#include "ActuatorCmd.h" #include <fsfw/globalfunctions/constants.h> #include <fsfw/globalfunctions/math/MatrixOperations.h> #include <fsfw/globalfunctions/math/QuaternionOperations.h> #include <fsfw/globalfunctions/math/VectorOperations.h> ActuatorCmd::ActuatorCmd() {} ActuatorCmd::~ActuatorCmd() {} void ActuatorCmd::scalingTorqueRws(double *rwTrq, double maxTorque) { uint8_t maxIdx = 0; VectorOperations<double>::maxAbsValue(rwTrq, 4, &maxIdx); double maxValue = rwTrq[maxIdx]; if (maxValue > maxTorque) { double scalingFactor = maxTorque / maxValue; VectorOperations<double>::mulScalar(rwTrq, scalingFactor, rwTrq, 4); } } void ActuatorCmd::cmdSpeedToRws(const int32_t speedRw0, const int32_t speedRw1, const int32_t speedRw2, const int32_t speedRw3, const double sampleTime, const double inertiaWheel, const int32_t maxRwSpeed, const double *rwTorque, int32_t *rwCmdSpeed) { // group RW speed values (in 0.1 [RPM]) in vector int32_t speedRws[4] = {speedRw0, speedRw1, speedRw2, speedRw3}; // calculate required RW speed as sum of current RW speed and RW speed delta // delta w_rw = delta t / I_RW * torque_RW [rad/s] double deltaSpeed[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; const double factor = sampleTime / inertiaWheel * RAD_PER_SEC_TO_RPM * 10; VectorOperations<double>::mulScalar(rwTorque, factor, deltaSpeed, 4); // convert double to int32 int32_t deltaSpeedInt[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { deltaSpeedInt[i] = std::round(deltaSpeed[i]); } // sum of current RW speed and RW speed delta VectorOperations<int32_t>::add(speedRws, deltaSpeedInt, rwCmdSpeed, 4); // crop values which would exceed the maximum possible RPM for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (rwCmdSpeed[i] > maxRwSpeed) { rwCmdSpeed[i] = maxRwSpeed; } else if (rwCmdSpeed[i] < -maxRwSpeed) { rwCmdSpeed[i] = -maxRwSpeed; } } } void ActuatorCmd::cmdDipoleMtq(const double *inverseAlignment, const double maxDipole, const double *dipoleMoment, int16_t *dipoleMomentActuator) { // convert to actuator frame double dipoleMomentActuatorDouble[3] = {0, 0, 0}; MatrixOperations<double>::multiply(inverseAlignment, dipoleMoment, dipoleMomentActuatorDouble, 3, 3, 1); // scaling along largest element if dipole exceeds maximum uint8_t maxIdx = 0; VectorOperations<double>::maxAbsValue(dipoleMomentActuatorDouble, 3, &maxIdx); double maxAbsValue = std::abs(dipoleMomentActuatorDouble[maxIdx]); if (maxAbsValue > maxDipole) { double scalingFactor = maxDipole / maxAbsValue; VectorOperations<double>::mulScalar(dipoleMomentActuatorDouble, scalingFactor, dipoleMomentActuatorDouble, 3); } // scale dipole from 1 Am^2 to 1e^-4 Am^2 VectorOperations<double>::mulScalar(dipoleMomentActuatorDouble, 1e4, dipoleMomentActuatorDouble, 3); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { dipoleMomentActuator[i] = std::round(dipoleMomentActuatorDouble[i]); } }