#include "Q7STestTask.h" #include "fsfw/timemanager/Stopwatch.h" #include "fsfw/tasks/TaskFactory.h" #include #include #include Q7STestTask::Q7STestTask(object_id_t objectId): TestTask(objectId) { } ReturnValue_t Q7STestTask::performOneShotAction() { sdCardTests(); return TestTask::performOneShotAction(); } void Q7STestTask::sdCardTests() { using namespace std; Stopwatch stopwatch; int result = std::system("q7hw sd info all > /tmp/sd_status.txt"); if(result != 0) { sif::debug << "system call failed with " << result << endl; } ifstream sdStatus("/tmp/sd_status.txt"); string line; uint8_t idx = 0; while (std::getline(sdStatus, line)) { std::istringstream iss(line); string word; while(iss >> word) { if(word == "on") { sif::info << "SD card " << static_cast(idx) << " is on" << endl; } else if(word == "off") { sif::info << "SD card " << static_cast(idx) << " is off" << endl; } } idx++; } std::remove("/tmp/sd_status.txt"); //TaskFactory::delayTask(3000); //int result = system(); //std::fstream fs(testFile); // Read contents from file // char* line = nullptr; // size_t len = 0; // ssize_t read = getline(&line, &len, testFile); // if(read != -1 and line != nullptr) { // cout << line << endl; // } // c = fgetc(testFile); // while (c != EOF) // { // printf ("%c", c); // c = fgetc(testFile); // } // cout << "Info result " << result << endl; // stopwatch.stop(true); // system("q7hw sd set 0 on > /tmp/sd_set.txt"); // stopwatch.stop(true); // system("q7hw sd set 0 off > /tmp/sd_set.txt"); // stopwatch.stop(true); } void Q7STestTask::fileTests() { using namespace std; ofstream testFile("/tmp/test.txt"); testFile << "Hallo Welt" << endl; testFile.close(); system("echo \"Hallo Welt\" > /tmp/test2.txt"); system("echo \"Hallo Welt\""); }