#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #********************************************# # Listener Template # Creted for: # ROS2 Workshop 2020 # Roverentwicklung für Explorationsaufgaben # Institute for Space Systems # University of Stuttgart # Created by Patrick Winterhalder # IRS, University of Stuttgart #********************************************# import rclpy from rclpy.node import Node # Import Subscriber Library from pubsub.pubsub_library_v4 import MinimalSubscriber # Import Message Types from custom_interfaces.msg import CustomMsg1 from custom_interfaces.msg import CustomMsg2 def main(args=None): rclpy.init(args=args) # Start nodes here, should create object for every node listener_1 = MinimalSubscriber(NODE_NAME="pubsub_listener_1", TOPIC_NAME="/chatter1",MSG_TYPE=CustomMsg1, NUM_MSGS=0) listener_2 = MinimalSubscriber(NODE_NAME="pubsub_listener_2", TOPIC_NAME="/chatter2",MSG_TYPE=CustomMsg2, NUM_MSGS=0) # create empty variables of msg type (optional) msg_1 = CustomMsg1() msg_2 = CustomMsg2() while rclpy.ok(): try: # Insert main looping script here... # Receive msgs by running nodes rclpy.spin_once(listener_1, timeout_sec=0.01) rclpy.spin_once(listener_2, timeout_sec=0.01) # Check if msg received if listener_1.topic_received is True: listener_1.topic_received = False # gleich zurücksetzen msg_1 = listener_1.return_msg() #********************************* # Do sth based on received message print("/chatter1 received") print(msg_1) #********************************* if listener_2.topic_received is True: listener_2.topic_received = False # gleich zurücksetzen msg_2 = listener_2.return_msg() #********************************* # Do sth based on received message print("/chatter2 received") print(msg_2) #********************************* # Here, you can now also publish/pass on the results of this script by # using the "MinimalPublisher" class. For this please refer to "talker.py" except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print("\n\nShutting down...") # Insert ".destroy_node()" here for all running nodes in this script # eg: listener_1.destroy_node() listener_2.destroy_node() rclpy.shutdown() if __name__ == '__main__': main()