# Rules for programming with Python in ROS2 ## File Structure ``` colcon_workspace | |- build (holds build files) |- install (holds build elements) |- src (contains your source code - this is where you work) ``` ## Colcon Build Performing a `colcon build` is neccessary after every change to the `src` directory. This must be performed in the `root` of the _colcon_ workspace (eg. `cd ~/colcon_ws`). In order to avoid this procedure after every change made to a Python script you must run `colcon build --symlink-install` once. This links the files created in `/build` and `/install` to your source files in `/src`. However, after creating a new Python script this procedure must be repeated in order to also link this new script. ## Source Directory The source directory holds your ROS2 packages as further directories. In this example the `src` directory contains the packages `pubsub` and `pubsub_msg`: ``` colcon_workspace/ | |- src/ | |- pubsub/ |- pubsub_msg/ ``` The `src` directory is also the place where you create your new packages using `ros2 pkg create ...` and not in the root of the workspace. The next chapters will describe the content of the files inside a package directory. However, the occuring files depend on the type of package (`ament_cmake` for C++ scripts or `ament_python` for Python scripts). This is described in detail [here](https://docs.ros.org/en/foxy/Tutorials/Creating-Your-First-ROS2-Package.html). The following chapters only describe Python packages. ## setup.py The file setup.py is used to create entry points, meaning you link your python scripts to names which you can be called through `ros2 run ...`. In order for this to work your python scripts must be written using the following mechanism ```python def main(): # main code if __name__ == "__main__": main() ``` in which you put all of your code inside `main()`. This prevents any code from being run, if this script is not run as main. Linking your scripts to names is done inside the file _setup.py_ by defining entry points: ```python entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'talker = pubsub.talker:main', 'listener = pubsub.listener:main' ], }, ``` The _setup.py_-excerp above links the the function `main()` from the scripts _talker.py_ and _listener.py_ from inside `/pubsub` to the names _talker_ and _listener_. This way they can be called using `ros2 run pubsub talker` or `ros2 run pubsub listener`. From this you can see that you need to follow the Python programming style of creating a _main()_ procedure, in order for the entry points to work.