 * @brief	This file can be used to add preprocessor define for conditional
 * 			code inclusion exclusion or various other project constants and
 * 			properties in one place.

#include "commonConfig.h"

#define OBSW_ADD_TEST_CODE      1

/* These defines should be disabled for mission code but are useful for
debugging. */
#define OBSW_VEBOSE_LEVEL       1

#define OBSW_USE_CCSDS_IP_CORE                      0
// Set to 1 if all telemetry should be sent to the PTME IP Core
#define OBSW_TM_TO_PTME                             0
// Set to 1 if telecommands are received via the PDEC IP Core
#define OBSW_TC_FROM_PDEC                           0

#ifdef __cplusplus

#include "objects/systemObjectList.h"
#include "events/subsystemIdRanges.h"
#include "returnvalues/classIds.h"

namespace config {

/* Add mission configuration flags here */

#ifdef __cplusplus