#include "CspComIF.h"
#include "CspCookie.h"

#include <fsfw/serviceinterface/ServiceInterfaceStream.h>
#include <csp/drivers/can_socketcan.h>
#include <fsfw/serialize/SerializeAdapter.h>

CspComIF::CspComIF(object_id_t objectId) :
		SystemObject(objectId) {

CspComIF::~CspComIF() {

ReturnValue_t CspComIF::initializeInterface(CookieIF *cookie)  {
	if(cookie == nullptr) {

	CspCookie* cspCookie = dynamic_cast<CspCookie*>(cookie);
	if(cspCookie == nullptr) {

	/* Perform CAN and CSP initialization only once */
	    sif::info << "Performing " << canInterface << " initialization.." << std::endl;

		/* Define the memory to allocate for the CSP stack */
		int buf_count = 10;
		int buf_size = 300;
		/* Init CSP and CSP buffer system */
		if (csp_init(cspOwnAddress) != CSP_ERR_NONE
				|| csp_buffer_init(buf_count, buf_size) != CSP_ERR_NONE) {
			sif::error << "Failed to init CSP\r\n" << std::endl;
			return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;

		int promisc = 0; // Set filter mode on
		csp_iface_t *csp_if_ptr = &csp_if;
		csp_if_ptr = csp_can_socketcan_init(canInterface, bitrate, promisc);

		/* Set default route and start router */
		uint8_t address = CSP_DEFAULT_ROUTE;
		uint8_t netmask = 0;
		uint8_t mac = CSP_NODE_MAC;
		int result = csp_rtable_set(address, netmask, csp_if_ptr, mac);
		if(result != CSP_ERR_NONE){
			sif::error << "Failed to add can interface to router table"
					<< std::endl;
			return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;

		/* Start the route task */
		unsigned int task_stack_size = 500;
		unsigned int priority = 0;
		result = csp_route_start_task(task_stack_size, priority);
		if(result != CSP_ERR_NONE){
			sif::error << "Failed to start csp route task" << std::endl;
			return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
		sif::info << canInterface << " initialized successfully" << std::endl;

	uint8_t cspAddress = cspCookie->getCspAddress();
	uint16_t maxReplyLength = cspCookie->getMaxReplyLength();
	if(cspDeviceMap.find(cspAddress) == cspDeviceMap.end()){
		/* Insert device information in CSP map */
		cspDeviceMap.emplace(cspAddress, vectorBuffer(maxReplyLength));

	return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;

ReturnValue_t CspComIF::sendMessage(CookieIF *cookie,
		const uint8_t * sendData, size_t sendLen) {
	int result;
	if(cookie == NULL){
		return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
	CspCookie* cspCookie = dynamic_cast<CspCookie*> (cookie);
	if(cspCookie == NULL){
		return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;

	/* Extract csp port and bytes to query from command buffer */
	uint8_t cspPort;
	uint16_t querySize = 0;
	result = getPortAndQuerySize(&sendData, &sendLen, &cspPort, &querySize);
	if(result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK) {
		return result;
	uint8_t cspAddress = cspCookie->getCspAddress();
	switch(cspPort) {
	case(Ports::CSP_PING): {
		initiatePingRequest(cspAddress, querySize);
	case(Ports::CSP_REBOOT): {
	case(Ports::P60_PORT_RPARAM): {
		/* No CSP fixed port was selected. Send data to the specified port and
		 * wait for querySize number of bytes */
		result = cspTransfer(cspAddress, cspPort, sendData, sendLen,
		if(result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK){
			return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
		replySize = querySize;
		sif::error << "CspComIF: Invalid port specified" << std::endl;
	return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;

ReturnValue_t CspComIF::getSendSuccess(CookieIF *cookie) {
	return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;

ReturnValue_t CspComIF::requestReceiveMessage(CookieIF *cookie,
		size_t requestLen) {
	return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;

ReturnValue_t CspComIF::readReceivedMessage(CookieIF *cookie,
		uint8_t** buffer, size_t* size) {
	if(cookie == NULL){
		return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
	CspCookie* cspCookie = dynamic_cast<CspCookie*> (cookie);
	if(cspCookie == NULL){
		return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;

	uint8_t cspAddress = cspCookie->getCspAddress();

	*buffer = cspDeviceMap[cspAddress].data();
	*size = replySize;

	return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;

ReturnValue_t CspComIF::cspTransfer(uint8_t cspAddress, uint8_t cspPort,
		const uint8_t* cmdBuffer, int cmdLen, uint16_t querySize) {

	uint32_t timeout_ms = 1000;
	uint16_t bytesRead = 0;
	int32_t expectedSize = (int32_t)querySize;
	vectorBufferIter iter = cspDeviceMap.find(cspAddress);
	if(iter == cspDeviceMap.end()){
		sif::error << "CSP device with address " << cspAddress << " no found in"
				<< " device map" << std::endl;
	uint8_t* replyBuffer = iter->second.data();

	csp_conn_t * conn = csp_connect(CSP_PRIO_HIGH, cspAddress, cspPort, 0,

    csp_packet_t* commandPacket = (csp_packet_t*)csp_buffer_get(cmdLen);
    if (commandPacket == NULL) {
        sif::error << "CspComIF::cspTransfer: Failed to get memory for a csp packet from the csp "
                << "stack" << std::endl;
        return RETURN_FAILED;

    memcpy(commandPacket->data, cmdBuffer, cmdLen);
    commandPacket->length = cmdLen;

    if (!csp_send(conn, commandPacket, timeout_ms)) {
        sif::error << "CspComIF::cspTransfer: Failed to send csp packet" << std::endl;
        return RETURN_FAILED;

    /* Return when no reply is expected */
    if (expectedSize == 0) {
        return RETURN_OK;

    csp_packet_t * reply;
    reply = csp_read(conn, timeout_ms);
    if (reply == NULL) {
        sif::error << "CspComIF::cspTransfer: Failed to read csp packet" << std::endl;
        return RETURN_FAILED;
    memcpy(replyBuffer, reply->data, reply->length);
    expectedSize = expectedSize - reply->length;
    bytesRead += reply->length;
    while (expectedSize > 0) {
        reply = csp_read(conn, timeout_ms);
        if (reply == NULL) {
            sif::error << "CspComIF::cspTransfer: Failed to read csp packet" << std::endl;
            return RETURN_FAILED;
        if ((reply->length + bytesRead) > iter->second.size()) {
            sif::error << "CspComIF::cspTransfer: Reply buffer to short" << std::endl;
            return RETURN_FAILED;
        memcpy(replyBuffer + bytesRead, reply->data, reply->length);
        expectedSize = expectedSize - reply->length;
        bytesRead += reply->length;

	if(expectedSize != 0){
        sif::error << "CspComIF::cspTransfer: Received more bytes than requested" << std::endl;
        sif::debug << "CspComIF::cspTransfer: Received bytes: " << bytesRead << std::endl;
        return RETURN_FAILED;


	return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;

ReturnValue_t CspComIF::getPortAndQuerySize(const uint8_t** sendData,
		size_t* sendLen, uint8_t* cspPort, uint16_t* querySize) {
	ReturnValue_t result = SerializeAdapter::deSerialize(cspPort, sendData,
			sendLen, SerializeIF::Endianness::BIG);
	if(result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK){
		sif::error << "CspComIF: Failed to deserialize CSP port from command "
				<< "buffer" << std::endl;
		return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
	SerializeAdapter::deSerialize(querySize, sendData, sendLen,
	if(result != HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK){
		sif::error << "CspComIF: Failed to deserialize querySize from command "
				<< "buffer" << std::endl;
		return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_FAILED;
	return HasReturnvaluesIF::RETURN_OK;

void CspComIF::initiatePingRequest(uint8_t cspAddress, uint16_t querySize){
	uint32_t timeout_ms = 500;
	uint32_t replyTime = csp_ping(cspAddress, timeout_ms, querySize,
	sif::info << "Ping address: " << cspAddress << ", reply after "
			<< replyTime << " ms" << std::endl;
	/* Store reply time in reply buffer * */
	uint8_t* replyBuffer = cspDeviceMap[cspAddress].data();
	memcpy(replyBuffer, &replyTime, sizeof(replyTime));
	replySize = sizeof(replyTime);