#include "TmStore.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace returnvalue; TmStore::TmStore(object_id_t objectId, const char* baseDir, std::string baseName, RolloverInterval intervalUnit, uint32_t intervalCount, timeval& currentTv, StorageManagerIF& tmStore, SdCardMountedIF& sdcMan) : SystemObject(objectId), baseDir(std::move(baseDir)), baseName(std::move(baseName)), currentTv(currentTv), sdcMan(sdcMan), tmStore(tmStore) { calcDiffSeconds(intervalUnit, intervalCount); } ReturnValue_t TmStore::passPacket(PusTmReader& reader) { bool inApidList = false; if (filter.apid) { auto& apidFilter = filter.apid.value(); if (std::find(apidFilter.begin(), apidFilter.end(), reader.getApid()) != apidFilter.end()) { if (not filter.serviceSubservices and not filter.services) { return storePacket(reader); } inApidList = true; } } std::pair serviceSubservice; serviceSubservice.first = reader.getService(); serviceSubservice.second = reader.getSubService(); if (filter.services) { auto& serviceFilter = filter.services.value(); if (std::find(serviceFilter.begin(), serviceFilter.end(), serviceSubservice.first) != serviceFilter.end()) { if (filter.apid and inApidList) { return storePacket(reader); } } } if (filter.serviceSubservices) { auto& serviceSubserviceFilter = filter.serviceSubservices.value(); if (std::find(serviceSubserviceFilter.begin(), serviceSubserviceFilter.end(), serviceSubservice) != serviceSubserviceFilter.end()) { if (filter.apid and inApidList) { return storePacket(reader); } } } return returnvalue::OK; } ReturnValue_t TmStore::storePacket(PusTmReader& reader) { using namespace std::filesystem; if (baseDirUninitialized) { updateBaseDir(); } // It is assumed here that the filesystem is usable. if (not mostRecentFile) { assignAndOrCreateMostRecentFile(); } if (currentTv.tv_sec < mostRecentTv.value().tv_sec or currentTv.tv_sec - mostRecentTv.value().tv_sec > static_cast(rolloverDiffSeconds)) { if (file_size(mostRecentFile.value()) + reader.getFullPacketLen() > fileBuf.size()) { uint8_t appendedCounter = 1; path rolloverName; while (true) { rolloverName = path(mostRecentFile.value().string() + "." + std::to_string(appendedCounter)); if (not exists(rolloverName)) { break; } appendedCounter++; } rename(mostRecentFile.value(), rolloverName); std::ofstream of(mostRecentFile.value(), std::ios::binary); } } // Rollover conditions were handled, write to file now std::ofstream of(mostRecentFile.value(), std::ios::app | std::ios::binary); of.write(reinterpret_cast(reader.getFullData()), reader.getFullPacketLen()); return returnvalue::OK; } MessageQueueId_t TmStore::getCommandQueue() { return MessageQueueIF::NO_QUEUE; } void TmStore::calcDiffSeconds(RolloverInterval intervalUnit, uint32_t intervalCount) { if (intervalUnit == RolloverInterval::MINUTELY) { rolloverDiffSeconds = 60 * intervalCount; } else if (intervalUnit == RolloverInterval::HOURLY) { rolloverDiffSeconds = 60 * 60 * intervalCount; } else if (intervalUnit == RolloverInterval::DAILY) { rolloverDiffSeconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * intervalCount; } } void TmStore::updateBaseDir() { using namespace std::filesystem; std::string currentPrefix = sdcMan.getCurrentMountPrefix(); basePath = path(currentPrefix) / baseDir / baseName; if (not exists(basePath)) { create_directories(basePath); } baseDirUninitialized = false; } void TmStore::assignAndOrCreateMostRecentFile() { using namespace std::filesystem; for (auto const& file : directory_iterator(basePath)) { if (file.is_directory()) { continue; } auto pathStr = file.path().string(); Clock::TimeOfDay_t tod; if (pathStr.find(baseName) == std::string::npos) { continue; } unsigned int underscorePos = pathStr.find_last_of('_'); std::string stampStr = pathStr.substr(underscorePos + 1); int count = sscanf(stampStr.c_str(), "%04" SCNu32 "-%02" SCNu32 "-%02" SCNu32 "T%02" SCNu32 "-%02" SCNu32 "-%02" SCNu32 "Z", &tod.year, &tod.month, &tod.day, &tod.hour, &tod.minute, &tod.second); if (count != 6) { continue; } timeval tv{}; Clock::convertTimeOfDayToTimeval(&tod, &tv); if (not mostRecentTv || tv > mostRecentTv.value()) { mostRecentTv = tv; mostRecentFile = file.path(); } } if (not mostRecentFile) { unsigned currentIdx = 0; path pathStart = basePath / baseName; memcpy(fileBuf.data() + currentIdx, pathStart.c_str(), pathStart.string().length()); currentIdx += pathStart.string().length(); Clock::TimeOfDay_t tod; Clock::convertTimevalToTimeOfDay(¤tTv, &tod); currentIdx += sprintf(reinterpret_cast(fileBuf.data() + currentIdx), "_%04" PRIu32 "-%02" PRIu32 "-%02" PRIu32 "T%02" PRIu32 "-%02" PRIu32 "-%02" PRIu32 "Z.bin", tod.year, tod.month, tod.day, tod.hour, tod.minute, tod.second); path newPath(std::string(reinterpret_cast(fileBuf.data()), currentIdx)); std::ofstream of(newPath, std::ios::binary); mostRecentFile = newPath; mostRecentTv = currentTv; } } void TmStore::addApid(uint16_t apid) { if (not filter.apid) { filter.apid = std::vector({apid}); return; } filter.apid.value().push_back(apid); } void TmStore::addService(uint8_t service) { if (not filter.services) { filter.services = std::vector({service}); return; } filter.services.value().push_back(service); } void TmStore::addServiceSubservice(uint8_t service, uint8_t subservice) { if (not filter.serviceSubservices) { filter.serviceSubservices = std::vector>({std::pair(service, subservice)}); return; } filter.serviceSubservices.value().push_back({service, subservice}); } void TmStore::deleteUpTo(uint32_t unixSeconds) { using namespace std::filesystem; for (auto const& file : directory_iterator(basePath)) { if (file.is_directory() or (mostRecentFile.has_value() and (mostRecentFile.value() == file.path()))) { continue; } Clock::TimeOfDay_t tod; pathToTod(file.path(), tod); timeval time; ReturnValue_t result = Clock::convertTimeOfDayToTimeval(&tod, &time); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::error << "TOD to time conversion failed for file " << file << std::endl; continue; } if (time.tv_sec + rolloverDiffSeconds < unixSeconds) { std::filesystem::remove(file.path()); } } } void TmStore::dumpFromUpTo(uint32_t fromUnixSeconds, uint32_t upToUnixSeconds, TmFunnelBase& funnel) { using namespace std::filesystem; for (auto const& file : directory_iterator(basePath)) { if (file.is_directory() or (mostRecentFile.has_value() and (mostRecentFile.value() == file.path()))) { continue; } Clock::TimeOfDay_t tod; pathToTod(file.path(), tod); timeval time; ReturnValue_t result = Clock::convertTimeOfDayToTimeval(&tod, &time); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::error << "TOD to time conversion failed for file " << file << std::endl; continue; } uint32_t timeUnsigned = static_cast(time.tv_sec); if (timeUnsigned > fromUnixSeconds && timeUnsigned + rolloverDiffSeconds < upToUnixSeconds) { fileToPackets(file, timeUnsigned, funnel); } } } void TmStore::pathToTod(const std::filesystem::path& path, Clock::TimeOfDay_t& tod) { auto pathStr = path.string(); size_t splitChar = pathStr.find("_"); auto timeOnlyStr = pathStr.substr(splitChar); sscanf(timeOnlyStr.data(), "%04" SCNu32 "-%02" SCNu32 "-%02" SCNu32 "T%02" SCNu32 "-%02" SCNu32 "-%02" SCNu32 "Z", &tod.year, &tod.month, &tod.day, &tod.hour, &tod.minute, &tod.second); } void TmStore::fileToPackets(const std::filesystem::path& path, uint32_t unixStamp, TmFunnelBase& funnel) { store_address_t storeId; TmTcMessage message; size_t size = std::filesystem::file_size(path); if (size < 6) { // Can't even read the CCSDS header return; } std::ifstream ifile(path, std::ios::binary); ifile.read(reinterpret_cast(fileBuf.data()), size); size_t currentIdx = 0; while (currentIdx < size) { PusTmReader reader(&timeReader, fileBuf.data(), fileBuf.size()); // CRC check to fully ensure this is a valid TM ReturnValue_t result = reader.parseDataWithCrcCheck(); if (result == returnvalue::OK) { ReturnValue_t result = tmStore.addData(&storeId, fileBuf.data() + currentIdx, reader.getFullPacketLen()); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { continue; } funnel.sendPacketToDestinations(storeId, message, fileBuf.data() + currentIdx, reader.getFullPacketLen()); currentIdx += reader.getFullPacketLen(); } else { sif::error << "Parsing of PUS TM failed with code " << result << std::endl; triggerEvent(POSSIBLE_FILE_CORRUPTION, result, unixStamp); // Stop for now, do not really know where to continue and we do not trust the file anymore. break; } } }