#include "SolarArrayDeploymentHandler.h" #include #include #include #include "devices/gpioIds.h" #include "fsfw/ipc/QueueFactory.h" #include "fsfw/objectmanager/ObjectManager.h" #include "fsfw_hal/common/gpio/GpioCookie.h" SolarArrayDeploymentHandler::SolarArrayDeploymentHandler(object_id_t setObjectId_, GpioIF& gpioInterface, PowerSwitchIF& mainLineSwitcher_, pcdu::Switches mainLineSwitch_, gpioId_t deplSA1, gpioId_t deplSA2, SdCardMountedIF& sdcMountedIF) : SystemObject(setObjectId_), gpioInterface(gpioInterface), deplSA1(deplSA1), deplSA2(deplSA2), mainLineSwitcher(mainLineSwitcher_), mainLineSwitch(mainLineSwitch_), sdcMan(sdcMountedIF), actionHelper(this, nullptr) { auto mqArgs = MqArgs(setObjectId_, static_cast(this)); commandQueue = QueueFactory::instance()->createMessageQueue( cmdQueueSize, MessageQueueMessage::MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE, &mqArgs); } SolarArrayDeploymentHandler::~SolarArrayDeploymentHandler() = default; ReturnValue_t SolarArrayDeploymentHandler::performOperation(uint8_t operationCode) { using namespace std::filesystem; auto activeSdc = sdcMan.getActiveSdCard(); if (activeSdc and activeSdc.value() == sd::SdCard::SLOT_0 and sdcMan.isSdCardUsable(activeSdc.value())) { if (exists(SD_0_DEPL_FILE)) { // perform autonomous deployment handling performAutonomousDepl(sd::SdCard::SLOT_0); } } else if (activeSdc and activeSdc.value() == sd::SdCard::SLOT_1 and sdcMan.isSdCardUsable(activeSdc.value())) { if (exists(SD_1_DEPL_FILE)) { // perform autonomous deployment handling performAutonomousDepl(sd::SdCard::SLOT_1); } } readCommandQueue(); handleStateMachine(); return returnvalue::OK; } ReturnValue_t SolarArrayDeploymentHandler::performAutonomousDepl(sd::SdCard sdCard) { using namespace std::filesystem; using namespace std; auto initFile = [](const char* filename) { ofstream of(filename); of << "phase: init\n"; of << "secs_since_start: 0\n"; }; if (sdCard == sd::SdCard::SLOT_0) { if (not exists(SD_0_DEPLY_INFO)) { initFile(SD_0_DEPLY_INFO); } if (not autonomousDeplForFile(SD_0_DEPLY_INFO)) { initFile(SD_0_DEPLY_INFO); } } else if (sdCard == sd::SdCard::SLOT_1) { if (not exists(SD_1_DEPLY_INFO)) { initFile(SD_1_DEPLY_INFO); } if (not autonomousDeplForFile(SD_1_DEPLY_INFO)) { initFile(SD_1_DEPLY_INFO); } } return returnvalue::OK; } bool SolarArrayDeploymentHandler::autonomousDeplForFile(const char* filename) { using namespace std; ifstream file(filename); string line; string word; unsigned int lineNum = 0; AutonomousDeplState deplState; bool stateSwitch = false; uint32_t secsSinceBoot = 0; while (std::getline(file, line)) { if (lineNum == 0) { std::istringstream iss(line); if (lineNum == 0) { iss >> word; if (word.find("phase:") == string::npos) { return false; } iss >> word; if (word.find(PHASE_INIT_STR) != string::npos) { deplState = AutonomousDeplState::INIT; } else if (word.find(PHASE_FIRST_BURN_STR) != string::npos) { deplState = AutonomousDeplState::FIRST_BURN; } else if (word.find(PHASE_WAIT_STR) != string::npos) { deplState = AutonomousDeplState::WAIT; } else if (word.find(PHASE_SECOND_BURN_STR) != string::npos) { deplState = AutonomousDeplState::SECOND_BURN; } else if (word.find(PHASE_DONE) != string::npos) { deplState = AutonomousDeplState::DONE; } else { return false; } } else if (lineNum == 1) { iss >> word; if (word.find("phase:") == string::npos) { return false; } iss >> secsSinceBoot; if (not initUptime) { initUptime = secsSinceBoot; } if (iss.bad()) { return false; } auto switchCheck = [&](AutonomousDeplState expected) { if (deplState != expected) { deplState = expected; stateSwitch = true; } }; if ((secsSinceBoot > FIRST_BURN_START_TIME) and (secsSinceBoot < FIRST_BURN_END_TIME)) { switchCheck(AutonomousDeplState::FIRST_BURN); } else if ((secsSinceBoot > WAIT_START_TIME) and (secsSinceBoot < WAIT_END_TIME)) { switchCheck(AutonomousDeplState::WAIT); } else if ((secsSinceBoot > SECOND_BURN_START_TIME) and (secsSinceBoot < SECOND_BURN_END_TIME)) { switchCheck(AutonomousDeplState::SECOND_BURN); } else if (secsSinceBoot > SECOND_BURN_END_TIME) { switchCheck(AutonomousDeplState::DONE); } } } lineNum++; } if (initUptime) { secsSinceBoot = initUptime.value(); } // Uptime has increased by X seconds so we need to update the uptime count inside the file secsSinceBoot += Clock::getUptime().tv_sec; if (stateSwitch) { if (deplState == AutonomousDeplState::FIRST_BURN or deplState == AutonomousDeplState::SECOND_BURN) { startFsm(true, true); } else if (deplState == AutonomousDeplState::WAIT or deplState == AutonomousDeplState::DONE) { startFsm(false, false); } } return true; } ReturnValue_t SolarArrayDeploymentHandler::initialize() { ReturnValue_t result = actionHelper.initialize(commandQueue); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { return ObjectManagerIF::CHILD_INIT_FAILED; } return SystemObject::initialize(); } void SolarArrayDeploymentHandler::handleStateMachine() { if (stateMachine == MAIN_POWER_ON) { mainLineSwitcher.sendSwitchCommand(mainLineSwitch, PowerSwitchIF::SWITCH_ON); mainSwitchCountdown.setTimeout(mainLineSwitcher.getSwitchDelayMs()); stateMachine = WAIT_MAIN_POWER_ON; } if (stateMachine == MAIN_POWER_OFF) { // This should never fail deploymentTransistorsOff(); mainLineSwitcher.sendSwitchCommand(mainLineSwitch, PowerSwitchIF::SWITCH_ON); mainSwitchCountdown.setTimeout(mainLineSwitcher.getSwitchDelayMs()); stateMachine = WAIT_MAIN_POWER_OFF; } if (stateMachine == WAIT_MAIN_POWER_ON) { if (checkMainPowerOn()) { stateMachine = SWITCH_DEPL_GPIOS; } } if (stateMachine == WAIT_MAIN_POWER_OFF) { if (checkMainPowerOff()) { finishFsm(returnvalue::OK); } } if (stateMachine == SWITCH_DEPL_GPIOS) { // This should never fail deploymentTransistorsOn(); finishFsm(returnvalue::OK); } } bool SolarArrayDeploymentHandler::checkMainPowerOn() { return checkMainPower(true); } bool SolarArrayDeploymentHandler::checkMainPowerOff() { return checkMainPower(false); } bool SolarArrayDeploymentHandler::checkMainPower(bool onOff) { if ((onOff and mainLineSwitcher.getSwitchState(mainLineSwitch) == PowerSwitchIF::SWITCH_ON) or (not onOff and mainLineSwitcher.getSwitchState(mainLineSwitch) == PowerSwitchIF::SWITCH_OFF)) { return true; } if (mainSwitchCountdown.hasTimedOut()) { if (onOff) { triggerEvent(MAIN_SWITCH_ON_TIMEOUT); } else { triggerEvent(MAIN_SWITCH_OFF_TIMEOUT); } if (retryCounter < 3) { if (onOff) { stateMachine = MAIN_POWER_ON; } else { stateMachine = MAIN_POWER_OFF; } retryCounter++; } else { finishFsm(MAIN_SWITCH_TIMEOUT_FAILURE); } } return false; } bool SolarArrayDeploymentHandler::startFsm(std::optional sa1OnOff, std::optional sa2OnOff) { if ((stateMachine != StateMachine::IDLE) or (not sa1OnOff and not sa2OnOff)) { return false; } retryCounter = 0; return true; } void SolarArrayDeploymentHandler::finishFsm(ReturnValue_t resultForActionHelper) { retryCounter = 0; stateMachine = StateMachine::IDLE; if (actionActive) { actionHelper.finish(true, rememberCommanderId, activeCmd, resultForActionHelper); } } ReturnValue_t SolarArrayDeploymentHandler::deploymentTransistorsOn() { ReturnValue_t result = gpioInterface.pullHigh(deplSA1); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::debug << "SolarArrayDeploymentHandler::handleStateMachine: Failed to pull solar" " array deployment switch 1 high " << std::endl; // If gpio switch high failed, state machine is reset to wait for a command re-initiating // the deployment sequence. triggerEvent(DEPL_SA1_GPIO_SWTICH_ON_FAILED); } result = gpioInterface.pullHigh(deplSA2); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::debug << "SolarArrayDeploymentHandler::handleStateMachine: Failed to pull solar" " array deployment switch 2 high " << std::endl; triggerEvent(DEPL_SA2_GPIO_SWTICH_ON_FAILED); } return result; } ReturnValue_t SolarArrayDeploymentHandler::deploymentTransistorsOff() { ReturnValue_t result = gpioInterface.pullLow(deplSA1); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::debug << "SolarArrayDeploymentHandler::handleStateMachine: Failed to pull solar" " array deployment switch 1 low" << std::endl; // If gpio switch high failed, state machine is reset to wait for a command re-initiating // the deployment sequence. triggerEvent(DEPL_SA1_GPIO_SWTICH_ON_FAILED); } result = gpioInterface.pullLow(deplSA2); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::debug << "SolarArrayDeploymentHandler::handleStateMachine: Failed to pull solar" " array deployment switch 2 low" << std::endl; triggerEvent(DEPL_SA2_GPIO_SWTICH_ON_FAILED); } return result; } void SolarArrayDeploymentHandler::readCommandQueue() { CommandMessage command; ReturnValue_t result = commandQueue->receiveMessage(&command); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { return; } result = actionHelper.handleActionMessage(&command); if (result == returnvalue::OK) { return; } } ReturnValue_t SolarArrayDeploymentHandler::executeAction(ActionId_t actionId, MessageQueueId_t commandedBy, const uint8_t* data, size_t size) { ReturnValue_t result = returnvalue::OK; if (actionId == FORCE_DEPLY_ON) { } if (actionId == FORCE_DEPLY_OFF) { } if (actionId == DEPLOY_SOLAR_ARRAYS_MANUALLY) { } return result; } MessageQueueId_t SolarArrayDeploymentHandler::getCommandQueue() const { return commandQueue->getId(); }