct from a string.
template <typename TPString>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext(TPString text, buffer_type& buffer, typename etl::enable_if<is_same<TPString, const char16_t*>::value>::type* = 0) ETL_NOEXCEPT
: pbuffer(buffer.data())
implementation::from_string(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
/// Construct from a string.
template <typename TPString>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext(TPString text, element_type* pbuffer_, typename etl::enable_if<is_same<TPString, const char32_t*>::value>::type* = 0)
: pbuffer(pbuffer_)
ETL_ASSERT(pbuffer != ETL_NULLPTR, ETL_ERROR(etl::bitset_invalid_buffer));
implementation::from_string(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
/// Construct from a string.
template <typename TPString>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext(TPString text, buffer_type& buffer, typename etl::enable_if<is_same<TPString, const char32_t*>::value>::type* = 0) ETL_NOEXCEPT
: pbuffer(buffer.data())
implementation::from_string(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
/// Assignment operator.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext& operator =(const bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& other) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::operator_assignment(pbuffer, other.pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements);
return *this;
/// Set all of the bits.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& set() ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::set_all(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Top_Mask);
return *this;
/// Set the bit at the position.
bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& set(size_t position, bool value = true)
ETL_ASSERT_OR_RETURN_VALUE(position < Active_Bits, ETL_ERROR(bitset_overflow), *this);
implementation::set_position(pbuffer, position, value);
return *this;
/// Set the bit at the position.
template <size_t Position>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& set(bool value = true)
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(Position < Active_Bits, "Position out of bounds");
implementation::template set_position<Position>(pbuffer, value);
return *this;
/// Set the bit at the position.
template <size_t Position, bool Value>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& set()
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(Position < Active_Bits, "Position out of bounds");
implementation::template set_position<Position, Value>(pbuffer);
return *this;
/// Set from a string.
template <typename TPString>
typename etl::enable_if<etl::is_same<TPString, const char*>::value, bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>&>::type
set(TPString text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::from_string(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
return *this;
/// Set from a wide string.
template <typename TPString>
typename etl::enable_if<etl::is_same<TPString, const wchar_t*>::value, bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>&>::type
set(TPString text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::from_string(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
return *this;
/// Set from a char16 string.
template <typename TPString>
typename etl::enable_if<etl::is_same<TPString, const char16_t*>::value, bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>&>::type
set(TPString text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::from_string(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
return *this;
/// Set from a char32 string.
template <typename TPString>
typename etl::enable_if<etl::is_same<TPString, const char32_t*>::value, bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>&>::type
set(TPString text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::from_string(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
return *this;
/// Set from a string.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& from_string(const char* text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::from_string(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
return *this;
/// Set from a wide string.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& from_string(const wchar_t* text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::from_string(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
return *this;
/// Set from a u16 string.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& from_string(const char16_t* text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::from_string(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
return *this;
/// Set from a u32 string.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& from_string(const char32_t* text) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::from_string(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, text);
return *this;
/// Get as an integral value.
template <typename T>
T value() const ETL_NOEXCEPT
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(etl::is_integral<T>::value, "Only integral types are supported");
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(etl::integral_limits<T>::bits >= (Number_Of_Elements * Bits_Per_Element), "Type too small");
return implementation::template value<T>(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements);
/// Extract an integral value from an arbitrary position and length.
/// Run time position and length.
template <typename T>
T extract(size_t position, size_t length = etl::integral_limits<T>::bits)
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(etl::is_integral<T>::value, "Only integral types are supported");
ETL_ASSERT_OR_RETURN_VALUE(length <= etl::integral_limits<T>::bits, ETL_ERROR(bitset_overflow), 0);
ETL_ASSERT_OR_RETURN_VALUE((position + length) <= Active_Bits, ETL_ERROR(bitset_overflow), 0);
return implementation::template extract<T>(pbuffer, position, length);
/// Extract an integral value from an arbitrary position and length.
/// Compile time position and length.
template <typename T, size_t Position, size_t Length = etl::integral_limits<T>::bits>
template <typename T, size_t Position, size_t Length>
T extract() const
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(etl::is_integral<T>::value, "Only integral types are supported");
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(Length <= etl::integral_limits<T>::bits, "Length is larger that the required type");
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT((Position + Length) <= Active_Bits, "Position/Length overflows bitset");
return implementation::template extract<T, Position, Length>(pbuffer);
/// Get as an unsigned long.
unsigned long to_ulong() const
ETL_ASSERT(etl::integral_limits<unsigned long>::bits >= Active_Bits, ETL_ERROR(etl::bitset_overflow));
return implementation::template value<unsigned long>(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements);
/// Get as an unsigned long long.
unsigned long long to_ullong() const
ETL_ASSERT(etl::integral_limits<unsigned long long>::bits >= Active_Bits, ETL_ERROR(etl::bitset_overflow));
return implementation::template value<unsigned long long>(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements);
/// Reset all of the bits.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& reset() ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::reset_all(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements);
return *this;
/// Reset the bit at the position.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& reset(size_t position)
ETL_ASSERT_OR_RETURN_VALUE(position < Active_Bits, ETL_ERROR(bitset_overflow), *this);
implementation::reset_position(pbuffer, position);
return *this;
/// Tests a bit at a position.
/// Positions greater than the number of configured bits will return <b>false</b>.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool test(size_t position) const
ETL_ASSERT_OR_RETURN_VALUE(position < Active_Bits, ETL_ERROR(bitset_overflow), false);
return implementation::test(pbuffer, position);
/// Tests a bit at a position.
/// Positions greater than the number of configured bits will not compile.
template <size_t Position>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool test() const
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(Position < Active_Bits, "Position out of bounds");
return implementation::test(pbuffer, Position);
/// The number of bits in the bitset.
static ETL_CONSTEXPR size_t size() ETL_NOEXCEPT
return Active_Bits;
/// The number of storage elements in the bitset.
static ETL_CONSTEXPR size_t number_of_elements() ETL_NOEXCEPT
return Number_Of_Elements;
/// The value of a set element.
static ETL_CONSTEXPR element_type all_set_element() ETL_NOEXCEPT
return All_Set_Element;
/// The value of a clear element.
static ETL_CONSTEXPR element_type all_clear_element() ETL_NOEXCEPT
return All_Clear_Element;
/// The mask for the msb element.
static ETL_CONSTEXPR element_type top_mask() ETL_NOEXCEPT
return Top_Mask;
/// The number of bits in an element.
static ETL_CONSTEXPR size_t bits_per_element() ETL_NOEXCEPT
return Bits_Per_Element;
/// The total number of bits of storage, including unused.
static ETL_CONSTEXPR size_t allocated_bits() ETL_NOEXCEPT
return Number_Of_Elements * Bits_Per_Element;
/// The storage model for the bitset.
/// etl::bitset_storage_model::Single
/// etl::bitset_storage_model::Multi
static ETL_CONSTEXPR etl::bitset_storage_model storage_model() ETL_NOEXCEPT
return Storage_Model;
/// Count the number of bits set.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 size_t count() const ETL_NOEXCEPT
return implementation::count(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements);
// Are all the bits sets?
return implementation::all(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Top_Mask);
// Are all the mask bits sets?
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool all(element_type mask) const ETL_NOEXCEPT
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(Storage_Model == etl::bitset_storage_model::Single, "Not supported for 'Multi' bitset storage model");
return implementation::all(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Top_Mask, mask);
/// Are none of the bits set?
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool none() const ETL_NOEXCEPT
return implementation::none(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements);
/// Are none of the mask bits set?
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool none(element_type mask) const ETL_NOEXCEPT
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(Storage_Model == etl::bitset_storage_model::Single, "Not supported for 'Multi' bitset storage model");
return implementation::none(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, mask);
/// Are any of the bits set?
return implementation::any(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements);
/// Are any of the mask bits set?
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool any(element_type mask) const ETL_NOEXCEPT
ETL_STATIC_ASSERT(Storage_Model == etl::bitset_storage_model::Single, "Not supported for 'Multi' bitset storage model");
return implementation::any(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, mask);
/// Flip all of the bits.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& flip() ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::flip_all(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements);
return *this;
/// Flip the bit at the position.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& flip(size_t position)
ETL_ASSERT_OR_RETURN_VALUE(position < Active_Bits, ETL_ERROR(bitset_overflow), *this);
implementation::flip_position(pbuffer, position);
return *this;
/// Read [] operator.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool operator[] (size_t position) const ETL_NOEXCEPT
return implementation::test(pbuffer, position);
/// Write [] operator.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bit_reference operator [] (size_t position) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return bit_reference(*this, position);
/// Returns a string representing the bitset.
template <typename TString = etl::string<Active_Bits>>
template <typename TString>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 TString to_string(typename TString::value_type zero = typename TString::value_type('0'),
typename TString::value_type one = typename TString::value_type('1')) const
return implementation::template to_string<TString>(pbuffer, Active_Bits, zero, one);
/// Finds the first bit in the specified state.
///\param state The state to search for.
///\returns The position of the bit or npos if none were found.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 size_t find_first(bool state) const ETL_NOEXCEPT
return implementation::find_next(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, state, 0);
/// Finds the next bit in the specified state.
///\param state The state to search for.
///\param position The position to start from.
///\returns The position of the bit or npos if none were found.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 size_t find_next(bool state, size_t position) const ETL_NOEXCEPT
return implementation::find_next(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, state, position);
/// operator &=
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& operator &=(const bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& other) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::operator_and(&pbuffer[0], &other.pbuffer[0], Number_Of_Elements);
return *this;
/// operator |=
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& operator |=(const bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& other) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::operator_or(&pbuffer[0], &other.pbuffer[0], Number_Of_Elements);
return *this;
/// operator ^=
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& operator ^=(const bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& other) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::operator_xor(&pbuffer[0], &other.pbuffer[0], Number_Of_Elements);
return *this;
/// operator <<=
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& operator <<=(size_t shift) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::operator_shift_left(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, shift);
return *this;
/// operator >>=
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& operator >>=(size_t shift) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::operator_shift_right(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements, Active_Bits, shift);
return *this;
/// operator ==
friend ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool operator ==(const bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& lhs, const bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return implementation::operator_equality(lhs.pbuffer, rhs.pbuffer, lhs.Number_Of_Elements);
/// operator !=
friend ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool operator !=(const bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& lhs, const bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return !(lhs == rhs);
/// swap
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 void swap(etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& other) ETL_NOEXCEPT
implementation::swap(pbuffer, other.pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements);
/// span
/// Returns a span of the underlying pbuffer.
return span_type(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements);
/// span
/// Returns a const span of the underlying pbuffer.
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 const_span_type span() const ETL_NOEXCEPT
return const_span_type(pbuffer, Number_Of_Elements);
// The implementation of the bitset functionality.
typedef etl::bitset_impl<element_type, (Number_Of_Elements == 1U) ? etl::bitset_storage_model::Single : etl::bitset_storage_model::Multi> implementation;
// Pointer to the storage for the bitset.
element_type* pbuffer;
/// operator !=
///\ingroup bitset
template<size_t Active_Bits, typename TElement>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 bool operator != (const etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& lhs, const etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return !(lhs == rhs);
/// swap
template <size_t Active_Bits, typename TElement>
ETL_CONSTEXPR14 void swap(etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& lhs, etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
namespace etl
namespace private_bitset
/// Compare bitset spans.
/// Assumes that the lhs span's element type is larger than rhs's.
template <typename TLhsSpan, typename TRhsSpan>
bool compare_bitset_spans(const TLhsSpan& lhs_span, const TRhsSpan& rhs_span)
typedef typename TLhsSpan::value_type lhs_element_t;
typedef typename TRhsSpan::value_type rhs_element_t;
const int steps = static_cast<int>(sizeof(lhs_element_t) / sizeof(rhs_element_t));
typename TLhsSpan::iterator lhs_itr = lhs_span.begin();
typename TRhsSpan::iterator rhs_itr = rhs_span.begin();
while (lhs_itr != lhs_span.end())
const lhs_element_t& lhs_value = *lhs_itr;
// Build the rhs element in terms of the lhs element type.
lhs_element_t rhs_value = 0;
const int shift_step = etl::integral_limits<rhs_element_t>::bits;
int shift = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < steps; ++i)
rhs_value |= (static_cast<lhs_element_t>(*rhs_itr) << shift);
shift += shift_step;
if (lhs_value != rhs_value)
return false;
return true;
/// operator ==
/// bitset
/// Different element types
///\ingroup bitset
template<size_t Active_Bits, typename TLhsElement, typename TRhsElement>
typename etl::enable_if<!etl::is_same<TLhsElement, TRhsElement>::value, bool>::type
operator == (const etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TLhsElement>& lhs, const etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TRhsElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
// Get a span of each type.
typename etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TLhsElement>::const_span_type lhs_span = lhs.span();
typename etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TRhsElement>::const_span_type rhs_span = rhs.span();
// Put the bitset with the largest element type as the first argument.
if ETL_IF_CONSTEXPR(sizeof(TLhsElement) > sizeof(TRhsElement))
return etl::private_bitset::compare_bitset_spans(lhs_span, rhs_span);
return etl::private_bitset::compare_bitset_spans(rhs_span, lhs_span);
/// operator !=
/// bitset
/// Different element types
///\ingroup bitset
template<size_t Active_Bits, typename TLhsElement, typename TRhsElement>
typename etl::enable_if<!etl::is_same<TLhsElement, TRhsElement>::value, bool>::type
operator != (const etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TLhsElement>& lhs, const etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TRhsElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return !(lhs == rhs);
/// operator ==
/// bitset_ext
/// Different element types
///\ingroup bitset
template<size_t Active_Bits, typename TLhsElement, typename TRhsElement>
typename etl::enable_if<!etl::is_same<TLhsElement, TRhsElement>::value, bool>::type
operator == (const etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TLhsElement>& lhs, const etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TRhsElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
// Get a span of each type.
typename etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TLhsElement>::const_span_type lhs_span = lhs.span();
typename etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TRhsElement>::const_span_type rhs_span = rhs.span();
// Put the bitset with the largest element type as the first argument.
if ETL_IF_CONSTEXPR(sizeof(TLhsElement) > sizeof(TRhsElement))
return etl::private_bitset::compare_bitset_spans(lhs_span, rhs_span);
return etl::private_bitset::compare_bitset_spans(rhs_span, lhs_span);
/// operator !=
/// bitset_ext
/// Different element types
///\ingroup bitset
template<size_t Active_Bits, typename TLhsElement, typename TRhsElement>
typename etl::enable_if<!etl::is_same<TLhsElement, TRhsElement>::value, bool>::type
operator != (const etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TLhsElement>& lhs, const etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TRhsElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return !(lhs == rhs);
/// operator ==
/// bitset compared with bitset_ext, same element types.
///\ingroup bitset
template<size_t Active_Bits, typename TElement>
bool operator == (const etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& lhs, const etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
const char Storage_Model = etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>::Storage_Model;
const size_t Number_Of_Elements = etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>::Number_Of_Elements;
typename etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>::const_span_type lhs_span = lhs.span();
typename etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>::const_span_type rhs_span = rhs.span();
typedef etl::bitset_impl<TElement, Storage_Model> implementation;
return implementation::operator_equality(lhs_span.begin(), rhs_span.begin(), Number_Of_Elements);
/// operator !=
/// bitset compared with bitset_ext, same element types.
///\ingroup bitset
template<size_t Active_Bits, typename TElement>
bool operator != (const etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& lhs, const etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return !(lhs == rhs);
/// operator ==
/// bitset_ext compared with bitset, same element types.
///\ingroup bitset
template<size_t Active_Bits, typename TElement>
bool operator == (const etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& lhs, const etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
const char Storage_Model = etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>::Storage_Model;
const size_t Number_Of_Elements = etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>::Number_Of_Elements;
typename etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>::const_span_type lhs_span = lhs.span();
typename etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>::const_span_type rhs_span = rhs.span();
typedef etl::bitset_impl<TElement, Storage_Model> implementation;
return implementation::operator_equality(lhs_span.begin(), rhs_span.begin(), Number_Of_Elements);
/// operator !=
/// bitset_ext compared with bitset, same element types.
///\ingroup bitset
template<size_t Active_Bits, typename TElement>
bool operator != (const etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TElement>& lhs, const etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return !(lhs == rhs);
/// operator ==
/// bitset compared with bitset_ext, different element types.
///\ingroup bitset
template<size_t Active_Bits, typename TLhsElement, typename TRhsElement>
typename etl::enable_if<!etl::is_same<TLhsElement, TRhsElement>::value, bool>::type
operator == (const etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TLhsElement>& lhs, const etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TRhsElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
// Get a span of each type.
typename etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TLhsElement>::const_span_type lhs_span = lhs.span();
typename etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TRhsElement>::const_span_type rhs_span = rhs.span();
// Put the bitset with the largest element type as the first argument.
if ETL_IF_CONSTEXPR(sizeof(TLhsElement) > sizeof(TRhsElement))
return etl::private_bitset::compare_bitset_spans(lhs_span, rhs_span);
return etl::private_bitset::compare_bitset_spans(rhs_span, lhs_span);
/// operator !=
/// bitset compared with bitset_ext, different element types.
///\ingroup bitset
template<size_t Active_Bits, typename TLhsElement, typename TRhsElement>
typename etl::enable_if<!etl::is_same<TLhsElement, TRhsElement>::value, bool>::type
operator != (const etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TLhsElement>& lhs, const etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TRhsElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return !(lhs == rhs);
/// operator ==
/// bitset_ext compared with bitset, different element types.
///\ingroup bitset
template<size_t Active_Bits, typename TLhsElement, typename TRhsElement>
typename etl::enable_if<!etl::is_same<TLhsElement, TRhsElement>::value, bool>::type
operator == (const etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TLhsElement>& lhs, const etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TRhsElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
// Get a span of each type.
typename etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TLhsElement>::const_span_type lhs_span = lhs.span();
typename etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TRhsElement>::const_span_type rhs_span = rhs.span();
// Put the bitset with the largest element type as the first argument.
if ETL_IF_CONSTEXPR(sizeof(TLhsElement) > sizeof(TRhsElement))
return etl::private_bitset::compare_bitset_spans(lhs_span, rhs_span);
return etl::private_bitset::compare_bitset_spans(rhs_span, lhs_span);
/// operator !=
/// bitset_ext compared with bitset, different element types.
///\ingroup bitset
template<size_t Active_Bits, typename TLhsElement, typename TRhsElement>
typename etl::enable_if<!etl::is_same<TLhsElement, TRhsElement>::value, bool>::type
operator != (const etl::bitset_ext<Active_Bits, TLhsElement>& lhs, const etl::bitset<Active_Bits, TRhsElement>& rhs) ETL_NOEXCEPT
return !(lhs == rhs);
#include "minmax_pop.h"