#include <fsfw/devicehandlers/DeviceHandlerBase.h>
#include <mission/devices/devicedefinitions/imtqHandlerDefinitions.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "events/subsystemIdRanges.h"
#include "returnvalues/classIds.h"

 * @brief	This is the device handler for the ISIS Magnetorquer iMTQ.
 * @author	J. Meier
class ImtqHandler : public DeviceHandlerBase {
  enum NormalPollingMode { UNCALIBRATED = 0, CALIBRATED = 1, BOTH = 2 };

  ImtqHandler(object_id_t objectId, object_id_t comIF, CookieIF* comCookie,
              power::Switch_t pwrSwitcher);
  virtual ~ImtqHandler();

  void setPollingMode(NormalPollingMode pollMode);

  void doSendRead() override;
   * @brief   Sets mode to MODE_NORMAL. Can be used for debugging.
  void setToGoToNormal(bool enable);

  void setDebugMode(bool enable);

  void doStartUp() override;
  void doShutDown() override;
  ReturnValue_t buildNormalDeviceCommand(DeviceCommandId_t* id) override;
  ReturnValue_t buildTransitionDeviceCommand(DeviceCommandId_t* id) override;
  void fillCommandAndReplyMap() override;
  ReturnValue_t buildCommandFromCommand(DeviceCommandId_t deviceCommand, const uint8_t* commandData,
                                        size_t commandDataLen) override;
  ReturnValue_t scanForReply(const uint8_t* start, size_t remainingSize, DeviceCommandId_t* foundId,
                             size_t* foundLen) override;
  ReturnValue_t interpretDeviceReply(DeviceCommandId_t id, const uint8_t* packet) override;
  void setNormalDatapoolEntriesInvalid() override;
  virtual LocalPoolDataSetBase* getDataSetHandle(sid_t sid) override;
  uint32_t getTransitionDelayMs(Mode_t modeFrom, Mode_t modeTo) override;
  ReturnValue_t initializeLocalDataPool(localpool::DataPool& localDataPoolMap,
                                        LocalDataPoolManager& poolManager) override;
  ReturnValue_t getSwitches(const uint8_t** switches, uint8_t* numberOfSwitches) override;

  static const uint8_t INTERFACE_ID = CLASS_ID::IMTQ_HANDLER;

  static const ReturnValue_t INVALID_COMMAND_CODE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA0);
  static const ReturnValue_t PARAMETER_MISSING = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA1);
  static const ReturnValue_t PARAMETER_INVALID = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA2);
  static const ReturnValue_t CC_UNAVAILABLE = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA3);
  static const ReturnValue_t INTERNAL_PROCESSING_ERROR = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA4);
  static const ReturnValue_t REJECTED_WITHOUT_REASON = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA5);
  static const ReturnValue_t CMD_ERR_UNKNOWN = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA6);
  //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] The status reply to a self test command was received but no self test
  //! command has been sent. This should normally never happen.
  static const ReturnValue_t UNEXPECTED_SELF_TEST_REPLY = MAKE_RETURN_CODE(0xA7);


  //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Get self test result returns I2C failure
  //! P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 ->
  //! -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA
  static const Event SELF_TEST_I2C_FAILURE = MAKE_EVENT(1, severity::LOW);
  //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Get self test result returns SPI failure. This concerns the MTM
  //! connectivity. P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3
  //! -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA
  static const Event SELF_TEST_SPI_FAILURE = MAKE_EVENT(2, severity::LOW);
  //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Get self test result returns failure in measurement of current and
  //! temperature. P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3
  //! -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA
  static const Event SELF_TEST_ADC_FAILURE = MAKE_EVENT(3, severity::LOW);
  //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Get self test result returns PWM failure which concerns the coil
  //! actuation. P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 ->
  //! +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA
  static const Event SELF_TEST_PWM_FAILURE = MAKE_EVENT(4, severity::LOW);
  //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Get self test result returns TC failure (system failure)
  //! P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 ->
  //! -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA
  static const Event SELF_TEST_TC_FAILURE = MAKE_EVENT(5, severity::LOW);
  //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Get self test result returns failure that MTM values were outside of the
  //! expected range. P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1 -> +X, 2 -> -X,
  //! 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA
  static const Event SELF_TEST_MTM_RANGE_FAILURE = MAKE_EVENT(6, severity::LOW);
  //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Get self test result returns failure indicating that the coil current was
  //! outside of the expected range P1: Indicates on which axis the failure occurred. 0 -> INIT, 1
  //! -> +X, 2 -> -X, 3 -> +Y, 4 -> -Y, 5 -> +Z, 6 -> -Z, 7 -> FINA
  static const Event SELF_TEST_COIL_CURRENT_FAILURE = MAKE_EVENT(7, severity::LOW);
  //! [EXPORT] : [COMMENT] Received invalid error byte. This indicates an error of the communication
  //! link between IMTQ and OBC.
  static const Event INVALID_ERROR_BYTE = MAKE_EVENT(8, severity::LOW);

  IMTQ::EngHkDataset engHkDataset;
  IMTQ::CalibratedMtmMeasurementSet calMtmMeasurementSet;
  IMTQ::RawMtmMeasurementSet rawMtmMeasurementSet;
  IMTQ::DipoleActuationSet dipoleSet;
  IMTQ::PosXSelfTestSet posXselfTestDataset;
  IMTQ::NegXSelfTestSet negXselfTestDataset;
  IMTQ::PosYSelfTestSet posYselfTestDataset;
  IMTQ::NegYSelfTestSet negYselfTestDataset;
  IMTQ::PosZSelfTestSet posZselfTestDataset;
  IMTQ::NegZSelfTestSet negZselfTestDataset;

  NormalPollingMode pollingMode = NormalPollingMode::UNCALIBRATED;

  PoolEntry<int32_t> mgmCalEntry = PoolEntry<int32_t>(3);
  PoolEntry<int16_t> dipoleXEntry = PoolEntry<int16_t>(0, false);
  PoolEntry<int16_t> dipoleYEntry = PoolEntry<int16_t>(0, false);
  PoolEntry<int16_t> dipoleZEntry = PoolEntry<int16_t>(0, false);
  PoolEntry<uint16_t> torqueDurationEntry = PoolEntry<uint16_t>(0, false);
  // Hardcoded to default integration time of 10 ms.
  // SHOULDDO: Support for other integration times
  Countdown integrationTimeCd = Countdown(10);

  power::Switch_t switcher = power::NO_SWITCH;

  uint8_t commandBuffer[IMTQ::MAX_COMMAND_SIZE];
  bool goToNormalMode = false;
  bool debugMode = false;

  enum class CommunicationStep {

  CommunicationStep communicationStep = CommunicationStep::GET_ENG_HK_DATA;


  StartupStep startupStep = StartupStep::COMMAND_SELF_TEST;

  bool selfTestPerformed = false;

   * @brief   In case of a status reply to a single axis self test command, this function
   *          searches for the actual pending command.
  ReturnValue_t getSelfTestCommandId(DeviceCommandId_t* id);

   * @brief   Each reply contains a status byte giving information about a request. This function
   *          parses this byte and returns the associated failure message.
   * @param packet    Pointer to the received message containing the status byte.
   * @return  The return code derived from the received status byte.
  ReturnValue_t parseStatusByte(const uint8_t* packet);

   * @brief   This function fills the engineering housekeeping dataset with the received data.

   * @param packet    Pointer to the received data.
  void fillEngHkDataset(const uint8_t* packet);

   * @brief   This function sends a command reply to the requesting queue.
   * @param data  Pointer to the data to send.
   * @param dataSize  Size of the data to send.
   * @param relplyId  Reply id which will be inserted at the beginning of the action message.
  void handleDeviceTM(const uint8_t* data, size_t dataSize, DeviceCommandId_t replyId);

   * @brief   This function handles the reply containing the commanded dipole.
   * @param packet    Pointer to the reply data.
  void handleGetCommandedDipoleReply(const uint8_t* packet);

   * @brief   This function parses the reply containing the calibrated MTM measurement and writes
   *          the values to the appropriate dataset.
   * @param packet    Pointer to the reply data.
  void fillCalibratedMtmDataset(const uint8_t* packet);

   * @brief   This function copies the raw MTM measurements to the MTM raw dataset.
   * @param packet    Pointer to the reply data requested with the GET_RAW_MTM_MEASUREMENTS
   *                  command.
  void fillRawMtmDataset(const uint8_t* packet);

   * @brief   This function handles all self test results. This comprises parsing the error byte
   *          and step byte and calling the function to fill the respective dataset.
  void handleSelfTestReply(const uint8_t* packet);

   * @brief   The following functions fill the respective dataset of the single axis self tests.
   * @param packet    Pointer to the reply data holding the self test result.
  void handlePositiveXSelfTestReply(const uint8_t* packet);
  void handleNegativeXSelfTestReply(const uint8_t* packet);
  void handlePositiveYSelfTestReply(const uint8_t* packet);
  void handleNegativeYSelfTestReply(const uint8_t* packet);
  void handlePositiveZSelfTestReply(const uint8_t* packet);
  void handleNegativeZSelfTestReply(const uint8_t* packet);

  ReturnValue_t buildDipoleActuationCommand();
   * @brief   This function checks the error byte of a self test measurement.
   * @param errorByte The received error byte to check
   * @param step  The step of the error byte.
  void checkErrorByte(const uint8_t errorByte, const uint8_t step);

  std::string makeStepString(const uint8_t step);