#include "Q7STestTask.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "OBSWConfig.h" #include "bsp_q7s/fs/SdCardManager.h" #include "bsp_q7s/memory/scratchApi.h" #include "bsp_q7s/fs/helpers.h" #include "fsfw/tasks/TaskFactory.h" #include "fsfw/timemanager/Stopwatch.h" #include "p60pdu.h" #include "test/DummyParameter.h" using namespace returnvalue; Q7STestTask::Q7STestTask(object_id_t objectId) : TestTask(objectId) { doTestSdCard = false; doTestScratchApi = false; doTestGpsShm = false; doTestGpsSocket = false; doTestXadc = false; } ReturnValue_t Q7STestTask::performOneShotAction() { if (doTestSdCard) { testSdCard(); } if (doTestScratchApi) { testScratchApi(); } if (DO_TEST_GOMSPACE_API) { uint8_t p60pdu_node = 3; uint8_t hk_mem[P60PDU_HK_SIZE]; param_index_t p60pdu_hk{}; p60pdu_hk.physaddr = hk_mem; if (!p60pdu_get_hk(&p60pdu_hk, p60pdu_node, 1000)) { printf("Error getting p60pdu hk\n"); } else { param_list(&p60pdu_hk, 1); } } if (DO_TEST_GOMSPACE_GET_CONFIG) { uint8_t p60pdu_node = 3; param_index_t requestStruct{}; requestStruct.table = p60pdu_config; requestStruct.mem_id = P60PDU_PARAM; uint8_t hk_mem[P60PDU_PARAM_SIZE]; requestStruct.count = p60pdu_config_count; requestStruct.size = P60PDU_PARAM_SIZE; requestStruct.physaddr = hk_mem; int result = rparam_get_full_table(&requestStruct, p60pdu_node, P60_PORT_RPARAM, requestStruct.mem_id, 1000); param_list(&requestStruct, 1); return (result == 0); } // testJsonLibDirect(); // testDummyParams(); if (doTestProtHandler) { testProtHandler(); } FsOpCodes opCode = FsOpCodes::CREATE_EMPTY_FILE_IN_TMP; testFileSystemHandlerDirect(opCode); return TestTask::performOneShotAction(); } ReturnValue_t Q7STestTask::performPeriodicAction() { if (doTestGpsShm) { testGpsDaemonShm(); } if (doTestGpsSocket) { testGpsDaemonSocket(); } if (doTestXadc) { xadcTest(); } return TestTask::performPeriodicAction(); } void Q7STestTask::testSdCard() { using namespace std; Stopwatch stopwatch; int result = std::system("q7hw sd info all > /tmp/sd_status.txt"); if (result != 0) { sif::debug << "system call failed with " << result << endl; } ifstream sdStatus("/tmp/sd_status.txt"); string line; uint8_t idx = 0; while (std::getline(sdStatus, line)) { std::istringstream iss(line); string word; while (iss >> word) { if (word == "on") { sif::info << "SD card " << static_cast(idx) << " is on" << endl; } else if (word == "off") { sif::info << "SD card " << static_cast(idx) << " is off" << endl; } } idx++; } std::remove("/tmp/sd_status.txt"); } void Q7STestTask::fileTests() { using namespace std; ofstream testFile("/tmp/test.txt"); testFile << "Hallo Welt" << endl; testFile.close(); system("echo \"Hallo Welt\" > /tmp/test2.txt"); system("echo \"Hallo Welt\""); } void Q7STestTask::testScratchApi() { ReturnValue_t result = scratch::writeNumber("TEST", 1); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::debug << "Q7STestTask::scratchApiTest: Writing number failed" << std::endl; } int number = 0; result = scratch::readNumber("TEST", number); sif::info << "Q7STestTask::testScratchApi: Value for key \"TEST\": " << number << std::endl; if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::debug << "Q7STestTask::scratchApiTest: Reading number failed" << std::endl; } result = scratch::writeString("TEST2", "halloWelt"); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::debug << "Q7STestTask::scratchApiTest: Writing string failed" << std::endl; } std::string string; result = scratch::readString("TEST2", string); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::debug << "Q7STestTask::scratchApiTest: Reading number failed" << std::endl; } sif::info << "Q7STestTask::testScratchApi: Value for key \"TEST2\": " << string << std::endl; result = scratch::clearValue("TEST"); result = scratch::clearValue("TEST2"); } void Q7STestTask::testJsonLibDirect() { Stopwatch stopwatch; // for convenience using json = nlohmann::json; json helloTest; // add a number that is stored as double (note the implicit conversion of j to an object) helloTest["pi"] = 3.141; std::string mntPrefix = SdCardManager::instance()->getCurrentMountPrefix(); std::string fileName = mntPrefix + "/pretty.json"; std::ofstream o(fileName); o << std::setw(4) << helloTest << std::endl; } void Q7STestTask::testDummyParams() { std::string mntPrefix = SdCardManager::instance()->getCurrentMountPrefix(); DummyParameter param(mntPrefix, "dummy_json.txt"); param.printKeys(); param.print(); if (not param.getJsonFileExists()) { param.writeJsonFile(); } ReturnValue_t result = param.readJsonFile(); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { } param.setValue(DummyParameter::DUMMY_KEY_PARAM_1, 3); param.setValue(DummyParameter::DUMMY_KEY_PARAM_2, "blirb"); param.writeJsonFile(); param.print(); int test = 0; result = param.getValue(DummyParameter::DUMMY_KEY_PARAM_1, test); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "Q7STestTask::testDummyParams: Key " << DummyParameter::DUMMY_KEY_PARAM_1 << " does not exist" << std::endl; } std::string test2; result = param.getValue(DummyParameter::DUMMY_KEY_PARAM_2, test2); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "Q7STestTask::testDummyParams: Key " << DummyParameter::DUMMY_KEY_PARAM_1 << " does not exist" << std::endl; } sif::info << "Test value (3 expected): " << test << std::endl; sif::info << "Test value 2 (\"blirb\" expected): " << test2 << std::endl; } ReturnValue_t Q7STestTask::initialize() { coreController = ObjectManager::instance()->get(objects::CORE_CONTROLLER); if (coreController == nullptr) { sif::warning << "Q7STestTask::initialize: Could not retrieve CORE_CONTROLLER object" << std::endl; } return TestTask::initialize(); } void Q7STestTask::testProtHandler() { bool opPerformed = false; ReturnValue_t result = returnvalue::OK; // If any chips are unlocked, lock them here result = coreController->setBootCopyProtection(xsc::Chip::ALL_CHIP, xsc::Copy::ALL_COPY, true, opPerformed, true); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "Q7STestTask::testProtHandler: Op failed" << std::endl; } // unlock own copy result = coreController->setBootCopyProtection(xsc::Chip::SELF_CHIP, xsc::Copy::SELF_COPY, false, opPerformed, true); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "Q7STestTask::testProtHandler: Op failed" << std::endl; } if (not opPerformed) { sif::warning << "Q7STestTask::testProtHandler: No op performed" << std::endl; } int retval = std::system("print-chip-prot-status.sh"); if (retval != 0) { utility::handleSystemError(retval, "Q7STestTask::testProtHandler"); } // lock own copy result = coreController->setBootCopyProtection(xsc::Chip::SELF_CHIP, xsc::Copy::SELF_COPY, true, opPerformed, true); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "Q7STestTask::testProtHandler: Op failed" << std::endl; } if (not opPerformed) { sif::warning << "Q7STestTask::testProtHandler: No op performed" << std::endl; } retval = std::system("print-chip-prot-status.sh"); if (retval != 0) { utility::handleSystemError(retval, "Q7STestTask::testProtHandler"); } // unlock specific copy result = coreController->setBootCopyProtection(xsc::Chip::CHIP_1, xsc::Copy::COPY_1, false, opPerformed, true); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "Q7STestTask::testProtHandler: Op failed" << std::endl; } if (not opPerformed) { sif::warning << "Q7STestTask::testProtHandler: No op performed" << std::endl; } retval = std::system("print-chip-prot-status.sh"); if (retval != 0) { utility::handleSystemError(retval, "Q7STestTask::testProtHandler"); } // lock specific copy result = coreController->setBootCopyProtection(xsc::Chip::CHIP_1, xsc::Copy::COPY_1, true, opPerformed, true); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "Q7STestTask::testProtHandler: Op failed" << std::endl; } if (not opPerformed) { sif::warning << "Q7STestTask::testProtHandler: No op performed" << std::endl; } retval = std::system("print-chip-prot-status.sh"); if (retval != 0) { utility::handleSystemError(retval, "Q7STestTask::testProtHandler"); } } void Q7STestTask::testGpsDaemonShm() { gpsmm gpsmm(GPSD_SHARED_MEMORY, ""); gps_data_t* gps; gps = gpsmm.read(); if (gps == nullptr) { sif::warning << "Q7STestTask: Reading GPS data failed" << std::endl; } sif::info << "-- Q7STestTask: GPS shared memory read test --" << std::endl; #if LIBGPS_VERSION_MINOR <= 17 time_t timeRaw = gps->fix.time; #else time_t timeRaw = gps->fix.time.tv_sec; #endif std::tm* time = gmtime(&timeRaw); sif::info << "Time: " << std::put_time(time, "%c %Z") << std::endl; sif::info << "Visible satellites: " << gps->satellites_visible << std::endl; sif::info << "Satellites used: " << gps->satellites_used << std::endl; sif::info << "Fix (0:Not Seen|1:No Fix|2:2D|3:3D): " << gps->fix.mode << std::endl; sif::info << "Latitude: " << gps->fix.latitude << std::endl; sif::info << "Longitude: " << gps->fix.longitude << std::endl; #if LIBGPS_VERSION_MINOR <= 17 sif::info << "Altitude(MSL): " << gps->fix.altitude << std::endl; #else sif::info << "Altitude(MSL): " << gps->fix.altMSL << std::endl; #endif sif::info << "Speed(m/s): " << gps->fix.speed << std::endl; } void Q7STestTask::testGpsDaemonSocket() { if (gpsmmShmPtr == nullptr) { gpsmmShmPtr = new gpsmm("localhost", DEFAULT_GPSD_PORT); } // The data from the device will generally be read all at once. Therefore, we // can set all field here if (not gpsmmShmPtr->is_open()) { if (gpsNotOpenSwitch) { // Opening failed #if FSFW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 sif::warning << "Q7STestTask::testGpsDaemonSocket: Opening GPSMM failed | " << "Error " << errno << " | " << gps_errstr(errno) << std::endl; #endif gpsNotOpenSwitch = false; } return; } // Stopwatch watch; gps_data_t* gps = nullptr; gpsmmShmPtr->stream(WATCH_ENABLE | WATCH_JSON); if (not gpsmmShmPtr->waiting(50000000)) { return; } gps = gpsmmShmPtr->read(); if (gps == nullptr) { if (gpsReadFailedSwitch) { gpsReadFailedSwitch = false; sif::warning << "Q7STestTask::testGpsDaemonSocket: Reading GPS data failed" << std::endl; } return; } if (MODE_SET != (MODE_SET & gps->set)) { if (noModeSetCntr >= 0) { noModeSetCntr++; } if (noModeSetCntr == 10) { // TODO: Trigger event here sif::warning << "Q7STestTask::testGpsDaemonSocket: No mode could be " "read for 10 consecutive reads" << std::endl; noModeSetCntr = -1; } return; } else { noModeSetCntr = 0; } sif::info << "-- Q7STestTask: GPS socket read test --" << std::endl; #if LIBGPS_VERSION_MINOR <= 17 time_t timeRaw = gps->fix.time; #else time_t timeRaw = gps->fix.time.tv_sec; #endif std::tm* time = gmtime(&timeRaw); sif::info << "Time: " << std::put_time(time, "%c %Z") << std::endl; sif::info << "Visible satellites: " << gps->satellites_visible << std::endl; sif::info << "Satellites used: " << gps->satellites_used << std::endl; sif::info << "Fix (0:Not Seen|1:No Fix|2:2D|3:3D): " << gps->fix.mode << std::endl; sif::info << "Latitude: " << gps->fix.latitude << std::endl; sif::info << "Longitude: " << gps->fix.longitude << std::endl; } void Q7STestTask::testFileSystemHandlerDirect(FsOpCodes opCode) { HostFilesystem hostFs; auto* sdcMan = SdCardManager::instance(); std::string mountPrefix = sdcMan->getCurrentMountPrefix(); sif::info << "Current mount prefix: " << mountPrefix << std::endl; auto prefixedPath = fshelpers::getPrefixedPath(*sdcMan, "conf/test.txt"); sif::info << "Prefixed path: " << prefixedPath << std::endl; if (opCode == FsOpCodes::CREATE_EMPTY_FILE_IN_TMP) { FilesystemParams params("/tmp/hello.txt"); auto res = hostFs.createFile(params); if(res != OK) { sif::warning << "Creating empty file in /tmp failed" << std::endl; } bool fileExists = std::filesystem::exists("/tmp/hello.txt"); if(not fileExists) { sif::warning << "File was not created!" << std::endl; } hostFs.removeFile("/tmp/hello.txt"); } } void Q7STestTask::xadcTest() { ReturnValue_t result = returnvalue::OK; float temperature = 0; float vccPint = 0; float vccPaux = 0; float vccInt = 0; float vccAux = 0; float vccBram = 0; float vccOddr = 0; float vrefp = 0; float vrefn = 0; Xadc xadc; result = xadc.getTemperature(temperature); if (result == returnvalue::OK) { sif::info << "Q7STestTask::xadcTest: Chip Temperature: " << temperature << " °C" << std::endl; } result = xadc.getVccPint(vccPint); if (result == returnvalue::OK) { sif::info << "Q7STestTask::xadcTest: VCC PS internal: " << vccPint << " mV" << std::endl; } result = xadc.getVccPaux(vccPaux); if (result == returnvalue::OK) { sif::info << "Q7STestTask::xadcTest: VCC PS auxilliary: " << vccPaux << " mV" << std::endl; } result = xadc.getVccInt(vccInt); if (result == returnvalue::OK) { sif::info << "Q7STestTask::xadcTest: VCC PL internal: " << vccInt << " mV" << std::endl; } result = xadc.getVccAux(vccAux); if (result == returnvalue::OK) { sif::info << "Q7STestTask::xadcTest: VCC PL auxilliary: " << vccAux << " mV" << std::endl; } result = xadc.getVccBram(vccBram); if (result == returnvalue::OK) { sif::info << "Q7STestTask::xadcTest: VCC BRAM: " << vccBram << " mV" << std::endl; } result = xadc.getVccOddr(vccOddr); if (result == returnvalue::OK) { sif::info << "Q7STestTask::xadcTest: VCC PS I/O DDR : " << vccOddr << " mV" << std::endl; } result = xadc.getVrefp(vrefp); if (result == returnvalue::OK) { sif::info << "Q7STestTask::xadcTest: Vrefp : " << vrefp << " mV" << std::endl; } result = xadc.getVrefn(vrefn); if (result == returnvalue::OK) { sif::info << "Q7STestTask::xadcTest: Vrefn : " << vrefn << " mV" << std::endl; } }