#include "rwSpiCallback.h" #include "devices/gpioIds.h" #include "fsfw/serviceinterface/ServiceInterface.h" #include #include "fsfw_hal/linux/UnixFileGuard.h" #include "fsfw_hal/linux/spi/SpiCookie.h" #include "mission/devices/RwHandler.h" namespace rwSpiCallback { ReturnValue_t spiCallback(SpiComIF* comIf, SpiCookie* cookie, const uint8_t* sendData, size_t sendLen, void* args) { Stopwatch watch; ReturnValue_t result = HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; RwHandler* handler = reinterpret_cast(args); if (handler == nullptr) { sif::error << "rwSpiCallback::spiCallback: Pointer to handler is invalid" << std::endl; return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED; } uint8_t writeBuffer[2] = {}; uint8_t writeSize = 0; gpioId_t gpioId = cookie->getChipSelectPin(); GpioIF* gpioIF = comIf->getGpioInterface(); MutexIF::TimeoutType timeoutType = MutexIF::TimeoutType::WAITING; uint32_t timeoutMs = 0; MutexIF* mutex = comIf->getMutex(&timeoutType, &timeoutMs); if (mutex == nullptr or gpioIF == nullptr) { sif::debug << "rwSpiCallback::spiCallback: Mutex or GPIO interface invalid" << std::endl; return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED; } int fileDescriptor = 0; std::string device = cookie->getSpiDevice(); UnixFileGuard fileHelper(device, &fileDescriptor, O_RDWR, "rwSpiCallback::spiCallback"); if (fileHelper.getOpenResult() != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { sif::error << "rwSpiCallback::spiCallback: Failed to open device file" << std::endl; return SpiComIF::OPENING_FILE_FAILED; } spi::SpiModes spiMode = spi::SpiModes::MODE_0; uint32_t spiSpeed = 0; cookie->getSpiParameters(spiMode, spiSpeed, nullptr); comIf->setSpiSpeedAndMode(fileDescriptor, spiMode, spiSpeed); result = mutex->lockMutex(timeoutType, timeoutMs); if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { sif::debug << "rwSpiCallback::spiCallback: Failed to lock mutex" << std::endl; return result; } /** Sending frame start sign */ writeBuffer[0] = 0x7E; writeSize = 1; // Pull SPI CS low. For now, no support for active high given if (gpioId != gpio::NO_GPIO) { if (gpioIF->pullLow(gpioId) != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { sif::error << "rwSpiCallback::spiCallback: Failed to pull chip select low" << std::endl; } } if (write(fileDescriptor, writeBuffer, writeSize) != static_cast(writeSize)) { sif::error << "rwSpiCallback::spiCallback: Write failed!" << std::endl; closeSpi(gpioId, gpioIF, mutex); return RwHandler::SPI_WRITE_FAILURE; } /** Encoding and sending command */ size_t idx = 0; while (idx < sendLen) { switch (*(sendData + idx)) { case 0x7E: writeBuffer[0] = 0x7D; writeBuffer[1] = 0x5E; writeSize = 2; break; case 0x7D: writeBuffer[0] = 0x7D; writeBuffer[1] = 0x5D; writeSize = 2; break; default: writeBuffer[0] = *(sendData + idx); writeSize = 1; break; } if (write(fileDescriptor, writeBuffer, writeSize) != static_cast(writeSize)) { sif::error << "rwSpiCallback::spiCallback: Write failed!" << std::endl; closeSpi(gpioId, gpioIF, mutex); return RwHandler::SPI_WRITE_FAILURE; } idx++; } /** Sending frame end sign */ writeBuffer[0] = 0x7E; writeSize = 1; if (write(fileDescriptor, writeBuffer, writeSize) != static_cast(writeSize)) { sif::error << "rwSpiCallback::spiCallback: Write failed!" << std::endl; closeSpi(gpioId, gpioIF, mutex); return RwHandler::SPI_WRITE_FAILURE; } uint8_t* rxBuf = nullptr; result = comIf->getReadBuffer(cookie->getSpiAddress(), &rxBuf); if (result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { closeSpi(gpioId, gpioIF, mutex); return result; } size_t replyBufferSize = cookie->getMaxBufferSize(); /** There must be a delay of at least 20 ms after sending the command */ usleep(RwDefinitions::SPI_REPLY_DELAY); /** * The reaction wheel responds with empty frames while preparing the reply data. * However, receiving more than 5 empty frames will be interpreted as an error. */ uint8_t byteRead = 0; for (int idx = 0; idx < 10; idx++) { if (read(fileDescriptor, &byteRead, 1) != 1) { sif::error << "rwSpiCallback::spiCallback: Read failed" << std::endl; closeSpi(gpioId, gpioIF, mutex); return RwHandler::SPI_READ_FAILURE; } if (idx == 0) { if (byteRead != FLAG_BYTE) { sif::error << "Invalid data, expected start marker" << std::endl; closeSpi(gpioId, gpioIF, mutex); return RwHandler::NO_START_MARKER; } } if (byteRead != FLAG_BYTE) { break; } if (idx == 9) { sif::error << "rwSpiCallback::spiCallback: Empty frame timeout" << std::endl; closeSpi(gpioId, gpioIF, mutex); return RwHandler::NO_REPLY; } } #if FSFW_HAL_SPI_WIRETAPPING == 1 sif::info << "RW start marker detected" << std::endl; #endif size_t decodedFrameLen = 0; while (decodedFrameLen < replyBufferSize) { /** First byte already read in */ if (decodedFrameLen != 0) { byteRead = 0; if (read(fileDescriptor, &byteRead, 1) != 1) { sif::error << "rwSpiCallback::spiCallback: Read failed" << std::endl; result = RwHandler::SPI_READ_FAILURE; break; } } if (byteRead == FLAG_BYTE) { /** Reached end of frame */ break; } else if (byteRead == 0x7D) { if (read(fileDescriptor, &byteRead, 1) != 1) { sif::error << "rwSpiCallback::spiCallback: Read failed" << std::endl; result = RwHandler::SPI_READ_FAILURE; break; } if (byteRead == 0x5E) { *(rxBuf + decodedFrameLen) = 0x7E; decodedFrameLen++; continue; } else if (byteRead == 0x5D) { *(rxBuf + decodedFrameLen) = 0x7D; decodedFrameLen++; continue; } else { sif::error << "rwSpiCallback::spiCallback: Invalid substitute" << std::endl; closeSpi(gpioId, gpioIF, mutex); result = RwHandler::INVALID_SUBSTITUTE; break; } } else { *(rxBuf + decodedFrameLen) = byteRead; decodedFrameLen++; continue; } /** * There might be the unlikely case that each byte in a get-telemetry reply has been * replaced by its substitute. Than the next byte must correspond to the end sign 0x7E. * Otherwise there might be something wrong. */ if (decodedFrameLen == replyBufferSize) { if (read(fileDescriptor, &byteRead, 1) != 1) { sif::error << "rwSpiCallback::spiCallback: Failed to read last byte" << std::endl; result = RwHandler::SPI_READ_FAILURE; break; } if (byteRead != 0x7E) { sif::error << "rwSpiCallback::spiCallback: Missing end sign 0x7E" << std::endl; decodedFrameLen--; result = RwHandler::MISSING_END_SIGN; break; } } result = HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK; } cookie->setTransferSize(decodedFrameLen); closeSpi(gpioId, gpioIF, mutex); return result; } void closeSpi(gpioId_t gpioId, GpioIF* gpioIF, MutexIF* mutex) { if (gpioId != gpio::NO_GPIO) { if (gpioIF->pullHigh(gpioId) != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { sif::error << "closeSpi: Failed to pull chip select high" << std::endl; } } if (mutex->unlockMutex() != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) { sif::error << "rwSpiCallback::closeSpi: Failed to unlock mutex" << std::endl; ; } } } // namespace rwSpiCallback