#include "LiveTmTask.h" #include <fsfw/tasks/TaskFactory.h> #include <fsfw/timemanager/Stopwatch.h> LiveTmTask::LiveTmTask(object_id_t objectId, PusTmFunnel& pusFunnel, CfdpTmFunnel& cfdpFunnel, VirtualChannelWithQueue& channel) : SystemObject(objectId), pusFunnel(pusFunnel), cfdpFunnel(cfdpFunnel), channel(channel) {} ReturnValue_t LiveTmTask::performOperation(uint8_t opCode) { while (true) { // The funnel tasks are scheduled here directly as well. ReturnValue_t result = channel.sendNextTm(); if (result == DirectTmSinkIF::IS_BUSY) { sif::error << "Lost live TM, PAPB busy" << std::endl; } if (result == MessageQueueIF::EMPTY) { if (tmFunnelCd.hasTimedOut()) { pusFunnel.performOperation(0); cfdpFunnel.performOperation(0); tmFunnelCd.resetTimer(); } // 40 ms IDLE delay. Might tweak this in the future. TaskFactory::delayTask(40); } } }