# STEVE ## Stereo Vision Explorer [Logo / Patch]() ## Setup local copy In order to download this repository to a local machine (Desktop, Raspberry Pi) do this: * Create new directory to use as ROS2 colcon workspace: `mkdir -p ~/colcon_ws/src` * Move to directory: `cd ~/colcon_ws` * `git init` * `git remote add origin https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/RoverLehre/STEVE_Cammast.git` * `git fetch --all` * `git reset --hard origin/master` * **Important:** Configure `.git/config` in order commit changes using your personal egit account: ```txt [user] name = email = ``` For example: ```txt [user] name = maxmustermann email = max@irs.uni-stuttgart.de ``` * **Important:** Do not upload to the `master` branch but instead create your own branch. This prevents pushing experimental code to `master`. Creating a new branch will copy your local `master` repository to your new branch: * Create a new branch: `git branch ` * Move to new branch: `git ckeckout ` * Check content: `ls -s` * After creating a new branch **or** changing its content you must push it to the remote repo: * `git commit -am "new branch created"` * `git push origin ` * Continue working in your local and remote branch but do not push to `master`!