#include "CoreController.h" #include <fsfw/events/EventManager.h> #include <fsfw/filesystem/HasFileSystemIF.h> #include <fsfw/ipc/QueueFactory.h> #include <fsfw/tasks/TaskFactory.h> #include <fsfw_hal/linux/uio/UioMapper.h> #include "commonConfig.h" #include "fsfw/serviceinterface/ServiceInterface.h" #include "fsfw/timemanager/Stopwatch.h" #include "fsfw/version.h" #include "watchdog/definitions.h" #if OBSW_ADD_TMTC_UDP_SERVER == 1 #include "fsfw/osal/common/UdpTmTcBridge.h" #endif #if OBSW_ADD_TMTC_TCP_SERVER == 1 #include "fsfw/osal/common/TcpTmTcServer.h" #endif #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <algorithm> #include <filesystem> #include "bsp_q7s/boardconfig/busConf.h" #include "bsp_q7s/fs/SdCardManager.h" #include "bsp_q7s/memory/scratchApi.h" #include "bsp_q7s/xadc/Xadc.h" #include "eive/definitions.h" #include "linux/utility/utility.h" xsc::Chip CoreController::CURRENT_CHIP = xsc::Chip::NO_CHIP; xsc::Copy CoreController::CURRENT_COPY = xsc::Copy::NO_COPY; CoreController::CoreController(object_id_t objectId, bool enableHkSet) : ExtendedControllerBase(objectId, 5), enableHkSet(enableHkSet), cmdExecutor(4096), cmdReplyBuf(4096, true), cmdRepliesSizes(128), opDivider5(5), opDivider10(10), hkSet(this), paramHelper(this) { cmdExecutor.setRingBuffer(&cmdReplyBuf, &cmdRepliesSizes); try { sdcMan = SdCardManager::instance(); if (sdcMan == nullptr) { sif::error << "CoreController::CoreController: SD card manager invalid!" << std::endl; } if (not BLOCKING_SD_INIT) { sdcMan->setBlocking(false); } // Set up state of SD card manager and own initial state. // Stopwatch watch; sdcMan->updateSdCardStateFile(); SdCardManager::SdStatePair sdStates; sdcMan->getSdCardsStatus(sdStates); auto sdCard = sdcMan->getPreferredSdCard(); if (not sdCard.has_value()) { sif::error << "CoreController::initializeAfterTaskCreation: " "Issues getting preferred SD card, setting to 0" << std::endl; sdCard = sd::SdCard::SLOT_0; } sdInfo.active = sdCard.value(); if (sdStates.first == sd::SdState::MOUNTED) { sdcMan->setActiveSdCard(sd::SdCard::SLOT_0); } else if (sdStates.second == sd::SdState::MOUNTED) { sdcMan->setActiveSdCard(sd::SdCard::SLOT_1); } currMntPrefix = sdcMan->getCurrentMountPrefix(); getCurrentBootCopy(CURRENT_CHIP, CURRENT_COPY); initClockFromTimeFile(); } catch (const std::filesystem::filesystem_error &e) { sif::error << "CoreController::CoreController: Failed with exception " << e.what() << std::endl; } // Add script folder to path char *currentEnvPath = getenv("PATH"); std::string updatedEnvPath = std::string(currentEnvPath) + ":/home/root/scripts:/usr/local/bin"; setenv("PATH", updatedEnvPath.c_str(), true); sdCardCheckCd.timeOut(); eventQueue = QueueFactory::instance()->createMessageQueue(5, EventMessage::MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE); } CoreController::~CoreController() {} ReturnValue_t CoreController::handleCommandMessage(CommandMessage *message) { ReturnValue_t result = paramHelper.handleParameterMessage(message); if (result == returnvalue::OK) { return result; } return ExtendedControllerBase::handleCommandMessage(message); } void CoreController::performControlOperation() { #if OBSW_THREAD_TRACING == 1 trace::threadTrace(opCounter, "CORE CTRL"); #endif EventMessage event; for (ReturnValue_t result = eventQueue->receiveMessage(&event); result == returnvalue::OK; result = eventQueue->receiveMessage(&event)) { switch (event.getEvent()) { case (GpsHyperion::GPS_FIX_CHANGE): { gpsFix = static_cast<GpsHyperion::FixMode>(event.getParameter2()); break; } } } sdStateMachine(); performMountedSdCardOperations(); readHkData(); if (dumpContext.active) { dirListingDumpHandler(); } if (shellCmdIsExecuting) { bool replyReceived = false; // TODO: We could read the data in the ring buffer and send it as an action data reply. if (cmdExecutor.check(replyReceived) == CommandExecutor::EXECUTION_FINISHED) { actionHelper.finish(true, successRecipient, core::EXECUTE_SHELL_CMD_BLOCKING); shellCmdIsExecuting = false; cmdReplyBuf.clear(); while (not cmdRepliesSizes.empty()) { cmdRepliesSizes.pop(); } successRecipient = MessageQueueIF::NO_QUEUE; } } opDivider5.checkAndIncrement(); opDivider10.checkAndIncrement(); } ReturnValue_t CoreController::initializeLocalDataPool(localpool::DataPool &localDataPoolMap, LocalDataPoolManager &poolManager) { localDataPoolMap.emplace(core::TEMPERATURE, &tempPoolEntry); localDataPoolMap.emplace(core::PS_VOLTAGE, &psVoltageEntry); localDataPoolMap.emplace(core::PL_VOLTAGE, &plVoltageEntry); poolManager.subscribeForRegularPeriodicPacket({hkSet.getSid(), enableHkSet, 60.0}); return returnvalue::OK; } LocalPoolDataSetBase *CoreController::getDataSetHandle(sid_t sid) { if (sid.ownerSetId == core::HK_SET_ID) { return &hkSet; } return nullptr; } ReturnValue_t CoreController::initialize() { ReturnValue_t result = ExtendedControllerBase::initialize(); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "CoreController::initialize: Base init failed" << std::endl; } result = scratch::writeNumber(scratch::ALLOC_FAILURE_COUNT, 0); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "CoreController::initialize: Setting up alloc failure " "count failed" << std::endl; } result = paramHelper.initialize(); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { return result; } sdStateMachine(); EventManagerIF *eventManager = ObjectManager::instance()->get<EventManagerIF>(objects::EVENT_MANAGER); if (eventManager == nullptr or eventQueue == nullptr) { sif::warning << "CoreController::initialize: No valid event manager found or " "queue invalid" << std::endl; } result = eventManager->registerListener(eventQueue->getId()); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "CoreController::initialize: Registering as event listener failed" << std::endl; } result = eventManager->subscribeToEvent(eventQueue->getId(), event::getEventId(GpsHyperion::GPS_FIX_CHANGE)); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "Subscribing for GPS GPS_FIX_CHANGE event failed" << std::endl; } triggerEvent(core::REBOOT_SW, CURRENT_CHIP, CURRENT_COPY); announceCurrentImageInfo(); announceVersionInfo(); return result; } ReturnValue_t CoreController::initializeAfterTaskCreation() { ReturnValue_t result = returnvalue::OK; if (BLOCKING_SD_INIT) { result = initSdCardBlocking(); if (result != returnvalue::OK and result != SdCardManager::ALREADY_MOUNTED) { sif::warning << "CoreController::CoreController: SD card init failed" << std::endl; } } sdStateMachine(); performMountedSdCardOperations(); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "CoreController::initialize: Version initialization failed" << std::endl; } updateProtInfo(); return ExtendedControllerBase::initializeAfterTaskCreation(); } ReturnValue_t CoreController::executeAction(ActionId_t actionId, MessageQueueId_t commandedBy, const uint8_t *data, size_t size) { using namespace core; switch (actionId) { case (ANNOUNCE_VERSION): { announceVersionInfo(); return HasActionsIF::EXECUTION_FINISHED; } case (ANNOUNCE_BOOT_COUNTS): { announceBootCounts(); return HasActionsIF::EXECUTION_FINISHED; } case (ANNOUNCE_CURRENT_IMAGE): { announceCurrentImageInfo(); return HasActionsIF::EXECUTION_FINISHED; } case (LIST_DIRECTORY_INTO_FILE): { return actionListDirectoryIntoFile(actionId, commandedBy, data, size); } case (LIST_DIRECTORY_DUMP_DIRECTLY): { return actionListDirectoryDumpDirectly(actionId, commandedBy, data, size); } case (CP_HELPER): { CpHelperParser parser(data, size); ReturnValue_t result = parser.parse(); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { return result; } std::ostringstream oss("cp ", std::ostringstream::ate); if (parser.isForceOptSet()) { oss << "-f "; } if (parser.isRecursiveOptSet()) { oss << "-r "; } auto &sourceTgt = parser.destTgtPair(); oss << sourceTgt.sourceName << " " << sourceTgt.targetName; sif::info << "CoreController: Performing copy command: " << oss.str() << std::endl; int ret = std::system(oss.str().c_str()); if (ret != 0) { return returnvalue::FAILED; } return EXECUTION_FINISHED; } case (MV_HELPER): { MvHelperParser parser(data, size); ReturnValue_t result = parser.parse(); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { return result; } std::ostringstream oss("mv ", std::ostringstream::ate); auto &sourceTgt = parser.destTgtPair(); oss << sourceTgt.sourceName << " " << sourceTgt.targetName; sif::info << "CoreController: Performing move command: " << oss.str() << std::endl; int ret = std::system(oss.str().c_str()); if (ret != 0) { return returnvalue::FAILED; } return EXECUTION_FINISHED; } case (RM_HELPER): { RmHelperParser parser(data, size); ReturnValue_t result = parser.parse(); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { return result; } std::ostringstream oss("rm ", std::ostringstream::ate); if (parser.isRecursiveOptSet() or parser.isForceOptSet()) { oss << "-"; } if (parser.isRecursiveOptSet()) { oss << "r"; } if (parser.isForceOptSet()) { oss << "f"; } size_t removeTargetSize = 0; const char *removeTgt = parser.getRemoveTarget(removeTargetSize); oss << " " << removeTgt; sif::info << "CoreController: Performing remove command: " << oss.str() << std::endl; int ret = std::system(oss.str().c_str()); if (ret != 0) { return returnvalue::FAILED; } return EXECUTION_FINISHED; } case (MKDIR_HELPER): { if (size < 1) { return HasActionsIF::INVALID_PARAMETERS; } std::string createdDir = std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(data), size); std::ostringstream oss("mkdir ", std::ostringstream::ate); oss << createdDir; sif::info << "CoreController: Performing directory creation: " << oss.str() << std::endl; int ret = std::system(oss.str().c_str()); if (ret != 0) { return returnvalue::FAILED; } return EXECUTION_FINISHED; } case (SWITCH_REBOOT_FILE_HANDLING): { if (size < 1) { return HasActionsIF::INVALID_PARAMETERS; } std::string path = sdcMan->getCurrentMountPrefix() + REBOOT_WATCHDOG_FILE; parseRebootWatchdogFile(path, rebootWatchdogFile); if (data[0] == 0) { rebootWatchdogFile.enabled = false; rewriteRebootWatchdogFile(rebootWatchdogFile); } else if (data[0] == 1) { rebootWatchdogFile.enabled = true; rewriteRebootWatchdogFile(rebootWatchdogFile); } else { return HasActionsIF::INVALID_PARAMETERS; } return HasActionsIF::EXECUTION_FINISHED; } case (READ_REBOOT_MECHANISM_INFO): { std::string path = sdcMan->getCurrentMountPrefix() + REBOOT_WATCHDOG_FILE; parseRebootWatchdogFile(path, rebootWatchdogFile); RebootWatchdogPacket packet(rebootWatchdogFile); ReturnValue_t result = actionHelper.reportData(commandedBy, actionId, &packet); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { return result; } return HasActionsIF::EXECUTION_FINISHED; } case (RESET_REBOOT_COUNTERS): { if (size == 0) { resetRebootWatchdogCounters(xsc::ALL_CHIP, xsc::ALL_COPY); } else if (size == 2) { if (data[0] > 1 or data[1] > 1) { return HasActionsIF::INVALID_PARAMETERS; } resetRebootWatchdogCounters(static_cast<xsc::Chip>(data[0]), static_cast<xsc::Copy>(data[1])); } return HasActionsIF::EXECUTION_FINISHED; } case (OBSW_UPDATE_FROM_SD_0): { return executeSwUpdate(SwUpdateSources::SD_0, data, size); } case (OBSW_UPDATE_FROM_SD_1): { return executeSwUpdate(SwUpdateSources::SD_1, data, size); } case (OBSW_UPDATE_FROM_TMP): { return executeSwUpdate(SwUpdateSources::TMP_DIR, data, size); } case (SWITCH_TO_SD_0): { if (not startSdStateMachine(sd::SdCard::SLOT_0, SdCfgMode::COLD_REDUNDANT, commandedBy, actionId)) { return HasActionsIF::IS_BUSY; } // Completion will be reported by SD card state machine return returnvalue::OK; } case (SWITCH_TO_SD_1): { if (not startSdStateMachine(sd::SdCard::SLOT_1, SdCfgMode::COLD_REDUNDANT, commandedBy, actionId)) { return HasActionsIF::IS_BUSY; } // Completion will be reported by SD card state machine return returnvalue::OK; } case (SWITCH_TO_BOTH_SD_CARDS): { // An active SD still needs to be specified because the system needs to know which SD // card to use for regular operations like telemetry storage. if (size != 1) { return HasActionsIF::INVALID_PARAMETERS; } if (data[0] != 0 and data[0] != 1) { return HasActionsIF::INVALID_PARAMETERS; } auto active = static_cast<sd::SdCard>(data[0]); if (not startSdStateMachine(active, SdCfgMode::HOT_REDUNDANT, commandedBy, actionId)) { return HasActionsIF::IS_BUSY; } // Completion will be reported by SD card state machine return returnvalue::OK; } case (SYSTEMCTL_CMD_EXECUTOR): { // Expect one byte systemctl command type and a unit name with at least one byte as minimum. if (size < 2) { return HasActionsIF::INVALID_PARAMETERS; } if (data[0] >= core::SystemctlCmd::NUM_CMDS) { return HasActionsIF::INVALID_PARAMETERS; } core::SystemctlCmd cmdType = static_cast<core::SystemctlCmd>(data[0]); std::string unitName = std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(data + 1), size - 1); std::ostringstream oss("systemctl ", std::ostringstream::ate); switch (cmdType) { case (core::SystemctlCmd::START): { oss << "start "; break; } case (core::SystemctlCmd::STOP): { oss << "stop "; break; } case (core::SystemctlCmd::RESTART): { oss << "restart "; break; } default: { return HasActionsIF::INVALID_PARAMETERS; } } oss << unitName; int result = std::system(oss.str().c_str()); if (result != 0) { return returnvalue::FAILED; } return EXECUTION_FINISHED; } case (SWITCH_IMG_LOCK): { if (size != 3) { return HasActionsIF::INVALID_PARAMETERS; } if (data[1] > 1 or data[2] > 1) { return HasActionsIF::INVALID_PARAMETERS; } setRebootMechanismLock(data[0], static_cast<xsc::Chip>(data[1]), static_cast<xsc::Copy>(data[2])); return HasActionsIF::EXECUTION_FINISHED; } case (SET_MAX_REBOOT_CNT): { if (size < 1) { return HasActionsIF::INVALID_PARAMETERS; } std::string path = sdcMan->getCurrentMountPrefix() + REBOOT_WATCHDOG_FILE; // Disable the reboot file mechanism parseRebootWatchdogFile(path, rebootWatchdogFile); rebootWatchdogFile.maxCount = data[0]; rewriteRebootWatchdogFile(rebootWatchdogFile); return HasActionsIF::EXECUTION_FINISHED; } case (XSC_REBOOT_OBC): { // Warning: This function will never return, because it reboots the system return actionXscReboot(data, size); } case (REBOOT_OBC): { // Warning: This function will never return, because it reboots the system return actionReboot(data, size); } case (EXECUTE_SHELL_CMD_BLOCKING): { std::string cmdToExecute = std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(data), size); int result = std::system(cmdToExecute.c_str()); if (result != 0) { // TODO: Data reply with returnalue maybe? return returnvalue::FAILED; } return EXECUTION_FINISHED; } case (EXECUTE_SHELL_CMD_NON_BLOCKING): { std::string cmdToExecute = std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(data), size); if (cmdExecutor.getCurrentState() == CommandExecutor::States::PENDING or shellCmdIsExecuting) { return HasActionsIF::IS_BUSY; } cmdExecutor.load(cmdToExecute, false, false); ReturnValue_t result = cmdExecutor.execute(); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { return result; } shellCmdIsExecuting = true; successRecipient = commandedBy; return returnvalue::OK; } default: { return HasActionsIF::INVALID_ACTION_ID; } } } ReturnValue_t CoreController::checkModeCommand(Mode_t mode, Submode_t submode, uint32_t *msToReachTheMode) { return returnvalue::OK; } ReturnValue_t CoreController::initSdCardBlocking() { // Create update status file ReturnValue_t result = sdcMan->updateSdCardStateFile(); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "CoreController::initialize: Updating SD card state file failed" << std::endl; } if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::PASSIVE) { sif::info << "No SD card initialization will be performed" << std::endl; return returnvalue::OK; } result = sdcMan->getSdCardsStatus(sdInfo.currentState); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "Getting SD card activity status failed" << std::endl; } if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::COLD_REDUNDANT) { updateInternalSdInfo(); sif::info << "Cold redundant SD card configuration, preferred SD card: " << static_cast<int>(sdInfo.active) << std::endl; result = sdColdRedundantBlockingInit(); // Update status file sdcMan->updateSdCardStateFile(); return result; } if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::HOT_REDUNDANT) { sif::info << "Hot redundant SD card configuration" << std::endl; sdCardSetup(sd::SdCard::SLOT_0, sd::SdState::MOUNTED, "0", false); sdCardSetup(sd::SdCard::SLOT_1, sd::SdState::MOUNTED, "1", false); // Update status file sdcMan->updateSdCardStateFile(); } return returnvalue::OK; } ReturnValue_t CoreController::sdStateMachine() { ReturnValue_t result = returnvalue::OK; SdCardManager::Operations operation; if (sdFsmState == SdStates::IDLE) { // Nothing to do return result; } if (sdFsmState == SdStates::START) { // Init will be performed by separate function if (BLOCKING_SD_INIT) { sdFsmState = SdStates::IDLE; sdInfo.initFinished = true; return result; } else { // Still update SD state file if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::PASSIVE) { sdFsmState = SdStates::UPDATE_SD_INFO_END; } else { sdInfo.cycleCount = 0; sdInfo.commandPending = false; sdFsmState = SdStates::UPDATE_SD_INFO_START; } } } // This lambda checks the non-blocking operation of the SD card manager and assigns the new // state on success. It returns true for an operation success and false otherwise auto nonBlockingSdcOpChecking = [&](SdStates newStateOnSuccess, uint16_t maxCycleCount, std::string opPrintout) { SdCardManager::OpStatus status = sdcMan->checkCurrentOp(operation); if (status == SdCardManager::OpStatus::SUCCESS) { sdFsmState = newStateOnSuccess; sdInfo.commandPending = false; sdInfo.cycleCount = 0; return true; } else if (sdInfo.cycleCount > 4) { sif::warning << "CoreController::sdStateMachine: " << opPrintout << " takes too long" << std::endl; return false; } return false; }; if (sdFsmState == SdStates::UPDATE_SD_INFO_START) { if (not sdInfo.commandPending) { // Create updated status file result = sdcMan->updateSdCardStateFile(); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "CoreController::sdStateMachine: Updating SD card state file failed" << std::endl; } result = sdcMan->getSdCardsStatus(sdInfo.currentState); updateInternalSdInfo(); auto currentlyActiveSdc = sdcMan->getActiveSdCard(); // Used/active SD card switches, so mark SD card unusable so other tasks have some time // registering the unavailable SD card. if (not currentlyActiveSdc.has_value() or ((currentlyActiveSdc.value() == sd::SdCard::SLOT_0) and (sdInfo.active == sd::SdCard::SLOT_1)) or ((currentlyActiveSdc.value() == sd::SdCard::SLOT_1) and (sdInfo.active == sd::SdCard::SLOT_0))) { sdInfo.lockSdCardUsage = true; } if (sdInfo.lockSdCardUsage) { sdcMan->markUnusable(); } if (sdInfo.active != sd::SdCard::SLOT_0 and sdInfo.active != sd::SdCard::SLOT_1) { sif::warning << "Preferred SD card invalid. Setting to card 0.." << std::endl; sdInfo.active = sd::SdCard::SLOT_0; } if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "Getting SD card activity status failed" << std::endl; } if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::COLD_REDUNDANT) { sif::info << "Cold redundant SD card configuration, target SD card: " << static_cast<int>(sdInfo.active) << std::endl; } SdStates tgtState = SdStates::IDLE; bool skipCycles = sdInfo.lockSdCardUsage; // Need to do different things depending on state of SD card which will be active. if (sdInfo.activeState == sd::SdState::MOUNTED) { // Already mounted, so we can perform handling of the other side. #if OBSW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 std::string mountString; if (sdInfo.active == sd::SdCard::SLOT_0) { mountString = config::SD_0_MOUNT_POINT; } else { mountString = config::SD_1_MOUNT_POINT; } sif::info << "SD card " << sdInfo.activeChar << " already on and mounted at " << mountString << std::endl; #endif sdcMan->setActiveSdCard(sdInfo.active); currMntPrefix = sdcMan->getCurrentMountPrefix(); tgtState = SdStates::DETERMINE_OTHER; } else if (sdInfo.activeState == sd::SdState::OFF) { // It's okay to do the delay after swichting active SD on, no one can use it anyway.. sdCardSetup(sdInfo.active, sd::SdState::ON, sdInfo.activeChar, false); sdInfo.commandPending = true; // Do not skip cycles here, would mess up the state machine. We skip the cycles after // the SD card was switched on. skipCycles = false; // Remain on the current state. tgtState = sdFsmState; } else if (sdInfo.activeState == sd::SdState::ON) { // We can do the delay before mounting where applicable. tgtState = SdStates::MOUNT_SELF; } if (skipCycles) { sdFsmState = SdStates::SKIP_TWO_CYCLES_IF_SD_LOCKED; fsmStateAfterDelay = tgtState; sdInfo.skippedCyclesCount = 0; } else { sdFsmState = tgtState; } } else { if (nonBlockingSdcOpChecking(SdStates::MOUNT_SELF, 10, "Setting SDC state")) { sdInfo.activeState = sd::SdState::ON; currentStateSetter(sdInfo.active, sd::SdState::ON); // Skip the two cycles now. if (sdInfo.lockSdCardUsage) { sdFsmState = SdStates::SKIP_TWO_CYCLES_IF_SD_LOCKED; fsmStateAfterDelay = SdStates::MOUNT_SELF; sdInfo.skippedCyclesCount = 0; } } } } if (sdFsmState == SdStates::SKIP_TWO_CYCLES_IF_SD_LOCKED) { sdInfo.skippedCyclesCount++; // Count to three because this branch will run in the same FSM cycle. if (sdInfo.skippedCyclesCount == 3) { sdFsmState = fsmStateAfterDelay; fsmStateAfterDelay = SdStates::IDLE; sdInfo.skippedCyclesCount = 0; } } if (sdFsmState == SdStates::MOUNT_SELF) { if (not sdInfo.commandPending) { result = sdCardSetup(sdInfo.active, sd::SdState::MOUNTED, sdInfo.activeChar); sdInfo.commandPending = true; } else { if (nonBlockingSdcOpChecking(SdStates::DETERMINE_OTHER, 5, "Mounting SD card")) { sdcMan->setActiveSdCard(sdInfo.active); currMntPrefix = sdcMan->getCurrentMountPrefix(); sdInfo.activeState = sd::SdState::MOUNTED; currentStateSetter(sdInfo.active, sd::SdState::MOUNTED); } } } if (sdFsmState == SdStates::DETERMINE_OTHER) { // Determine whether any additional operations have to be done for the other SD card // 1. Cold redundant case: Other SD card needs to be unmounted and switched off // 2. Hot redundant case: Other SD card needs to be mounted and switched on if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::COLD_REDUNDANT) { if (sdInfo.otherState == sd::SdState::ON) { sdFsmState = SdStates::SET_STATE_OTHER; } else if (sdInfo.otherState == sd::SdState::MOUNTED) { sdFsmState = SdStates::MOUNT_UNMOUNT_OTHER; } else { // Is already off, update info, but with a small delay sdFsmState = SdStates::SKIP_CYCLE_BEFORE_INFO_UPDATE; } } else if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::HOT_REDUNDANT) { if (sdInfo.otherState == sd::SdState::OFF) { sdFsmState = SdStates::SET_STATE_OTHER; } else if (sdInfo.otherState == sd::SdState::ON) { sdFsmState = SdStates::MOUNT_UNMOUNT_OTHER; } else { // Is already on and mounted, update info sdFsmState = SdStates::SKIP_CYCLE_BEFORE_INFO_UPDATE; } } } if (sdFsmState == SdStates::SET_STATE_OTHER) { // Set state of other SD card to ON or OFF, depending on redundancy mode if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::COLD_REDUNDANT) { if (not sdInfo.commandPending) { result = sdCardSetup(sdInfo.other, sd::SdState::OFF, sdInfo.otherChar, false); sdInfo.commandPending = true; } else { if (nonBlockingSdcOpChecking(SdStates::SKIP_CYCLE_BEFORE_INFO_UPDATE, 10, "Switching off other SD card")) { sdInfo.otherState = sd::SdState::OFF; currentStateSetter(sdInfo.other, sd::SdState::OFF); } else { // Continue.. avoid being stuck here.. sdFsmState = SdStates::SKIP_CYCLE_BEFORE_INFO_UPDATE; sdInfo.otherState = sd::SdState::OFF; currentStateSetter(sdInfo.other, sd::SdState::OFF); } } } else if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::HOT_REDUNDANT) { if (not sdInfo.commandPending) { result = sdCardSetup(sdInfo.other, sd::SdState::ON, sdInfo.otherChar, false); sdInfo.commandPending = true; } else { if (nonBlockingSdcOpChecking(SdStates::MOUNT_UNMOUNT_OTHER, 10, "Switching on other SD card")) { sdInfo.otherState = sd::SdState::ON; currentStateSetter(sdInfo.other, sd::SdState::ON); } else { // Contnue.. avoid being stuck here. sdFsmState = SdStates::MOUNT_UNMOUNT_OTHER; sdInfo.otherState = sd::SdState::ON; currentStateSetter(sdInfo.other, sd::SdState::ON); } } } } if (sdFsmState == SdStates::MOUNT_UNMOUNT_OTHER) { // Mount or unmount other SD card, depending on redundancy mode if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::COLD_REDUNDANT) { if (not sdInfo.commandPending) { result = sdCardSetup(sdInfo.other, sd::SdState::ON, sdInfo.otherChar); sdInfo.commandPending = true; } else { if (nonBlockingSdcOpChecking(SdStates::SET_STATE_OTHER, 10, "Unmounting other SD card")) { sdInfo.otherState = sd::SdState::ON; currentStateSetter(sdInfo.other, sd::SdState::ON); } else { sdInfo.otherState = sd::SdState::ON; currentStateSetter(sdInfo.other, sd::SdState::ON); sdFsmState = SdStates::SET_STATE_OTHER; } } } else if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::HOT_REDUNDANT) { if (not sdInfo.commandPending) { result = sdCardSetup(sdInfo.other, sd::SdState::MOUNTED, sdInfo.otherChar); sdInfo.commandPending = true; } else { if (nonBlockingSdcOpChecking(SdStates::UPDATE_SD_INFO_END, 4, "Mounting other SD card")) { sdInfo.otherState = sd::SdState::MOUNTED; currentStateSetter(sdInfo.other, sd::SdState::MOUNTED); } } } } if (sdFsmState == SdStates::SKIP_CYCLE_BEFORE_INFO_UPDATE) { sdFsmState = SdStates::UPDATE_SD_INFO_END; } else if (sdFsmState == SdStates::UPDATE_SD_INFO_END) { // Update status file result = sdcMan->updateSdCardStateFile(); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "CoreController: Updating SD card state file failed" << std::endl; } updateInternalSdInfo(); // Mark usable again in any case. sdcMan->markUsable(); sdInfo.commandPending = false; sdFsmState = SdStates::IDLE; sdInfo.cycleCount = 0; sdcMan->setBlocking(false); sdcMan->getSdCardsStatus(sdInfo.currentState); if (sdCommandingInfo.cmdPending) { sdCommandingInfo.cmdPending = false; actionHelper.finish(true, sdCommandingInfo.commander, sdCommandingInfo.actionId, returnvalue::OK); } const char *modeStr = "UNKNOWN"; if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::COLD_REDUNDANT) { modeStr = "COLD REDUNDANT"; } else if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::HOT_REDUNDANT) { modeStr = "HOT REDUNDANT"; } sif::info << "SD card update into " << modeStr << " mode finished. Active SD: " << sdInfo.activeChar << std::endl; if (not sdInfo.initFinished) { updateInternalSdInfo(); sdInfo.initFinished = true; sif::info << "SD card initialization finished" << std::endl; } } sdInfo.cycleCount++; return returnvalue::OK; } void CoreController::currentStateSetter(sd::SdCard sdCard, sd::SdState newState) { if (sdCard == sd::SdCard::SLOT_0) { sdInfo.currentState.first = newState; } else { sdInfo.currentState.second = newState; } } ReturnValue_t CoreController::sdCardSetup(sd::SdCard sdCard, sd::SdState targetState, std::string sdChar, bool printOutput) { std::string mountString; sdcMan->setPrintCommandOutput(printOutput); if (sdCard == sd::SdCard::SLOT_0) { mountString = config::SD_0_MOUNT_POINT; } else { mountString = config::SD_1_MOUNT_POINT; } sd::SdState state = sd::SdState::OFF; if (sdCard == sd::SdCard::SLOT_0) { state = sdInfo.currentState.first; } else { state = sdInfo.currentState.second; } if (state == sd::SdState::MOUNTED) { if (targetState == sd::SdState::OFF) { sif::info << "Switching off SD card " << sdChar << std::endl; return sdcMan->switchOffSdCard(sdCard, true, &sdInfo.currentState); } else if (targetState == sd::SdState::ON) { sif::info << "Unmounting SD card " << sdChar << std::endl; return sdcMan->unmountSdCard(sdCard); } else { std::error_code e; if (std::filesystem::exists(mountString, e)) { sif::info << "SD card " << sdChar << " already on and mounted at " << mountString << std::endl; return SdCardManager::ALREADY_MOUNTED; } sif::error << "SD card mounted but expected mount point " << mountString << " not found!" << std::endl; return SdCardManager::MOUNT_ERROR; } } if (state == sd::SdState::OFF) { if (targetState == sd::SdState::MOUNTED) { sif::info << "Switching on and mounting SD card " << sdChar << " at " << mountString << std::endl; return sdcMan->switchOnSdCard(sdCard, true, &sdInfo.currentState); } else if (targetState == sd::SdState::ON) { sif::info << "Switching on SD card " << sdChar << std::endl; return sdcMan->switchOnSdCard(sdCard, false, &sdInfo.currentState); } } else if (state == sd::SdState::ON) { if (targetState == sd::SdState::MOUNTED) { sif::info << "Mounting SD card " << sdChar << " at " << mountString << std::endl; return sdcMan->mountSdCard(sdCard); } else if (targetState == sd::SdState::OFF) { sif::info << "Switching off SD card " << sdChar << std::endl; return sdcMan->switchOffSdCard(sdCard, false, &sdInfo.currentState); } } else { sif::warning << "CoreController::sdCardSetup: Invalid state for this call" << std::endl; } return returnvalue::OK; } ReturnValue_t CoreController::sdColdRedundantBlockingInit() { ReturnValue_t result = returnvalue::OK; result = sdCardSetup(sdInfo.active, sd::SdState::MOUNTED, sdInfo.activeChar); if (result != SdCardManager::ALREADY_MOUNTED and result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "Setting up preferred card " << sdInfo.otherChar << " in cold redundant mode failed" << std::endl; // Try other SD card and mark set up operation as failed sdCardSetup(sdInfo.active, sd::SdState::MOUNTED, sdInfo.activeChar); result = returnvalue::FAILED; } if (result != returnvalue::FAILED and sdInfo.otherState != sd::SdState::OFF) { sif::info << "Switching off secondary SD card " << sdInfo.otherChar << std::endl; // Switch off other SD card in cold redundant mode if setting up preferred one worked // without issues ReturnValue_t result2 = sdcMan->switchOffSdCard(sdInfo.other, sdInfo.otherState, &sdInfo.currentState); if (result2 != returnvalue::OK and result2 != SdCardManager::ALREADY_OFF) { sif::warning << "Switching off secondary SD card " << sdInfo.otherChar << " in cold redundant mode failed" << std::endl; } } return result; } ReturnValue_t CoreController::incrementAllocationFailureCount() { uint32_t count = 0; ReturnValue_t result = scratch::readNumber(scratch::ALLOC_FAILURE_COUNT, count); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { return result; } count++; return scratch::writeNumber(scratch::ALLOC_FAILURE_COUNT, count); } ReturnValue_t CoreController::initVersionFile() { using namespace fsfw; std::string unameFileName = "/tmp/uname_version.txt"; // TODO: No -v flag for now. If the kernel version is used, need to cut off first few letters std::string unameCmd = "uname -mnrso > " + unameFileName; int result = std::system(unameCmd.c_str()); if (result != 0) { utility::handleSystemError(result, "CoreController::versionFileInit"); } std::ifstream unameFile(unameFileName); std::string unameLine; if (not std::getline(unameFile, unameLine)) { sif::warning << "CoreController::versionFileInit: Retrieving uname line failed" << std::endl; } std::string fullObswVersionString = "OBSW: v" + std::to_string(common::OBSW_VERSION_MAJOR) + "." + std::to_string(common::OBSW_VERSION_MINOR) + "." + std::to_string(common::OBSW_VERSION_REVISION); char versionString[16] = {}; fsfw::FSFW_VERSION.getVersion(versionString, sizeof(versionString)); std::string fullFsfwVersionString = "FSFW: v" + std::string(versionString); std::string systemString = "System: " + unameLine; std::string versionFilePath = currMntPrefix + VERSION_FILE; std::fstream versionFile; std::error_code e; if (not std::filesystem::exists(versionFilePath, e)) { sif::info << "Writing version file " << versionFilePath << ".." << std::endl; versionFile.open(versionFilePath, std::ios_base::out); versionFile << fullObswVersionString << std::endl; versionFile << fullFsfwVersionString << std::endl; versionFile << systemString << std::endl; return returnvalue::OK; } // Check whether any version has changed bool createNewFile = false; versionFile.open(versionFilePath); std::string currentVersionString; uint8_t idx = 0; while (std::getline(versionFile, currentVersionString)) { if (idx == 0) { if (currentVersionString != fullObswVersionString) { sif::info << "OBSW version changed" << std::endl; sif::info << "From " << currentVersionString << " to " << fullObswVersionString << std::endl; createNewFile = true; } } else if (idx == 1) { if (currentVersionString != fullFsfwVersionString) { sif::info << "FSFW version changed" << std::endl; sif::info << "From " << currentVersionString << " to " << fullFsfwVersionString << std::endl; createNewFile = true; } } else if (idx == 2) { if (currentVersionString != systemString) { sif::info << "System version changed" << std::endl; sif::info << "Old: " << currentVersionString << std::endl; sif::info << "New: " << systemString << std::endl; createNewFile = true; } } else { sif::warning << "Invalid version file! Rewriting it.." << std::endl; createNewFile = true; } idx++; } // Overwrite file if necessary if (createNewFile) { sif::info << "Rewriting version.txt file with updated versions.." << std::endl; versionFile.close(); versionFile.open(versionFilePath, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc); versionFile << fullObswVersionString << std::endl; versionFile << fullFsfwVersionString << std::endl; versionFile << systemString << std::endl; } return returnvalue::OK; } ReturnValue_t CoreController::actionListDirectoryDumpDirectly(ActionId_t actionId, MessageQueueId_t commandedBy, const uint8_t *data, size_t size) { core::ListDirectoryCmdBase parser(data, size); ReturnValue_t result = parser.parse(); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { return result; } std::ostringstream oss("ls -l", std::ostringstream::ate); if (parser.aFlagSet()) { oss << "a"; } if (parser.rFlagSet()) { oss << "R"; } size_t repoNameLen = 0; const char *repoName = parser.getRepoName(repoNameLen); oss << " " << repoName << " > " << LIST_DIR_DUMP_WORK_FILE; sif::info << "Executing " << oss.str() << " for direct dump"; if (parser.compressionOptionSet()) { sif::info << " with compression"; } sif::info << std::endl; int ret = std::system(oss.str().c_str()); if (ret != 0) { utility::handleSystemError(result, "CoreController::actionListDirectoryDumpDirectly"); return returnvalue::FAILED; } if (parser.compressionOptionSet()) { std::string compressedName = LIST_DIR_DUMP_WORK_FILE + std::string(".gz"); oss.str(""); oss << "gzip " << LIST_DIR_DUMP_WORK_FILE; ret = std::system(oss.str().c_str()); if (ret != 0) { utility::handleSystemError(result, "CoreController::actionListDirectoryDumpDirectly"); return returnvalue::FAILED; } oss.str(""); // Overwrite the work file with the compressed archive. oss << "mv " << compressedName << " " << LIST_DIR_DUMP_WORK_FILE; ret = std::system(oss.str().c_str()); if (ret != 0) { utility::handleSystemError(result, "CoreController::actionListDirectoryDumpDirectly"); return returnvalue::FAILED; } } dirListingBuf[8] = parser.compressionOptionSet(); // First four bytes reserved for segment index. One byte for compression option information std::strcpy(reinterpret_cast<char *>(dirListingBuf.data() + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t) + 1), repoName); std::ifstream ifile(LIST_DIR_DUMP_WORK_FILE, std::ios::binary); if (ifile.bad()) { return returnvalue::FAILED; } std::error_code e; dumpContext.totalFileSize = std::filesystem::file_size(LIST_DIR_DUMP_WORK_FILE, e); dumpContext.segmentIdx = 0; dumpContext.dumpedBytes = 0; size_t nextDumpLen = 0; size_t dummy = 0; dumpContext.maxDumpLen = dirListingBuf.size() - 2 * sizeof(uint32_t) - 1 - repoNameLen - 1; dumpContext.listingDataOffset = 2 * sizeof(uint32_t) + 1 + repoNameLen + 1; uint32_t chunks = dumpContext.totalFileSize / dumpContext.maxDumpLen; if (dumpContext.totalFileSize % dumpContext.maxDumpLen != 0) { chunks++; } SerializeAdapter::serialize(&chunks, dirListingBuf.data() + sizeof(uint32_t), &dummy, dirListingBuf.size() - sizeof(uint32_t), SerializeIF::Endianness::NETWORK); while (dumpContext.dumpedBytes < dumpContext.totalFileSize) { ifile.seekg(dumpContext.dumpedBytes, std::ios::beg); nextDumpLen = dumpContext.maxDumpLen; if (dumpContext.totalFileSize - dumpContext.dumpedBytes < dumpContext.maxDumpLen) { nextDumpLen = dumpContext.totalFileSize - dumpContext.dumpedBytes; } SerializeAdapter::serialize(&dumpContext.segmentIdx, dirListingBuf.data(), &dummy, dirListingBuf.size(), SerializeIF::Endianness::NETWORK); ifile.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(dirListingBuf.data() + dumpContext.listingDataOffset), nextDumpLen); result = actionHelper.reportData(commandedBy, actionId, dirListingBuf.data(), dumpContext.listingDataOffset + nextDumpLen); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { // Remove work file when we are done std::filesystem::remove(LIST_DIR_DUMP_WORK_FILE, e); return result; } dumpContext.segmentIdx++; dumpContext.dumpedBytes += nextDumpLen; // Dump takes multiple task cycles, so cache the dump state and continue dump the next cycles. if (dumpContext.segmentIdx == 10) { dumpContext.active = true; dumpContext.firstDump = true; dumpContext.commander = commandedBy; dumpContext.actionId = actionId; return returnvalue::OK; } } // Remove work file when we are done std::filesystem::remove(LIST_DIR_DUMP_WORK_FILE, e); return EXECUTION_FINISHED; } ReturnValue_t CoreController::actionListDirectoryIntoFile(ActionId_t actionId, MessageQueueId_t commandedBy, const uint8_t *data, size_t size) { core::ListDirectoryIntoFile parser(data, size); ReturnValue_t result = parser.parse(); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { return result; } std::ostringstream oss("ls -l", std::ostringstream::ate); if (parser.aFlagSet()) { oss << "a"; } if (parser.rFlagSet()) { oss << "R"; } size_t repoNameLen = 0; const char *repoName = parser.getRepoName(repoNameLen); size_t targetFileNameLen = 0; const char *targetFileName = parser.getTargetName(targetFileNameLen); oss << " " << repoName << " > " << targetFileName; sif::info << "Executing list directory request, command: " << oss.str() << std::endl; int ret = std::system(oss.str().c_str()); if (ret != 0) { utility::handleSystemError(result, "CoreController::actionListDirectoryIntoFile"); return returnvalue::FAILED; } // Compression will add a .gz ending. I don't have any issue with this, it makes it explicit // that this is a compressed file. if (parser.compressionOptionSet()) { oss.str(""); oss << "gzip " << targetFileName; sif::info << "Compressing directory listing: " << oss.str() << std::endl; ret = std::system(oss.str().c_str()); if (ret != 0) { utility::handleSystemError(result, "CoreController::actionListDirectoryIntoFile"); return returnvalue::FAILED; } } return EXECUTION_FINISHED; } ReturnValue_t CoreController::initBootCopyFile() { std::error_code e; if (not std::filesystem::exists(CURR_COPY_FILE, e)) { // This file is created by the systemd service eive-early-config so this should // not happen normally std::string cmd = "xsc_boot_copy > " + std::string(CURR_COPY_FILE); int result = std::system(cmd.c_str()); if (result != 0) { utility::handleSystemError(result, "CoreController::initBootCopy"); } } return returnvalue::OK; } void CoreController::getCurrentBootCopy(xsc::Chip &chip, xsc::Copy ©) { xsc_libnor_chip_t xscChip; xsc_libnor_copy_t xscCopy; xsc_boot_get_chip_copy(&xscChip, &xscCopy); // Not really thread-safe but it does not need to be chip = static_cast<xsc::Chip>(xscChip); copy = static_cast<xsc::Copy>(xscCopy); } ReturnValue_t CoreController::actionXscReboot(const uint8_t *data, size_t size) { if (size < 1) { return HasActionsIF::INVALID_PARAMETERS; } bool rebootSameBootCopy = data[0]; bool protOpPerformed = false; SdCardManager::instance()->setBlocking(true); if (rebootSameBootCopy) { #if OBSW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 sif::info << "CoreController::actionPerformReboot: Rebooting on current image" << std::endl; #endif gracefulShutdownTasks(xsc::Chip::SELF_CHIP, xsc::Copy::SELF_COPY, protOpPerformed); int result = std::system("xsc_boot_copy -r"); if (result != 0) { utility::handleSystemError(result, "CoreController::executeAction"); return returnvalue::FAILED; } return HasActionsIF::EXECUTION_FINISHED; } if (size < 3 or (data[1] > 1 or data[2] > 1)) { return HasActionsIF::INVALID_PARAMETERS; } #if OBSW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 sif::info << "CoreController::actionPerformReboot: Rebooting on " << static_cast<int>(data[1]) << " " << static_cast<int>(data[2]) << std::endl; #endif // Check that the target chip and copy is writeprotected first generateChipStateFile(); // If any boot copies are unprotected, protect them here auto tgtChip = static_cast<xsc::Chip>(data[1]); auto tgtCopy = static_cast<xsc::Copy>(data[2]); performGracefulShutdown(tgtChip, tgtCopy); return returnvalue::FAILED; } ReturnValue_t CoreController::actionReboot(const uint8_t *data, size_t size) { bool protOpPerformed = false; gracefulShutdownTasks(xsc::Chip::CHIP_0, xsc::Copy::COPY_0, protOpPerformed); std::system("reboot"); return returnvalue::OK; } ReturnValue_t CoreController::gracefulShutdownTasks(xsc::Chip chip, xsc::Copy copy, bool &protOpPerformed) { // Store both sequence counters persistently. core::SAVE_CFDP_SEQUENCE_COUNT = true; core::SAVE_PUS_SEQUENCE_COUNT = true; sdcMan->setBlocking(true); sdcMan->markUnusable(); // Wait two seconds to ensure no one uses the SD cards TaskFactory::delayTask(2000); // Ensure that all writes/reads do finish. sync(); // Attempt graceful shutdown by unmounting and switching off SD cards sdcMan->switchOffSdCard(sd::SdCard::SLOT_0); sdcMan->switchOffSdCard(sd::SdCard::SLOT_1); // If any boot copies are unprotected. // Actually this function only ensures that reboots to the own image are protected.. ReturnValue_t result = setBootCopyProtection(xsc::Chip::SELF_CHIP, xsc::Copy::SELF_COPY, true, protOpPerformed, false); if (result == returnvalue::OK and protOpPerformed) { // TODO: Would be nice to notify operator. But we can't use the filesystem anymore // and a reboot is imminent. Use scratch buffer? sif::info << "Running slot was writeprotected before reboot" << std::endl; } return result; } void CoreController::updateInternalSdInfo() { if (sdInfo.active == sd::SdCard::SLOT_0) { sdInfo.activeChar = "0"; sdInfo.otherChar = "1"; sdInfo.otherState = sdInfo.currentState.second; sdInfo.activeState = sdInfo.currentState.first; sdInfo.other = sd::SdCard::SLOT_1; } else if (sdInfo.active == sd::SdCard::SLOT_1) { sdInfo.activeChar = "1"; sdInfo.otherChar = "0"; sdInfo.otherState = sdInfo.currentState.first; sdInfo.activeState = sdInfo.currentState.second; sdInfo.other = sd::SdCard::SLOT_0; } else { sif::warning << "CoreController::updateSdInfoOther: Invalid SD card passed" << std::endl; } } bool CoreController::sdInitFinished() const { return sdInfo.initFinished; } ReturnValue_t CoreController::generateChipStateFile() { int result = std::system(CHIP_PROT_SCRIPT); if (result != 0) { utility::handleSystemError(result, "CoreController::generateChipStateFile"); return returnvalue::FAILED; } return returnvalue::OK; } ReturnValue_t CoreController::setBootCopyProtection(xsc::Chip targetChip, xsc::Copy targetCopy, bool protect, bool &protOperationPerformed, bool updateProtFile) { bool allChips = false; bool allCopies = false; bool selfChip = false; bool selfCopy = false; protOperationPerformed = false; switch (targetChip) { case (xsc::Chip::ALL_CHIP): { allChips = true; break; } case (xsc::Chip::NO_CHIP): { return returnvalue::OK; } case (xsc::Chip::SELF_CHIP): { selfChip = true; targetChip = CURRENT_CHIP; break; } default: { break; } } switch (targetCopy) { case (xsc::Copy::ALL_COPY): { allCopies = true; break; } case (xsc::Copy::NO_COPY): { return returnvalue::OK; } case (xsc::Copy::SELF_COPY): { selfCopy = true; targetCopy = CURRENT_COPY; break; } default: { break; } } for (uint8_t arrIdx = 0; arrIdx < protArray.size(); arrIdx++) { int result = handleBootCopyProtAtIndex(targetChip, targetCopy, protect, protOperationPerformed, selfChip, selfCopy, allChips, allCopies, arrIdx); if (result != 0) { break; } } if (protOperationPerformed and updateProtFile) { updateProtInfo(); } return returnvalue::OK; } int CoreController::handleBootCopyProtAtIndex(xsc::Chip targetChip, xsc::Copy targetCopy, bool protect, bool &protOperationPerformed, bool selfChip, bool selfCopy, bool allChips, bool allCopies, uint8_t arrIdx) { bool currentProt = protArray[arrIdx]; std::ostringstream oss; bool performOp = false; if (protect == currentProt) { return 0; } if (protOperationPerformed) { if ((selfChip and selfCopy) or (not allCopies and not allChips)) { // No need to continue, only one operation was requested return 1; } } xsc::Chip currentChip; xsc::Copy currentCopy; oss << "writeprotect "; if (arrIdx == 0 or arrIdx == 1) { oss << "0 "; currentChip = xsc::Chip::CHIP_0; } else { oss << "1 "; currentChip = xsc::Chip::CHIP_1; } if (arrIdx == 0 or arrIdx == 2) { oss << "0 "; currentCopy = xsc::Copy::COPY_0; } else { oss << "1 "; currentCopy = xsc::Copy::COPY_1; } if (protect) { oss << "1"; } else { oss << "0"; } int result = 0; if (allChips and allCopies) { performOp = true; } else if (allChips) { if ((selfCopy and CURRENT_COPY == targetCopy) or (currentCopy == targetCopy)) { performOp = true; } } else if (allCopies) { if ((selfChip and CURRENT_COPY == targetCopy) or (currentChip == targetChip)) { performOp = true; } } else if (selfChip and (currentChip == targetChip)) { if (selfCopy) { if (currentCopy == targetCopy) { performOp = true; } } else { performOp = true; } } else if (selfCopy and (currentCopy == targetCopy)) { if (selfChip) { if (currentChip == targetChip) { performOp = true; } } else { performOp = true; } } else if ((targetChip == currentChip) and (targetCopy == currentCopy)) { performOp = true; } if (result != 0) { utility::handleSystemError(result, "CoreController::checkAndSetBootCopyProtection"); } if (performOp) { // TODO: Lock operation take a long time. Use command executor? That would require a // new state machine.. protOperationPerformed = true; sif::info << "Executing command: " << oss.str() << std::endl; result = std::system(oss.str().c_str()); } return 0; } ReturnValue_t CoreController::updateProtInfo(bool regenerateChipStateFile) { using namespace std; ReturnValue_t result = returnvalue::OK; if (regenerateChipStateFile) { result = generateChipStateFile(); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "CoreController::updateProtInfo: Generating chip state file failed" << std::endl; return result; } } std::error_code e; if (not filesystem::exists(CHIP_STATE_FILE, e)) { return returnvalue::FAILED; } ifstream chipStateFile(CHIP_STATE_FILE); if (not chipStateFile.good()) { return returnvalue::FAILED; } string nextLine; uint8_t lineCounter = 0; string word; while (getline(chipStateFile, nextLine)) { result = handleProtInfoUpdateLine(nextLine); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "CoreController::updateProtInfo: Protection info update failed!" << std::endl; return result; } ++lineCounter; if (lineCounter > 4) { sif::warning << "CoreController::checkAndProtectBootCopy: " "Line counter larger than 4" << std::endl; } } return returnvalue::OK; } ReturnValue_t CoreController::handleProtInfoUpdateLine(std::string nextLine) { using namespace std; string word; uint8_t wordIdx = 0; uint8_t arrayIdx = 0; istringstream iss(nextLine); xsc::Chip currentChip = xsc::Chip::CHIP_0; xsc::Copy currentCopy = xsc::Copy::COPY_0; while (iss >> word) { if (wordIdx == 1) { currentChip = static_cast<xsc::Chip>(stoi(word)); } if (wordIdx == 3) { currentCopy = static_cast<xsc::Copy>(stoi(word)); } if (wordIdx == 3) { if (currentChip == xsc::Chip::CHIP_0) { if (currentCopy == xsc::Copy::COPY_0) { arrayIdx = 0; } else if (currentCopy == xsc::Copy::COPY_1) { arrayIdx = 1; } } else if (currentChip == xsc::Chip::CHIP_1) { if (currentCopy == xsc::Copy::COPY_0) { arrayIdx = 2; } else if (currentCopy == xsc::Copy::COPY_1) { arrayIdx = 3; } } } if (wordIdx == 5) { if (word == "unlocked.") { protArray[arrayIdx] = false; } else { protArray[arrayIdx] = true; } } wordIdx++; if (wordIdx >= 10) { break; } } return returnvalue::OK; } void CoreController::performMountedSdCardOperations() { auto mountedSdCardOp = [&](sd::SdCard sdCard, std::string mntPoint) { if (not performOneShotSdCardOpsSwitch) { std::ostringstream path; path << mntPoint << "/" << core::CONF_FOLDER; std::error_code e; if (not std::filesystem::exists(path.str()), e) { bool created = std::filesystem::create_directory(path.str(), e); if (not created) { sif::error << "Could not create CONF folder at " << path.str() << ": " << e.message() << std::endl; return; } } initVersionFile(); ReturnValue_t result = initBootCopyFile(); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "CoreController::CoreController: Boot copy init" << std::endl; } if (not timeFileInitDone) { initClockFromTimeFile(); } performRebootWatchdogHandling(false); performRebootCountersHandling(false); } backupTimeFileHandler(); }; bool someSdCardActive = false; if (sdInfo.active == sd::SdCard::SLOT_0 and sdcMan->isSdCardUsable(sd::SdCard::SLOT_0)) { mountedSdCardOp(sd::SdCard::SLOT_0, config::SD_0_MOUNT_POINT); someSdCardActive = true; } if (sdInfo.active == sd::SdCard::SLOT_1 and sdcMan->isSdCardUsable(sd::SdCard::SLOT_1)) { mountedSdCardOp(sd::SdCard::SLOT_1, config::SD_1_MOUNT_POINT); someSdCardActive = true; } if (someSdCardActive) { performOneShotSdCardOpsSwitch = true; } } ReturnValue_t CoreController::performSdCardCheck() { bool mountedReadOnly = false; SdCardManager::SdStatePair active; sdcMan->getSdCardsStatus(active); if (sdFsmState != SdStates::IDLE) { return returnvalue::OK; } auto sdCardCheck = [&](sd::SdCard sdCard) { ReturnValue_t result = sdcMan->isSdCardMountedReadOnly(sdCard, mountedReadOnly); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::error << "CoreController::performSdCardCheck: Could not check " "read-only mount state" << std::endl; } if (mountedReadOnly) { int linuxErrno = 0; result = sdcMan->performFsck(sdCard, true, linuxErrno); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { sif::error << "CoreController::performSdCardCheck: fsck command on SD Card " << static_cast<uint8_t>(sdCard) << " failed with code " << linuxErrno << " | " << strerror(linuxErrno); } result = sdcMan->remountReadWrite(sdCard); if (result == returnvalue::OK) { sif::warning << "CoreController::performSdCardCheck: Remounted SD Card " << static_cast<uint8_t>(sdCard) << " read-write"; } else { sif::error << "CoreController::performSdCardCheck: Remounting SD Card " << static_cast<uint8_t>(sdCard) << " read-write failed"; } } }; if (active.first == sd::SdState::MOUNTED) { sdCardCheck(sd::SdCard::SLOT_0); } if (active.second == sd::SdState::MOUNTED) { sdCardCheck(sd::SdCard::SLOT_1); } #if OBSW_SD_CARD_MUST_BE_ON == 1 // This is FDIR. The core controller will attempt once to get some SD card working bool someSdCardActive = false; if ((sdInfo.active == sd::SdCard::SLOT_0 and sdcMan->isSdCardUsable(sd::SdCard::SLOT_0)) or (sdInfo.active == sd::SdCard::SLOT_1 and sdcMan->isSdCardUsable(sd::SdCard::SLOT_1))) { someSdCardActive = true; } if (not someSdCardActive and remountAttemptFlag) { triggerEvent(core::NO_SD_CARD_ACTIVE); initSdCardBlocking(); remountAttemptFlag = false; } #endif return returnvalue::OK; } void CoreController::performRebootWatchdogHandling(bool recreateFile) { using namespace std; std::string path = currMntPrefix + REBOOT_WATCHDOG_FILE; std::string legacyPath = currMntPrefix + LEGACY_REBOOT_WATCHDOG_FILE; std::error_code e; // TODO: Remove at some point in the future. if (std::filesystem::exists(legacyPath, e)) { // Old file might still exist, so copy it to new path std::filesystem::copy(legacyPath, path, std::filesystem::copy_options::overwrite_existing, e); if (e) { sif::error << "File copy has failed: " << e.message() << std::endl; } } if (not std::filesystem::exists(path, e) or recreateFile) { #if OBSW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 sif::info << "CoreController::performRebootFileHandling: Recreating reboot watchdog file" << std::endl; #endif rebootWatchdogFile.enabled = false; rebootWatchdogFile.img00Cnt = 0; rebootWatchdogFile.img01Cnt = 0; rebootWatchdogFile.img10Cnt = 0; rebootWatchdogFile.img11Cnt = 0; rebootWatchdogFile.lastChip = xsc::Chip::CHIP_0; rebootWatchdogFile.lastCopy = xsc::Copy::COPY_0; rebootWatchdogFile.img00Lock = false; rebootWatchdogFile.img01Lock = false; rebootWatchdogFile.img10Lock = false; rebootWatchdogFile.img11Lock = false; rebootWatchdogFile.mechanismNextChip = xsc::Chip::NO_CHIP; rebootWatchdogFile.mechanismNextCopy = xsc::Copy::NO_COPY; rebootWatchdogFile.bootFlag = false; rewriteRebootWatchdogFile(rebootWatchdogFile); } else { if (not parseRebootWatchdogFile(path, rebootWatchdogFile)) { performRebootWatchdogHandling(true); return; } } if (CURRENT_CHIP == xsc::CHIP_0) { if (CURRENT_COPY == xsc::COPY_0) { rebootWatchdogFile.img00Cnt++; } else { rebootWatchdogFile.img01Cnt++; } } else { if (CURRENT_COPY == xsc::COPY_0) { rebootWatchdogFile.img10Cnt++; } else { rebootWatchdogFile.img11Cnt++; } } if (rebootWatchdogFile.bootFlag) { // Trigger event to inform ground that a reboot was triggered uint32_t p1 = rebootWatchdogFile.lastChip << 16 | rebootWatchdogFile.lastCopy; triggerEvent(core::REBOOT_MECHANISM_TRIGGERED, p1, 0); // Clear the boot flag rebootWatchdogFile.bootFlag = false; } if (rebootWatchdogFile.mechanismNextChip != xsc::NO_CHIP and rebootWatchdogFile.mechanismNextCopy != xsc::NO_COPY) { if (CURRENT_CHIP != rebootWatchdogFile.mechanismNextChip or CURRENT_COPY != rebootWatchdogFile.mechanismNextCopy) { std::string infoString = std::to_string(rebootWatchdogFile.mechanismNextChip) + " " + std::to_string(rebootWatchdogFile.mechanismNextCopy); sif::warning << "CoreController::performRebootFileHandling: Expected to be on image " << infoString << " but currently on other image. Locking " << infoString << std::endl; // Firmware or other component might be corrupt and we are on another image then the target // image specified by the mechanism. We can't really trust the target image anymore. // Lock it for now if (rebootWatchdogFile.mechanismNextChip == xsc::CHIP_0) { if (rebootWatchdogFile.mechanismNextCopy == xsc::COPY_0) { rebootWatchdogFile.img00Lock = true; } else { rebootWatchdogFile.img01Lock = true; } } else { if (rebootWatchdogFile.mechanismNextCopy == xsc::COPY_0) { rebootWatchdogFile.img10Lock = true; } else { rebootWatchdogFile.img11Lock = true; } } } } rebootWatchdogFile.lastChip = CURRENT_CHIP; rebootWatchdogFile.lastCopy = CURRENT_COPY; // Only reboot if the reboot functionality is enabled. // The handler will still increment the boot counts if (rebootWatchdogFile.enabled and (*rebootWatchdogFile.relevantBootCnt >= rebootWatchdogFile.maxCount)) { // Reboot to other image bool doReboot = false; xsc::Chip tgtChip = xsc::NO_CHIP; xsc::Copy tgtCopy = xsc::NO_COPY; rebootWatchdogAlgorithm(rebootWatchdogFile, doReboot, tgtChip, tgtCopy); if (doReboot) { rebootWatchdogFile.bootFlag = true; #if OBSW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 sif::info << "Boot counter for image " << CURRENT_CHIP << " " << CURRENT_COPY << " too high. Rebooting to " << tgtChip << " " << tgtCopy << std::endl; #endif rebootWatchdogFile.mechanismNextChip = tgtChip; rebootWatchdogFile.mechanismNextCopy = tgtCopy; rewriteRebootWatchdogFile(rebootWatchdogFile); performGracefulShutdown(tgtChip, tgtCopy); } } else { rebootWatchdogFile.mechanismNextChip = xsc::NO_CHIP; rebootWatchdogFile.mechanismNextCopy = xsc::NO_COPY; } rewriteRebootWatchdogFile(rebootWatchdogFile); } void CoreController::rebootWatchdogAlgorithm(RebootWatchdogFile &rf, bool &needsReboot, xsc::Chip &tgtChip, xsc::Copy &tgtCopy) { tgtChip = xsc::CHIP_0; tgtCopy = xsc::COPY_0; needsReboot = false; if ((CURRENT_CHIP == xsc::CHIP_0) and (CURRENT_COPY == xsc::COPY_0) and (rf.img00Cnt >= rf.maxCount)) { needsReboot = true; if (rf.img01Cnt < rf.maxCount and not rf.img01Lock) { tgtCopy = xsc::COPY_1; return; } if (rf.img10Cnt < rf.maxCount and not rf.img10Lock) { tgtChip = xsc::CHIP_1; return; } if (rf.img11Cnt < rf.maxCount and not rf.img11Lock) { tgtChip = xsc::CHIP_1; tgtCopy = xsc::COPY_1; return; } // Can't really do much here. Stay on image sif::warning << "All reboot counts too high or all fallback images locked, already on fallback image" << std::endl; needsReboot = false; return; } if ((CURRENT_CHIP == xsc::CHIP_0) and (CURRENT_COPY == xsc::COPY_1) and (rf.img01Cnt >= rf.maxCount)) { needsReboot = true; if (rf.img00Cnt < rf.maxCount and not rf.img00Lock) { // Reboot on fallback image return; } if (rf.img10Cnt < rf.maxCount and not rf.img10Lock) { tgtChip = xsc::CHIP_1; return; } if (rf.img11Cnt < rf.maxCount and not rf.img11Lock) { tgtChip = xsc::CHIP_1; tgtCopy = xsc::COPY_1; } if (rf.img00Lock) { needsReboot = false; } // Reboot to fallback image } if ((CURRENT_CHIP == xsc::CHIP_1) and (CURRENT_COPY == xsc::COPY_0) and (rf.img10Cnt >= rf.maxCount)) { needsReboot = true; if (rf.img11Cnt < rf.maxCount and not rf.img11Lock) { tgtChip = xsc::CHIP_1; tgtCopy = xsc::COPY_1; return; } if (rf.img00Cnt < rf.maxCount and not rf.img00Lock) { return; } if (rf.img01Cnt < rf.maxCount and not rf.img01Lock) { tgtCopy = xsc::COPY_1; return; } if (rf.img00Lock) { needsReboot = false; } // Reboot to fallback image } if ((CURRENT_CHIP == xsc::CHIP_1) and (CURRENT_COPY == xsc::COPY_1) and (rf.img11Cnt >= rf.maxCount)) { needsReboot = true; if (rf.img10Cnt < rf.maxCount and not rf.img10Lock) { tgtChip = xsc::CHIP_1; return; } if (rf.img00Cnt < rf.maxCount and not rf.img00Lock) { return; } if (rf.img01Cnt < rf.maxCount and not rf.img01Lock) { tgtCopy = xsc::COPY_1; return; } if (rf.img00Lock) { needsReboot = false; } // Reboot to fallback image } } bool CoreController::parseRebootWatchdogFile(std::string path, RebootWatchdogFile &rf) { using namespace std; std::string selfMatch; if (CURRENT_CHIP == xsc::CHIP_0) { if (CURRENT_COPY == xsc::COPY_0) { selfMatch = "00"; } else { selfMatch = "01"; } } else { if (CURRENT_COPY == xsc::COPY_0) { selfMatch = "10"; } else { selfMatch = "11"; } } ifstream file(path); string word; string line; uint8_t lineIdx = 0; while (std::getline(file, line)) { istringstream iss(line); switch (lineIdx) { case 0: { iss >> word; if (word.find("on:") == string::npos) { // invalid file return false; } iss >> rf.enabled; break; } case 1: { iss >> word; if (word.find("maxcnt:") == string::npos) { return false; } iss >> rf.maxCount; break; } case 2: { iss >> word; if (word.find("img00:") == string::npos) { return false; } iss >> rf.img00Cnt; if (word.find(selfMatch) != string::npos) { rf.relevantBootCnt = &rf.img00Cnt; } break; } case 3: { iss >> word; if (word.find("img01:") == string::npos) { return false; } iss >> rf.img01Cnt; if (word.find(selfMatch) != string::npos) { rf.relevantBootCnt = &rf.img01Cnt; } break; } case 4: { iss >> word; if (word.find("img10:") == string::npos) { return false; } iss >> rf.img10Cnt; if (word.find(selfMatch) != string::npos) { rf.relevantBootCnt = &rf.img10Cnt; } break; } case 5: { iss >> word; if (word.find("img11:") == string::npos) { return false; } iss >> rf.img11Cnt; if (word.find(selfMatch) != string::npos) { rf.relevantBootCnt = &rf.img11Cnt; } break; } case 6: { iss >> word; if (word.find("img00lock:") == string::npos) { return false; } iss >> rf.img00Lock; break; } case 7: { iss >> word; if (word.find("img01lock:") == string::npos) { return false; } iss >> rf.img01Lock; break; } case 8: { iss >> word; if (word.find("img10lock:") == string::npos) { return false; } iss >> rf.img10Lock; break; } case 9: { iss >> word; if (word.find("img11lock:") == string::npos) { return false; } iss >> rf.img11Lock; break; } case 10: { iss >> word; if (word.find("bootflag:") == string::npos) { return false; } iss >> rf.bootFlag; break; } case 11: { iss >> word; int copyRaw = 0; int chipRaw = 0; if (word.find("last:") == string::npos) { return false; } iss >> chipRaw; if (iss.fail()) { return false; } iss >> copyRaw; if (iss.fail()) { return false; } if (chipRaw > 1 or copyRaw > 1) { return false; } rf.lastChip = static_cast<xsc::Chip>(chipRaw); rf.lastCopy = static_cast<xsc::Copy>(copyRaw); break; } case 12: { iss >> word; int copyRaw = 0; int chipRaw = 0; if (word.find("next:") == string::npos) { return false; } iss >> chipRaw; if (iss.fail()) { return false; } iss >> copyRaw; if (iss.fail()) { return false; } if (chipRaw > 2 or copyRaw > 2) { return false; } rf.mechanismNextChip = static_cast<xsc::Chip>(chipRaw); rf.mechanismNextCopy = static_cast<xsc::Copy>(copyRaw); break; } } if (iss.fail()) { return false; } lineIdx++; } if (lineIdx < 12) { return false; } return true; } bool CoreController::parseRebootCountersFile(std::string path, RebootCountersFile &rf) { using namespace std; ifstream file(path); string word; string line; uint8_t lineIdx = 0; while (std::getline(file, line)) { istringstream iss(line); switch (lineIdx) { case 0: { iss >> word; if (word.find("img00:") == string::npos) { return false; } iss >> rf.img00Cnt; break; } case 1: { iss >> word; if (word.find("img01:") == string::npos) { return false; } iss >> rf.img01Cnt; break; } case 2: { iss >> word; if (word.find("img10:") == string::npos) { return false; } iss >> rf.img10Cnt; break; } case 3: { iss >> word; if (word.find("img11:") == string::npos) { return false; } iss >> rf.img11Cnt; break; } } lineIdx++; } return true; } void CoreController::resetRebootWatchdogCounters(xsc::Chip tgtChip, xsc::Copy tgtCopy) { std::string path = currMntPrefix + REBOOT_WATCHDOG_FILE; parseRebootWatchdogFile(path, rebootWatchdogFile); if (tgtChip == xsc::ALL_CHIP and tgtCopy == xsc::ALL_COPY) { rebootWatchdogFile.img00Cnt = 0; rebootWatchdogFile.img01Cnt = 0; rebootWatchdogFile.img10Cnt = 0; rebootWatchdogFile.img11Cnt = 0; } else { if (tgtChip == xsc::CHIP_0) { if (tgtCopy == xsc::COPY_0) { rebootWatchdogFile.img00Cnt = 0; } else { rebootWatchdogFile.img01Cnt = 0; } } else { if (tgtCopy == xsc::COPY_0) { rebootWatchdogFile.img10Cnt = 0; } else { rebootWatchdogFile.img11Cnt = 0; } } } rewriteRebootWatchdogFile(rebootWatchdogFile); } void CoreController::performRebootCountersHandling(bool recreateFile) { std::string path = currMntPrefix + REBOOT_COUNTERS_FILE; std::error_code e; if (not std::filesystem::exists(path, e) or recreateFile) { #if OBSW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 sif::info << "CoreController::performRebootFileHandling: Recreating reboot counters file" << std::endl; #endif rebootCountersFile.img00Cnt = 0; rebootCountersFile.img01Cnt = 0; rebootCountersFile.img10Cnt = 0; rebootCountersFile.img11Cnt = 0; rewriteRebootCountersFile(rebootCountersFile); } else { if (not parseRebootCountersFile(path, rebootCountersFile)) { performRebootCountersHandling(true); return; } } if (CURRENT_CHIP == xsc::CHIP_0) { if (CURRENT_COPY == xsc::COPY_0) { rebootCountersFile.img00Cnt++; } else { rebootCountersFile.img01Cnt++; } } else { if (CURRENT_COPY == xsc::COPY_0) { rebootCountersFile.img10Cnt++; } else { rebootCountersFile.img11Cnt++; } } announceBootCounts(); rewriteRebootCountersFile(rebootCountersFile); } void CoreController::rewriteRebootWatchdogFile(RebootWatchdogFile file) { using namespace std::filesystem; std::string path = currMntPrefix + REBOOT_WATCHDOG_FILE; std::string legacyPath = currMntPrefix + LEGACY_REBOOT_WATCHDOG_FILE; { std::ofstream rebootFile(path); if (rebootFile.is_open()) { // Initiate reboot file first. Reboot handling will be on on initialization rebootFile << "on: " << file.enabled << "\nmaxcnt: " << file.maxCount << "\nimg00: " << file.img00Cnt << "\nimg01: " << file.img01Cnt << "\nimg10: " << file.img10Cnt << "\nimg11: " << file.img11Cnt << "\nimg00lock: " << file.img00Lock << "\nimg01lock: " << file.img01Lock << "\nimg10lock: " << file.img10Lock << "\nimg11lock: " << file.img11Lock << "\nbootflag: " << file.bootFlag << "\nlast: " << static_cast<int>(file.lastChip) << " " << static_cast<int>(file.lastCopy) << "\nnext: " << static_cast<int>(file.mechanismNextChip) << " " << static_cast<int>(file.mechanismNextCopy) << "\n"; } } std::error_code e; // TODO: Remove at some point in the future when all images have been updated. if (std::filesystem::exists(legacyPath)) { // Keep those two files in sync std::filesystem::copy(path, legacyPath, std::filesystem::copy_options::overwrite_existing, e); if (e) { sif::error << "File copy has failed: " << e.message() << std::endl; } } } void CoreController::rewriteRebootCountersFile(RebootCountersFile file) { std::string path = currMntPrefix + REBOOT_COUNTERS_FILE; std::ofstream rebootFile(path); if (rebootFile.is_open()) { rebootFile << "img00: " << file.img00Cnt << "\nimg01: " << file.img01Cnt << "\nimg10: " << file.img10Cnt << "\nimg11: " << file.img11Cnt << "\n"; } } void CoreController::setRebootMechanismLock(bool lock, xsc::Chip tgtChip, xsc::Copy tgtCopy) { std::string path = currMntPrefix + REBOOT_WATCHDOG_FILE; parseRebootWatchdogFile(path, rebootWatchdogFile); if (tgtChip == xsc::CHIP_0) { if (tgtCopy == xsc::COPY_0) { rebootWatchdogFile.img00Lock = lock; } else { rebootWatchdogFile.img01Lock = lock; } } else { if (tgtCopy == xsc::COPY_0) { rebootWatchdogFile.img10Lock = lock; } else { rebootWatchdogFile.img11Lock = lock; } } rewriteRebootWatchdogFile(rebootWatchdogFile); } ReturnValue_t CoreController::backupTimeFileHandler() { // Always set time. We could only set it if it is updated by GPS, but then the backup time would // become obsolete on GPS problems. if (opDivider10.check()) { // It is assumed that the system time is set from the GPS time timeval currentTime = {}; ReturnValue_t result = Clock::getClock_timeval(¤tTime); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { return result; } std::string fileName = currMntPrefix + BACKUP_TIME_FILE; std::ofstream timeFile(fileName); if (not timeFile.good()) { sif::error << "CoreController::timeFileHandler: Error opening time file: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl; return returnvalue::FAILED; } timeFile << "UNIX SECONDS: " << currentTime.tv_sec + BOOT_OFFSET_SECONDS << std::endl; } return returnvalue::OK; } ReturnValue_t CoreController::initClockFromTimeFile() { using namespace GpsHyperion; using namespace std; std::string fileName = currMntPrefix + BACKUP_TIME_FILE; std::error_code e; if (sdcMan->isSdCardUsable(std::nullopt) and std::filesystem::exists(fileName, e) and ((gpsFix == FixMode::UNKNOWN or gpsFix == FixMode::NOT_SEEN) or not utility::timeSanityCheck())) { ifstream timeFile(fileName); string nextWord; getline(timeFile, nextWord); istringstream iss(nextWord); iss >> nextWord; if (iss.bad() or nextWord != "UNIX") { return returnvalue::FAILED; } iss >> nextWord; if (iss.bad() or nextWord != "SECONDS:") { return returnvalue::FAILED; } iss >> nextWord; timeval currentTime = {}; char *checkPtr; currentTime.tv_sec = strtol(nextWord.c_str(), &checkPtr, 10); if (iss.bad() or *checkPtr) { return returnvalue::FAILED; } #if OBSW_VERBOSE_LEVEL >= 1 time_t timeRaw = currentTime.tv_sec; std::tm *time = std::gmtime(&timeRaw); sif::info << "Setting system time from time files: " << std::put_time(time, "%c %Z") << std::endl; #endif timeFileInitDone = true; return Clock::setClock(¤tTime); } return returnvalue::OK; } void CoreController::readHkData() { ReturnValue_t result = returnvalue::OK; result = hkSet.read(TIMEOUT_TYPE, MUTEX_TIMEOUT); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { return; } Xadc xadc; result = xadc.getTemperature(hkSet.temperature.value); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { hkSet.temperature.setValid(false); } else { hkSet.temperature.setValid(true); } result = xadc.getVccPint(hkSet.psVoltage.value); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { hkSet.psVoltage.setValid(false); } else { hkSet.psVoltage.setValid(true); } result = xadc.getVccInt(hkSet.plVoltage.value); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { hkSet.plVoltage.setValid(false); } else { hkSet.plVoltage.setValid(true); } #if OBSW_PRINT_CORE_HK == 1 hkSet.printSet(); #endif /* OBSW_PRINT_CORE_HK == 1 */ result = hkSet.commit(TIMEOUT_TYPE, MUTEX_TIMEOUT); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { return; } } const char *CoreController::getXscMountDir(xsc::Chip chip, xsc::Copy copy) { if (chip == xsc::Chip::CHIP_0) { if (copy == xsc::Copy::COPY_0) { return CHIP_0_COPY_0_MOUNT_DIR; } else if (copy == xsc::Copy::COPY_1) { return CHIP_0_COPY_1_MOUNT_DIR; } } else if (chip == xsc::Chip::CHIP_1) { if (copy == xsc::Copy::COPY_0) { return CHIP_1_COPY_0_MOUNT_DIR; } else if (copy == xsc::Copy::COPY_1) { return CHIP_1_COPY_1_MOUNT_DIR; } } sif::error << "Invalid chip or copy passed to CoreController::getXscMountDir" << std::endl; return CHIP_0_COPY_0_MOUNT_DIR; } ReturnValue_t CoreController::executeSwUpdate(SwUpdateSources sourceDir, const uint8_t *data, size_t size) { using namespace std; using namespace std::filesystem; // At the very least, chip and copy ID need to be included in the command if (size < 2) { return HasActionsIF::INVALID_PARAMETERS; } if (data[0] > 1 or data[1] > 1) { return HasActionsIF::INVALID_PARAMETERS; } auto chip = static_cast<xsc::Chip>(data[0]); auto copy = static_cast<xsc::Copy>(data[1]); const char *sourceStr = "unknown"; if (sourceDir == SwUpdateSources::SD_0) { sourceStr = "SD 0"; } else if (sourceDir == SwUpdateSources::SD_1) { sourceStr = "SD 1"; } else { sourceStr = "tmp directory"; } bool sameChipAndCopy = false; if (chip == CURRENT_CHIP and copy == CURRENT_COPY) { // This is problematic if the OBSW is running as a systemd service. // Do not allow for now. return HasActionsIF::INVALID_PARAMETERS; // sameChipAndCopy = true; } sif::info << "Executing SW update for Chip " << static_cast<int>(data[0]) << " Copy " << static_cast<int>(data[1]) << " from " << sourceStr << std::endl; path prefixPath; if (sourceDir == SwUpdateSources::SD_0) { prefixPath = path(config::SD_0_MOUNT_POINT); } else if (sourceDir == SwUpdateSources::SD_1) { prefixPath = path(config::SD_1_MOUNT_POINT); } else if (sourceDir == SwUpdateSources::TMP_DIR) { prefixPath = path("/tmp"); } path archivePath; // It is optionally possible to supply the source file path if (size > 2) { archivePath = prefixPath / std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(data + 2), size - 2); } else { archivePath = prefixPath / path(config::OBSW_UPDATE_ARCHIVE_FILE_NAME); } sif::info << "Updating with archive path " << archivePath << std::endl; std::error_code e; if (not exists(archivePath, e)) { return HasFileSystemIF::FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST; } // TODO: Decompressing without limiting memory usage with xz is actually a bit risky.. // But has not been an issue so far. ostringstream cmd("tar -xJf", ios::app); cmd << " " << archivePath << " -C " << prefixPath; int result = system(cmd.str().c_str()); if (result != 0) { utility::handleSystemError(result, "CoreController::executeAction: SW Update Decompression"); } path strippedImagePath = prefixPath / path(config::STRIPPED_OBSW_BINARY_FILE_NAME); if (!exists(strippedImagePath, e)) { // TODO: Custom returnvalue? return returnvalue::FAILED; } path obswVersionFilePath = prefixPath / path(config::OBSW_VERSION_FILE_NAME); if (!exists(obswVersionFilePath, e)) { // TODO: Custom returnvalue? return returnvalue::FAILED; } cmd.str(""); cmd.clear(); path obswDestPath; path obswVersionDestPath; if (not sameChipAndCopy) { cmd << "xsc_mount_copy " << std::to_string(data[0]) << " " << std::to_string(data[1]); result = system(cmd.str().c_str()); if (result != 0) { std::string contextString = "CoreController::executeAction: SW Update Mounting " + std::to_string(data[0]) + " " + std::to_string(data[1]); utility::handleSystemError(result, contextString); } cmd.str(""); cmd.clear(); path xscMountDest(getXscMountDir(chip, copy)); obswDestPath = xscMountDest / path(relative(config::OBSW_PATH, "/")); obswVersionDestPath = xscMountDest / path(relative(config::OBSW_VERSION_FILE_PATH, "/")); } else { obswDestPath = path(config::OBSW_PATH); obswVersionDestPath = path(config::OBSW_VERSION_FILE_PATH); cmd << "writeprotect " << std::to_string(CURRENT_CHIP) << " " << std::to_string(CURRENT_COPY) << " 0"; result = system(cmd.str().c_str()); if (result != 0) { std::string contextString = "CoreController::executeAction: Unlocking current chip"; utility::handleSystemError(result, contextString); } cmd.str(""); cmd.clear(); } cmd << "cp " << strippedImagePath << " " << obswDestPath; result = system(cmd.str().c_str()); if (result != 0) { utility::handleSystemError(result, "CoreController::executeAction: Copying SW update"); } cmd.str(""); cmd.clear(); cmd << "cp " << obswVersionFilePath << " " << obswVersionDestPath; result = system(cmd.str().c_str()); if (result != 0) { utility::handleSystemError(result, "CoreController::executeAction: Copying SW version file"); } cmd.str(""); cmd.clear(); // Set correct permission for both files cmd << "chmod 0755 " << obswDestPath; result = system(cmd.str().c_str()); if (result != 0) { utility::handleSystemError(result, "CoreController::executeAction: Setting SW permissions 0755"); } cmd.str(""); cmd.clear(); cmd << "chmod 0644 " << obswVersionDestPath; result = system(cmd.str().c_str()); if (result != 0) { utility::handleSystemError( result, "CoreController::executeAction: Setting version file permission 0644"); } cmd.str(""); cmd.clear(); // Remove the extracted files to keep directories clean. std::filesystem::remove(strippedImagePath, e); std::filesystem::remove(obswVersionFilePath, e); // TODO: This takes a long time and will block the core controller.. Maybe use command executor? // For now dont care.. cmd << "writeprotect " << std::to_string(data[0]) << " " << std::to_string(data[1]) << " 1"; result = system(cmd.str().c_str()); if (result != 0) { std::string contextString = "CoreController::executeAction: Writeprotecting " + std::to_string(data[0]) + " " + std::to_string(data[1]); utility::handleSystemError(result, contextString); } sif::info << "SW update complete" << std::endl; return HasActionsIF::EXECUTION_FINISHED; } bool CoreController::startSdStateMachine(sd::SdCard targetActiveSd, SdCfgMode mode, MessageQueueId_t commander, DeviceCommandId_t actionId) { if (sdFsmState != SdStates::IDLE or sdCommandingInfo.cmdPending) { return false; } sdFsmState = SdStates::START; sdInfo.active = targetActiveSd; // If we are going from 2 SD cards to one, lock SD card usage in any case because 1 SD card is // going off. if (sdInfo.cfgMode == SdCfgMode::HOT_REDUNDANT and mode == SdCfgMode::COLD_REDUNDANT) { sdInfo.lockSdCardUsage = true; } sdInfo.cfgMode = mode; sdCommandingInfo.actionId = actionId; sdCommandingInfo.commander = commander; sdCommandingInfo.cmdPending = true; return true; } void CoreController::announceBootCounts() { uint64_t totalBootCount = rebootCountersFile.img00Cnt + rebootCountersFile.img01Cnt + rebootCountersFile.img10Cnt + rebootCountersFile.img11Cnt; uint32_t individualBootCountsP1 = (rebootCountersFile.img00Cnt << 16) | rebootCountersFile.img01Cnt; uint32_t individualBootCountsP2 = (rebootCountersFile.img10Cnt << 16) | rebootCountersFile.img11Cnt; triggerEvent(core::INDIVIDUAL_BOOT_COUNTS, individualBootCountsP1, individualBootCountsP2); triggerEvent(core::REBOOT_COUNTER, (totalBootCount >> 32) & 0xffffffff, totalBootCount & 0xffffffff); } MessageQueueId_t CoreController::getCommandQueue() const { return ExtendedControllerBase::getCommandQueue(); } void CoreController::dirListingDumpHandler() { if (dumpContext.firstDump) { dumpContext.firstDump = false; return; } size_t nextDumpLen = 0; size_t dummy = 0; ReturnValue_t result; std::error_code e; std::ifstream ifile(LIST_DIR_DUMP_WORK_FILE, std::ios::binary); if (ifile.bad()) { return; } while (dumpContext.dumpedBytes < dumpContext.totalFileSize) { ifile.seekg(dumpContext.dumpedBytes, std::ios::beg); nextDumpLen = dumpContext.maxDumpLen; if (dumpContext.totalFileSize - dumpContext.dumpedBytes < dumpContext.maxDumpLen) { nextDumpLen = dumpContext.totalFileSize - dumpContext.dumpedBytes; } SerializeAdapter::serialize(&dumpContext.segmentIdx, dirListingBuf.data(), &dummy, dirListingBuf.size(), SerializeIF::Endianness::NETWORK); ifile.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(dirListingBuf.data() + dumpContext.listingDataOffset), nextDumpLen); result = actionHelper.reportData(dumpContext.commander, dumpContext.actionId, dirListingBuf.data(), dumpContext.listingDataOffset + nextDumpLen); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { // Remove work file when we are done std::filesystem::remove(LIST_DIR_DUMP_WORK_FILE, e); dumpContext.active = false; actionHelper.finish(false, dumpContext.commander, dumpContext.actionId, result); return; } dumpContext.segmentIdx++; dumpContext.dumpedBytes += nextDumpLen; // Dump takes multiple task cycles, so cache the dump state and continue dump the next cycles. if (dumpContext.segmentIdx == 10) { break; } } if (dumpContext.dumpedBytes >= dumpContext.totalFileSize) { actionHelper.finish(true, dumpContext.commander, dumpContext.actionId, result); dumpContext.active = false; // Remove work file when we are done std::filesystem::remove(LIST_DIR_DUMP_WORK_FILE, e); } } void CoreController::announceVersionInfo() { using namespace core; uint32_t p1 = (common::OBSW_VERSION_MAJOR << 24) | (common::OBSW_VERSION_MINOR << 16) | (common::OBSW_VERSION_REVISION << 8); uint32_t p2 = 0; if (strcmp("", common::OBSW_VERSION_CST_GIT_SHA1) != 0) { p1 |= 1; auto shaAsStr = std::string(common::OBSW_VERSION_CST_GIT_SHA1); size_t posDash = shaAsStr.find("-"); auto gitHash = shaAsStr.substr(posDash + 2, 4); // Only copy first 4 letters of git hash memcpy(&p2, gitHash.c_str(), 4); } triggerEvent(VERSION_INFO, p1, p2); p1 = (core::FW_VERSION_MAJOR << 24) | (core::FW_VERSION_MINOR << 16) | (core::FW_VERSION_REVISION << 8) | (core::FW_VERSION_HAS_SHA); std::memcpy(&p2, core::FW_VERSION_GIT_SHA, 4); triggerEvent(FIRMWARE_INFO, p1, p2); } void CoreController::announceCurrentImageInfo() { using namespace core; triggerEvent(CURRENT_IMAGE_INFO, CURRENT_CHIP, CURRENT_COPY); } ReturnValue_t CoreController::performGracefulShutdown(xsc::Chip tgtChip, xsc::Copy tgtCopy) { bool protOpPerformed = false; // This function can not really fail gracefulShutdownTasks(tgtChip, tgtCopy, protOpPerformed); switch (tgtChip) { case (xsc::Chip::CHIP_0): { switch (tgtCopy) { case (xsc::Copy::COPY_0): { xsc_boot_copy(XSC_LIBNOR_CHIP_0, XSC_LIBNOR_COPY_NOMINAL); break; } case (xsc::Copy::COPY_1): { xsc_boot_copy(XSC_LIBNOR_CHIP_0, XSC_LIBNOR_COPY_GOLD); break; } default: { break; } } break; } case (xsc::Chip::CHIP_1): { switch (tgtCopy) { case (xsc::Copy::COPY_0): { xsc_boot_copy(XSC_LIBNOR_CHIP_1, XSC_LIBNOR_COPY_NOMINAL); break; } case (xsc::Copy::COPY_1): { xsc_boot_copy(XSC_LIBNOR_CHIP_1, XSC_LIBNOR_COPY_GOLD); break; } default: { break; } } break; } default: break; } return returnvalue::OK; } bool CoreController::isNumber(const std::string &s) { return !s.empty() && std::find_if(s.begin(), s.end(), [](unsigned char c) { return !std::isdigit(c); }) == s.end(); } ReturnValue_t CoreController::getParameter(uint8_t domainId, uint8_t uniqueIdentifier, ParameterWrapper *parameterWrapper, const ParameterWrapper *newValues, uint16_t startAtIndex) { if (domainId != 0) { return HasParametersIF::INVALID_DOMAIN_ID; } if (uniqueIdentifier >= ParamId::NUM_IDS) { return HasParametersIF::INVALID_IDENTIFIER_ID; } uint8_t newPrefSd; ReturnValue_t result = newValues->getElement(&newPrefSd); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { return result; } // Only SD card 0 (0) and 1 (1) are allowed values. if (newPrefSd > 1) { return HasParametersIF::INVALID_VALUE; } result = sdcMan->setPreferredSdCard(static_cast<sd::SdCard>(newPrefSd)); if (result != returnvalue::OK) { return returnvalue::FAILED; } parameterWrapper->set(prefSdRaw); return returnvalue::OK; }