diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 2e3c5dc4..4ef271de 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -16,6 +16,25 @@ will consitute of a breaking change warranting a new major release:
 # [unreleased]
+## Fixed
+- `AcsParameters` setter were previously all for scalar parameters. Now vector and matrix
+  parameters use their respective setters.
+- Several `AcsController` components had their own implementation of `AcsParameters`. This resulted
+  in those parameters not being updated, while the actual ones were updated. All instances of
+  `AcsParameters` not belonging to `AcsController` are eiter removed or replaced by pointer
+  instances.
+- Instead of updating the `gsTargetModeControllerParameters`, the `targetModeControllerParameters`
+  were updated.
+- Fixed Idle Mode Controller never calling `ptgLaw` and therefore never calculating control
+  values.
+- Fixed wrong check on wether file used for persistant boolean flag on successful still existed.
+## Changed
+- The `detumbleCounter` now does not get hard reset anymore, if the critical rate does not get
+  violated anymore. Instead it is incrementally reset.
 # [v1.35.1] 2023-03-04
 ## Fixed
@@ -100,12 +119,6 @@ eive-tmtc: v2.16.2
 - Linux GPS handler now checks the individual `*_SET` flags when analysing the `gpsd` struct.
   PR: https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/eive/eive-obsw/pulls/400
-- Several `AcsController` components had their own implementation of `AcsParameters`. This resulted
-  in those parameters not being updated, while the actual ones were updated. All instances of
-  `AcsParameters` not belonging to `AcsController` are eiter removed or replaced by pointer
-  instances.
-- Instead of updating the `gsTargetModeControllerParameters`, the `targetModeControllerParameters`
-  were updated.
 # [v1.32.0] 2023-02-24