#include "TemperatureSensorInserter.h" #include #include #include #include #include TemperatureSensorInserter::TemperatureSensorInserter(object_id_t objectId, Max31865DummyMap tempSensorDummies_, Tmp1075DummyMap tempTmpSensorDummies_) : SystemObject(objectId), max31865DummyMap(std::move(tempSensorDummies_)), tmp1075DummyMap(std::move(tempTmpSensorDummies_)) {} ReturnValue_t TemperatureSensorInserter::initialize() { testCase = TestCase::COOL_STR; return returnvalue::OK; } ReturnValue_t TemperatureSensorInserter::performOperation(uint8_t opCode) { // TODO: deviceSensors if (not tempsWereInitialized) { for (auto& rtdDummy : max31865DummyMap) { rtdDummy.second->setTemperature(10, true); } for (auto& tmpDummy : tmp1075DummyMap) { tmpDummy.second->setTemperature(10, true); } tempsWereInitialized = true; } switch (testCase) { case (TestCase::NONE): { break; } case (TestCase::COOL_SYRLINKS): { // TODO: How do I insert this? // Does not work on EM, where a real syrlinks device is connected. if (cycles == 15) { lp_var_t tempSyrlinksBasebandBoard = lp_var_t(objects::SYRLINKS_HANDLER, syrlinks::TEMP_BASEBAND_BOARD); PoolReadGuard pg(&tempSyrlinksBasebandBoard); tempSyrlinksBasebandBoard.value = -50; } if (cycles == 30) { lp_var_t tempSyrlinksBasebandBoard = lp_var_t(objects::SYRLINKS_HANDLER, syrlinks::TEMP_BASEBAND_BOARD); PoolReadGuard pg(&tempSyrlinksBasebandBoard); tempSyrlinksBasebandBoard.value = 0; } break; } case (TestCase::COOL_HPA): { if (cycles == 15) { sif::debug << "Setting cold HPA temperature" << std::endl; max31865DummyMap[objects::RTD_9_IC12_HPA]->setTemperature(-60, true); } if (cycles == 30) { sif::debug << "Setting HPA temperature back to normal" << std::endl; max31865DummyMap[objects::RTD_9_IC12_HPA]->setTemperature(0, true); } break; } case (TestCase::COOL_MGT): { if (cycles == 15) { sif::debug << "Setting cold MGT temperature" << std::endl; max31865DummyMap[objects::RTD_15_IC18_IMTQ]->setTemperature(-60, true); } if (cycles == 30) { sif::debug << "Setting MGT temperature back to normal" << std::endl; max31865DummyMap[objects::RTD_15_IC18_IMTQ]->setTemperature(0, true); } break; } case(TestCase::COOL_STR): { if (cycles == 15) { sif::debug << "Setting cold STR temperature" << std::endl; max31865DummyMap[objects::RTD_4_IC7_STARTRACKER]->setTemperature(-40, true); } if (cycles == 30) { sif::debug << "Setting STR temperature back to normal" << std::endl; max31865DummyMap[objects::RTD_4_IC7_STARTRACKER]->setTemperature(0, true); } break; } } cycles++; return returnvalue::OK; } ReturnValue_t TemperatureSensorInserter::initializeAfterTaskCreation() { return returnvalue::OK; }