#include <fsfw/globalfunctions/math/VectorOperations.h>

#include "AcsParameters.h"

class SusConverter {
  SusConverter() {}

  uint64_t checkSunSensorData(const uint16_t susChannel[6]);
  bool checkValidity(bool* susValid, const uint64_t brightness[12], const float threshold);
  void calculateSunVector(float* sunVectorSensorFrame, const uint16_t susChannel[6]);

  static const uint8_t GNDREF = 4;
  // =2^12[Bit]high borderline for the channel values of one sun sensor for validity Check
  static constexpr uint16_t SUS_CHANNEL_VALUE_HIGH = 4096;
  // [Bit]low borderline for the channel values of one sun sensor for validity Check
  static constexpr uint8_t SUS_CHANNEL_VALUE_LOW = 0;
  // 4096[Bit]high borderline for check if the sun sensor is illuminated by the sun or by the
  // reflection of sunlight from the moon/earth
  static constexpr uint16_t SUS_ALBEDO_CHECK = 1000;
  // [Bit]low borderline for check if the sun sensor is illuminated by the sun or by the  reflection
  // of sunlight from the moon/earth
  static constexpr uint8_t SUS_CHANNEL_SUM_LOW = 0;

  static constexpr float S = 0.03;  // S=[mm] gap between diodes
  static constexpr float D = 5;     // D=[mm] edge length of the quadratic aperture
  static constexpr float H = 2.5;   // H=[mm] distance between diodes and aperture

  AcsParameters acsParameters;