# Add these lines to .bashrc, do this: # Add the the following in between "#----" to the end of your .bashrc script # To do this open .bashrc: # sudo nano ~/.bashrc # Move to end of .bashrc (arrow down) # Highlight the lines below and copy (Ctrl+C) # Paste into console at the end of .bashrc (Right click, paste or CTRL+LShift+V) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ROS 2 SETUP echo "ROS 2 Setup:" # Source Underlay cmd="/opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash" source $cmd echo "ROS Underlay: "$cmd # Source Overlay # Change to the path of your workspace's "install/local_setup.bash" file cmd="$HOME/colcon_ws/install/local_setup.bash" source $cmd echo "ROS Overlay: "$cmd # You can add other workspaces #cmd="$HOME/colcon_libs/install/local_setup.bash" #source $cmd #echo "ROS Overlay: "$cmd echo "******************************************************" # ROS 2 Settings # Print ROS Variables #printenv | grep -i ROS echo "ROS_VERSION: "$ROS_VERSION echo "ROS_PYTHON_VERSION: "$ROS_PYTHON_VERSION echo "ROS_DISTRO: "$ROS_DISTRO echo "******************************************************" # Define DDS Channel # (this is the channel your ROS system communicates at over your local network) # To change the channel open the ROS Underlay setup file: # sudo nano /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash # Here, add the following command # export ROS_DOMAIN_ID= # eg.: export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=69 # Important: no spaces before and after "=" (in bash) # Print DDS Settings echo "ROS 2 DDS Settings:" export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=69 echo "ROS_DOMAIN_ID: "$ROS_DOMAIN_ID echo "To change: sudo nano /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash" echo "******************************************************" # Source colcon directory jump: #source /usr/share/colcon_cd/function/colcon_cd.sh #export _colcon_cd_root=~/colcon_ws # Print active Node & Topics echo "ROS 2 Topics active:" ros2 topic list echo "******************************************************" #echo "ROS 2 Nodes active:" #ros2 node list echo "******************************************************" printf "\n" echo "If your package is not listed (ros2 pkg list):" echo " * make sure you are sourcing the correct workspace: .bashrc" echo " * delete build/, install/ and rebuild w/o errors" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------