#ifndef MISSION_DEVICES_MAX1227_H_ #define MISSION_DEVICES_MAX1227_H_ #include <cstddef> #include <cstdint> namespace max1227 { enum ScanModes : uint8_t { CHANNELS_0_TO_N = 0b00, CHANNEL_N_TO_HIGHEST = 0b01, N_REPEATEDLY = 0b10, N_ONCE = 0b11 }; enum ClkSel : uint8_t { INT_CONV_INT_TIMED_CNVST_AS_CNVST = 0b00, INT_CONV_EXT_TIMED_CNVST = 0b01, // Default mode upon power-up INT_CONV_INT_TIMED_CNVST_AS_AIN = 0b10, // Use external SPI clock for conversion and timing EXT_CONV_EXT_TIMED = 0b11 }; enum RefSel : uint8_t { INT_REF_WITH_WAKEUP = 0b00, // No wakeup delay needed EXT_REF_SINGLE_ENDED = 0b01, INT_REF_NO_WAKEUP = 0b10, // No wakeup delay needed EXT_REF_DIFFERENTIAL = 0b11 }; enum DiffSel : uint8_t { NONE_0 = 0b00, NONE_1 = 0b01, // One unipolar config byte follows the setup byte UNIPOLAR_CFG = 0b10, // One bipolar config byte follows the setup byte BIPOLAR_CFG = 0b11 }; constexpr uint8_t buildResetByte(bool fifoOnly) { return (1 << 4) | (fifoOnly << 3); } constexpr uint8_t buildConvByte(ScanModes scanMode, uint8_t channel, bool readTemp) { return (1 << 7) | (channel << 3) | (scanMode << 1) | readTemp; } constexpr uint8_t buildSetupByte(ClkSel clkSel, RefSel refSel, DiffSel diffSel) { return (1 << 6) | (clkSel << 4) | (refSel << 2) | diffSel; } /** * If there is a wakeup delay, there needs to be a 65 us delay between sending * the first byte (conversion byte) and the the rest of the SPI buffer. * The raw ADC value will be located in the first and second reply byte. * @param spiBuf * @param n * @param sz */ void prepareExternallyClockedSingleChannelRead(uint8_t* spiBuf, uint8_t channel, size_t& sz); /** * If there is a wakeup delay, there needs to be a 65 us delay between sending * the first byte (first conversion byte) the the rest of the SPI buffer. * @param spiBuf * @param n Channel number. Example: If the ADC has 6 channels, n will be 5 * @param sz */ void prepareExternallyClockedRead0ToN(uint8_t* spiBuf, uint8_t n, size_t& sz); /** * Prepare an externally clocked temperature read. 25 bytes have to be sent * and the raw temperature value will appear on the last 2 bytes of the reply. * @param spiBuf * @param sz */ void prepareExternallyClockedTemperatureRead(uint8_t* spiBuf, size_t& sz); float getTemperature(int16_t temp); } // namespace max1227 #endif /* MISSION_DEVICES_MAX1227_H_ */