
128 lines
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#include <cstddef>
#include "RMAPCookie.h"
#include "fsfw/returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h"
#include "rmapConf.h"
class RMAPChannelIF {
virtual ~RMAPChannelIF(){};
* Reset an RMAP channel
* Clears the receive buffer (all received messages are deleted) and resets the descriptor table.
* Also checks for errors in the descriptors and submits them to FDIR (aka stdout)
* @param channel to reset
* @return
* - @c LINK_DOWN when the link is down and all replies were missed
* - @c COMMAND_CHANNEL_DEACTIVATED if the channel's port is NULL
* - @c RETURN_OK else
virtual ReturnValue_t reset() = 0;
* Check if a channel is active (ie has a port)
* @param channel_nr
* @return
* - @c COMMAND_OK if channel is active
* - @c COMMAND_CHANNEL_DEACTIVATED if channel is deactivated
virtual ReturnValue_t isActive() = 0;
* Assign a SpaceWire port to the Channel
* @param port Number of the port. SpaceWire devices are mapped to port numbers to allow
* checking of the validity
* @param dest_addr the destination address used by all packets sent from this channel
* @param src_addr the source address used by all packets sent from this channel and used when
* checking incoming packets
* @return
* - @c COMMAND_OK if port was changed
* - @c COMMAND_PORT_OUT_OF_RANGE if the port is invalid
virtual ReturnValue_t setPort(int8_t port, uint8_t dest_addr, uint8_t src_addr) = 0;
* Assign a SpaceWire port to the Channel
* same as setPort(int8_t port, uint8_t dest_addr, uint8_t src_addr), only the addresses are left
* unchanged
* @param port Number of the port. SpaceWire devices are mapped to port numbers to allow
* checking of the validity
* @return
* - @c COMMAND_OK if port was changed
* - @c COMMAND_PORT_OUT_OF_RANGE if the port is invalid
virtual ReturnValue_t setPort(int8_t port) = 0;
* Send an RMAP command
* @param cookie the cookie used with this call
* @param instruction the instruction byte that will be sent (this defines if it is a read or
* write command)
* @param data data to be sent
* @param datalen length of data
* @return
* - @c RETURN_OK
* - @c COMMAND_NO_DESCRIPTORS_AVAILABLE no descriptors available for sending command;
* command was not sent
* - @c COMMAND_BUFFER_FULL no receiver buffer available for expected len; command
* was not sent
* - @c COMMAND_TOO_BIG the data that was to be sent was too long for the hw to
* handle (write command) or the expected len was bigger than maximal expected len (read command)
* command was not sent
* - @c COMMAND_CHANNEL_DEACTIVATED the channel has no port set
* - @c NOT_SUPPORTED if you dont feel like implementing
* something...
virtual ReturnValue_t sendCommand(RMAPCookie *cookie, uint8_t instruction, const uint8_t *data,
size_t datalen) = 0;
* get the reply to an rmap command
* @param cookie the cookie the command was sent with
* @param databuffer a pointer to a pointer the location of the reply will be written to
* @param len a pointer to the variable the length of the reply will be written to
* @return
* - @c REPLY_NO_REPLY no reply was received
* - @c REPLY_NOT_SENT command was not sent, implies no reply
* - @c REPLY_NOT_YET_SENT command is still waiting to be sent
* - @c WRITE_REPLY_INTERFACE_BUSY Interface is busy (transmission buffer still being
* processed)
* - @c WRITE_REPLY_TRANSMISSION_ERROR Interface encountered errors during last
* operation, data could not be processed. (transmission error)
* - @c WRITE_REPLY_INVALID_DATA Invalid data (amount / value)
* - all RMAP standard replies
virtual ReturnValue_t getReply(RMAPCookie *cookie, uint8_t **databuffer, size_t *len) = 0;
* @param cookie
* @param data
* @param datalen
* @param databuffer
* @param len
* @param timeout_us
* @return
* - all replies of sendCommand() and getReply()
* - @c REPLY_TIMEOUT timeout
virtual ReturnValue_t sendCommandBlocking(RMAPCookie *cookie, uint8_t *data, uint32_t datalen,
uint8_t **databuffer, uint32_t *len,
uint32_t timeout_us) = 0;