#include <Windows.h> #include <process.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stddef.h> #undef interface #include <csp/csp.h> #include <csp/csp_interface.h> #define PIPE_BUFSIZE 1024 #define TYPE_SERVER 1 #define TYPE_CLIENT 2 #define PORT 10 #define BUF_SIZE 250 static LPCTSTR pipeName = TEXT("\\\\.\\pipe\\CSP_Pipe"); static HANDLE pipe = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; unsigned WINAPI fifo_rx(void *); unsigned WINAPI pipe_listener(void *); void printError(void); int csp_fifo_tx(csp_packet_t *packet, uint32_t timeout); csp_iface_t csp_if_fifo = { .name = "fifo", .nexthop = csp_fifo_tx, .mtu = BUF_SIZE, }; int csp_fifo_tx(csp_packet_t *packet, uint32_t timeout) { printf("csp_fifo_tx tid: %lu\n", GetCurrentThreadId()); DWORD expectedSent = packet->length + sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint16_t); DWORD actualSent; /* Write packet to fifo */ if( !WriteFile(pipe, &packet->length, expectedSent, &actualSent, NULL) || actualSent != expectedSent ) { printError(); } csp_buffer_free(packet); return CSP_ERR_NONE; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int me, other, type; char *message = "Testing CSP"; csp_socket_t *sock = NULL; csp_conn_t *conn = NULL; csp_packet_t *packet = NULL; /* Run as either server or client */ if (argc != 2) { printf("usage: server <server/client>\r\n"); return -1; } /* Set type */ if (strcmp(argv[1], "server") == 0) { me = 1; other = 2; type = TYPE_SERVER; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "client") == 0) { me = 2; other = 1; type = TYPE_CLIENT; } else { printf("Invalid type. Must be either 'server' or 'client'\r\n"); return -1; } /* Init CSP and CSP buffer system */ if (csp_init(me) != CSP_ERR_NONE || csp_buffer_init(10, 300) != CSP_ERR_NONE) { printf("Failed to init CSP\r\n"); return -1; } if( type == TYPE_SERVER ) { _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, pipe_listener, NULL, 0, 0); } else { pipe = CreateFile( pipeName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if( pipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { printError(); return -1; } } /* Set default route and start router */ csp_route_set(CSP_DEFAULT_ROUTE, &csp_if_fifo, CSP_NODE_MAC); csp_route_start_task(0, 0); /* Create socket and listen for incoming connections */ if (type == TYPE_SERVER) { sock = csp_socket(CSP_SO_NONE); csp_bind(sock, PORT); csp_listen(sock, 5); } /* Super loop */ while (1) { if (type == TYPE_SERVER) { /* Process incoming packet */ conn = csp_accept(sock, 1000); if (conn) { packet = csp_read(conn, 0); if (packet) printf("Received: %s\r\n", packet->data); csp_buffer_free(packet); csp_close(conn); } } else { /* Send a new packet */ packet = csp_buffer_get(strlen(message)); if (packet) { strcpy((char *) packet->data, message); packet->length = strlen(message); conn = csp_connect(CSP_PRIO_NORM, other, PORT, 1000, CSP_O_NONE); printf("Sending: %s\r\n", message); if (!conn || !csp_send(conn, packet, 1000)) return -1; csp_close(conn); Sleep(1000); } } } return 0; } void printError(void) { LPTSTR messageBuffer = NULL; DWORD errorCode = GetLastError(); DWORD formatMessageRet; formatMessageRet = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, errorCode, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR)&messageBuffer, 0, NULL); if( !formatMessageRet ) { wprintf(L"FormatMessage error, code: %lu\n", GetLastError()); return; } printf("%s\n", messageBuffer); LocalFree(messageBuffer); } unsigned WINAPI pipe_listener(void *parameters) { while(1) { HANDLE pipe = CreateNamedPipe( pipeName, PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE | PIPE_WAIT, PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, PIPE_BUFSIZE, PIPE_BUFSIZE, 0, NULL); BOOL clientConnected; if( pipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { printf("Error creating named pipe. Code %lu\n", GetLastError()); return -1; } // True if client connects *after* server called ConnectNamedPipe // or *between* CreateNamedPipe and ConnectNamedPipe clientConnected = ConnectNamedPipe(pipe, NULL) ? TRUE : GetLastError()==ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED; printf("Client connected!\n"); if( !clientConnected ) { printf("Failure while listening for clients. Code %lu\n", GetLastError()); CloseHandle(pipe); return -1; } printf("Create client thread\n"); _beginthreadex(NULL, 0, fifo_rx, (PVOID)pipe, 0, 0); } return 0; } unsigned WINAPI fifo_rx(void *handle) { printf("fifo_rx tid: %lu\n", GetCurrentThreadId()); HANDLE pipe = (HANDLE) handle; csp_packet_t *buf = csp_buffer_get(BUF_SIZE); DWORD bytesRead; BOOL readSuccess; while(1) { readSuccess = ReadFile(pipe, &buf->length, BUF_SIZE, &bytesRead, NULL); if( !readSuccess || bytesRead == 0 ) { csp_buffer_free(buf); printError(); break; } csp_qfifo_write(buf, &csp_if_fifo, NULL); buf = csp_buffer_get(BUF_SIZE); } printf("Closing pipe to client\n"); CloseHandle(pipe); return 0; }