#ifndef MISSION_DEVICES_SOLARARRAYDEPLOYMENT_H_ #define MISSION_DEVICES_SOLARARRAYDEPLOYMENT_H_ #include <fsfw/objectmanager/SystemObject.h> #include <fsfw/tasks/ExecutableObjectIF.h> #include <fsfw/returnvalues/HasReturnvaluesIF.h> #include <fsfw/action/HasActionsIF.h> #include <fsfw/power/PowerSwitchIF.h> #include <fsfw/devicehandlers/CookieIF.h> #include <fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerIF.h> #include <fsfw/timemanager/Countdown.h> #include <fsfw_hal/common/gpio/GpioIF.h> #include <unordered_map> /** * @brief This class is used to control the solar array deployment. * * @author J. Meier */ class SolarArrayDeploymentHandler: public ExecutableObjectIF, public SystemObject, public HasReturnvaluesIF, public HasActionsIF { public: static const DeviceCommandId_t DEPLOY_SOLAR_ARRAYS = 0x5; /** * @brief constructor * * @param setObjectId The object id of the SolarArrayDeploymentHandler. * @param gpioDriverId The id of the gpio com if. * @param gpioCookie GpioCookie holding information about the gpios used to switch the * transistors. * @param mainLineSwitcherObjectId The object id of the object responsible for switching * the 8V power source. This is normally the PCDU. * @param mainLineSwitch The id of the main line switch. This is defined in * powerSwitcherList.h. * @param deplSA1 gpioId of the GPIO controlling the deployment 1 transistor. * @param deplSA2 gpioId of the GPIO controlling the deployment 2 transistor. * @param burnTimeMs Time duration the power will be applied to the burn wires. */ SolarArrayDeploymentHandler(object_id_t setObjectId, object_id_t gpioDriverId, CookieIF * gpioCookie, object_id_t mainLineSwitcherObjectId, uint8_t mainLineSwitch, gpioId_t deplSA1, gpioId_t deplSA2, uint32_t burnTimeMs); virtual ~SolarArrayDeploymentHandler(); virtual ReturnValue_t performOperation(uint8_t operationCode = 0) override; virtual MessageQueueId_t getCommandQueue() const override; virtual ReturnValue_t executeAction(ActionId_t actionId, MessageQueueId_t commandedBy, const uint8_t* data, size_t size) override; virtual ReturnValue_t initialize() override; private: static const uint8_t INTERFACE_ID = CLASS_ID::SA_DEPL_HANDLER; static const ReturnValue_t COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA0); static const ReturnValue_t DEPLOYMENT_ALREADY_EXECUTING = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA1); static const ReturnValue_t MAIN_SWITCH_TIMEOUT_FAILURE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA2); static const ReturnValue_t SWITCHING_DEPL_SA1_FAILED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA3); static const ReturnValue_t SWITCHING_DEPL_SA2_FAILED = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA4); static const uint8_t SUBSYSTEM_ID = SUBSYSTEM_ID::SA_DEPL_HANDLER; static const Event MAIN_SWITCH_ON_TIMEOUT = MAKE_EVENT(0, severity::LOW); static const Event MAIN_SWITCH_OFF_TIMEOUT = MAKE_EVENT(1, severity::LOW); static const Event DEPLOYMENT_FAILED = MAKE_EVENT(2, severity::HIGH); static const Event DEPL_SA1_GPIO_SWTICH_ON_FAILED = MAKE_EVENT(3, severity::HIGH); static const Event DEPL_SA2_GPIO_SWTICH_ON_FAILED = MAKE_EVENT(4, severity::HIGH); enum StateMachine { WAIT_ON_DELOYMENT_COMMAND, SWITCH_8V_ON, WAIT_ON_8V_SWITCH, SWITCH_DEPL_GPIOS, WAIT_ON_DEPLOYMENT_FINISH, WAIT_FOR_MAIN_SWITCH_OFF }; StateMachine stateMachine = WAIT_ON_DELOYMENT_COMMAND; /** * This countdown is used to check if the PCDU sets the 8V line on in the intended time. */ Countdown mainSwitchCountdown; /** * This countdown is used to wait for the burn wire being successful cut. */ Countdown deploymentCountdown; /** * The message queue id of the component commanding an action will be stored in this variable. * This is necessary to send later the action finish replies. */ MessageQueueId_t rememberCommanderId = 0; /** Size of command queue */ size_t cmdQueueSize = 20; /** The object ID of the GPIO driver which switches the deployment transistors */ object_id_t gpioDriverId; CookieIF * gpioCookie; /** Object id of the object responsible to switch the 8V power input. Typically the PCDU. */ object_id_t mainLineSwitcherObjectId; /** Switch number of the 8V power switch */ uint8_t mainLineSwitch; gpioId_t deplSA1; gpioId_t deplSA2; GpioIF* gpioInterface = nullptr; /** Time duration switches are active to cut the burn wire */ uint32_t burnTimeMs; /** Queue to receive messages from other objects. */ MessageQueueIF* commandQueue = nullptr; /** * After initialization this pointer will hold the reference to the main line switcher object. */ PowerSwitchIF *mainLineSwitcher = nullptr; ActionHelper actionHelper; void readCommandQueue(); /** * @brief This function performs actions dependent on the current state. */ void handleStateMachine(); /** * @brief This function polls the 8V switch state and changes the state machine when the * switch has been enabled. */ void performWaitOn8VActions(); /** * @brief This functions handles the switching of the solar array deployment transistors. */ void switchDeploymentTransistors(); /** * @brief This function performs actions to finish the deployment. Essentially switches * are turned of after the burn time has expired. */ void handleDeploymentFinish(); }; #endif /* MISSION_DEVICES_SOLARARRAYDEPLOYMENT_H_ */