#ifndef LINUX_DEVICES_DEVICEDEFINITIONS_STARTRACKER_DEFINITIONS_H_ #define LINUX_DEVICES_DEVICEDEFINITIONS_STARTRACKER_DEFINITIONS_H_ #include <fsfw/datapool/PoolReadGuard.h> #include <fsfw/datapoollocal/LocalPoolVariable.h> #include <fsfw/datapoollocal/StaticLocalDataSet.h> #include <fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h> #include <fsfw/serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h> #include <optional> namespace startracker { static const Submode_t SUBMODE_BOOTLOADER = 1; static const Submode_t SUBMODE_FIRMWARE = 2; class SdCardConfigPathGetter { public: virtual ~SdCardConfigPathGetter() = default; virtual std::optional<std::string> getCfgPath() = 0; }; /** * @brief Returns the frame type field of a decoded frame. */ uint8_t getReplyFrameType(const uint8_t* rawFrame); uint8_t getId(const uint8_t* rawFrame); uint8_t getStatusField(const uint8_t* rawFrame); /** This is the address of the star tracker */ static const uint8_t ADDRESS = 33; static const uint8_t STATUS_OK = 0; enum PoolIds : lp_id_t { TICKS_TIME_SET, TIME_TIME_SET, RUN_TIME, UNIX_TIME, TICKS_VERSION_SET, TIME_VERSION_SET, PROGRAM, MAJOR, MINOR, TICKS_INTERFACE_SET, TIME_INTERFACE_SET, FRAME_COUNT, CHECKSUM_ERROR_COUNT, SET_PARAM_COUNT, SET_PARAM_REPLY_COUNT, PARAM_REQUEST_COUNT, PARAM_REPLY_COUNT, REQ_TM_COUNT, TM_REPLY_COUNT, ACTION_REQ_COUNT, ACTION_REPLY_COUNT, TICKS_POWER_SET, TIME_POWER_SET, MCU_CURRENT, MCU_VOLTAGE, FPGA_CORE_CURRENT, FPGA_CORE_VOLTAGE, FPGA_18_CURRENT, FPGA_18_VOLTAGE, FPGA_25_CURRENT, FPGA_25_VOLTAGE, CMV_21_CURRENT, CMV_21_VOLTAGE, CMV_PIX_CURRENT, CMV_PIX_VOLTAGE, CMV_33_CURRENT, CMV_33_VOLTAGE, CMV_RES_CURRENT, CMV_RES_VOLTAGE, TICKS_TEMPERATURE_SET, TIME_TEMPERATURE_SET, MCU_TEMPERATURE, CMOS_TEMPERATURE, FPGA_TEMPERATURE, TICKS_SOLUTION_SET, TIME_SOLUTION_SET, CALI_QW, CALI_QX, CALI_QY, CALI_QZ, TRACK_CONFIDENCE, TRACK_QW, TRACK_QX, TRACK_QY, TRACK_QZ, TRACK_REMOVED, STARS_CENTROIDED, STARS_MATCHED_DATABASE, LISA_QW, LISA_QX, LISA_QY, LISA_QZ, LISA_PERC_CLOSE, LISA_NR_CLOSE, STR_MODE, TRUST_WORTHY, STABLE_COUNT, SOLUTION_STRATEGY, TICKS_HISTOGRAM_SET, TIME_HISTOGRAM_SET, HISTOGRAM_BINA0, HISTOGRAM_BINA1, HISTOGRAM_BINA2, HISTOGRAM_BINA3, HISTOGRAM_BINA4, HISTOGRAM_BINA5, HISTOGRAM_BINA6, HISTOGRAM_BINA7, HISTOGRAM_BINA8, HISTOGRAM_BINB0, HISTOGRAM_BINB1, HISTOGRAM_BINB2, HISTOGRAM_BINB3, HISTOGRAM_BINB4, HISTOGRAM_BINB5, HISTOGRAM_BINB6, HISTOGRAM_BINB7, HISTOGRAM_BINB8, HISTOGRAM_BINC0, HISTOGRAM_BINC1, HISTOGRAM_BINC2, HISTOGRAM_BINC3, HISTOGRAM_BINC4, HISTOGRAM_BINC5, HISTOGRAM_BINC6, HISTOGRAM_BINC7, HISTOGRAM_BINC8, HISTOGRAM_BIND0, HISTOGRAM_BIND1, HISTOGRAM_BIND2, HISTOGRAM_BIND3, HISTOGRAM_BIND4, HISTOGRAM_BIND5, HISTOGRAM_BIND6, HISTOGRAM_BIND7, HISTOGRAM_BIND8, CHKSUM, CAMERA_MODE, FOCALLENGTH, EXPOSURE, INTERVAL, CAMERA_OFFSET, PGAGAIN, ADCGAIN, CAM_REG1, CAM_VAL1, CAM_REG2, CAM_VAL2, CAM_REG3, CAM_VAL3, CAM_REG4, CAM_VAL4, CAM_REG5, CAM_VAL5, CAM_REG6, CAM_VAL6, CAM_REG7, CAM_VAL7, CAM_REG8, CAM_VAL8, CAM_FREQ_1, LIMITS_ACTION, LIMITS_FPGA18CURRENT, LIMITS_FPGA25CURRENT, LIMITS_FPGA10CURRENT, LIMITS_MCUCURRENT, LIMITS_CMOS21CURRENT, LIMITS_CMOSPIXCURRENT, LIMITS_CMOS33CURRENT, LIMITS_CMOSVRESCURRENT, LIMITS_CMOSTEMPERATURE, LIMITS_MCUTEMPERATURE, BLOB_MODE, BLOB_MIN_VALUE, BLOB_MIN_DISTANCE, BLOB_NEIGHBOUR_DISTANCE, BLOB_NEIGHBOUR_BRIGHTPIXELS, BLOB_MIN_TOTAL_VALUE, BLOB_MAX_TOTAL_VALUE, BLOB_MIN_BRIGHT_NEIGHBOURS, BLOB_MAX_BRIGHT_NEIGHBOURS, BLOB_MAX_PIXELSTOCONSIDER, BLOB_SIGNAL_THRESHOLD, BLOB_DARK_THRESHOLD, BLOB_ENABLE_HISTOGRAM, BLOB_ENABLE_CONTRAST, BLOB_BIN_MODE, LOGLEVEL1, LOGLEVEL2, LOGLEVEL3, LOGLEVEL4, LOGLEVEL5, LOGLEVEL6, LOGLEVEL7, LOGLEVEL8, LOGLEVEL9, LOGLEVEL10, LOGLEVEL11, LOGLEVEL12, LOGLEVEL13, LOGLEVEL14, LOGLEVEL15, LOGLEVEL16, MOUNTING_QW, MOUNTING_QX, MOUNTING_QY, MOUNTING_QZ, IMAGE_PROCESSOR_MODE, IMAGE_PROCESSOR_STORE, IMAGE_PROCESSOR_SIGNALTHRESHOLD, IMAGE_PROCESSOR_DARKTHRESHOLD, IMAGE_PROCESSOR_BACKGROUNDCOMPENSATION, CENTROIDING_ENABLE_FILTER, CENTROIDING_MAX_QUALITY, CENTROIDING_DARK_THRESHOLD, CENTROIDING_MIN_QUALITY, CENTROIDING_MAX_INTENSITY, CENTROIDING_MIN_INTENSITY, CENTROIDING_MAX_MAGNITUDE, CENTROIDING_GAUSSIAN_CMAX, CENTROIDING_GAUSSIAN_CMIN, CENTROIDING_TRANSMATRIX00, CENTROIDING_TRANSMATRIX01, CENTROIDING_TRANSMATRIX10, CENTROIDING_TRANSMATRIX11, LISA_MODE, LISA_PREFILTER_DIST_THRESHOLD, LISA_PREFILTER_ANGLE_THRESHOLD, LISA_FOV_WIDTH, LISA_FOV_HEIGHT, LISA_FLOAT_STAR_LIMIT, LISA_CLOSE_STAR_LIMIT, LISA_RATING_WEIGHT_CLOSE_STAR_COUNT, LISA_RATING_WEIGHT_FRACTION_CLOSE, LISA_RATING_WEIGHT_MEAN_SUM, LISA_RATING_WEIGHT_DB_STAR_COUNT, LISA_MAX_COMBINATIONS, LISA_NR_STARS_STOP, LISA_FRACTION_CLOSE_STOP, MATCHING_SQUARED_DISTANCE_LIMIT, MATCHING_SQUARED_SHIFT_LIMIT, TRACKING_THIN_LIMIT, TRACKING_OUTLIER_THRESHOLD, TRACKING_OUTLIER_THRESHOLD_QUEST, TRACKING_TRACKER_CHOICE, VALIDATION_STABLE_COUNT, VALIDATION_MAX_DIFFERENCE, VALIDATION_MIN_TRACKER_CONFIDENCE, VALIDATION_MIN_MATCHED_STARS, ALGO_MODE, ALGO_I2T_MIN_CONFIDENCE, ALGO_I2T_MIN_MATCHED, ALGO_I2L_MIN_CONFIDENCE, ALGO_I2L_MIN_MATCHED, SUBSCRIPTION_TM1, SUBSCRIPTION_TM2, SUBSCRIPTION_TM3, SUBSCRIPTION_TM4, SUBSCRIPTION_TM5, SUBSCRIPTION_TM6, SUBSCRIPTION_TM7, SUBSCRIPTION_TM8, SUBSCRIPTION_TM9, SUBSCRIPTION_TM10, SUBSCRIPTION_TM11, SUBSCRIPTION_TM12, SUBSCRIPTION_TM13, SUBSCRIPTION_TM14, SUBSCRIPTION_TM15, SUBSCRIPTION_TM16, LOG_SUBSCRIPTION_LEVEL1, LOG_SUBSCRIPTION_MODULE1, LOG_SUBSCRIPTION_LEVEL2, LOG_SUBSCRIPTION_MODULE2, DEBUG_CAMERA_TIMING, DEBUG_CAMERA_TEST, TICKS_AUTO_BLOB, TIME_AUTO_BLOB, AUTO_BLOB_THRESHOLD, TICKS_MATCHED_CENTROIDS, TIME_MATCHED_CENTROIDS, NUM_MATCHED_CENTROIDS, MATCHED_CENTROIDS_STAR_IDS, MATCHED_CENTROIDS_X_COORDS, MATCHED_CENTROIDS_Y_COORDS, MATCHED_CENTROIDS_X_ERRORS, MATCHED_CENTROIDS_Y_ERRORS, BLOB_TICKS, BLOB_TIME, BLOB_COUNT, BLOBS_TICKS, BLOBS_TIME, BLOBS_COUNT, BLOBS_COUNT_USED, BLOBS_NR_4LINES_SKIPPED, BLOBS_X_COORDS, BLOBS_Y_COORDS, CENTROID_TICKS, CENTROID_TIME, CENTROID_COUNT, CENTROIDS_TICKS, CENTROIDS_TIME, CENTROIDS_COUNT, CENTROIDS_X_COORDS, CENTROIDS_Y_COORDS, CENTROIDS_MAGNITUDES, CONTRAST_TICKS, CONTRAST_TIME, CONTRAST_A, CONTRAST_B, CONTRAST_C, CONTRAST_D, }; static const DeviceCommandId_t PING_REQUEST = 0; // Boots image (works only in bootloader mode) static const DeviceCommandId_t BOOT = 1; static const DeviceCommandId_t REQ_VERSION = 2; static const DeviceCommandId_t REQ_INTERFACE = 3; static const DeviceCommandId_t REQ_TIME = 4; static const DeviceCommandId_t SWITCH_TO_BOOTLOADER_PROGRAM = 7; static const DeviceCommandId_t DOWNLOAD_IMAGE = 9; static const DeviceCommandId_t UPLOAD_IMAGE = 10; static const DeviceCommandId_t REQ_POWER = 11; static const DeviceCommandId_t TAKE_IMAGE = 15; static const DeviceCommandId_t SUBSCRIPTION = 18; static const DeviceCommandId_t IMAGE_PROCESSOR = 19; static const DeviceCommandId_t REQ_SOLUTION = 24; static const DeviceCommandId_t REQ_TEMPERATURE = 25; static const DeviceCommandId_t REQ_HISTOGRAM = 28; static constexpr DeviceCommandId_t REQ_CONTRAST = 29; static const DeviceCommandId_t LIMITS = 40; static const DeviceCommandId_t MOUNTING = 41; static const DeviceCommandId_t CAMERA = 42; static const DeviceCommandId_t CENTROIDING = 44; static const DeviceCommandId_t LISA = 45; static const DeviceCommandId_t MATCHING = 46; static const DeviceCommandId_t TRACKING = 47; static const DeviceCommandId_t VALIDATION = 48; static const DeviceCommandId_t ALGO = 49; static const DeviceCommandId_t CHECKSUM = 50; static const DeviceCommandId_t FLASH_READ = 51; static const DeviceCommandId_t STOP_IMAGE_LOADER = 55; static const DeviceCommandId_t CHANGE_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_FILE = 57; static const DeviceCommandId_t SET_JSON_FILE_NAME = 58; static const DeviceCommandId_t SET_FLASH_READ_FILENAME = 59; static const DeviceCommandId_t REQ_CAMERA = 67; static const DeviceCommandId_t REQ_LIMITS = 68; static const DeviceCommandId_t REQ_LOG_LEVEL = 69; static const DeviceCommandId_t REQ_MOUNTING = 70; static const DeviceCommandId_t REQ_IMAGE_PROCESSOR = 71; static const DeviceCommandId_t REQ_CENTROIDING = 72; static const DeviceCommandId_t REQ_LISA = 73; static const DeviceCommandId_t REQ_MATCHING = 74; static const DeviceCommandId_t REQ_TRACKING = 75; static const DeviceCommandId_t REQ_VALIDATION = 76; static const DeviceCommandId_t REQ_ALGO = 77; static const DeviceCommandId_t REQ_SUBSCRIPTION = 78; static const DeviceCommandId_t REQ_LOG_SUBSCRIPTION = 79; static const DeviceCommandId_t REQ_DEBUG_CAMERA = 80; static const DeviceCommandId_t LOGLEVEL = 81; static const DeviceCommandId_t LOGSUBSCRIPTION = 82; static const DeviceCommandId_t DEBUG_CAMERA = 83; static const DeviceCommandId_t FIRMWARE_UPDATE = 84; static const DeviceCommandId_t DISABLE_TIMESTAMP_GENERATION = 85; static const DeviceCommandId_t ENABLE_TIMESTAMP_GENERATION = 86; static constexpr DeviceCommandId_t SET_TIME_FROM_SYS_TIME = 87; static constexpr DeviceCommandId_t AUTO_THRESHOLD = 88; static constexpr DeviceCommandId_t REQ_AUTO_BLOB = 89; static constexpr DeviceCommandId_t REQ_MATCHED_CENTROIDS = 90; static constexpr DeviceCommandId_t REQ_BLOB = 91; static constexpr DeviceCommandId_t REQ_BLOBS = 92; static constexpr DeviceCommandId_t REQ_CENTROID = 93; static constexpr DeviceCommandId_t REQ_CENTROIDS = 94; static constexpr DeviceCommandId_t ADD_SECONDARY_TM_TO_NORMAL_MODE = 95; static constexpr DeviceCommandId_t RESET_SECONDARY_TM_SET = 96; static constexpr DeviceCommandId_t READ_SECONDARY_TM_SET = 97; static constexpr DeviceCommandId_t RELOAD_JSON_CFG_FILE = 100; static const DeviceCommandId_t NONE = 0xFFFFFFFF; static const uint32_t VERSION_SET_ID = REQ_VERSION; static const uint32_t INTERFACE_SET_ID = REQ_INTERFACE; static const uint32_t POWER_SET_ID = REQ_POWER; static const uint32_t TEMPERATURE_SET_ID = REQ_TEMPERATURE; static const uint32_t TIME_SET_ID = REQ_TIME; static const uint32_t SOLUTION_SET_ID = REQ_SOLUTION; static const uint32_t HISTOGRAM_SET_ID = REQ_HISTOGRAM; static const uint32_t CHECKSUM_SET_ID = CHECKSUM; static const uint32_t CAMERA_SET_ID = REQ_CAMERA; static const uint32_t LIMITS_SET_ID = REQ_LIMITS; static const uint32_t LOG_LEVEL_SET_ID = REQ_LOG_LEVEL; static const uint32_t MOUNTING_SET_ID = REQ_MOUNTING; static const uint32_t IMAGE_PROCESSOR_SET_ID = REQ_IMAGE_PROCESSOR; static const uint32_t CENTROIDING_SET_ID = REQ_CENTROIDING; static const uint32_t LISA_SET_ID = REQ_LISA; static const uint32_t MATCHING_SET_ID = REQ_MATCHING; static const uint32_t TRACKING_SET_ID = REQ_TRACKING; static const uint32_t VALIDATION_SET_ID = REQ_VALIDATION; static const uint32_t ALGO_SET_ID = REQ_ALGO; static const uint32_t SUBSCRIPTION_SET_ID = REQ_SUBSCRIPTION; static const uint32_t LOG_SUBSCRIPTION_SET_ID = REQ_LOG_SUBSCRIPTION; static const uint32_t DEBUG_CAMERA_SET_ID = REQ_DEBUG_CAMERA; static const uint32_t AUTO_BLOB_SET_ID = REQ_AUTO_BLOB; static const uint32_t MATCHED_CENTROIDS_SET_ID = REQ_MATCHED_CENTROIDS; static const uint32_t BLOB_SET_ID = REQ_BLOB; static const uint32_t BLOBS_SET_ID = REQ_BLOBS; static const uint32_t CENTROID_SET_ID = REQ_CENTROID; static const uint32_t CENTROIDS_SET_ID = REQ_CENTROIDS; static const uint32_t CONTRAST_SET_ID = REQ_CONTRAST; /** Max size of unencoded frame */ static const size_t MAX_FRAME_SIZE = 1200; static const uint8_t TEMPERATURE_SET_ENTRIES = 5; static const uint8_t VERSION_SET_ENTRIES = 5; static const uint8_t INTERFACE_SET_ENTRIES = 4; static const uint8_t POWER_SET_ENTRIES = 18; static const uint8_t TIME_SET_ENTRIES = 4; static const uint8_t SOLUTION_SET_ENTRIES = 25; static const uint8_t HISTOGRAM_SET_ENTRIES = 38; static const uint8_t CHECKSUM_SET_ENTRIES = 1; static const uint8_t CAMERA_SET_ENTRIES = 24; static const uint8_t LIMITS_SET_ENTRIES = 11; static const uint8_t LOG_LEVEL_SET_ENTRIES = 16; static const uint8_t MOUNTING_SET_ENTRIES = 4; static const uint8_t IMAGE_PROCESSOR_SET_ENTRIES = 5; static const uint8_t CENTROIDING_PARAMS_SET_ENTRIES = 13; static const uint8_t LISA_SET_ENTRIES = 14; static const uint8_t MATCHING_SET_ENTRIES = 2; static const uint8_t TRACKING_SET_ENTRIES = 4; static const uint8_t VALIDATION_SET_ENTRIES = 4; static const uint8_t ALGO_SET_ENTRIES = 5; static const uint8_t SUBSCRIPTION_SET_ENTRIES = 16; static const uint8_t LOG_SUBSCRIPTION_SET_ENTRIES = 4; static const uint8_t DEBUG_CAMERA_SET_ENTRIES = 2; // Action, parameter and telemetry IDs namespace ID { static const uint8_t PING = 0; static const uint8_t BOOT = 1; static const uint8_t VERSION = 2; static const uint8_t INTERFACE = 3; static const uint8_t LIMITS = 5; static const uint8_t MOUNTING = 6; static const uint8_t IMAGE_PROCESSOR = 10; static const uint8_t CAMERA = 9; static const uint8_t CENTROIDING = 11; static const uint8_t LISA = 12; static const uint8_t MATCHING = 13; static const uint8_t TRACKING = 14; static const uint8_t VALIDATION = 15; static const uint8_t ALGO = 16; static const uint8_t REBOOT = 7; static const uint8_t UPLOAD_IMAGE = 10; static const uint8_t POWER = 11; static const uint8_t SUBSCRIPTION = 18; static const uint8_t SOLUTION = 24; static const uint8_t TEMPERATURE = 27; static const uint8_t HISTOGRAM = 28; static const uint8_t CONTRAST = 29; static const uint8_t TIME = 1; static const uint8_t WRITE = 2; static const uint8_t READ = 3; static const uint8_t CHECKSUM = 4; static const uint8_t TAKE_IMAGE = 15; static const uint8_t LOG_LEVEL = 3; static const uint8_t LOG_SUBSCRIPTION = 19; static const uint8_t DEBUG_CAMERA = 20; static const uint8_t AUTO_THRESHOLD = 23; static constexpr uint8_t BLOB = 25; static constexpr uint8_t BLOBS = 36; static constexpr uint8_t CENTROID = 26; static constexpr uint8_t CENTROIDS = 37; static constexpr uint8_t AUTO_BLOB = 39; static constexpr uint8_t MATCHED_CENTROIDS = 40; } // namespace ID namespace Program { static const uint8_t BOOTLOADER = 1; static const uint8_t FIRMWARE = 2; } // namespace Program namespace region_secrets { static const uint32_t REGION_0_SECRET = 0xd1a220d3; static const uint32_t REGION_1_SECRET = 0xdc770fa8; static const uint32_t REGION_2_SECRET = 0xdf9066b0; static const uint32_t REGION_3_SECRET = 0x5f6a0423; static const uint32_t REGION_4_SECRET = 0xbbaad5d8; static const uint32_t REGION_5_SECRET = 0xa81c3678; static const uint32_t REGION_6_SECRET = 0xe10f76f8; static const uint32_t REGION_7_SECRET = 0x83220919; static const uint32_t REGION_8_SECRET = 0xec37289d; static const uint32_t REGION_9_SECRET = 0x27ac0ef8; static const uint32_t REGION_10_SECRET = 0xf017e43d; static const uint32_t REGION_11_SECRET = 0xbc7f7f49; static const uint32_t REGION_12_SECRET = 0x42fedef6; static const uint32_t REGION_13_SECRET = 0xe53cf10d; static const uint32_t REGION_14_SECRET = 0xe862b70b; static const uint32_t REGION_15_SECRET = 0x79b537ca; static const uint32_t secret[16]{ REGION_0_SECRET, REGION_1_SECRET, REGION_2_SECRET, REGION_3_SECRET, REGION_4_SECRET, REGION_5_SECRET, REGION_6_SECRET, REGION_7_SECRET, REGION_8_SECRET, REGION_9_SECRET, REGION_10_SECRET, REGION_11_SECRET, REGION_12_SECRET, REGION_13_SECRET, REGION_14_SECRET, REGION_15_SECRET}; } // namespace region_secrets namespace comError { enum Id { BAD_CRC = 1, UNKNOWN_TM_ID = 2, UNKNOWN_PARAM_ID = 3, UNKNOWN_ACTION_REQ = 4, INVALID_TM_SIZE = 5, INVALID_PARAM_SIZE = 6, INVALID_ACTION_REQ_SIZE = 7, FRAME_TOO_SHORT = 8, INVALID_FRAME_TYPE = 9, UNKNOWN_ERROR = 10 }; } enum class FlashSections : uint8_t { BOOTLOADER_SECTION = 0, MAIN_FIRMWARE_SECTION = 1, ARC_CONFIG_SECTION = 2 }; // Flash region IDs of firmware partition enum class FirmwareRegions : uint32_t { FIRST = 1, LAST = 8 }; static const uint32_t FLASH_REGION_SIZE = 0x20000; /** * @brief This dataset can be used to store the temperature of a reaction wheel. */ class TemperatureSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<TEMPERATURE_SET_ENTRIES> { public: TemperatureSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, TEMPERATURE_SET_ID) {} TemperatureSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, TEMPERATURE_SET_ID)) {} // Ticks is time reference generated by internal counter of the star tracker lp_var_t<uint32_t> ticks = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TICKS_TEMPERATURE_SET, this); /** Unix time in microseconds */ lp_var_t<uint64_t> time = lp_var_t<uint64_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TIME_TEMPERATURE_SET, this); lp_var_t<float> mcuTemperature = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::MCU_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t<float> cmosTemperature = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CMOS_TEMPERATURE, this); lp_var_t<float> fpgaTemperature = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::FPGA_TEMPERATURE, this); void printSet() { sif::info << "TemperatureSet::printSet: Ticks: " << this->ticks << std::endl; sif::info << "TemperatureSet::printSet: Time: " << this->time << " us" << std::endl; sif::info << "TemperatureSet::printSet: MCU Temperature: " << this->mcuTemperature << " °C" << std::endl; sif::info << "TemperatureSet::printSet: CMOS Temperature (raw): " << this->cmosTemperature << std::endl; sif::info << "TemperatureSet::printSet: FPGA Temperature (random value): " << this->fpgaTemperature << " °C" << std::endl; } }; /** * @brief Package to store version parameters */ class VersionSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<VERSION_SET_ENTRIES> { public: VersionSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, VERSION_SET_ID) {} VersionSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, VERSION_SET_ID)) {} lp_var_t<uint32_t> ticks = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TICKS_VERSION_SET, this); /** Unix time in microseconds */ lp_var_t<uint64_t> time = lp_var_t<uint64_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TIME_VERSION_SET, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> program = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::PROGRAM, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> major = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::MAJOR, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> minor = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::MINOR, this); void printSet() { PoolReadGuard rg(this); sif::info << "VersionSet::printSet: Ticks: " << std::dec << this->ticks << std::endl; sif::info << "VersionSet::printSet: Unix Time: " << this->time << " us" << std::endl; sif::info << "VersionSet::printSet: Program: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->program.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "VersionSet::printSet: Major: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->major.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "VersionSet::printSet: Minor: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->minor.value) << std::endl; } }; /** * @brief Dataset to store the interface telemtry data. */ class InterfaceSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<INTERFACE_SET_ENTRIES> { public: InterfaceSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, REQ_INTERFACE) {} InterfaceSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, REQ_INTERFACE)) {} // Ticks is time reference generated by interanl counter of the star tracker lp_var_t<uint32_t> ticks = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TICKS_INTERFACE_SET, this); /** Unix time in microseconds */ lp_var_t<uint64_t> time = lp_var_t<uint64_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TIME_INTERFACE_SET, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> frameCount = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::FRAME_COUNT, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> checksumerrorCount = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CHECKSUM_ERROR_COUNT, this); void printSet() { PoolReadGuard rg(this); sif::info << "InterfaceSet::printSet: Ticks: " << this->ticks << std::endl; sif::info << "InterfaceSet::printSet: Time: " << this->time << " us" << std::endl; sif::info << "InterfaceSet::printSet: Frame Count: " << this->frameCount << std::endl; sif::info << "InterfaceSet::printSet: Checksum Error Count: " << this->checksumerrorCount << std::endl; } }; /** * @brief Dataset to store the data of the power telemetry reply. */ class PowerSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<POWER_SET_ENTRIES> { public: PowerSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, REQ_INTERFACE) {} PowerSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, REQ_INTERFACE)) {} // Ticks is time reference generated by interanl counter of the star tracker lp_var_t<uint32_t> ticks = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TICKS_POWER_SET, this); /** Unix time in microseconds */ lp_var_t<uint64_t> time = lp_var_t<uint64_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TIME_POWER_SET, this); lp_var_t<float> mcuCurrent = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::MCU_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t<float> mcuVoltage = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::MCU_VOLTAGE, this); lp_var_t<float> fpgaCoreCurrent = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::FPGA_CORE_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t<float> fpgaCoreVoltage = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::FPGA_CORE_VOLTAGE, this); lp_var_t<float> fpga18Current = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::FPGA_18_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t<float> fpga18Voltage = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::FPGA_18_VOLTAGE, this); lp_var_t<float> fpga25Current = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::FPGA_25_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t<float> fpga25Voltage = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::FPGA_25_VOLTAGE, this); lp_var_t<float> cmv21Current = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CMV_21_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t<float> cmv21Voltage = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CMV_21_VOLTAGE, this); lp_var_t<float> cmvPixCurrent = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CMV_PIX_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t<float> cmvPixVoltage = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CMV_PIX_VOLTAGE, this); lp_var_t<float> cmv33Current = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CMV_33_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t<float> cmv33Voltage = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CMV_33_VOLTAGE, this); lp_var_t<float> cmvResCurrent = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CMV_RES_CURRENT, this); lp_var_t<float> cmvResVoltage = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CMV_RES_VOLTAGE, this); void printSet() { PoolReadGuard rg(this); sif::info << "PowerSet::printSet: Ticks: " << this->ticks << std::endl; sif::info << "PowerSet::printSet: Time: " << this->time << " us" << std::endl; sif::info << "PowerSet::printSet: MCU Current: " << this->mcuCurrent << " A" << std::endl; sif::info << "PowerSet::printSet: MCU Voltage: " << this->mcuVoltage << " V" << std::endl; sif::info << "PowerSet::printSet: FPGA Core current: " << this->fpgaCoreCurrent << " A" << std::endl; sif::info << "PowerSet::printSet: FPGA Core voltage: " << this->fpgaCoreVoltage << " V" << std::endl; sif::info << "PowerSet::printSet: FPGA 18 current: " << this->fpga18Current << " A" << std::endl; sif::info << "PowerSet::printSet: FPGA 18 voltage: " << this->fpga18Voltage << " V" << std::endl; sif::info << "PowerSet::printSet: FPGA 25 current: " << this->fpga25Current << " A" << std::endl; sif::info << "PowerSet::printSet: FPGA 25 voltage: " << this->fpga25Voltage << " V" << std::endl; sif::info << "PowerSet::printSet: CMV 21 current: " << this->cmv21Current << " A" << std::endl; sif::info << "PowerSet::printSet: CMV 21 voltage: " << this->cmv21Voltage << " V" << std::endl; sif::info << "PowerSet::printSet: CMV Pix current: " << this->cmvPixCurrent << " A" << std::endl; sif::info << "PowerSet::printSet: CMV Pix voltage: " << this->cmvPixVoltage << " V" << std::endl; sif::info << "PowerSet::printSet: CMV 33 current: " << this->cmv33Current << " A" << std::endl; sif::info << "PowerSet::printSet: CMV 33 voltage: " << this->cmv33Voltage << " V" << std::endl; sif::info << "PowerSet::printSet: CMV Res current: " << this->cmvResCurrent << " A" << std::endl; sif::info << "PowerSet::printSet: CMV Res voltage: " << this->cmvResVoltage << " V" << std::endl; } }; /** * @brief Data set to store the time telemetry packet. */ class TimeSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<TIME_SET_ENTRIES> { public: TimeSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, TIME_SET_ID) {} TimeSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, TIME_SET_ID)) {} lp_var_t<uint32_t> ticks = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TICKS_TIME_SET, this); /** Unix time in microseconds */ lp_var_t<uint64_t> time = lp_var_t<uint64_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TIME_TIME_SET, this); // Number of milliseconds since processor start-up lp_var_t<uint32_t> runTime = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::RUN_TIME, this); // Unix time in seconds?? --> maybe typo in datasheet. Seems to be microseconds lp_var_t<uint64_t> unixTime = lp_var_t<uint64_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::UNIX_TIME, this); void printSet() { PoolReadGuard rg(this); sif::info << "TimeSet::printSet: Ticks: " << this->ticks << std::endl; sif::info << "TimeSet::printSet: Time (time stamp): " << this->time << " us" << std::endl; sif::info << "TimeSet::printSet: Run Time: " << this->runTime << " ms" << std::endl; sif::info << "TimeSet::printSet: Unix Time: " << this->unixTime << " s" << std::endl; } }; /** * @brief The solution dataset is the main dataset of the star tracker and contains the * attitude information. */ class SolutionSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<SOLUTION_SET_ENTRIES> { public: SolutionSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, SOLUTION_SET_ID) {} SolutionSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, SOLUTION_SET_ID)) {} // Ticks timestamp lp_var_t<uint32_t> ticks = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TICKS_SOLUTION_SET, this); // Unix time stamp lp_var_t<uint64_t> timeUs = lp_var_t<uint64_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TIME_SOLUTION_SET, this); // Calibrated quaternion (takes into account the mounting quaternion), typically same as // track q values lp_var_t<float> caliQw = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CALI_QW, this); lp_var_t<float> caliQx = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CALI_QX, this); lp_var_t<float> caliQy = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CALI_QY, this); lp_var_t<float> caliQz = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CALI_QZ, this); // The lower this value the more confidence that the star tracker solution is correct lp_var_t<float> trackConfidence = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TRACK_CONFIDENCE, this); // Estimated attitude of spacecraft lp_var_t<float> trackQw = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TRACK_QW, this); lp_var_t<float> trackQx = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TRACK_QX, this); lp_var_t<float> trackQy = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TRACK_QY, this); lp_var_t<float> trackQz = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TRACK_QZ, this); // Number of stars removed from tracking solution lp_var_t<uint8_t> trackRemoved = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TRACK_REMOVED, this); // Number of stars for which a valid centroid was found lp_var_t<uint8_t> starsCentroided = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::STARS_CENTROIDED, this); // Number of stars that matched to a database star lp_var_t<uint8_t> starsMatchedDatabase = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::STARS_MATCHED_DATABASE, this); // Result of LISA (lost in space algorithm), searches for stars without prior knowledge of // attitude lp_var_t<float> lisaQw = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LISA_QW, this); lp_var_t<float> lisaQx = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LISA_QX, this); lp_var_t<float> lisaQy = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LISA_QY, this); lp_var_t<float> lisaQz = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LISA_QZ, this); // Percentage of close stars in LISA solution lp_var_t<float> lisaPercentageClose = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LISA_PERC_CLOSE, this); // Number of close stars in LISA solution lp_var_t<uint8_t> lisaNrClose = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LISA_NR_CLOSE, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> strMode = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::STR_MODE, this); // Gives a combined overview of the validation parameters (1 for valid solution, otherwise 0) lp_var_t<uint8_t> isTrustWorthy = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TRUST_WORTHY, this); // Number of times the validation criteria was met lp_var_t<uint32_t> stableCount = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::STABLE_COUNT, this); // Shows the autonomous mode used to obtain the star tracker attitude lp_var_t<uint8_t> solutionStrategy = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::SOLUTION_STRATEGY, this); void printSet() { PoolReadGuard rg(this); sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: Ticks: " << this->ticks << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: Time: " << this->timeUs << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: Calibrated quaternion Qw: " << this->caliQw << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: Calibrated quaternion Qx: " << this->caliQx << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: Calibrated quaternion Qy: " << this->caliQy << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: Calibrated quaternion Qz: " << this->caliQz << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: Track confidence: " << this->trackConfidence << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: Track Qw: " << this->trackQw << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: Track Qx: " << this->trackQx << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: Track Qy: " << this->trackQy << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: Track Qz: " << this->trackQz << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: Track removed: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->trackRemoved.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: Number of stars centroided: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->starsCentroided.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: Number of stars matched database: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->starsMatchedDatabase.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: LISA Qw: " << this->lisaQw << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: LISA Qx: " << this->lisaQx << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: LISA Qy: " << this->lisaQy << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: LISA Qz: " << this->lisaQz << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: LISA Percentage close: " << this->lisaPercentageClose << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: LISA number of close stars: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->lisaNrClose.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: Is trust worthy: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->isTrustWorthy.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: Stable count: " << this->stableCount << std::endl; sif::info << "SolutionSet::printSet: Solution strategy: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->solutionStrategy.value) << std::endl; } }; /** * @brief Dataset to store the histogram */ class HistogramSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<HISTOGRAM_SET_ENTRIES> { public: // Size of dataset static const size_t SIZE = 156; HistogramSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, HISTOGRAM_SET_ID) {} HistogramSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, HISTOGRAM_SET_ID)) {} lp_var_t<uint32_t> ticks = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TICKS_HISTOGRAM_SET, this); lp_var_t<uint64_t> time = lp_var_t<uint64_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TIME_HISTOGRAM_SET, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binA0 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINA0, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binA1 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINA1, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binA2 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINA2, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binA3 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINA3, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binA4 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINA4, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binA5 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINA5, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binA6 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINA6, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binA7 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINA7, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binA8 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINA8, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binB0 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINB0, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binB1 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINB1, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binB2 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINB2, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binB3 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINB3, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binB4 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINB4, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binB5 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINB5, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binB6 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINB6, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binB7 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINB7, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binB8 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINB8, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binC0 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINC0, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binC1 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINC1, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binC2 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINC2, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binC3 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINC3, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binC4 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINC4, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binC5 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINC5, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binC6 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINC6, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binC7 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINC7, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binC8 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BINC8, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binD0 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BIND0, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binD1 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BIND1, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binD2 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BIND2, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binD3 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BIND3, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binD4 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BIND4, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binD5 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BIND5, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binD6 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BIND6, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binD7 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BIND7, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> binD8 = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::HISTOGRAM_BIND8, this); void printSet() { PoolReadGuard rg(this); sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: Ticks: " << this->ticks << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: Time (time stamp): " << this->time << " us" << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinA0: " << this->binA0 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinA1: " << this->binA1 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinA2: " << this->binA2 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinA3: " << this->binA3 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinA4: " << this->binA4 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinA5: " << this->binA5 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinA6: " << this->binA6 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinA7: " << this->binA7 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinA8: " << this->binA8 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinB0: " << this->binB0 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinB1: " << this->binB1 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinB2: " << this->binB2 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinB3: " << this->binB3 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinB4: " << this->binB4 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinB5: " << this->binB5 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinB6: " << this->binB6 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinB7: " << this->binB7 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinB8: " << this->binB8 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinC0: " << this->binC0 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinC1: " << this->binC1 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinC2: " << this->binC2 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinC3: " << this->binC3 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinC4: " << this->binC4 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinC5: " << this->binC5 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinC6: " << this->binC6 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinC7: " << this->binC7 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinC8: " << this->binC8 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinD0: " << this->binD0 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinD1: " << this->binD1 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinD2: " << this->binD2 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinD3: " << this->binD3 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinD4: " << this->binD4 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinD5: " << this->binD5 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinD6: " << this->binD6 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinD7: " << this->binD7 << std::endl; sif::info << "HistogramSet::printSet: BinD8: " << this->binD8 << std::endl; } }; /** * @brief Helper Class to extract information from bytestream. */ class ChecksumReply { public: /** * @brief Constructor * * @param datafield Pointer to datafield in reply buffer * */ ChecksumReply(const uint8_t* datafield) { ReturnValue_t result = returnvalue::OK; region = *(datafield); const uint8_t* addressData = datafield + ADDRESS_OFFSET; size_t size = sizeof(address); result = SerializeAdapter::deSerialize(&address, &addressData, &size, SerializeIF::Endianness::LITTLE); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::debug << "ChecksumReply::ChecksumReply: Failed to deserialize address" << std::endl; } const uint8_t* lengthData = datafield + LENGTH_OFFSET; size = sizeof(length); result = SerializeAdapter::deSerialize(&length, &lengthData, &size, SerializeIF::Endianness::LITTLE); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::debug << "ChecksumReply::ChecksumReply: Failed to deserialize length" << std::endl; } const uint8_t* checksumData = datafield + CHECKSUM_OFFSET; size = sizeof(checksum); result = SerializeAdapter::deSerialize(&checksum, &checksumData, &size, SerializeIF::Endianness::LITTLE); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::debug << "ChecksumReply::ChecksumReply: Failed to deserialize checksum" << std::endl; } } uint8_t getRegion() { return region; } uint32_t getAddress() { return address; } uint32_t getLength() { return length; } uint32_t getChecksum() { return checksum; } void printChecksum() { sif::info << "ChecksumReply::printChecksum: 0x" << std::hex << checksum << std::endl; } private: static const uint8_t ADDRESS_OFFSET = 1; static const uint8_t LENGTH_OFFSET = 5; static const uint8_t CHECKSUM_OFFSET = 9; uint8_t region = 0; uint32_t address = 0; uint32_t length = 0; uint32_t checksum = 0; }; class ChecksumSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<CHECKSUM_SET_ENTRIES> { public: // Size of dataset static const size_t SIZE = 156; ChecksumSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, CHECKSUM_SET_ID) {} ChecksumSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, CHECKSUM_SET_ID)) {} lp_var_t<uint32_t> checksum = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CHKSUM, this); }; /** * @brief Will store the camera parameters set in the star tracker which are retrieved with * a get parameter request. */ class CameraSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<CAMERA_SET_ENTRIES> { public: // Size of dataset static const size_t SIZE = 34; CameraSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, CAMERA_SET_ID) {} CameraSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, CAMERA_SET_ID)) {} lp_var_t<uint8_t> mode = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CAMERA_MODE, this); lp_var_t<float> focallength = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::FOCALLENGTH, this); lp_var_t<float> exposure = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::EXPOSURE, this); lp_var_t<float> interval = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::INTERVAL, this); lp_var_t<int16_t> offset = lp_var_t<int16_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CAMERA_OFFSET, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> pgagain = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::PGAGAIN, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> adcgain = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::ADCGAIN, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> reg1 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CAM_REG1, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> val1 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CAM_VAL1, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> reg2 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CAM_REG2, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> val2 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CAM_VAL2, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> reg3 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CAM_REG3, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> val3 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CAM_VAL3, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> reg4 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CAM_REG4, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> val4 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CAM_VAL4, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> reg5 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CAM_REG5, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> val5 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CAM_VAL5, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> reg6 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CAM_REG6, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> val6 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CAM_VAL6, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> reg7 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CAM_REG7, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> val7 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CAM_VAL7, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> reg8 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CAM_REG8, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> val8 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CAM_VAL8, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> freq1 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CAM_FREQ_1, this); void printSet() { PoolReadGuard rg(this); sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: mode: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->mode.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: focallength: " << this->focallength << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: exposure: " << this->exposure << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: interval: " << this->interval << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: offset: " << this->offset << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: PGA gain: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->pgagain.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: ADC gain: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->adcgain.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: Reg 1: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->reg1.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: Val 1: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->val1.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: Reg 2: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->reg2.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: Val 2: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->val2.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: Reg 3: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->reg3.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: Val 3: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->val3.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: Reg 4: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->reg4.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: Val 4: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->val4.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: Reg 5: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->reg5.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: Val 5: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->val5.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: Reg 6: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->reg6.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: Val 6: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->val6.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: Reg 7: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->reg7.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: Val 7: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->val7.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: Reg 8: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->reg8.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: Val 8: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->val8.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "CameraSet::printSet: Freq 1: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->freq1.value) << std::endl; } }; /** * @brief Will store the requested limits */ class LimitsSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<LIMITS_SET_ENTRIES> { public: // Size of dataset static const size_t SIZE = 41; LimitsSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, LIMITS_SET_ID) {} LimitsSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, LIMITS_SET_ID)) {} lp_var_t<uint8_t> action = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LIMITS_ACTION, this); lp_var_t<float> fpga18current = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LIMITS_FPGA18CURRENT, this); lp_var_t<float> fpga25current = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LIMITS_FPGA25CURRENT, this); lp_var_t<float> fpga10current = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LIMITS_FPGA10CURRENT, this); lp_var_t<float> mcuCurrent = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LIMITS_MCUCURRENT, this); lp_var_t<float> cmos21current = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LIMITS_CMOS21CURRENT, this); lp_var_t<float> cmosPixCurrent = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LIMITS_CMOSPIXCURRENT, this); lp_var_t<float> cmos33current = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LIMITS_CMOS33CURRENT, this); lp_var_t<float> cmosVresCurrent = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LIMITS_CMOSVRESCURRENT, this); lp_var_t<float> cmosTemperature = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LIMITS_CMOSTEMPERATURE, this); void printSet() { PoolReadGuard rg(this); sif::info << "LimitsSet::printSet: action: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->action.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "LimitsSet::printSet: FPGA18Current: " << this->fpga18current << std::endl; sif::info << "LimitsSet::printSet: FPGA25Current: " << this->fpga25current << std::endl; sif::info << "LimitsSet::printSet: FPGA10Current: " << this->fpga10current << std::endl; sif::info << "LimitsSet::printSet: MCUCurrent: " << this->mcuCurrent << std::endl; sif::info << "LimitsSet::printSet: CMOS21Current: " << this->cmos21current << std::endl; sif::info << "LimitsSet::printSet: CMOSPixCurrent: " << this->cmosPixCurrent << std::endl; sif::info << "LimitsSet::printSet: CMOS33Current: " << this->cmos33current << std::endl; sif::info << "LimitsSet::printSet: CMOSVResCurrent: " << this->cmosVresCurrent << std::endl; sif::info << "LimitsSet::printSet: CMOSTemperature: " << this->cmosTemperature << std::endl; } }; /** * @brief Will store the requested log level parameters */ class LogLevelSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<LOG_LEVEL_SET_ENTRIES> { public: // Size of dataset static const size_t SIZE = 16; LogLevelSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, LOG_LEVEL_SET_ID) {} LogLevelSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, LOG_LEVEL_SET_ID)) {} lp_var_t<uint8_t> loglevel1 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LOGLEVEL1, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> loglevel2 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LOGLEVEL2, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> loglevel3 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LOGLEVEL3, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> loglevel4 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LOGLEVEL4, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> loglevel5 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LOGLEVEL5, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> loglevel6 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LOGLEVEL6, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> loglevel7 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LOGLEVEL7, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> loglevel8 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LOGLEVEL8, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> loglevel9 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LOGLEVEL9, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> loglevel10 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LOGLEVEL10, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> loglevel11 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LOGLEVEL11, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> loglevel12 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LOGLEVEL12, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> loglevel13 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LOGLEVEL13, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> loglevel14 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LOGLEVEL14, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> loglevel15 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LOGLEVEL15, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> loglevel16 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LOGLEVEL16, this); void printSet() { PoolReadGuard rg(this); sif::info << "LogLevelSet::printSet: loglevel1: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->loglevel1.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "LogLevelSet::printSet: loglevel2: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->loglevel2.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "LogLevelSet::printSet: loglevel3: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->loglevel3.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "LogLevelSet::printSet: loglevel4: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->loglevel4.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "LogLevelSet::printSet: loglevel5: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->loglevel5.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "LogLevelSet::printSet: loglevel6: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->loglevel1.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "LogLevelSet::printSet: loglevel7: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->loglevel1.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "LogLevelSet::printSet: loglevel8: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->loglevel1.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "LogLevelSet::printSet: loglevel9: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->loglevel1.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "LogLevelSet::printSet: loglevel10: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->loglevel1.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "LogLevelSet::printSet: loglevel11: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->loglevel1.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "LogLevelSet::printSet: loglevel12: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->loglevel1.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "LogLevelSet::printSet: loglevel13: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->loglevel1.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "LogLevelSet::printSet: loglevel14: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->loglevel1.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "LogLevelSet::printSet: loglevel15: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->loglevel1.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "LogLevelSet::printSet: loglevel16: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->loglevel1.value) << std::endl; } }; /** * @brief Will store the requested mounting parameters */ class MountingSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<MOUNTING_SET_ENTRIES> { public: // Size of dataset static const size_t SIZE = 16; MountingSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, MOUNTING_SET_ID) {} MountingSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, MOUNTING_SET_ID)) {} lp_var_t<float> qw = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::MOUNTING_QW, this); lp_var_t<float> qx = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::MOUNTING_QX, this); lp_var_t<float> qy = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::MOUNTING_QY, this); lp_var_t<float> qz = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::MOUNTING_QZ, this); void printSet() { sif::info << "MountingSet::printSet: qw: " << this->qw << std::endl; sif::info << "MountingSet::printSet: qx: " << this->qx << std::endl; sif::info << "MountingSet::printSet: qy: " << this->qy << std::endl; sif::info << "MountingSet::printSet: qz: " << this->qz << std::endl; } }; /** * @brief Will store the requested image processor parameters */ class ImageProcessorSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<IMAGE_PROCESSOR_SET_ENTRIES> { public: // Size of dataset static const size_t SIZE = 7; ImageProcessorSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, IMAGE_PROCESSOR_SET_ID) {} ImageProcessorSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, IMAGE_PROCESSOR_SET_ID)) {} lp_var_t<uint8_t> mode = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::IMAGE_PROCESSOR_MODE, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> store = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::IMAGE_PROCESSOR_STORE, this); lp_var_t<uint16_t> signalThreshold = lp_var_t<uint16_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::IMAGE_PROCESSOR_SIGNALTHRESHOLD, this); lp_var_t<uint16_t> darkThreshold = lp_var_t<uint16_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::IMAGE_PROCESSOR_DARKTHRESHOLD, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> backgroundCompensation = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::IMAGE_PROCESSOR_BACKGROUNDCOMPENSATION, this); void printSet() { sif::info << "ImageProcessorSet::printSet: mode: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->mode.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "ImageProcessorSet::printSet: store: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->store.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "ImageProcessorSet::printSet: signal threshold: " << this->signalThreshold << std::endl; sif::info << "ImageProcessorSet::printSet: dark threshold: " << this->darkThreshold << std::endl; sif::info << "ImageProcessorSet::printSet: background compensation: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->backgroundCompensation.value) << std::endl; } }; /** * @brief Will store the requested centroiding parameters */ class CentroidingSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<CENTROIDING_PARAMS_SET_ENTRIES> { public: // Size of dataset static const size_t SIZE = 49; CentroidingSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, CENTROIDING_SET_ID) {} CentroidingSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, CENTROIDING_SET_ID)) {} lp_var_t<uint8_t> enableFilter = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROIDING_ENABLE_FILTER, this); lp_var_t<float> maxQuality = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROIDING_MAX_QUALITY, this); lp_var_t<float> darkThreshold = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROIDING_DARK_THRESHOLD, this); lp_var_t<float> minQuality = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROIDING_MIN_QUALITY, this); lp_var_t<float> maxIntensity = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROIDING_MAX_INTENSITY, this); lp_var_t<float> minIntensity = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROIDING_MIN_INTENSITY, this); lp_var_t<float> maxMagnitude = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROIDING_MAX_MAGNITUDE, this); lp_var_t<float> gaussianCmax = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROIDING_GAUSSIAN_CMAX, this); lp_var_t<float> gaussianCmin = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROIDING_GAUSSIAN_CMIN, this); lp_var_t<float> transmatrix00 = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROIDING_TRANSMATRIX00, this); lp_var_t<float> transmatrix01 = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROIDING_TRANSMATRIX01, this); lp_var_t<float> transmatrix10 = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROIDING_TRANSMATRIX10, this); lp_var_t<float> transmatrix11 = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROIDING_TRANSMATRIX11, this); void printSet() { sif::info << "CentroidingSet::printSet: enable filter: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->enableFilter.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "CentroidingSet::printSet: max quality: " << this->maxQuality << std::endl; sif::info << "CentroidingSet::printSet: dark threshold: " << this->darkThreshold << std::endl; sif::info << "CentroidingSet::printSet: min quality: " << this->minQuality << std::endl; sif::info << "CentroidingSet::printSet: max intensity: " << this->maxIntensity << std::endl; sif::info << "CentroidingSet::printSet: min intensity: " << this->minIntensity << std::endl; sif::info << "CentroidingSet::printSet: max magnitude: " << this->maxMagnitude << std::endl; sif::info << "CentroidingSet::printSet: gaussian cmax: " << this->gaussianCmax << std::endl; sif::info << "CentroidingSet::printSet: gaussian cmin: " << this->gaussianCmin << std::endl; sif::info << "CentroidingSet::printSet: transmatrix 00 : " << this->transmatrix00 << std::endl; sif::info << "CentroidingSet::printSet: transmatrix 01 : " << this->transmatrix01 << std::endl; sif::info << "CentroidingSet::printSet: transmatrix 10 : " << this->transmatrix10 << std::endl; sif::info << "CentroidingSet::printSet: transmatrix 11 : " << this->transmatrix11 << std::endl; } }; /** * @brief Will store the requested centroiding parameters */ class LisaSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<LISA_SET_ENTRIES> { public: // Size of dataset static const size_t SIZE = 50; LisaSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, LISA_SET_ID) {} LisaSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, LISA_SET_ID)) {} lp_var_t<uint32_t> mode = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LISA_MODE, this); lp_var_t<float> prefilterDistThreshold = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LISA_PREFILTER_DIST_THRESHOLD, this); lp_var_t<float> prefilterAngleThreshold = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LISA_PREFILTER_ANGLE_THRESHOLD, this); lp_var_t<float> fovWidth = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LISA_FOV_WIDTH, this); lp_var_t<float> fovHeight = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LISA_FOV_HEIGHT, this); lp_var_t<float> floatStarLimit = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LISA_FLOAT_STAR_LIMIT, this); lp_var_t<float> closeStarLimit = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LISA_CLOSE_STAR_LIMIT, this); lp_var_t<float> ratingWeightCloseStarCount = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LISA_RATING_WEIGHT_CLOSE_STAR_COUNT, this); lp_var_t<float> ratingWeightFractionClose = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LISA_RATING_WEIGHT_FRACTION_CLOSE, this); lp_var_t<float> ratingWeightMeanSum = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LISA_RATING_WEIGHT_MEAN_SUM, this); lp_var_t<float> ratingWeightDbStarCount = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LISA_RATING_WEIGHT_DB_STAR_COUNT, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> maxCombinations = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LISA_MAX_COMBINATIONS, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> nrStarsStop = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LISA_NR_STARS_STOP, this); lp_var_t<float> fractionCloseStop = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LISA_FRACTION_CLOSE_STOP, this); void printSet() { sif::info << "LisaSet::printSet: mode: " << this->mode << std::endl; sif::info << "LisaSet::printSet: prefilter dist threshold: " << this->prefilterDistThreshold << std::endl; sif::info << "LisaSet::printSet: prefilter angle threshold: " << this->prefilterAngleThreshold << std::endl; sif::info << "LisaSet::printSet: fov width: " << this->fovWidth << std::endl; sif::info << "LisaSet::printSet: fov height: " << this->fovHeight << std::endl; sif::info << "LisaSet::printSet: float star limit: " << this->floatStarLimit << std::endl; sif::info << "LisaSet::printSet: close star limit: " << this->closeStarLimit << std::endl; sif::info << "LisaSet::printSet: rating weight close star count: " << this->ratingWeightCloseStarCount << std::endl; sif::info << "LisaSet::printSet: rating weight fraction close: " << this->ratingWeightFractionClose << std::endl; sif::info << "LisaSet::printSet: rating weight mean sum: " << this->ratingWeightMeanSum << std::endl; sif::info << "LisaSet::printSet: rating weight db star count: " << this->ratingWeightDbStarCount << std::endl; sif::info << "LisaSet::printSet: max combinations: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->maxCombinations.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "LisaSet::printSet: nr stars stop: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->nrStarsStop.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "LisaSet::printSet: fraction close stop: " << this->fractionCloseStop << std::endl; } }; /** * @brief Will store the requested matching parameters */ class MatchingSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<MATCHING_SET_ENTRIES> { public: // Size of dataset static const size_t SIZE = 8; MatchingSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, MATCHING_SET_ID) {} MatchingSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, MATCHING_SET_ID)) {} lp_var_t<float> squaredDistanceLimit = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::MATCHING_SQUARED_DISTANCE_LIMIT, this); lp_var_t<float> squaredShiftLimit = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::MATCHING_SQUARED_SHIFT_LIMIT, this); void printSet() { sif::info << "MatchingSet::printSet: squared distance limit: " << this->squaredDistanceLimit << std::endl; sif::info << "MatchingSet::printSet: squared distance limit: " << this->squaredShiftLimit << std::endl; } }; /** * @brief Will store the requested tracking parameters */ class TrackingSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<TRACKING_SET_ENTRIES> { public: // Size of dataset static const size_t SIZE = 13; TrackingSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, TRACKING_SET_ID) {} TrackingSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, TRACKING_SET_ID)) {} lp_var_t<float> thinLimit = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TRACKING_THIN_LIMIT, this); lp_var_t<float> outlierThreshold = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TRACKING_OUTLIER_THRESHOLD, this); lp_var_t<float> outlierThresholdQuest = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TRACKING_OUTLIER_THRESHOLD_QUEST, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> trackerChoice = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TRACKING_TRACKER_CHOICE, this); void printSet() { sif::info << "TrackingSet::printSet: thin limit: " << this->thinLimit << std::endl; sif::info << "TrackingSet::printSet: outlier threshold: " << this->outlierThreshold << std::endl; sif::info << "TrackingSet::printSet: outlier threshold quest: " << this->outlierThresholdQuest << std::endl; sif::info << "TrackingSet::printSet: tracker choice: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->trackerChoice.value) << std::endl; } }; /** * @brief Will store the requested validation parameters */ class ValidationSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<VALIDATION_SET_ENTRIES> { public: // Size of dataset static const size_t SIZE = 10; ValidationSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, VALIDATION_SET_ID) {} ValidationSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, VALIDATION_SET_ID)) {} lp_var_t<uint8_t> stableCount = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::VALIDATION_STABLE_COUNT, this); lp_var_t<float> maxDifference = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::VALIDATION_MAX_DIFFERENCE, this); lp_var_t<float> minTrackerConfidence = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::VALIDATION_MIN_TRACKER_CONFIDENCE, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> minMatchedStars = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::VALIDATION_MIN_MATCHED_STARS, this); void printSet() { sif::info << "ValidationSet::printSet: stable count: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->stableCount.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "ValidationSet::printSet: max difference: " << this->maxDifference << std::endl; sif::info << "ValidationSet::printSet: min tracker confidence: " << this->minTrackerConfidence << std::endl; sif::info << "ValidationSet::printSet: min matched stars: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->minMatchedStars.value) << std::endl; } }; class AutoBlobSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<3> { public: AutoBlobSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, AUTO_BLOB_SET_ID) {} // Ticks timestamp lp_var_t<uint32_t> ticks = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TICKS_AUTO_BLOB, this); // Unix time stamp lp_var_t<uint64_t> timeUs = lp_var_t<uint64_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TIME_AUTO_BLOB, this); lp_var_t<float> threshold = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::AUTO_BLOB_THRESHOLD, this); private: }; class MatchedCentroidsSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<20> { public: MatchedCentroidsSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, MATCHED_CENTROIDS_SET_ID) {} MatchedCentroidsSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, MATCHED_CENTROIDS_SET_ID)) {} // Ticks timestamp lp_var_t<uint32_t> ticks = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TICKS_MATCHED_CENTROIDS, this); // Unix time stamp lp_var_t<uint64_t> timeUs = lp_var_t<uint64_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::TIME_MATCHED_CENTROIDS, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> numberOfMatchedCentroids = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::NUM_MATCHED_CENTROIDS, this); lp_vec_t<uint32_t, 16> starIds = lp_vec_t<uint32_t, 16>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::MATCHED_CENTROIDS_STAR_IDS, this); lp_vec_t<float, 16> xCoords = lp_vec_t<float, 16>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::MATCHED_CENTROIDS_X_COORDS, this); lp_vec_t<float, 16> yCoords = lp_vec_t<float, 16>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::MATCHED_CENTROIDS_Y_COORDS, this); lp_vec_t<float, 16> xErrors = lp_vec_t<float, 16>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::MATCHED_CENTROIDS_X_ERRORS, this); lp_vec_t<float, 16> yErrors = lp_vec_t<float, 16>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::MATCHED_CENTROIDS_Y_ERRORS, this); private: }; class BlobSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<5> { public: BlobSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, BLOB_SET_ID) {} // The blob count received from the Blob Telemetry Set (ID 25) // Ticks timestamp lp_var_t<uint32_t> ticks = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::BLOB_TICKS, this); // Unix time stamp lp_var_t<uint64_t> timeUs = lp_var_t<uint64_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::BLOB_TIME, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> blobCount = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::BLOB_COUNT, this); }; class BlobsSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<10> { public: BlobsSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, BLOBS_SET_ID) {} // Ticks timestamp lp_var_t<uint32_t> ticks = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::BLOBS_TICKS, this); // Unix time stamp lp_var_t<uint64_t> timeUs = lp_var_t<uint64_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::BLOBS_TIME, this); lp_var_t<uint16_t> blobsCount = lp_var_t<uint16_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::BLOBS_COUNT, this); lp_var_t<uint16_t> blobsCountUsed = lp_var_t<uint16_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::BLOBS_COUNT_USED, this); lp_var_t<uint16_t> nr4LinesSkipped = lp_var_t<uint16_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::BLOBS_NR_4LINES_SKIPPED, this); lp_vec_t<uint16_t, 8> xCoords = lp_vec_t<uint16_t, 8>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::BLOBS_X_COORDS, this); lp_vec_t<uint16_t, 8> yCoords = lp_vec_t<uint16_t, 8>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::BLOBS_Y_COORDS, this); }; class CentroidSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<5> { public: CentroidSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, CENTROID_SET_ID) {} // Data received from the Centroid Telemetry Set (ID 26) // Ticks timestamp lp_var_t<uint32_t> ticks = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROID_TICKS, this); // Unix time stamp lp_var_t<uint64_t> timeUs = lp_var_t<uint64_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROID_TIME, this); // The centroid count received from the Centroid Telemetry Set (ID 26) lp_var_t<uint32_t> centroidCount = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROID_COUNT, this); }; class CentroidsSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<10> { public: CentroidsSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, CENTROIDS_SET_ID) {} // Data received from the Centroids Telemetry Set (ID 37) lp_var_t<uint32_t> ticksCentroidsTm = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROIDS_TICKS, this); // Unix time stamp lp_var_t<uint64_t> timeUsCentroidsTm = lp_var_t<uint64_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROIDS_TIME, this); lp_var_t<uint16_t> centroidsCount = lp_var_t<uint16_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROIDS_COUNT, this); lp_vec_t<float, 16> centroidsXCoords = lp_vec_t<float, 16>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROIDS_X_COORDS, this); lp_vec_t<float, 16> centroidsYCoords = lp_vec_t<float, 16>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROIDS_Y_COORDS, this); lp_vec_t<uint8_t, 16> centroidsMagnitudes = lp_vec_t<uint8_t, 16>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CENTROIDS_MAGNITUDES, this); }; class ContrastSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<8> { public: ContrastSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, CONTRAST_SET_ID) {} // Data received from the Centroids Telemetry Set (ID 29) lp_var_t<uint32_t> ticks = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CONTRAST_TICKS, this); // Unix time stamp lp_var_t<uint64_t> timeUs = lp_var_t<uint64_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CONTRAST_TIME, this); lp_vec_t<uint32_t, 9> contrastA = lp_vec_t<uint32_t, 9>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CONTRAST_A, this); lp_vec_t<uint32_t, 9> contrastB = lp_vec_t<uint32_t, 9>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CONTRAST_B, this); lp_vec_t<uint32_t, 9> contrastC = lp_vec_t<uint32_t, 9>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CONTRAST_C, this); lp_vec_t<uint32_t, 9> contrastD = lp_vec_t<uint32_t, 9>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::CONTRAST_D, this); }; /** * @brief Will store the requested algo parameters */ class AlgoSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<ALGO_SET_ENTRIES> { public: // Size of dataset static const size_t SIZE = 11; AlgoSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, ALGO_SET_ID) {} AlgoSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, ALGO_SET_ID)) {} lp_var_t<uint8_t> mode = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::ALGO_MODE, this); lp_var_t<float> i2tMinConfidence = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::ALGO_I2T_MIN_CONFIDENCE, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> i2tMinMatched = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::ALGO_I2T_MIN_MATCHED, this); lp_var_t<float> i2lMinConfidence = lp_var_t<float>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::ALGO_I2L_MIN_CONFIDENCE, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> i2lMinMatched = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::ALGO_I2L_MIN_MATCHED, this); void printSet() { sif::info << "AlgoSet::printSet: mode: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->mode.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "AlgoSet::printSet: i2t min confidence: " << this->i2tMinConfidence << std::endl; sif::info << "AlgoSet::printSet: i2t min matched: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->i2tMinMatched.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "AlgoSet::printSet: i2l min confidence: " << this->i2lMinConfidence << std::endl; sif::info << "AlgoSet::printSet: i2l min matched: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->i2lMinMatched.value) << std::endl; } }; /** * @brief Will store the requested subscription parameters */ class SubscriptionSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<SUBSCRIPTION_SET_ENTRIES> { public: // Size of dataset static const size_t SIZE = 16; SubscriptionSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, SUBSCRIPTION_SET_ID) {} SubscriptionSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, SUBSCRIPTION_SET_ID)) {} lp_var_t<uint8_t> tm1 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::SUBSCRIPTION_TM1, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> tm2 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::SUBSCRIPTION_TM2, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> tm3 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::SUBSCRIPTION_TM3, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> tm4 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::SUBSCRIPTION_TM4, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> tm5 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::SUBSCRIPTION_TM5, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> tm6 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::SUBSCRIPTION_TM6, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> tm7 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::SUBSCRIPTION_TM7, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> tm8 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::SUBSCRIPTION_TM8, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> tm9 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::SUBSCRIPTION_TM9, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> tm10 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::SUBSCRIPTION_TM10, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> tm11 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::SUBSCRIPTION_TM11, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> tm12 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::SUBSCRIPTION_TM12, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> tm13 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::SUBSCRIPTION_TM13, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> tm14 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::SUBSCRIPTION_TM14, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> tm15 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::SUBSCRIPTION_TM15, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> tm16 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::SUBSCRIPTION_TM16, this); void printSet() { sif::info << "SubscriptionSet::printSet: telemetry 1: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->tm1.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "SubscriptionSet::printSet: telemetry 2: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->tm2.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "SubscriptionSet::printSet: telemetry 3: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->tm3.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "SubscriptionSet::printSet: telemetry 4: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->tm4.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "SubscriptionSet::printSet: telemetry 5: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->tm5.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "SubscriptionSet::printSet: telemetry 6: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->tm6.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "SubscriptionSet::printSet: telemetry 7: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->tm7.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "SubscriptionSet::printSet: telemetry 8: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->tm8.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "SubscriptionSet::printSet: telemetry 9: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->tm9.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "SubscriptionSet::printSet: telemetry 10: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->tm10.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "SubscriptionSet::printSet: telemetry 11: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->tm11.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "SubscriptionSet::printSet: telemetry 12: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->tm12.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "SubscriptionSet::printSet: telemetry 13: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->tm13.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "SubscriptionSet::printSet: telemetry 14: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->tm14.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "SubscriptionSet::printSet: telemetry 15: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->tm15.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "SubscriptionSet::printSet: telemetry 16: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->tm16.value) << std::endl; } }; /** * @brief Will store the requested log subscription parameters */ class LogSubscriptionSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<LOG_SUBSCRIPTION_SET_ENTRIES> { public: // Size of dataset static const size_t SIZE = 4; LogSubscriptionSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, LOG_SUBSCRIPTION_SET_ID) {} LogSubscriptionSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, LOG_SUBSCRIPTION_SET_ID)) {} lp_var_t<uint8_t> level1 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LOG_SUBSCRIPTION_LEVEL1, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> module1 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LOG_SUBSCRIPTION_MODULE1, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> level2 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LOG_SUBSCRIPTION_LEVEL2, this); lp_var_t<uint8_t> module2 = lp_var_t<uint8_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::LOG_SUBSCRIPTION_MODULE2, this); void printSet() { sif::info << "LogSubscriptionSet::printSet: level 1: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->level1.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "LogSubscriptionSet::printSet: module 1: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->module1.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "LogSubscriptionSet::printSet: level 2: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->level2.value) << std::endl; sif::info << "LogSubscriptionSet::printSet: module 2: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(this->module2.value) << std::endl; } }; /** * @brief Will store the requested debug camera parameters */ class DebugCameraSet : public StaticLocalDataSet<DEBUG_CAMERA_SET_ENTRIES> { public: // Size of dataset static const size_t SIZE = 8; DebugCameraSet(HasLocalDataPoolIF* owner) : StaticLocalDataSet(owner, DEBUG_CAMERA_SET_ID) {} lp_var_t<uint32_t> timing = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::DEBUG_CAMERA_TIMING, this); lp_var_t<uint32_t> test = lp_var_t<uint32_t>(sid.objectId, PoolIds::DEBUG_CAMERA_TEST, this); DebugCameraSet(object_id_t objectId) : StaticLocalDataSet(sid_t(objectId, DEBUG_CAMERA_SET_ID)) {} void printSet() { sif::info << "DebugCameraSet::printSet: timing: " << this->timing << std::endl; sif::info << "DebugCameraSet::printSet: test: " << this->test << std::endl; } }; } // namespace startracker #endif /* LINUX_DEVICES_DEVICEDEFINITIONS_STARTRACKER_DEFINITIONS_H_ */