//#include "devicedefinitions/GyroL3GD20Definitions.h"
//#include <OBSWConfig.h>
//#include <fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerBase.h>
//#include <fsfw/globalfunctions/PeriodicOperationDivider.h>
// * @brief 	Device Handler for the L3GD20H gyroscope sensor
// *          (https://www.st.com/en/mems-and-sensors/l3gd20h.html)
// * @details
// * Advanced documentation:
// * https://egit.irs.uni-stuttgart.de/redmine/projects/eive-flight-manual/wiki/L3GD20H_Gyro
// *
// * Data is read big endian with the smallest possible range of 245 degrees per second.
// */
//class GyroHandlerL3GD20H: public DeviceHandlerBase {
//	GyroHandlerL3GD20H(object_id_t objectId, object_id_t deviceCommunication,
//	        CookieIF* comCookie);
//	virtual ~GyroHandlerL3GD20H();
//	/* DeviceHandlerBase overrides */
//	ReturnValue_t buildTransitionDeviceCommand(
//	        DeviceCommandId_t *id) override;
//	void doStartUp() override;
//	void doShutDown() override;
//	ReturnValue_t buildNormalDeviceCommand(
//	        DeviceCommandId_t *id) override;
//	ReturnValue_t buildCommandFromCommand(
//	        DeviceCommandId_t deviceCommand, const uint8_t *commandData,
//			size_t commandDataLen) override;
//	ReturnValue_t scanForReply(const uint8_t *start, size_t len,
//			DeviceCommandId_t *foundId, size_t *foundLen) override;
//	ReturnValue_t interpretDeviceReply(DeviceCommandId_t id,
//	        const uint8_t *packet) override;
//	void fillCommandAndReplyMap() override;
//	void modeChanged() override;
//	uint32_t getTransitionDelayMs(Mode_t from, Mode_t to) override;
//	ReturnValue_t initializeLocalDataPool(localpool::DataPool &localDataPoolMap,
//			LocalDataPoolManager &poolManager) override;
//	GyroPrimaryDataset dataset;
//	enum class InternalState {
//	    NONE,
//	};
//	InternalState internalState = InternalState::NONE;
//	bool commandExecuted = false;
//	uint8_t statusReg = 0;
//	uint8_t ctrlReg1Value = L3GD20H::CTRL_REG_1_VAL;
//	uint8_t ctrlReg2Value = L3GD20H::CTRL_REG_2_VAL;
//	uint8_t ctrlReg3Value = L3GD20H::CTRL_REG_3_VAL;
//	uint8_t ctrlReg4Value = L3GD20H::CTRL_REG_4_VAL;
//	uint8_t ctrlReg5Value = L3GD20H::CTRL_REG_5_VAL;
//	uint8_t commandBuffer[L3GD20H::READ_LEN + 1];
//	float scaleFactor = static_cast<float>(L3GD20H::RANGE_DPS_00) / INT16_MAX;
//#if L3GD20_GYRO_DEBUG == 1
//    PeriodicOperationDivider* debugDivider = nullptr;