/** * Build this example on linux with: * ./waf configure --enable-examples --enable-if-kiss --with-driver-usart=linux --enable-crc32 clean build */ #include <stdio.h> #include <csp/csp.h> #include <csp/interfaces/csp_if_kiss.h> #include <csp/drivers/usart.h> #include <csp/arch/csp_thread.h> #define PORT 10 #define MY_ADDRESS 1 #define SERVER_TIDX 0 #define CLIENT_TIDX 1 #define USART_HANDLE 0 CSP_DEFINE_TASK(task_server) { int running = 1; csp_socket_t *socket = csp_socket(CSP_SO_NONE); csp_conn_t *conn; csp_packet_t *packet; csp_packet_t *response; response = csp_buffer_get(sizeof(csp_packet_t) + 2); if( response == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate memory for response packet!\n"); return CSP_TASK_RETURN; } response->data[0] = 'O'; response->data[1] = 'K'; response->length = 2; csp_bind(socket, CSP_ANY); csp_listen(socket, 5); printf("Server task started\r\n"); while(running) { if( (conn = csp_accept(socket, 10000)) == NULL ) { continue; } while( (packet = csp_read(conn, 100)) != NULL ) { switch( csp_conn_dport(conn) ) { case PORT: if( packet->data[0] == 'q' ) running = 0; csp_buffer_free(packet); csp_send(conn, response, 1000); break; default: csp_service_handler(conn, packet); break; } } csp_close(conn); } csp_buffer_free(response); return CSP_TASK_RETURN; } CSP_DEFINE_TASK(task_client) { char outbuf = 'q'; char inbuf[3] = {0}; int pingResult; for(int i = 50; i <= 200; i+= 50) { pingResult = csp_ping(MY_ADDRESS, 1000, 100, CSP_O_NONE); printf("Ping with payload of %d bytes, took %d ms\n", i, pingResult); csp_sleep_ms(1000); } csp_ps(MY_ADDRESS, 1000); csp_sleep_ms(1000); csp_memfree(MY_ADDRESS, 1000); csp_sleep_ms(1000); csp_buf_free(MY_ADDRESS, 1000); csp_sleep_ms(1000); csp_uptime(MY_ADDRESS, 1000); csp_sleep_ms(1000); csp_transaction(0, MY_ADDRESS, PORT, 1000, &outbuf, 1, inbuf, 2); printf("Quit response from server: %s\n", inbuf); return CSP_TASK_RETURN; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { csp_debug_toggle_level(CSP_PACKET); csp_debug_toggle_level(CSP_INFO); csp_buffer_init(10, 300); csp_init(MY_ADDRESS); struct usart_conf conf; #if defined(CSP_WINDOWS) conf.device = argc != 2 ? "COM4" : argv[1]; conf.baudrate = CBR_9600; conf.databits = 8; conf.paritysetting = NOPARITY; conf.stopbits = ONESTOPBIT; conf.checkparity = FALSE; #elif defined(CSP_POSIX) conf.device = argc != 2 ? "/dev/ttyUSB0" : argv[1]; conf.baudrate = 500000; #elif defined(CSP_MACOSX) conf.device = argc != 2 ? "/dev/tty.usbserial-FTSM9EGE" : argv[1]; conf.baudrate = 115200; #endif /* Run USART init */ usart_init(&conf); /* Setup CSP interface */ static csp_iface_t csp_if_kiss; static csp_kiss_handle_t csp_kiss_driver; csp_kiss_init(&csp_if_kiss, &csp_kiss_driver, usart_putc, usart_insert, "KISS"); /* Setup callback from USART RX to KISS RS */ void my_usart_rx(uint8_t * buf, int len, void * pxTaskWoken) { csp_kiss_rx(&csp_if_kiss, buf, len, pxTaskWoken); } usart_set_callback(my_usart_rx); csp_route_set(MY_ADDRESS, &csp_if_kiss, CSP_NODE_MAC); csp_route_start_task(0, 0); csp_conn_print_table(); csp_route_print_table(); csp_route_print_interfaces(); csp_thread_handle_t handle_server; csp_thread_create(task_server, "SERVER", 1000, NULL, 0, &handle_server); csp_thread_handle_t handle_client; csp_thread_create(task_client, "CLIENT", 1000, NULL, 0, &handle_client); /* Wait for program to terminate (ctrl + c) */ while(1) { csp_sleep_ms(1000000); } return 0; }