#include <cstddef>

#include "eive/resultClassIds.h"
#include "fsfw/retval.h"

class DirectTmSinkIF {
  virtual ~DirectTmSinkIF() = default;

  static constexpr uint8_t CLASS_ID = CLASS_ID::TM_SINK;

  static constexpr ReturnValue_t IS_BUSY = returnvalue::makeCode(CLASS_ID, 0);
  static constexpr ReturnValue_t PARTIALLY_WRITTEN = returnvalue::makeCode(CLASS_ID, 1);
  static constexpr ReturnValue_t NO_WRITE_ACTIVE = returnvalue::makeCode(CLASS_ID, 2);

   * @brief   Implements the functionality to write to a TM sink directly.
   * The write might not be completed immediately! If PARTIALLY_WRITTEN is returned, the user
   * should poll the ready for packet status bit and call @advanceWrite continuously until
   * the transfer is completed.
   * @param data  Pointer to buffer holding the data to write
   * @param size  Number of bytes to write
   * @param writtenSize Size written during write call.
   * @return returnvalue::OK on full write success, IS_BUSY if a previous write transfer has not
   *    been completed yet or the PAPB interface is not ready for a packet, PARTIALLY_WRITTEN
   *    if some bytes were written, but the transfer has not been completed yet.
  virtual ReturnValue_t write(const uint8_t* data, size_t size, size_t& writtenSize) = 0;

   * Advances a active file transfer.
   * @param writtenSize
   * @return returnvalue::OK if the packet write process is complete, PARTIALLY_WRITTEN if
   *    some bytes were written but the transfer is not complete yet.
   *    NO_WRITE_ACTIVE if this is called without a valid previous write call.
  virtual ReturnValue_t advanceWrite(size_t& writtenSize) = 0;

   * Is busy, so no write operation can not be started and write advancement
   * is not possible.
   * @return
  virtual bool isBusy() const = 0;
   * The PAPB interface is currently busy writing a packet and a new packet can not be written yet.
   * @return
  virtual bool writeActive() const = 0;